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Good morning everybody how are you ?

I hope ypu are well and happy after

enjoying your holiday . What did you do on your holidays ? . ok let’s start our
English now. Please do this test well

Silahkan anda kerjakan tugas dengan baik tulis jawabannya di atas selembar
kertas tulis nama Kelas dan no absen

In order to stay healthy my Mom always pays attention of me. She always
cooks healthy food for me every day for my lunch at school. I always consume
healthy food and drink such as organic food, fruit and vegetable juice, wheat
bread and also milk. Besides, she also reminds me to have some exercises at
least two times in a week. We usually jogging, cycling, and swimming together.
I am so glad by having mom like her because now I have a very healthy body.

1.. What is the text talking about…..

a. Stay healthy by consuming healthy food and drink and also have
some exercises
b. How to build a stronger body
c. How to cook healthy food and make healthy drink
d. A good and kind mother

2. How many times in a week does the writer do the

a. Three times a week        c. once in a week
b. Twice in a week              d. Every time

3.. What does the writer usually do with his/her mom……

a. cook healthy food                      c. consume healthy drink
b. bring a lunch box to school        d. jogging, cycling, and swimming

4..What is the writer purpose by writing

like that……
a. to persuade people to buy some health products
b. to invite people for having a healthy life
c. to entice people to avoid sports
d. to influence people in order to eat unhealthy food

5. Shinta : Will John pass the exam?

Dewi : … He is a smart and dilligent student.
a. I am quite sure
b. I am uncertain
c. I am not positive
d. I think he won’t
6. Mr. Black : Will John follow a career in business?
Mr. Smith : … He is not fond of doing business.
a. It might be
b. I wouldn’t like to say for certain
c. I’m sure
d. Definitely

7. Jalal : What do you think we should give Arni as her birthday present?
Rusli : A doll, I think.
Jalal : …
Rusli : Yes, certainly. As far as I know, she likes doll.
a. Are you sure?
b. I don’t think so
c. Are you kidding?
d. It’s impossible

8. Rudi : It’s really boring day today. I am going now here because I’m broke.
Janet : Well, don’t worry, friend. I can lend you some money if you want.
Rudi : Really?
Janet : …
Rudi : Thank you very much.
Janet : Don’t mention it.
a. It’s possible
b. It will be OK
c. Certainly
d. Nothing to worry

9. Jemmy : It is a bright day today. Is it possible if we go to the beach?

Randi : It is possible, but … because it is very far from your and my house.
Jemmy : So, what do you want to do?
Randi : Why don’t we go swimming in the swimming pool?
Jemmy : I don’t think so. I prefer watching movie.
a. I doubt it
b. I do hope so
c. I’m quite sure
d. I’m certain

10. Manny : Guys, yesterday I watched a news that in India there were three
giant men.
Nina : Why are they called the giant men?
Manny : Because their height is almost three meters tall.
Nina : … Is it really true? You need to find the truth first
Manny : Hmm, yeah I will find it.
a. It’s a hoax
b. Don’t be silly
c. Just forget it
d. I’m not sure about the news

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