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c Core Needs Exercise EXERCISE (4 Identify your core hurt Exer ‘Your Core Hurt(s) ‘As mentioned in the document on Core Hurts, our personal sensitivities result frorn: + Growing up without respect, affection,trust, ete. resulting in an inordinate need (core need) for these things es an aduk. + Growing up being highly respected, loved and trusted, etc. resuiting in an inordinate need for these things as an adult. + Being told something about yourself that made a deep impression on you (you are stupid, you are a loser or that you are perfect, faultless, etc.) + Experiences in past lives. The purpose of this exercise is to identify your core hurts and heal them. 1. Disregarded 2. Betrayed 3. Accused ~ (made to feel guity, untrustworthy, immoral, te). 4. Devalued 5. Disrespected 6, Rejected 7. Powerless 8, Unioved 9. Exploited 10. Dishonest 1, Unappreciated 12, Dishonored 13. Worthless 14. Everything is my fault 15. Or hated MN NEN In this exercise, you will der fy your personal cove hurts in ceation to the resentment issue you are working on and then begin to work on healing ern. Answering any or all of the following questions will help you identify your core hurts 1. What issue(s) surrounds your resentment (betrayal, disrespect, lack of trust, etc.)? 2. What were you expecting that didn’t happen (communication, acknowledgement, support, etc.)? 3. Do you notice that specific things tend to always upset you or cause problems for you (being criticized, not being consulted when important decisions are made, not being listened to when you express your Feelings, being bossed around, being outdone or outperformed, etc.)? 4, Do you remember any personal sensitivities you had growing up? (What most upset you, what made you defensive?) Do you think you still have any of these? 5. What makes you most defensive? 6. What do you most resist dealing with? EAN SEN Once you have identified your core hurts, answer the following questions 7. How do they show up in your life? 8. How can you better deal with your core hurts? This is an exercise in reflecting on the attitudes you need to cultivate to better deal with and detach from your core hurts. Note that recognizing the core hurt is often half the battle. When you recognize your core hurts you can see them acting ut in @ variety of situations, This helps you realize that the problem is net about the other person but about your core hurt 9. What is the most important thing about you as person? In other words, what would you want people to say about who you are (your qualities and values) as opposed to what you do. Identifying your core values gives you strength to deal with your core hurts. When you stay true to your core val- ues, feelings will tend to provoke you less. While you cen never lose your core values, you can lose touch with them, The impulse to criticize, control, devalue or harm others tells you that your core value is low. To understand your core value, consider this question: "What is the most important thing about you as @ person?” DANAE SEN Write down any reali excise helped you. ions, understandings, or epiphanies you got from doing this exercise, noting how you Feel this ex ~

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