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الرحمن الرحيم‬
‫اللجنة العلمية الدائمة لترقية أساتذه جامعة األزھر‬
‫التخصص‪ :‬الھندسة الكھربية‬

‫استمارة تمأل بواسطة المتقدم‬

‫لبيان دوره فى البحث معتمدا من باقى الباحثين‬
‫ولو اشترك مع أخرين فى غير تخصصه‬

‫بحث رقم‪ :‬الثالث‬

‫عنون البحث‪:‬‬

‫تحسين التحكم المباشر فى العزم للمحركات الحثية باستخدام المتحكم العصبى العشوائى‬

‫‪Improvement Of Direct Torque Control Of Induction Motor Drives‬‬

‫‪Using Neuro-Fuzzy Controller‬‬

‫توقيع‬ ‫التخصص‬
‫كتابة البحث‬ ‫اجراء البحث تحليل النتائج‬ ‫فكرة وبروتكول‬ ‫اسماء المشتركين في البحث‬
‫المشتركين‬ ‫الدقيق‬
‫واعداده للنشر‬ ‫ومناقشتھا‬ ‫وتنفيذه‬ ‫البحث‬
‫‪%70‬‬ ‫‪%70‬‬ ‫‪%70‬‬ ‫‪%70‬‬ ‫د ‪.‬عمرو رفقى عبدالوھاب‬
‫‪% 20‬‬ ‫‪% 20‬‬ ‫‪% 20‬‬ ‫‪% 20‬‬ ‫د‪ .‬سالمة أبو زيد‬
‫‪% 10‬‬ ‫‪% 10‬‬ ‫‪% 10‬‬ ‫‪% 10‬‬ ‫م‪ .‬أحمد حسن عادل‬

‫اسم المتقدم‪ :‬عمرو رفقى على عبدالوھاب‬

‫الملخص العربى للبحث‬

‫عنون البحث‪ :‬تحسين التحكم المباشر فى العزم للمحركات الحثية باستخدام المتحكم‬
‫العصبى العشوائى‬
‫يعتبر التحكم المباشر فى العزم طريقة متطورة وبسيطة للتحكم فى التحريك الكھربى للمحركات الحثية‬
‫وكذا فإن لھا بعض الكثير من المميزات بالمقارنة ب طرق التحكم األخرى التى تعتمد على تغير‬
‫التردد‪ ،‬ولكن بھا عيب أساسى اال وھو إرتفاع تموج عزم الدوران‪ .‬يقدم البحث تصميم وتحليل للتحكم‬
‫المباشر فى العزم للتحريك الكھربى الخاص بالمحركات الحثية باستخدام جداول التوصيل مع متحكمات‬
‫تباطؤ للعزم والمجال المغناطيسى و متنبأت بقيم العزم والمجال‪ .‬كما يناقش البحث تطوير التحكم‬
‫التقليدى المباشر بالعزم باستخدام تطوير جداول التوصيل وتطبيق لتقنيات الذكاء اإلصطناعى لتقليل‬
‫التموج فى العزم والمجال المغناطيسى وكذا تقليل تموج التيار الكھربى للحصول على أداء أفضل‬
‫للتحريك الكھربى للمحركات الحثية مع التحكم المباشر فى العزم‪ .‬كما يحتوى البحث على مقارنة بين‬
‫الطرق التقليدية للتحكم المباشر فى العزم والطريقة المقترحة باستخدام المطق العشوائى والعصبى‪.‬‬
‫بمقارنة نتائج البحث يتبن أن التموج فى العزم والمجال المغناطيسى وكذا التيار الكھربى للمحرك‬
‫الحثى أقل بشكل ملحوظ بإستخدام المقترح بإستخدام تقنيات الذكاء اإلصطناعى عنھا فى الطريقة‬
‫التقليدية للتحكم المباشر بالعزم‪ .‬كما أظھرت النتائج إستجابة ديناميكية جيدة جدا مع طريقة التحكم‬
‫المقترحة‪ .‬وكذا استخدام متحكم الشبكات العصيبة بدال من المتحكم التكاملى المباشر يقلل بشكل ملحوظ‬
‫التجاوز الكبير وكذا التباطئ الشديد فى استجابة السرعة ويمنح سرعة المحركة استجابة سريعة منتظمة‬
‫مما يؤكد على أن أستخدام تقنيات التحكم المقترحة تحسن من األداء الديناميكى للتحريك الكھربى‬
‫للمحركات الحثية باستخدام التحكم المباشر فى العزم‪.‬‬

Volume 2, Issue 10, October, 2015
ISSN : 3159-0040
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology
ISSN: 3159-0040 (Online)
Vol. 2 Issue 10, October - 2015
Paper Title Pages
Soil-cement Stabiliza on For Road Pavement Using Soils Obtained From Agu-awka In Anambra State
Authors: Okonkwo V. O.; Nwokike V. M.

Effect Of Curing Age On The Compressive Strength Of Concrete Made From Local Granite Chippings
Authors: Okonkwo V. O.; Nwokike V. M.
Suitability Of Lean Construc on Approach In Nigerian Project Delivery
Authors: Samaila Adamu; Razali Abdulhamid
Development Of Emcs In Power Plants
Authors: Hassan Saad Mohamed; Sayed Ahmed Nagy; Salah El-deen Kamal El-sayed
Analy cal Solu ons To Elas c Func onally Graded Cylindrical And Spherical Pressure Vessels
Authors: Ahmet N. Eraslan; Tolga Akis
Clustering Using Principal Component Analysis As An Input Tool
Authors: Evelyn Nkiruka; Joseph Uchenna; Okeke
The Role Of Modeling, Simula on And Analysis Stage In Mechatronics Systems Design Educa on
Authors: Farhan A. Salem
The Role Of Control System/algorithm Subsystems In Mechatronics Systems Design
Authors: Farhan A. Salem
Numerical Analysis Of Interfacial Behavior With Turbulence Effect In Water Model Of A Continuous 
Cas ng Mold 2733-2739
Authors: Rajat Kumar Das; Chetana Tripathy; Sukanta Kumar Dash
Stream Sediment Geochemistry As A Tool For Assessing Mineral Potentials In Arinta And Olumirin 
Waterfalls In Eki  And Osun States, Southwestern Nigeria 2740-2752
Authors: Olusiji Samuel Ayodele; Segun Ajayi Akinyemi
Determina on Of Bioac ve Molecules And An oxidant Ac vity In S nging Ne le (ur ca Dioica)
Authors: Akram Hijazi; Bouchra Sayed-ahmad; Mariam Akil; Hassan Rammal; Hanan Assaf; Houssein  2753-2758

Numerical Solu on Of 2d Spl Heat Conduc on Model For Analyzing Thermal Wave Oscilla ons

Authors: T. N. Mishra; K. N. Rai
Design And Construc on Of A Dust Extractor Machine
Authors: Engr Ogbeide S. O.
A Novel Sequen al Frac onal Order Kalman Filter Considering Colored Noise
Authors: Mojtaba Asad; Behrooz Safarinejadian; Mokhtar Sha Sadeghi
Op miza on Of Natural Gas Dehydra on Using Triethylene Glycol (teg)
Authors: Evbuomwan, B. O; Felicia, O. R
Pa ern Discovery Of Adhd Disorder Using Graph Theory On Task-free Fmri Data.
Authors: Reza Khsorowabadi; Farnaz Mohammadi; Mohammad Rostami; Hamidreza Pouretemad

Evolu onary Trend In The Development Of Computer Programming Languages And Concepts
Authors: Calister Nnenna; Onu F. U.; Asogwa Tochukwu Chijindu; Edeh Eucharia Ujunwa
Comparison Of The Effects Of Alkali And Silica On The Tensile Strength Properties Of Epoxy Based 
Composites 2795-2797
Authors: Menderes Koyuncu
Evalua ng Asr Systems Under Noisy Condi on Using Aurora Database
Authors: Saimir Tola; Ligor Nikolla
Design Analysis Of Kitchen-waste-heat Energy For The Production Of Telephones’ Chargers As An 
Alterna ve Grid Technology 2801-2805
Authors: Mgbachi C. A; Oluka S. I,
Innova ve Design Of An An -bacterial Shopping Cart A achment
Authors: Feng-chyi Duh; Jen-chao Tai
Markov Decision Process Based Multi Agent Learning Style Intelligent Tutoring System For Modelling 
Students 2811-2819
Authors: Agwu C. O.; Achi I. I.; Prof. Inyiama H. C.; Prof. Bakpo F. S.
Noise Suppression In Automa c Speech Recogni on Using Hidden Markov Model
Authors: Saimir Tola; Ligor Nikolla
A Profi T-maximizing Approach For Transmission Expansion Planning Using A Incen ve Mechanism
Authors: Alireza Sedaghati; Mehrab Najafi
The Effect Gorbunov In Prac ce
Authors: Sutorikhin V. A.; Shchedrivyi K. V.
Brain Tumor Segmentation Using Biography Based Neural Clustering (bbnc) And Genetic Processing 
For Medical Images 2830-2833
Authors: Chandanpreet Kaur; Bikrampal Kaur
Appraisal Of The Impact Of Corruption On Sustainable Development In Nigerian Construction 
Industry 2834-2842
Authors: Kasimu M. A; Kolawole A. F
Analy cal And Numerical Solu ons To A Rota ng Fgm Disk
Authors: Eray Arslan; Ahmet N. Eraslan
A Comparative Analysis Of The Dispersion Curves In The Semi-classical Theory Of Laser And 
Electromagne cally Induced Transparency 2851-2854
Authors: Ranjana Bora Bordoloi; Rajib Bordoloi; Gauranga Dhar Baruah
Stability Mi ga on Of Dg Based Electric Power Grids Using An Extrinsic Iner a
Authors: Mahmoud El-dabah; Mohamed Ibrahim; Mohamed El-gazzar; El-said Othman

Feasibility Of Redwood Wood For Paper Produc on And The Effects Of Bea ng On Paper’s Proper es

Authors: Ayhan Gençer; Ufuk Özgül; Saadettin Murat Onat; Fadime Yurdakurban; Hikmet Yazici


Authors: Author's name withdrawn at their request 2863-2871

A First Approach On Posi oning Difis System For Containing Oil And Oil-gas Leaks
Authors: Dimitrios-periklis A. Giannoulis; Dionissios P. Margaris
Ethical Guidelines For Good Prac ce In Teaching And Research
Authors: Ajaegbu, Chigozirim; Ajaegbu, Oguchi Onyeizu
A Comparative Study Of Linear Predictive Analysis Methods With Application To Speaker 
Iden fica on- Over A Scrip ng Programing 2881-2885
Authors: Ervenila Musta; Vangjush Komini
Laboratory Inves ga on On Levee Breach And Risk On Floodplain Of Alluvial Fan River
Authors: Md. Serazul Islam; Shahnaj Pervin; Tetsuro Tsujimoto; Takashi Tashiro
Membrane Solu ons For Circular Toroidal Shells Under Internal Hydrosta c Pressure
Authors: Enoma N; Unueroh U. G; Egware H. O; Itoje H. J
The Bending Moment Changes Of Tunnel Lining Due To Kars fica on
Authors: Ashkan Rahmani; Vahid Hosseinitoudeshki
A Development Of The Exhibition Or Performance Tree Shape Robot Having A Growth Reproduction 
Func on 2905-2909
Authors: Hong Seok Lim
Consolidating Data For Forming An Information Image Of Geospatial Objects From Heterogeneous 
Social Media 2910-2912
Authors: Iryna Khmil
Improvement Of Direct Torque Control Of Induc on Motor Drives Using Neuro-fuzzy Controller
Authors: Ahmed Hassan Adel; Dr. Salama Abo-zaid; Dr. Amr Refky
Designing An Integrated Web Based Lecturer/students Interaction System For Institutions And 
Colleges 2919-2927
Authors: Igbajar Abraham; Ekwueme Victoria A.
Authors: Author's name withdrawn at their request
Wi-fi Coverage Area Analysis And Pathloss Parameter Modeling Using The Linear Regression Method
Authors: Emerole K. C.; Ezeh G. N.; Nwogu U. O
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST)
ISSN: 3159-0040
Vol. 2 Issue 10, October - 2015

Improvement Of Direct Torque Control Of

Induction Motor Drives Using Neuro-Fuzzy
Eng. Ahmed Hassan Adel, Dr. Salama Abo-Zaid, Dr. Amr Refky
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Al-Azhar University
Cairo, Egypt

Abstract— Direct torque control (DTC) is an is the many advantages which the architectures of
advanced and simple control method for induction ANN have over traditional algorithmic methods
motor drive has many advantages over other [3],[4].
variable frequency control methods, but it has a
common disadvantage of high torque ripple. This
paper introduces design and analysis for DTC of II. STRATEGY OF DIRECT TORQUE CONTROL
induction motor drives using the switching table,
hysteresis controllers and flux and torque DTC technique can be easily implemented using
estimator. This paper also proposes improvement two hysteresis controllers (one for flux and the other
of the conventional DTC using the improvement of for torque), torque and flux estimators and a switching
the switching table and the application of the table to select the proper voltage vector[5]. The basic
artificial intelligent techniques to minimize the functional blocks used to implement the DTC scheme
torque, flux and current ripples and to get better are represented in Fig.1.
performance of the motor. At the end of this paper
there is a comparison between the conventional
DTC and the proposed one.
Keywords— Induction Motor Drive; Direct
Torque Control (DTC); switching table; flux and
torque estimator; artificial neural networks (ANN) ;
Fuzzy logic control (FLC).
In many variable speed drive applications(e.g.
traction drives for electric vehicles), torque control is
required or desired, but precise, closed-loop control of
speed is not necessary. Torque control provides
greatly improved transient response, avoidance of
nuisance over-current trips, and elimination of load Fig. 1. Block diagram of DTC of I.M drives
dependent controller parameters[1]. DTC was
introduced by Takahashi (1984) in Japan and then in The torque control of the inverter fed machine is
Germany by Depenbrock (1985)[2]. carried out by hysteresis control of magnitude of stator
flux and torque that selects one of the six active and
DTC method is characterised by its simple two zero inverter voltage vector ( ) The use of a
implementation and a fast dynamic response. switching table for voltage vector selection provides
Furthermore, the inverter is directly controlled by fast torque response, low inverter switching
the algorithm, i.e. a modulation technique for the frequency and low harmonic losses without the
inverter is not needed. The main advantages of complex field orientation by restricting the flux and
DTC are absence of coordinate transformation and torque errors within respective flux and torque
current regulator, absence of separate voltage hysteresis bands with the optimum selection being
modulation block[3]. made[5].
Common disadvantages of conventional DTC In a voltage fed three phases, the switching
are high torque ripple, It also needs flux and torque commands of each inverter leg are complementary So
estimators and therefore, accurate machine for each leg a logic state (i=a,b,c) can be defined ;
parameters are required. For that reason the is 1 if the upper switch is commanded to be closed and
application of artificial neural network and fuzzy 0 if the lower one in commanded to be close (first)[7].
logic control attracts the attention of many scientists The following equation give the voltage vectors:
from all over the world. The reason for this trend
JMESTN42351145 2913
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST)
ISSN: 3159-0040
Vol. 2 Issue 10, October - 2015

√ [ ] (1) 1 2 3 4 5 6
Hψ HTe

Eight switching states can be taken according to 1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V1

equation (1): two zero voltage vectors and six non-zero 1 0 V0 V7 V0 V7 V0 V7
voltage vectors show by Fig. 2[7]. -1 V0 V7 V0 V7 V0 V7
1 V3 V4 V5 V6 V1 V2
-1 0 V0 V7 V0 V7 V0 V7
-1 V0 V7 V0 V7 V0 V7


Fuzzy logic controller can be used to replace the
switching table of the conventional DTC, and this result
in improving the performance of the motor and
reducing the torque ripple. Fig. 3 shows block diagram
for DTC of I.M using fuzzy logic controller.

Fig. 2. Partition of the dq plane into 6 angular sectors

In Fig. 2 the stator flux is represented by the direct

axis and the torque is represented by the quadrature
axis ,It can be seen that selecting the proper voltage
vector results in maintaining the torque and stator flux
within the limits . The switching table proposed by
Takahashi is given by Table1:

1 2 3 4 5 6
Hψ HTe
1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V1
1 0 V0 V7 V0 V7 V0 V7 Fig. 3. Block diagram of DTC using fuzzy logic controller
-1 V6 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 A. Design of DTC using fuzzy logic
1 V3 V4 V5 V6 V1 V2 A designer of Fuzzy logic controller must choose
-1 0 V0 V7 V0 V7 V0 V7 memberships for input and output variables and put
-1 V5 V6 V1 V2 V3 V4 the rules for the control process. Figure 4 shows
functional block diagram for fuzzy logic controller; in
this diagram the decision making is made according to
The voltage vector table receives the flux level fuzzified inputs and rule base which the designer put
, the torque level and the sector number and according to data base, then the output is deffuzified.
generates appropriate control for the inverter from a
look-up table as in Table 1[6].
Table 1 can be simply modified by applying zero
voltage vectors (V0 , V7) for the torque decrease states
(-1) ,and this modification will result in decreasing the
torque ripple largely , a considerable reason for this
decrease is that applying the zero voltage vectors
result in reducing the inertia of the motor at this instant
and this result in reducing the torque with a percent
which is more suitable than the percent given by
applying the vectors in table 1 for the torque decrease
states[8]. Table 2 illustrates this modification.

Fig. 4. Functional block diagram for the fuzzy logic

JMESTN42351145 2914
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST)
ISSN: 3159-0040
Vol. 2 Issue 10, October - 2015

B. Input and Output variables IV. ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS

Flux error, torque error and flux position are the Artificial neural networks (ANN) are, as their name
input variables of fuzzy logic controller and the stator indicates, computational networks which attempt to
voltage vector ( V0 - V7 ) is the output variable. Figures simulate, in a gross manner, the networks of nerve cell
5-8 show memberships for the inputs and output (neurons) of the biological (human or animal) central
variables. nervous system[9]. Neural networks are composed of
simple elements called neurons operating in parallel.
As in nature, the connections between elements
largely determine the network function[10].

Fig. 5. Membership for the flux error

Fig. 9. Multiple Layer Neural Network

(∑ ) (2)
R : number of elements in input vector.
Fig. 6. Membership for the torque error
S : number of neurons.
A neural network can be trained to perform a
particular function by adjusting the values of the
connections (weights) between elements. Typically,
neural networks are adjusted, or trained, so that a
particular input leads to a specific target output[10].
Neural networks have self-adapting compatibilities
which makes them well suited to handle non-linarites,
uncertainness and parameter variations. Neural
networks are capable of generalization in regions of
Fig. 7. Membership for the flux position
the input space, where little or no training data are

Fig. 8. Membership for the stator voltage vector

C. Rule base
As shown in figure 4 decision making is made
according to the inputs and the rule base. A designer Fig. 10. Basic principle of operation for the ANN
of FLC puts the rules according to data base for the A neural network is designed and trained so that it
control method used for the system to be controlled. can replace the conventional PI speed controller to get
The rules of DTC using fuzzy logic is put according to the desired response. Network given is feed forward
figure 2 and table 2 mentioned above. with one input, three hidden and one output layer.
The hidden layers has 'log-sigmoid', 'tan-sigmoid' and
'pure line' as transfer functions. The training is done
using Levenberg–Marquardt Back-propagation
Algorithm with 20 neurons in each hidden layer using
Matlab simulink.
JMESTN42351145 2915
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST)
ISSN: 3159-0040
Vol. 2 Issue 10, October - 2015


A. Model and Parameters
Figure 11 shows simulink model of DTC for induction motor drive, while Tables III. ,IV. and V. show the
parameters of the induction motor, DTC and speed controller respectively.

Fig. 11. Simulink model of DTC


Rated Rated Rated Pole Stator Stator Rotor Rotor Mutual

voltage power frequency pairs resistance inductance resistance inductance inductance
220 2238 60 2 0.435 2 0.816 2 69.3
V VA Hz ‫ــــ‬ Ω mH Ω mH mH


Sampling Hysteresis torque Hysteresis flux Max. switching Initial flux

time band width band width frequency
20 0.5 0.01 20 0.3
µs N.m wb KHz wb


Upper limit Lower limit Sampling Cut off Ki Kp Ramp 2 Ramp 1

torque torque time frequency speed speed
17.8 -17.8 7*20 100 10 5 1800 -1800
N.m N.m µs Hz ‫ـــ‬ ‫ـــ‬ r.p.m r.p.m

The following simulation results is drawn in per unit values for a base values of 12.5 N.m for the torque , 1705
r.p.m for the speed ,0.3 wb for flux and 25A for the stator current.
JMESTN42351145 2916
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST)
ISSN: 3159-0040
Vol. 2 Issue 10, October - 2015

B. Results

Fig. 12. Electromagnetic torque for classical DTC

Fig. 17. Stator flux circle for modified fuzzy DTC

Fig. 16 shows Stator flux circle for classical DTC
which has a large value of ripple, while Fig. 17 shows
Fig. 13. Rotor speed for classical DTC
Stator flux circle for modified fuzzy DTC which has a
minimum value of ripple.

Fig. 14. Torque for modified classical Fuzzy DTC

Fig. 15. Torque in (p.u) for Neuro-Fuzzy DTC Fig. 18. stator current in per unit for classical DTC
Fig. 12 shows electromagnetic torque in per unit for
the classical DTC which has unaccepted ripple value
of torque (0.38 p.u.). Fig. 14 shows electromagnetic
Torque in (p.u) for modified classical Fuzzy DTC the
ripple value of torque is reduced and became 0.175
p.u. which is an accepted. Also, it is clear the fast
dynamic response of the torque and the under and
over shoots presented in the torque results . Fig. 15
shows electromagnetic torque in (p.u) for Neuro-Fuzzy
DTC, here the under and over shoots are reduced.

Fig. 19. stator current for the modified fuzzy DTC

Fig. 18 shows Stator current for classical DTC
which has a large value of ripple, while Fig. 19 shows
Stator current for modified fuzzy DTC which has a
minimum value of ripple. Figures 20-23 shows a
comparison between the conventional and proposed
methods of DTC. Swift speed response for the
proposed method is obvious.

Fig. 16. Stator flux circle for classical DTC
JMESTN42351145 2917
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST)
ISSN: 3159-0040
Vol. 2 Issue 10, October - 2015

response as shown in simulation results. Therefore

using the proposed method results in improving the
motor performance.

[1] 1- Thomas G. Habetler , Michele Pastorelli ,
Fig. 20. stator flux ripple in per unit for
Leon M. Tolbert " Direct Torque Control of Induction
classical and fuzzy DTC Machines using Space Vector Modulation" IEEE
Transactions on Applications , vol. 28, No. 5,
September/October 1992 pp: 1045-1053 .
[2] 2- Alnasir, Z.A. , Almarhoon A.H. " Design of
Direct Torque Controller of Induction Motor (DTC)"
Alnasir, Z.A. et al. / International Journal of
Engineering and Technology (IJET) ,2001, pp: 54-70 .
[3] 3- Devender Kumar, Ishan Thakur, Kanika
Gupta "Direct Torque Control for Induction Motor
using Intelligent Artificial Neural Network Technique"
International Journal of Emerging Trends &
Fig. 21. Electromagnetic torque in per unit
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the mentioned DTC methods. Applying ANN to replace
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JMESTN42351145 2918

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