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Congress of the United States Washington, DE 20515 January 18, 2022 Anthony 8. Feusi, MD. Director ‘National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases 5601 Fishers Lane, MSC 9806 Bethesda, MD 20802, Dear Dr. Fauci, “As health cae providers we understand that this pandemic has puta strain on everyone, ‘especially medical personnel. This novel virus from Chine has eluded a silver bullet for ‘more than two years and mos ikely wil challenge this nation and world for years to ‘While certain medical disease states lend themselves easily to physician consensus, we hhave scen anything but that during this pandemic. We have seen unfortunate deprecation by some physicians to other physicians over disagreements in issues dealing with masks, therapeutics as well as vaccines, People expect physicians to be tolerant and alway's respect diversity, A physician, especially in national leadership postion, who doesn’t respect diversity ~ which includes diversity of opinion ~ reflects poorly on our entire profession We all understand that congressional hearings ean sometimes be challenging; however, ‘your behavior in calling Senator, and fellow physician, Roger Marshall a “Moron” was extremely unprofessional and uncalled for. Considering you are the highest paid ‘employee in the entire federal government, Dr. Marshall's line of questioning — given he is a member ofthe committee directly responsible for the oversight of NIAID ~ was completely appropriate. Dr. Marshal is highly qualified physician and highly respecte. Physician colleagues, even when they do not agree, should not stoop to calling another colleague a juvenile name. The medical profession is one that is normally held in high esteem. This type of behavior undermines the trust that Americans have in physicians ‘We, as members of the GOP Doctors Caucus, are alling for you to make a public apology to Dr. Marshall for your unprofessional comment, The divisiveness that has ‘occurred during this pandemie should not come from an individual who was selected to lead this nation’s pandemic efforts, Sincerely, (Gregol F. Murphy, M. Member of Congress ‘Member of Congress /awnly Hanis, M.D. Fu Abr, fae Gan Member of Congress Lany Le MD. Member of Congress ian Babin, DDS. ‘Member of Congress SAM Deslarais, MD. Member of Congress Thoriannabte] Mutter Neuby ‘Marianete J. Mife-Meck, M.D. Member of Congress 4 Green, MD. Member of Congress Hickael €. (bs oo ‘Member of Congress Je ae Jon Joyee, M.D. ‘Member of Congress bb Z bell OR. i - fonkr of Cnges Diana Harshbarger, Pharm. Member of Congress

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