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1, 2017




The Cardiovascular Effects of Cocaine

Ofer Havakuk, MD,a,b Shereif H. Rezkalla, MD,c Robert A. Kloner, MD, PHDa,d


Cocaine is the leading cause for drug–abuse-related visits to emergency departments, most of which are due to
cardiovascular complaints. Through its diverse pathophysiological mechanisms, cocaine exerts various adverse effects on
the cardiovascular system, many times with grave results. Described here are the varied cardiovascular effects of cocaine,
areas of controversy, and therapeutic options. (J Am Coll Cardiol 2017;70:101–13) © 2017 by the American College of
Cardiology Foundation.

I n the summer of 1884, it seemed that a new era

had emerged in medicine; with the application
of dissolved cocaine powder to the cornea of a
frog, the birth of local anesthesia was declared (1).
Here we describe the current knowledge on the
complex relationship between
cardiovascular system and try to draw specific
recommendations on the optimal ways to cope with
cocaine and the

The use of chewed coca leaves, either as a powerful cocaine cardiotoxicity (Central Illustration).
stimulant or as a spiritual communication instrument
with the Gods (through Incan Kuka Moma, Mother PHARMACOKINETICS AND
Coca, the goddess of health and joy), can be traced PHARMACODYNAMICS
back as early as 2500 BC (2). Cocaine acceptance in Eu-
ropean culture was somewhat delayed, though, prob- Cocaine (chemically: benzoylmethylecgonine; struc-
ably because of its reduced effect after drying before turally: 2-b-carbomethoxy-3-b-benzoxytropane) is a
shipment across the Atlantic. By the end of the 19th naturally occurring alkaloid extracted from the leaves
century, cocaine regained its former publicity when of Erythroxylum coca, first isolated by the chemists
well known physicians such as Dr. Sigmund Freud Dr. Gaedcke and Dr. Nieman in 1860 (6). Cocaine is
recommended its routine use: “I take very small cleared through tissue uptake and is metabolized by
doses of it regularly against depression and against liver and plasma esterases into active (e.g., norco-
indigestion, and with the most brilliant success” (3). caine) and inactive metabolites (7) that are eventually
Unfortunately, despite the Harrison Narcotics Act of excreted in the urine (8). The onset and duration of
1914 (banning the nonprescription use of cocaine), cocaine’s effects depend on its route of use (Table 1),
this misconception was present even in the 1970s consequently varying its cardiovascular and hemo-
(4), allowing a culmination of cocaine abuse with dynamic effects. In general, the intravenous and
staggering numbers of more than 2 million users inhaled (i.e., smoked) routes have a very rapid onset
in the United States alone by 2007 (5). The myriad of action (seconds) and short-lived (30 min) duration
deleterious effects of cocaine on the cardiovascular compared with the mucosally absorbed (e.g., oral,
system were soon recognized, whereas the patho- nasal [i.e., snorted], rectal, vaginal) routes (9). The
physiological mechanisms by which cocaine exerts excretion of cocaine and its metabolites is not
Listen to this manuscript’s its harmful effect continue to be explored (Figure 1). affected by cocaine’s route of ingestion; the half-life
audio summary by
JACC Editor-in-Chief
Dr. Valentin Fuster.
From the aDepartment of Cardiology, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California; bDepartment
of Cardiology, Tel Aviv Medical Center, Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel; cDepartment of Cardiology and
Marshfield Clinic Research Institute, Marshfield, Wisconsin; and the dHuntington Medical Research Institute, Los Angeles, California.
The authors have reported that they have no relationships relevant to the contents of this paper to disclose.

Manuscript received March 17, 2017; revised manuscript received April 26, 2017, accepted May 8, 2017.
102 Havakuk et al. JACC VOL. 70, NO. 1, 2017

The Cardiovascular Effects of Cocaine JULY 4, 2017:101–13

ABBREVIATIONS of cocaine is usually 60 to 120 min and that AORTIC DISSECTION

AND ACRONYMS of its metabolites is approximately 4 to 7 h
(7). These half-lives can be considerably In the large International Registry for Aortic Dissec-
AD = aortic dissection
prolonged, however, with repeated dosing tion (IRAD), which collected data on acute aortic
BP = blood pressure
(10). Cocaine’s hemodynamic effect is dose- dissection (AD) from 17 international centers, the
ECG = electrocardiogram
dependent; early stages of toxicity induce prevalence of cocaine abusers among acute AD cases
HF = heart failure heart rate and blood pressure (BP) elevation was only 0.5% (53). However, 2 single-center studies
LV = left ventricular (10% to 25% of baseline); advanced stages (54,55) in the United States reported 37% and 9.8%
MI = myocardial infarction show further elevations in heart rate and BP prevalence of cocaine abuse in acute AD case series,
NO = nitrous oxide (although BP drop might be seen as a result of most in young patients (mean age: 41  8.8 years and
VF = ventricular fibrillation sustained tachyarrhythmias). In late stages, a 47  6.8 years, respectively). Notably, the represen-
significant depressive effect is found, with tation of blacks, an ethnic group at risk for both
severe bradycardia and circulatory failure (11). AD and cocaine abuse, in the U.S. registries was
Importantly, because some cocaine metabolites considerably higher than in IRAD (53–55). The path-
continue to be active, they might exert cardiovascular ophysiology behind cocaine-induced acute AD is
effects similar to those of the drug itself (12). The multifactorial (Table 2). Cocaine was shown to induce
various pathophysiological mechanisms by which vascular smooth muscle cell apoptosis and cystic
cocaine exerts its cardiovascular effects are described medial necrosis, with consequent vessel wall weak-
in Table 2 (13–45). ening (20); a pathological finding that might also
serve to explain cocaine-related coronary (29) and
carotid (56) artery dissections. An echocardiographic
study conducted in cocaine abusers showed a reduc-
Cocaine potentiates acute sympathetic effects on the
tion in aortic compliance and an increase in thoracic
cardiovascular system (46), with consequent increased
aortic dimensions and stiffness compared with
inotropic and chronotropic effects, and increased
normal controls (57). Finally, the route of cocaine
peripheral vasoconstriction (Table 2). This vasoconstric-
abuse needs to be considered; Hue et al. (54) reported
tive response is also affected by increased levels of
that 13 of 14 patients with cocaine-related acute AD
endothelin-1 (16), impaired acetylcholine-induced vaso-
smoked crack cocaine. The rapid onset of action of
relaxation (17), deranged intracellular calcium handling
smoked crack triggers an abrupt hemodynamic
(19), and blockade of nitric oxide (NO) synthase (18).
response, and its short duration of action induces
Interestingly, NO was also found to serve as a mediator
frequent use in short intervals (58), consequently
in catecholamine release by the central nervous system
exposing the patient to repeated bouts of hemody-
(47,48). Additionally, vasoconstriction of specific arterial
namic stress.
beds was shown to be induced by the sodium-channel-
blocking effect of cocaine (44). In a controlled clinical MYOCARDIAL ISCHEMIA AND INFARCTION
setting, the administration of intranasal 2 mg/kg cocaine AND THE APPROACH TO CHEST PAIN
produced an acute 10% to 25% elevation in mean arterial
pressure (23). The mechanism behind cocaine-induced myocardial
Evidence for a potential induction of chronic ischemia includes increased myocardial oxygen
hypertension in cocaine abusers is abundant; cocaine demand as a result of an increased inotropic and
induces endothelial injury and increases vascular chronotropic effect (15), which is inappropriately
fibrosis (49). Furthermore, cardiac hypertrophy and accompanied by coronary vasoconstriction and a
kidney mesangial fibrosis were demonstrated in prothrombotic state (Table 2). Accelerated athero-
autopsies of cocaine abusers (50). Nevertheless, only sclerosis in cocaine abusers was demonstrated in an
a 20% prevalence of chronic hypertension was found autopsy study comparing nonabusers with cocaine
in a study conducted in 301 cocaine abusers (51). abusers who died from an acute coronary thrombosis
Similarly, in the CARDIA (Coronary Artery Risk (27). An increased number of mast cells per athero-
Development in Young Adults) study, investigating sclerotic coronary segment was shown in the cocaine
the long-term cardiovascular effects of substance abusers, suggestive of an increased local inflamma-
abuse in 3,848 participants, no differences in the tory state. However, an important confounder, ciga-
rates of chronic hypertension were noticed in the rette smoking, was not adjusted between the study
1,471 cocaine abusers during a 7-year period groups (27). Another large-scale autopsy study
compared with the rest of the cohort (52). There is a demonstrated significant epicardial coronary artery
lack of data to explain this controversy. disease in 28% and small vessel disease in 42% of
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JULY 4, 2017:101–13 The Cardiovascular Effects of Cocaine

F I G U R E 1 Cocaine’s Cardiovascular Pathophysiological Pathways

Cardiac arrhythmias

cardiomyopathy Deranged myocardial currents,

catecholamine surge, ischemia,
hyperthermia, etc.

calcium cocaine

Impaired CBF,
Catecholamine endothelin-1, Prothrombotic Vessel wall
surge reduced NO, state injury
α stimulation

oxygen demand

ischemia and
infarction Aortic dissection

The ample cardiovascular effects of cocaine are exerted through a multitude of mechanisms, with possible consequent deleterious impact on
almost every aspect of the cardiovascular system. CBF ¼ cerebral blood flow; NO ¼ nitrous oxide.

cocaine-related sudden deaths, despite a mean age of unnecessary hospitalizations and interventions in
34  7 years (28) (although 81% were also cigarette these patients. Weber et al. (61) conducted a pro-
smokers). An unusual mechanism for coronary spective study in 344 cocaine abusers evaluated
thrombosis, plaque erosion, was also found in cocaine for chest pain; patients with high-risk features (i.e.,
abusers (28). ST-segment deviation >1 mm, elevated cardiac
Considering the deleterious effect cocaine can troponin, recurrent ischemic chest pain, and hemo-
have on the oxygen supply/demand balance, it is not dynamic instability) (Figure 2) were directly admitted
surprising that chest pain is the chief complaint in (of whom 23% eventually developed MI). The
cocaine abusers presenting to emergency de- remaining 302 patients were monitored in the emer-
partments (59), and that the risk of myocardial gency department with ECG and repeated cardiac
infarction (MI) was found to increase up to 24-fold in troponin for a 12-h period before discharge. During a
the first hour after cocaine abuse (60). The correct 30-day follow-up, no mortality occurred in the low-
diagnosis of cocaine-related MI, however, can be risk group, and only 1.6% developed MI (although
challenging; the majority of patients who present 46 patients were lost to follow-up) (61). Because
with cocaine-related chest pain demonstrate both an complications tend to occur early in the course of
abnormal electrocardiogram (ECG) (61,62) and presentation, even when MIs do develop (68), these
elevated creatinine kinase levels (62,63) (although and other data (69) supported the safety of a 12-h
cardiac troponin was found to more accurately iden- observational approach in cocaine-related chest
tify cases of MIs (64)). Additionally, not all cocaine- pain, an approach also suggested by the 2012 Amer-
related chest pain is cardiac; 2 large-scale registries ican College of Cardiology/American Heart Associa-
(62,65) showed that the incidence of MI among tion (ACC/AHA) guidelines on MI (70). It is important
cocaine abusers who presented with chest pain was to note, however, that ST-segment elevations
only 6%, a finding that might correspond to extrac- (from early repolarization) are prevalent in the de-
ardiac cocaine-related causes of chest pain (e.g., mographic of cocaine users, making the definition of
pleuritic, musculoskeletal) (66,67). Accordingly, a “high-risk patients” less reliable. The added value
systematic approach has been offered to reduce of more sophisticated tests in the investigation of
104 Havakuk et al. JACC VOL. 70, NO. 1, 2017

The Cardiovascular Effects of Cocaine JULY 4, 2017:101–13

C E N T R A L IL L U ST R A T I O N The Approach to Cardiovascular Complications in Cocaine-Exposed


Patient arrives at emergency department after cocaine abuse

Perform history, vitals, physical examination

Perform electrocardiogram and monitor heart rhythm
Monitor body temperature and pH
Consider specific tests (e.g., echocardiography or computed tomography) according to findings

Treat according to results:

Myocardial Aortic Heart failure Excessive

infarction dissection and cardio- Stroke hypertension Chest pain Arrhythmias
(MI) (AD) myopathies
Treat in Treat in Treat in Treat in Consider Exclude Consider:
accordance accordance accordance accordance benzo- MI and AD - Cooling
with MI with AD with heart with stroke diazepines
Consider - Sodium
guidelines guidelines failure guidelines (BDZ) and
BDZ, bicarbonate
guidelines nitrates
Consider nitrates - BDZ
Consider and
β-blockers calcium- - β-blockers
channel and lidocaine
blockers - IV lipid

Havakuk, O. et al. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2017;70(1):101–13.

Cocaine may provoke a variety of cardiovascular complications. A systematic approach toward the patient’s clinical status including simple yet
important initial tests can help with identifying and appropriately addressing these potential complications. AD ¼ aortic dissection; BDZ ¼
benzodiazepines; IV ¼ intravenous; MI ¼ myocardial infarction.

cocaine-related chest pain is questionable; results clinical studies actually developed chest pain, and,
suggestive of clinically significant coronary artery notably, each of these agents (including verapamil)
disease were infrequently demonstrated with the use induced a significant increase in heart rate
of either myocardial perfusion scans (2.3%, [71]) or (23,73,74), an effect that might further aggravate
coronary computed tomography angiography (10%, myocardial oxygen demand in cocaine-exposed
(72)), and did not significantly alter the management patients.
The mechanistic basis for treating cocaine-related b -BLOCKER THERAPY. Considering the known
chest pain with nitrates (73), phentolamine (an beneficial hemodynamic effects of b-blockers, the
a-receptor blocker) (23), or verapamil (a calcium- general approach toward b-blocker treatment after
channel blocker) (74) is derived from studies cocaine exposure was initially positive (75,76). Then,
showing reversal of cocaine-induced coronary vaso- a case report in 1985 (77) suggested that the selective
constriction with the use of each of these agents in blocking of b-receptors might produce a paradoxical
the controlled setting of a cardiac catheterization hypertension as a result of unopposed a -receptor
laboratory. However, it is important to note that stimulation. Animal studies (78,79) investigating
although cocaine-induced coronary vasoconstriction possible protective agents against cocaine lethality in
was demonstrated, none of the participants in these the early 1980s, which showed that pretreatment with
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JULY 4, 2017:101–13 The Cardiovascular Effects of Cocaine

T A B L E 1 Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics T A B L E 2 Mechanism of Cocaine-Induced Cardiotoxicity

Onset of Peak Effect Duration of Half-Life Cardiovascular Effect Mechanism (Ref. #)

Route of Use Action(s) (min) Action (min) (min)
Hypertension  Blockage of catecholamine reuptake in synaptic
Intravenous 10–60 1–5 15–60 60–120 nerve endings (13)
Smoked 5–10 1–3 5–15 60–120  Increased catecholamine release by the CNS (14).
 Sensitization of post-synaptic response to
Mucosal* 300–1,500 30–60 60–180 60–120 catecholamine (15)
 Increased levels of endothelin-1 (16)
*Mucosal pharmacokinetics/dynamics can vary considerably, depending on the  Impaired acetylcholine-induced vasorelaxation
route of cocaine use (i.e., oral, nasal, and so on). Data presented in this table are (17)
from Inaba et al. (7), Ambre et al. (8), and Jufer et al. (10).  Inhibition of NO synthase (with reduced
NO levels) (18)
 Impaired intracellular calcium handling (19)
Aortic dissection  Acute hypertension as a result of an abrupt
the b1 /b2-receptor blocker propranolol failed to pre- catecholamine surge (13–15)
 Endothelial dysfunction (17)
vent seizure-induced mortality in animals exposed to
 Vessel wall injury (17)
escalating doses of cocaine, were misrepresented  Vascular smooth muscle cell apoptosis (20)
 Cystic medial necrosis (21)
later as evidence for a suggested deleterious effect of
 Concomitant cigarette smoking (22)
propranolol in cocaine intoxication, even though Myocardial ischemia and infarction Increased myocardial oxygen demand (15):
propranolol was actually found to ameliorate the BP  Heart rate elevation
 Increased contractility
and heart rate elevations induced by cocaine in these  BP elevation
trials (78,79). Another suggested deleterious effect of Coronary vasoconstriction:
 a receptor stimulation (23)
b-blockers is coronary artery vasoconstriction. A lab-  Impaired intracellular calcium handling (19)
oratory model of isolated porcine coronary artery  Impaired NO production (18)
 Increased endothelin-1 levels (16)
rings showed that the combination of cocaine and Prothrombotic effect:
propranolol induced increased arterial ring contrac-  Increased platelet activity and aggregation (24)
 Elevated levels of fibrinogen and
tion (80). However, in this model, cocaine alone was von Willebrand factor (25)
not found to induce coronary artery vasoconstriction.  Increased plasminogen activator inhibitor
activity (26)
A well-known clinical study tested the added effect Accelerated atherosclerosis (27,28)
of propranolol on cocaine-induced coronary vaso- Small-vessel disease (28)
Plaque erosion (28)
constriction (81); in 5 of 10 patients who were exposed Coronary dissection (29)
to propranolol after cocaine, no significant effect Cardiomyopathy and HF  Myocardial infarctions and scarring
was noted. In the other 5, increased coronary vaso-  Acute effect of catecholamine surge (13–15)
 Impaired intracellular calcium handling (19)
constriction was demonstrated compared with  Myocyte apoptosis (30)
cocaine alone; however, this result was mainly  Elevated levels of reactive oxygen species (31)
 Eosinophilic myocarditis (30)
derived from a complete occlusion of the left Arrhythmias
circumflex artery in 1 patient, whereas nonstatisti- Sinus tachycardia, AF, SVT Increased sympathetic tone (13–15,32)
cally significant changes were shown in the other 4. Ventricular ectopies Increased sympathetic tone, myocardial ischemia (33)
Furthermore, no BP or heart rate elevations were Monomorphic VT Myocardial infarction and scarring (34)
noted in the propranolol-treated patients (81). In Long QT, TDP Myocardial ischemia, inhibition of KCNH2-encoded
potassium channels (35,36) inhibition of L-type
anticipation of counteracting cocaine-induced coro- calcium channels (36,37), cocaine-induced
nary artery vasoconstriction by a -receptor blocking, hyperthermia (38)

the b1/ b2/a 1 -blocker labetalol was used in patients Bradycardia, conduction Inhibition of voltage-gated sodium channels
disturbances (i.e., Class IC antiarrhythmic effect) (36,39),
who were initially treated with intranasal cocaine nerve-blocking effect (40)
(82), and although labetalol did not worsen the Brugada-type ECG Inhibition of SCN5A sodium channels (41)

cocaine-induced coronary vasoconstriction, its lack of Pulmonary hypertension Possibly through the adulterant levamisole (42,43)
Stroke  Acute hypertension as a result of an abrupt
effect further contributed to the growing perception
catecholamine surge (13–15)
of the inappropriateness of b -blocker therapy in  Endothelial dysfunction (17)
 Vessel wall injury (17)
cocaine intoxication. A case report describing car-
 Prothrombotic effect (24–26)
diovascular collapse and death in a patient treated  Sodium-blocking effect (44)
 Impaired cerebral blood flow (45)
with metoprolol after consuming 1,000 mg of cocaine
(83) has been suggested to exemplify the possible AF ¼ atrial fibrillation; BP ¼ blood pressure; CNS ¼ central nervous system; ECG ¼ electrocardiogram; HF ¼ heart
deleterious relation between cocaine and b-blockers, failure; NO ¼ nitric oxide; SVT ¼ supraventricular tachycardia; TDP ¼ torsade de pointes; VT ¼ ventricular
even though the patient did not experience a BP
elevation after the metoprolol treatment and was
106 Havakuk et al. JACC VOL. 70, NO. 1, 2017

The Cardiovascular Effects of Cocaine JULY 4, 2017:101–13

F I G U R E 2 The Approach to Cocaine-Related Chest Pain

Cocaine related
chest pain

Brief Hx and Px, vital

signs, ECG and troponin
levels. Give BDZ
titrated to the degree
of excitability

High risk no yes Brief trial of
features†? nitrates

yes no yes no

Admit. 12-h observation Admit as Follow

Consider period; repeat ECG if high risk acceptable
BB if chest pain recurs. STEMI
troponin + Repeat troponin guidelines
every 3 h.

To safely and effectively discriminate between benign and life-threatening chest pain in cocaine abusers, the evaluation of the patient’s clinical
condition along with electrocardiographic changes and elevation in cardiac troponin is suggested. Patients should be accordingly referred for
urgent coronary angiography, hospitalization, or 12-h monitoring. *STE is defined as ST-segment elevation of $2 mm. †High-risk features:
hemodynamic instability, positive cardiac troponin, recurrent chest pain. BB ¼ b-receptor blocker; BDZ ¼ benzodiazepines; ECG ¼ electrocar-
diogram; Hx ¼ history; Px ¼ physical examination; STE ¼ ST-segment elevation; STEMI ¼ ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction.

also exposed to a high dose of cocaine (which might considered lifesaving therapies in ischemic heart
have been responsible for his late collapse). As a disease, heart failure (HF), and cardiomyopathies.
result of this notion, a scientific statement by the The suggested hypertensive response as a result of an
ACC/AHA on the management of cocaine-associated unopposed a -stimulation after b -blocker therapy in
chest pain and MI in 2008 recommended against the cocaine-exposed patients is either rarely seen or even
use of b-blocker therapy in these patients (Class III, usually found to be opposite. Interestingly, the se-
Level of Evidence: C) (84). However, either because of vere hypertensive response found in 1 patient treated
lack of adherence to guidelines or that not all patients with the b1 -selective agent esmolol was successfully
disclose cocaine abuse when they are being treated by reversed by labetalol (90). Furthermore, indirect
emergency teams, reports on large numbers of pa- evidence for the safety of nonselective b-blockers in
tients treated with b-blockers after cocaine exposure cocaine-induced coronary vasoconstriction can be
have been published and generally showed neutral or drawn from a retrospective study in which the
even beneficial effects on cardiovascular outcomes troponin rise was similar in patients who were or
(85–87). Furthermore, prospective studies examining were not treated with b -blockers (86).
the safety of b-blockers in cocaine-exposed patients
showed similar favorable results (88,89). The APPROACH TO COCAINE-INDUCED CHEST PAIN.
2012 ACC/AHA guidelines state that nonselective Patients who present with cocaine-related chest pain
b-blockers might be considered in persistently hy- should be first evaluated by history, physical exami-
pertensive or tachycardic patients after cocaine use, nation, and vital signs, followed by an ECG and
provided that they were treated with a vasodilator cardiac troponin. Patients who continue to have
(Class IIb, Level of Evidence: C) (Table 3) (70). ST-segment elevation on their ECGs should be
b-blockers represent an essential therapy in the directly referred for coronary angiography with
mitigation of hyperadrenergic states, are known to possible angioplasty and stent implantation (70). In
reduce myocardial oxygen demand, and are cocaine abusers who received stent implantation,
JACC VOL. 70, NO. 1, 2017 Havakuk et al. 107
JULY 4, 2017:101–13 The Cardiovascular Effects of Cocaine

the risk of stent thrombosis was increased (91), either

T A B L E 3 The 2012 ACC/AHA Guidelines on Cocaine-Related Myocardial Infarction
from the prothrombotic effect of continued cocaine
abuse or the lack of adherence to antiplatelet therapy, Class of Level of
Recommendation Recommendation Evidence
and thus, the type of stent selected should be
Administration of sublingual or intravenous NTG and I C
considered accordingly. Although drug-eluting stents intravenous or oral calcium-channel blockers is
are occasionally used in the management of cocaine recommended for patients with ST-segment elevation or
depression that accompanies ischemic chest discomfort
abusers (92), the majority of these patients usually after cocaine use.
receive bare-metal stents (93), and both the 2008 and Immediate coronary angiography, if possible, should be I C
performed in patients with ischemic chest discomfort after
2012 ACC/AHA scientific statements recommend the
cocaine use whose ST-segment remains elevated after NTG
use of bare-metal stents in cocaine abusers (70,84). In and calcium-channel blockers; PCI is recommended if
occlusive thrombus is detected.
our practice, we deploy non–drug-coated stents, and
Fibrinolytic therapy is useful in patients with ischemic chest I C
if clopidogrel is used, we test platelet function before discomfort after cocaine use if ST-segment remains elevated
discharge to exclude clopidogrel resistance. Treat- despite NTG and calcium-channel blockers, if there are no
contraindications, and if coronary angiography is not possible.
ment with fibrinolytic agents in the setting of sus-
Administration of NTG or oral calcium-channel blockers can be IIa C
pected acute MI should be balanced against the beneficial for patients with normal ECGs or minimal ST-
known cocaine-related risk of AD. Patients who segment deviation suggestive of ischemia after cocaine use.
Coronary angiography, if available, is probably recommended IIa C
show high-risk features (Figure 2) should be admitted for patients with ischemic chest discomfort after cocaine use
with close monitoring. The vast majority of low-risk with ST-segment depression or isolated T-wave changes not
known to be previously present and who are unresponsive
patients should be monitored with repeated ECGs to NTG and calcium-channel blockers.
and cardiac troponins for a 12-h period. In those Administration of combined a- and b-blocking agents (e.g., IIb C
who demonstrate hyperexcitable state with tachy- labetalol) may be reasonable for patients after cocaine use with
hypertension (systolic blood pressure >150 mm Hg) or those
cardia and hypertension, intravenous benzodiaze- with sinus tachycardia (pulse >100 beats/min) provided that
pines should be used (84). The choice between the patient has received a vasodilator, such as NTG or a
calcium-channel blocker, within close temporal proximity.
non-dihydropyridine calcium blockers, nitrates,
Coronary angiography is not recommended in patients with chest III C
a-receptor blockers, and b -receptor blockers is pain after cocaine use without ST-segment or T-wave changes
debatable. Patients with low-risk features can be and with a negative stress test and cardiac biomarkers.

treated with symptom-relief agents, such as nitrates.

Data presented in this table are from Anderson et al. (70).
However, despite current guideline recommenda- ACC ¼ American College of Cardiology; AHA ¼ American Heart Association; ECG ¼ electrocardiogram;
NTG ¼ nitroglycerin; PCI ¼ percutaneous coronary intervention.
tions and after reviewing the data described earlier,
we recommend consideration of nonselective b -
blockers in both acute and chronic post-MI patients.
The pathophysiology behind these findings (Table 2)
Other agents, including antiplatelet and anticoagu-
includes cocaine-induced adrenergic surge (46), a
lant agents, should be used in accordance with
condition linked to pheochromocytoma-induced
accepted guidelines and with consideration of the
cardiomyopathy and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (re-
risk of AD in cocaine abusers (Figure 2).
ported in cocaine abusers [100]). Laboratory models
CARDIOMYOPATHY, MYOCARDITIS, AND HF showed that the exposure of myocardial fibers to high
levels of cocaine induced a negative inotropic and
A case report published as early as 1911 described lusitropic response (101). This effect was suggested to
acute and protracted HF in a previously healthy be mediated through the local anesthetic property of
young woman exposed to cocaine before tooth cocaine, with consequent alteration of intracellular
extraction (94) (although MI cannot be decisively calcium levels (101), a model reinforced by the com-
excluded in retrospect). Although myocardial scarring parable negative inotropic effect of another sodium-
is considered a principal cause for left ventricular blocker, flecainide (102). The chronic exposure of
(LV) dysfunction in cocaine abusers, animal (95) and cardiac myocytes to norepinephrine was shown to
human (96) experiments showed that the adminis- induce myocyte apoptosis through b-receptor and
tration of intracoronary cocaine caused an acute superoxide dismutase activation (31). Conversely,
elevation in LV pressures, LV dilation, and reduction cocaine-induced myocardial hypertrophy was blunt-
in contractility. These results correspond with case ed with the use of the a receptor blocker prazosin
reports of cocaine-exposed patients experiencing (103). An elaborate report on the histological and
an acute onset of HF with angiographically normal immunohistochemical findings in cocaine-induced
coronary arteries (97,98). Similarly, chronic HF and cardiomyopathy versus idiopathic dilated cardiomy-
LV dysfunction have been documented in cocaine opathy showed a significant increase in myocyte
abusers without ischemic heart disease (99). volume and reactive oxygen species levels in
108 Havakuk et al. JACC VOL. 70, NO. 1, 2017

The Cardiovascular Effects of Cocaine JULY 4, 2017:101–13

cocaine-induced cardiomyopathy, even though circumstances often found in cocaine abuse;

macroscopic magnetic resonance imaging results increased acidity, either as a result of local ischemia
were comparable between the 2 groups (104). Cocaine or from the systemic effect of cocaine (111), was
was shown to induce myocarditis, either through shown to increase cocaine’s effect on sodium chan-
elevated levels of catecholamines, creating myocar- nels (112). Similarly, cocaethylene, a byproduct of
dial necrosis and local immune reaction, or from the cocaine and alcohol, aggravates the inhibition of
induction of eosinophilic myocarditis (30). Autopsy cardiac ion channels (113). Opposed to the effect
case series of suspected cocaine-related mortality of sodium channels on depolarization, the inhibitory
showing myocarditis prevalence ranging between 4% effect of cocaine on the repolarizing KCNH2-encoded
and 20% (105,106) have been reported. potassium channel produces QT interval prolonga-
tion, early afterdepolarizations, and ventricular
tachyarrhythmias (35). As in the case of sodium
channels, alcohol ingestion and cocaethylene pro-
Remarkably, a comprehensive document published in
duction increases potassium-channel blockage
1988 (107) concluded that cocaine-induced cardiac
and QT prolongation (114), effects that might be
arrhythmias are infrequent and not well established.
aggravated by the ingestion of methadone, a QT-
Nevertheless, considering the high prevalence of
prolonging drug often used by cocaine abusers (115).
normal-appearing hearts in cocaine-related mortality
A more complex effect is shown with myocardial
cases (108), arrhythmic death is probably of consid-
L-type calcium channels; action potential shortening
erable significance, and is exerted through varied
through calcium-channel activation versus action
mechanisms (Table 2).
potential prolongation through calcium-channel in-
Cocaine-induced heightened sympathetic tone is
hibition was demonstrated with low versus high
related to an increased risk of cardiac arrhythmias
doses of cocaine, respectively (37,116). Put together,
(32,109). Combined with the induction of myocardial
high doses of cocaine will prolong the QT interval
ischemia and prolonged cardiac repolarization, this
through the drug’s inhibitory effect on both potas-
heightened sympathetic tone might induce ventricu-
sium and calcium channels, while simultaneously
lar ectopies, QT interval prolongation, torsade de
causing bradycardia because of blockade of sodium
pointes, and ventricular fibrillation (VF) (33,68).
channels, a condition known to predispose to torsade
Myocardial lesions caused by cocaine-induced
de pointes.
myocarditis might produce ventricular arrhythmias,
Cocaine-induced hyperthermia, either from a hy-
either in the acute phase (as a result of increased
permetabolic state (117) or as a result of impaired heat
excitability) or after recovery (scar-mediated from
dissipation (38), is another important systemic effect
myocardial fibrosis) (110).
of the drug. In humans, cocaine-induced hyperther-
Cocaine acts as a potent myocardial ion-channel
mia occurred in “clinically relevant” doses (2 mg/kg)
blocker of sodium, potassium, and calcium currents.
and was worsened with escalating amounts (118). A
The inhibition of the voltage-gated sodium channels
variety of electrocardiographic changes and cardiac
produces a reduction in the rapid upstroke of the
arrhythmias was demonstrated in cocaine-related
cardiac action potential, with conduction slowing and
(78) and non–cocaine-related (119) hyperthermia.
even complete inexcitability (39). Because this “class
This mechanism might explain the increased preva-
IC-blocking effect” is use-dependent (i.e., blocking
lence of cocaine-associated mortality in warm envi-
effect is more significant when the channel is more
ronments (118). Finally, the nerve-blocking effect of
active), the tachycardia induced by cocaine might
the drug might directly affect the autonomic nervous
serve to exacerbate sodium-channel blockade. Co-
system with nerve blockade and paradoxical brady-
caine’s sodium-blocking effect might also augment
cardia (40).
myocardial dispersion of repolarization in susceptible
individuals, producing typical Brugada-type coved APPROACH TO COCAINE-INDUCED ARRHYTHMIAS.
ST-segment elevation and VF predisposition (36). The patient’s general condition first needs to be
Interestingly, a dose-dependent effect of cocaine on evaluated, including the degree of excitability, body
sodium channels was noted; in a case series of temperature, hemodynamic stability, pH levels, and
cocaine-related cardiac arrests, cardiac asystole the presence of ischemia (40). An immediate ECG
versus Brugada-type ST-segment elevation and VF along with continued ECG monitoring during the
was found in patients exposed to high versus low initial period of evaluation is recommended. QT in-
doses of the drug, respectively (41). Sodium-channel terval prolongation should be sought and electrolyte
blocking effects were shown to be intensified under imbalance corrected. In the case of hyperthermia,
JACC VOL. 70, NO. 1, 2017 Havakuk et al. 109
JULY 4, 2017:101–13 The Cardiovascular Effects of Cocaine

cooling should be initiated. Sodium bicarbonate were shown to have an equivocal effect on pulmo-
treatment may target 2 important components of nary vascular resistance (130,131). Third, addressing
cocaine toxicity, counteracting cocaine’s sodium- the specific effect of smoked crack on pulmonary
blocking effect, while simultaneously correcting artery pressures, levamisole, an adulterant often
increased acidity (120). The heightened sympathetic found in the mixed powder of crack, is converted
tone, which is both central and peripheral, should be after inhalation to aminorex, a substrate strongly
addressed with benzodiazepines, with varying de- related to drug-induced pulmonary hypertension
grees of sedation according to the patient’s condition (43). Finally, both the increased prevalence of
(84). We believe that nonselective b-blockers repre- cigarette smoking and the inhaled crack might
sent a useful treatment option in that scenario. predispose cocaine users to chronic lung injury,
Because most patients will react well to the afore- with subsequent increased risk for pulmonary
mentioned approach, antiarrhythmic drugs will not hypertension.
usually be needed, and should be used with caution.
Because of the similar mechanism of action of Class
1A/1C drugs with cocaine, these medications should
Cocaine-induced midline destructive lesions have
be avoided (112). Lidocaine might represent a safe
been infrequently described (132,133) and can be
alternative in the case of protracted ventricular ar-
attributed to severe vasoconstriction, ischemic nasal
rhythmias (121). Data on the safety and efficacy of
mucosa, repeated traumatic damage caused by
amiodarone is lacking (122). Intravenous lipid emul-
insufflated cocaine crystals and recurrent local in-
sion therapy, originally attempted in severe local
fections, but also to antineutrophil cytoplasmic
anesthetic poisoning (123), was also shown to be
antibody (ANCA)-positive vasculitis, with local find-
helpful in extreme cases of cocaine intoxication (124).
ings similar to granulomatosis with polyangiitis
The therapy works by lipid compartmentalization of a
(formerly Wegener) disease (133). Another type of
lipophilic agent, and might also offer an abundant
ANCA–positive cocaine-related vasculitis takes a
source of energy to the exhausted myocardium.
more systemic form, with fever, purpuric skin lesions,
Because cocaine is lipophilic and acts as a local
acute kidney injury, and glomerulonephritis (134).
anesthetic, it seems reasonable to apply this therapy
Importantly, the correlation between cocaine and
in severe cases of cocaine poisoning. However,
vasculitis is confounded as both types of vasculitis
although current cardiopulmonary resuscitation
were found to be related to the adulterant levamisole,
guidelines recommend consideration of this therapy
an agent that was shown to induce the production of
in severe local anesthetic poisoning, it is not sug-
autoantibodies (133,134). A more exclusive associa-
gested for cocaine intoxication (125).
tion between cocaine and vasculitis awaits further
A retrospective study in 340 patients with pulmo-
nary hypertension (126) demonstrated that patients Single-center registries have demonstrated an
with idiopathic pulmonary hypertension were 10 increased prevalence of cocaine abuse in both
times more likely to have a history of stimulant ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke patients (135,136),
drug use compared with patients with pulmonary which tended to be more significant in the young
hypertension and a known risk factor. Nevertheless, (<60 years) age group. Similarly, a logistic regression
specific data on cocaine-induced pulmonary hyper- model in >3,000,000 hospitalized patients identified
tension are less conclusive. A study examining the cocaine abuse as a risk factor for either ischemic (odds
acute effect of intravenous cocaine on the pulmo- ratio: 2.03; 95% confidence interval: 1.48 to 2.79)
nary vasculature showed that cocaine did not pro- or hemorrhagic (odds ratio: 2.33; 95% confidence
duce an elevation in pulmonary artery pressure interval: 1.74 to 3.11) stroke (137). The mechanisms
(127); however, chronic crack cocaine smokers were involved in cocaine-related stroke include acute hy-
found to be at an increased risk of pulmonary hy- pertension (15), endothelial dysfunction and vascular
pertension (128). This inconsistency might be settled injury (17), a prothrombotic state (24), impaired ce-
through several mechanisms. First, in contrast to rebral blood flow (45), and cerebral artery vasocon-
other stimulants (e.g., methamphetamines), cocaine striction induced by cocaine’s sodium-blocking effect
only mildly elevates the level of serotonin (129), a (Table 2) (44). A case-control study comparing 1,090
known agent in the induction of pulmonary hyper- stroke patients with 1,152 controls showed that
tension. Second, both noradrenaline and dopamine although an overall similar proportion of participants
110 Havakuk et al. JACC VOL. 70, NO. 1, 2017

The Cardiovascular Effects of Cocaine JULY 4, 2017:101–13

in both groups were exposed to cocaine (“ever- CONCLUSIONS

users”), the timing of cocaine use (<24 h) was
significantly related to stroke occurrence (138). Cocaine abuse represents a considerable threat to the
Although important, these results are confounded by integrity of the cardiovascular system (Figure 1). In
the higher prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors in contrast to other addictive drugs (e.g., heroin, meth-
the stroke group and by the absence of stroke in past amphetamines) that exert their harmful effects
users of cocaine in the control group. Notably, only 26 through a limited mechanism, cocaine has a multi-
of the 1,090 stroke cases were related to acute cocaine tude of pathophysiological pathways by which it
use, an observation that corresponds with previous affects the cardiovascular system. Unfortunately,
trials demonstrating an inconsistent relationship be- cocaine is also highly addictive, and was found to
tween cocaine and stroke risk (139). The 2013 AHA significantly influence animal (144) and human
guidelines for the Early Management of Acute behavior (145), a condition that might further influ-
Ischemic Stroke (140) recommend the use of a urine ence patients’ outcomes. Discouraging reports on the
toxicology screen in “selected patients,” whereas the contemporary prevalence of cocaine abuse in teen-
2015 AHA guidelines for the Management of Sponta- agers, and even in children (146), might serve to in-
neous Intracranial Hemorrhage (141) recommend a crease awareness of the possible deleterious future
toxicology screen in all patients. The impact of effects of this perilous agent.
cocaine abuse on survival in hemorrhagic stroke pa-
tients has been inconsistent, with 1 study showing ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Dr. Robert A.
excess mortality (142), whereas another showed out- Kloner, Huntington Medical Research Institutes, 10
comes comparable to those of nonusers (137). In a Pico Street, Pasadena, California 91105. E-mail:
small, retrospective study, 29 of 87 patients with OR Dr. Ofer Havakuk, The
cocaine-related ischemic stroke were treated with Cardiovascular Division, Keck School of Medicine,
tissue plasminogen activator. Safety and efficacy University of Southern California, 1510 San Pablo
outcomes were similar to those for non–cocaine- Street, Los Angeles, California 90033. E-mail: Ofer.
related ischemic stroke (143).


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