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“People don’t plan to fail.

They fail to plan”

Nowadays, many people have goals and dreams which is good but goals and dreams
it’s hard to achieve if you don’t have a plan. Mark McCormack-sports agent and
founder of IMG said that “People don’t plan to fail. They fail to plan”.
It can be seen that doing anything in life whether studying or working has a plan.
Having a detailed plan of what we do will make it easier for us to know where our
goals are. After that, we follow that plan step by step and it will be easy to achieve
success. But in business it might be a little different. We cannot predict the future.
There are many events happening that are not as we expected and predicted. So a plan
that is called the best in business will be a simple and flexible plan that is flexible
enough to changing any markets or changing any situation. Some of the people who
manage companies will usually plan out a 3-month plan for their business project
because in their opinion that 3-month period is reasonable and manageable. They don't
have to predict too much.
Becoming the leader or pioneer within any company requires quite a plethora of
different qualities and experiences. Firstly, however, I believe that they must be very
charismatic. They must be so confident and outgoing, almost like a social butterfly. So
that whenever they walk into a room, they command the stage. They automatically
draw everybody’s attention and they lead from the forefront so that everybody else
feels inspired to work for them, Moreover, they must be very warm-hearted as well.
Because within a company, there are a variety of different personalities. We can have
a lot of introverts, and indeed a lot of exrtroverts. So to be warmhearted gives the
leader the ability to be able to sympathize and empathize with all members of the staff
that they employ. And lastly, of cousre, if you want to become one of the big 500
companies in the world, the leader must be incredibly intelligent. I always like to give
the example of Elon Musk who has been a pioneer in term of research and a plethora
of different types of compaines that he invested in, but he always been a pioneer,
somebody that is at the forefront of development in technology of course with the
development of Tesla as well. So there are the 3 qualities I believe are incredibly
important when it comes to being a leader.
American writer said that “Marketing is the art of making something better than it
really is”
What is marketing? How would you explain marketing. The first few words that
usually pop into a person’s head are marketing equals sale. But marketing is not just
personal selling or even just advertising. Most people define marketing in a very
limited way. Marketing includes activities such as public relations, sale promotion,
advertising, social media, pricing, distribution and many other funtions. Companies
increased their marketing budgets dramatically, for example: it is estimated that
companies spend over 15 billions dollars annually on marketing to just kids. This is an
increase of over 2.5 times more than they were spending in 1992. The cumulative
funtion of marketing is to communicate, deliver and create value to the consumer. In
addition, companies must take into consideration their employees, stakeholder and
society.. The most successful companies engage in vey consumer onriented
marketing.They spend enormous amounts of time, money and resources examining
everyday lives of their customers and then create products to fill a need, example the
companies that are known for creative leading-edge marketing: disney, pepsi, apple,
P&G. Marketing is made up of 4 elements: Product, Place, Promotion and Price. The
elements must be used in a cohesive plan to effectively target the consumer. a product
is physical product or service, Place is where the product is purchased, price is the
amount a consumer pays for the product, and promotion consists of the
communication tool used to effectively get company’s message out.
Anita Roddick- Bristish founder of The Body Shop used to said that “Three
components make an entrepreneur: the person, the idea and the resources to make it
happen”. It’s one of my favorite quote, I was impressed the signification of its.
Business not only attracts young people but it also attracts parents who want their
children to learn the business. You can buy and sell products or services, which means
business. You are able to see many people doing business everywhere, from rural
markets to large cities. Businessman can work at the office or at home. Some people
have many business establishments, while others only have one. But overall, all of
them are interested in profits.
As a businesman, you can freely choose favorite fields to business. You also can
produce high quality products that meet customer needs, or you provide excellent
service to help customers feel comfortable. Besides, you can have many different
services to attract more customer. Moreover, if your business successful, you will
have good income source to help you satisfy your passion.
however, the business also has its own difficulties. You must keep the need of the
customer to plan appropriately. This require you to have good analytical thinking and
decision-making skills. It is important to understand the strengths, weaknesses and
opportunities and challenges to build the appopriate business stragery to compete with
other rivals. In additon, if you cannot afford to maintain the bussiness, you have to
face the rish the bankruptcy.

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