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MPhil/MS in Physical Therapy

Ziauddin College of Rehabilitation Sciences

Ziauddin University

Semester –I
Course Objectives
Neuromuscular Rehabilitation
Course objectives:
1. Introduction
a) The importance of neuromuscular rehabilitation
2. Subjective examination
a) Perform the proper history taking
3. Physical examination of regions
a) Upper cervical examination
b) Cervico-thoracic examination
c) Thoracic examination
d) Upper quadrant examination
e) Lower quadrant examination
4. Assessment
a) Assess cranial nerve
b) Assess peripheral
5. Neural plasticity
a) Cellular and molecular mechanism of neural plasticity
b) Plasticity after injury to the CNS
6. Neural repair
a) Basic cellular and molecular process
b) Determinants of regeneration in the injured nervous system
c) Promotion of regeneration in the injured nervous system
7. Technology of neuro-rehabilitation
1) Outcomes, measurement and diagnostic technology
a) Outcomes, measurement: basic principles and applications in CVA
b) Human voluntary motor control and dysfunction
c) Assessment, intervention and outcome measures for walking
d) EMG in neuro-rehabilitation
e) Interpretate functional neuroimaging
2) Therapeutic Interventions and technology
a) Cell transplantation therapy for Parkinson’s disease
b) Conditions of past practice for individuals with neurologic impairment
c) Balance training
d) Functional electrical stimulation in neuro-rehabilitation
e) Environment control and assistive devices
f) Wheel chair design and seating technology
g) Rehabilitation orthotic and prosthetics
h) Communication devices
i) Perform Bobath
j) Task related training
k) Compensatory training techniques
l) Perform CIM

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