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Assessment: Art Elements & Principles Identification


 Element: There are distinct shapes created in the work. We can see that there are a
combination of squares, rectangles, and triangles in every side of the church. There are
also pointed lines on the top of the church. Because of these shapes the perspective of the
viewers is controlled on how the church is composed. It shows a vintage yet classy type
of design.
 Principle: The prominent principle in this structure is its unity. I think that the
architecture of the church has many different shapes and lines. But because there is unity,
everything is grouped well and it matches perfectly. There is an overall cohesion of the
work and it strengthens the visual of the place. All of the pieces create an interest to the
viewer’s sight. There are triangles, squares, and pointed lines in both sides of the church.
There are also different shades of brick but if you look at the church overall, everything
fits together.


 Element: The spaces of this bridge emphasizes the structure’s beauty. The distance
between every arch of the bridge makes it more pleasing to the eyes. The placement of
the bricks creates an open space that makes the bridge look wider, cleaner and not too
compacted. Space gives depth and good visual for the bridge.
 Principle: Balance makes the bridge look symmetrical. This principle shows the weight
of the bricks and their placements in relation to each other. The balance highlights the
distribution and central point of the structure. It shows how the bridge is visually stable
and strong.


 Element: Form is the prominent element of this place. As you can see, the architectural
design of this place looks modern because of its helical shape. It also looks like a bent
tower and is made up of glass which adds to the visual and class of the design. Its width,
length, and depth also look symmetrical and in shape.
 Principle: I think that the rhythm and repetition of this place is the prominent principle
of art because there is an evenly distributed patterns of square windows in every floor. It
also shows a combination of spiral grids that are on top of each other every floor making
it look very unique and futuristic.

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