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NAME : Ayofi Krisma Bhakti

NIM : G1C021183




Apa itu tekanan darah?

Tekanan darah adalah kekuatan darah Anda mendorong dinding arteri Anda. Setiap kali jantung
Anda berdetak, ia memompa darah ke arteri. Tekanan darah Anda tertinggi saat jantung Anda
berdetak, memompa darah. Ini disebut tekanan sistolik. Saat jantung Anda beristirahat, di antara
detak, tekanan darah Anda turun. Ini disebut tekanan diastolik.

Pembacaan tekanan darah Anda menggunakan dua angka ini. Biasanya angka sistolik muncul
sebelum atau di atas angka diastolik. Misalnya, 120/80 berarti sistolik 120 dan diastolik 80.

Bagaimana tekanan darah tinggi didiagnosis?

Tekanan darah tinggi biasanya tidak menunjukkan gejala. Jadi satu-satunya cara untuk
mengetahui apakah Anda memilikinya adalah dengan melakukan pemeriksaan tekanan darah
secara teratur dari penyedia layanan kesehatan Anda. Penyedia Anda akan menggunakan
pengukur, stetoskop atau sensor elektronik, dan manset tekanan darah. Dia akan mengambil dua
atau lebih pembacaan pada janji terpisah sebelum membuat diagnosis.
FINAL EXAM D4 Health Analyst

Riana Eka Budiastuti

A blood test is a lab analysis of the elements in your blood. Regular blood tests might be ordered
to keep track of how well you and your doctor are managing a condition such as diabetes or high
cholesterol. They are also ordered during routine checkups and sick visits.

Blood tests are ordered by healthcare providers to help: a. Find out how well important organs
such as your kidneys, liver, heart, or thyroid are working. b. Help diagnose diseases such as
cancer, diabetes, coronary heart disease, and HIV/AIDS. c. Find out if your medicine is working
to make you better. d. Diagnose bleeding or clotting disorders. e. Find out if your immune
system is having problems fighting infections. f. Diagnose anemia. These are iron-deficiency
anemia, pernicious anemia, a plastic anemia, and hemolytic anemia. g. Find variations in
hemoglobin such as hemoglobin S, C, or E. These are common in people of African,
Mediterranean, or Southeast Asian background. h. Monitor chronic health conditions and
diseases. i. Find health problems in their early stages. j. It is your right to know why a certain
test has been ordered, so ask your doctor if you are not sure why he or she wants you to have the

Answer these following questions!

1. What is the meaning of : a. Anemia b. Hemoglobin c. Immune system (answer the

definition using your own word in English)
a. Anemia, Anemia is a blood defieciency disease,symptoms of being tired easily, often
feeling dizzy due to a lack of red blood cells or low concentrations of hemoglobin in
the body.
b. Hemoglobin,Hemoglobin is a protein molecule in red blood cells,the iron content
contained in demography makes bloodre.
c. Immun system.immune system is adefense or immune system.

2. Find the Verb, Adjective and Noun in the text!

 Verb : Knowing, help, inspect
 Adjective : weak, correct, work
 Noun : blood, drug,kidney
3. Find the verbal and nominal sentences!
 Verbal :
o The diagnosis of this anemia is iron deficiency anemia, pernicious anemia,
plastic anemia and hemolytic anemia
o blood tests diagnose diseases such as cancer, coronary diabetes, heart disease
 Nominal :
o blood test is a laboratory analysis of elements in blood
o Diagnose bleeding or clotting
o amoung them is the lack of immunity so that we often feel weak and look pale

4. Rewrite the text using your own words!

Blood tests are laboratory analyzes of blood constituents ordered during routine
examinations and sick visits.
Blood tests help diagnose diseases such as cancer, coronary diabetes, heart disease and
HIV/AIDS and diagnose bleeding or clotting disorders and find out if your immune
system is having problems fighting infection. . Monitor chronic health conditions and
diseases. i. Find health problems in their early stages. j. It is your right to know why a
certain test has been ordered, so ask your doctor if you are not sure why he or she wants
you to have the test.

5. Write paragraph (5 sentences) about yourself!

I'm Ayofi Krisma Bhakti, 19 years old, I live in Ambarawa, Semarang. I am currently
studying at Unimus taking a D4 Health Analyst study program or also known as medical
laboratory technology. my desire to become a female soldier has disappeared due to
many shortcomings from me but it's okay to enter the field of health it's cool too, I have
sports hobbies such as swimming, futsal, athletics and others

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