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Teaching Mathematics in the Intermediate Grades

(Performance Task 1)

After learning this lesson, reflect on how it can be learned by your future pupils in
more effective, creative, and meaningful way. Discuss your:

1. Motivational Activity: I will use mathematics games specifically the math puzzles
since most students in the intermediate grades are adventurous by nature and love to
explore. By giving them challenges, you are adding to their math adventure. Moreover,
puzzle is a great way to help them think and overcome the challenges. This way,
students will understand that math is not complicated, but an interesting challenge on
the whole.

2. Teaching Strategy: I will employ the simplest yet effective strategy which is teaching
student through demonstration and visual aids because it helps students learn through
observation. And I do believe the demonstration strategy improves the understanding of
complex skills and principles. Students can pay their attention and follow along with the
learning process and the knowledge they gained becomes permanent because this
method requires different human senses.

3. Mode of Assessment: I will administer the three levels of difficulty (easy, average,
and difficult) when giving an assessment. Assessment can play a central role in helping
teachers and students know exactly where a student is along this learning progression
and what comes next in both instruction and learning. In the classroom, the focus is on
the individual student. It’s not about who’s learning the standards. It’s about how each
student is doing and specifically where he or she is along that path to academic

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