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Account Activity Control

1. cond not accepting special chars

2. space duplication

3. Remarks data not displayed in Approve

Account Activity MTI

1. Remarks data not displayed in Approve

2. Space Duplication

Sec PIN Profile


key name alignment in view and delete

strt<end validation failing

(31) LOG Definition


1. Remarks data not displayed in Approve

2. Space Duplication

(32) NPM Date CTX


1. Space Duplication

(33) NPM Institution ID

1. Remarks data not displayed in Approve

2. Space Duplication

(34) Response Result Code

1. Response code 2/3 digit validation - allowing single digit also

2. Result code 0/4 digits client side validation missing

3. Space Duplication

4. Result Code Search is not working when searched with "*"

5. Remarks not being updated. ( Wrng Request , Remarks is supposed to come under
ResponseResultCodeRequest , but it is coming under
ResponseResultCodeForm )

6. Remarks data not displayed in Approve

(35) Result Response Code

1. Remarks data not displayed in Approve

2. Space Duplication

3. Operation Type 2/3 digit (mentioned in docx) - allowing single digit also

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