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CONTENTS page Editor's Preface... 2.2... ee ee VII—XII Extract from the Author’s preface (1891) ..........0..., 1 Extract from the Preface to the last edition... 2.2... 2. 5 Chapter I. — General review of orchestral groups A. Stringed instruments 2... 22... 0... ee 6 B. Wind instruments: Woodwind... ee ee 12 Brass... eee ee ee 21 C. Instruments of little sustaining power: Plucked strings ............ ees 26 Pizicato . 2. ee - + 27 Herp tele foelot alee alos athelecholocladatallalatatatal 27 Percussion instruments producing determinate sounds, keyed instruments Kettle-drums 2.2... . ee ee ee 29 Piano and Celesta. .-. 2... .. 2... .....00. 30 Glockenspiel, Bells, Xylophone... 2... epee 32 Percussion instruments producing indefinite sounds... . . . 32 Comparison of resonance in orchestral groups, and combination 33 of different tone qualities... ..........0, Chapter Il. — Melody Melody in stringed instruments ............0.. 36 Grouping in unison. ©. 2... ee ee ee ee 39 Stringed instruments doubling in octaves ......... 40 Melody double octaves»... . 44 Doubling in three and four octaves... ......... 45 Melody in thirds and sixths ©... 2... ....0.. 45 Melody in the wood~ See 46 Combination in unison. ©... ile te . 2. 47 Combination in octaves ©... 2... ee 49 Doubling in two, three and four octaves... .. 2... 51 Melody in thirds and sixths ©... 1... 52 Thirds and sixths together... 2.2... 0.2... 53 Melody in the brass... 2... 53 Chapter Chapter page Melody in different groups of instruments combined together. 56 A. Combination of wind and brass in unison... .-- - 56 B. Combination of wind and brass in octaves wee BT C. Combination of strings and wind. 2... 2. ee 58 D. Combination of strings and brass . 2... -- +> . 61 E. Combination of the three groups... 2. + +--+ 61 I, — Harmony General observations sae 63 Number of harmonic parts — Duplication .... ~~ - 64 Distribution of notes in chords... - - 2s ee eee 67 String harmony... 0 ee 69 Wood-wind harmony... 22 ee ee n Four-part and three-part ‘harmony eae 72 Harmony in several parts... 2-220 -ee . 76 Duplication of timbres ~~. - ee ee ee ee 7 Remarks. . - 6. ee ee ee eee ee eee Harmony in the brass... ee ee ee we 82 Four-part writing ©... 2 ee ee we 82 Three-part writing ©... ee tee 84 Writing in several parts... ee ee 84 Duplication in the brass... 0 ee ee 85 Harmony in combined groups... +--+ eee 88 A. Combination of wind and brass... - - + 6 + ee 88 1. In unison. 2. ee 88 2. Overlaying, crossing, enclosure of parts -..-. - 00 B. Combination of strings and wind... .- +--+ = 94 C. Combination of the three groups... ...-- 2. OB IV. — Composition of the orchestra Different ways of orchestrating the same music... ..- - 97 Full Tutti, 2 0 ee oe ee -. + 101 Tutti in the wind ©. 1 ee 103 Tutti pizzicato . 1 ee ee ee ee we ee + 108 Tutti in one, two and three parts... . +e ee ree . 104 Soli in the strings... 2 0 0 ee 104 Limits of orchestral range... eee es . + 106 ‘Transference of passages and phrases... -- 1. +++ 107 Chords of different tone quality used alternately... . . . - 108 Amplification and elimination of tone qualities... .- +. - 109 Repetition of phrases, imitation, echo... +... +e 0 110 Sforzando-piano and piano-sforzando chords... ++. ~~ ut Method of emphasising certain notes and chords ....- - wd Crescendo and diminuendo.....-...++- Diverging and converging progressions . Tone quality as a harmonic force. Harmo Attilicial effects... 0 ee ; Use of percussion instruments for rhythm and colour... - 117 Economy in orchestral colour -. +--+ + +--+ ++ 118 Chapter V. — Combination of the human voice with orchestra. The Stage band Orchestral accompaniment of solo voices ..... - General remarks... ...-.. | Transparence of accompaniment. Harmony: Doubling voices in the orchestra Recitative and declamation . — Orchestral accompaniment of the chorus .. ..... Solo voice with chorus . . . Instruments on the stage and in the wings Chapter VI (Supplementary) — Voices Technical terms... . - - Soloists. . 2... ‘oe Range and register... - Vocalisation ... . . Colour and character of voices Voices in combination . - - Trios, quartetsetc. . -- 2+. an Chorus... ...- Sept el Range and register . Melody eee A. Mixed chorus... - Chorus in unison . Progression in octaves Voices divisi; harmonie use of the ‘mixed chorus B. Men’s chorus and Women's chorus page 119 119 120 122 125 126 128 129 132 133 133 134 136 137 137 139 139 141 142 142 144 145 145 146 148

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