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/meteorite - Will spawn a meteorite somewhere

/meteorite here - A meteorite will hit the block you are looking at
/meteorite playername - Self-explanatory
/cast spellbook <spellname> (while looking at a Bookshelf)
Right-Click the Bookshelf to "learn" the spell
/cast <spellname>
Mark - Sets the point for the Recall spell (Works like /sethome)
Recall - Recalls to the marked location (Works like /home)
Gate - Transport the user to the spawn location (/spawn)
Blink - Instantly teleports the user to their cursor
Glassnova- Places glass around nearby foes. (a bit buggy atm)
Web - Places webs around nearby foes (a bit buggy atm)
Push - Throws the target into the air - damaging them on the landing
Cost (all) - Provides information on the reagents needed to cast the spell
Spellbook (op only) - Spell needed to enchant Bookshelves to have players "right
click" and learn the spell. - /cast spellbook Mark (while facing a bookshelf)
type /i and the name of the item
/lockchest enable
/lockchest disable
/lockchest lock (Automatically add the selecting player to the lock)
/lockchest lock [extra players] (E.g. /lockchest lock player1,player2)
/lockchest unlock
/lockchest current (Displays current selected Chest)
/lockchest adduser [extra players]
/lockchest removeuser [extra players]
enable - After using this command, Click the Chest with nothing in your hand! to
select it
disable - Deselects the current Chest.
lock - Locks the Chest
unlock - Unlocks a selected Chest (If you have access to it)
current - Shows the location of the currently selected Chest
adduser - Adds user(s) to a selected accessible Chest
removeuser - Removes users(s) from a selected accessible Chest

aliases: [ra,raffles]
description: Main Raffle Command
usage: |
/raffle -p [id] [qnt] - Choose raffle prize.
/raffle -c [id] [qnt] - Choose raffle cost.
/raffle -t [qnt][time] - Raffle time and ticket quantity.
/raffle -s - Starts the raffle after configuration.
/raffle -h - Shows this menu.
aliases: [braffle,rafflebuy]
description: Raffle buy Command
usage: |
/raffle [qnt] - Buy raffle tickets.
/raffle -i - Information about raffle.
/raffle -h - Shows this menu.
Toggleability! Use /ownblocks or /ob to toggle OwnBlocks on and off
pistons are iron blocks
/gate help,h,? *[page] Display a help page
/gate create,new [id] Create a gate
/gate delete,del,remove [id] Delete a gate
/gate setfrom [id] Set from to your location.
/gate setto [id] Set to to your location.
/gate open [id] Open that gate
/gate close [id] Close that gate
/gate list,ls Display a list of the gates
[] = needed; <> = optional
Per-World Commands:
/adopt <X> : Where X is the number of wolves you want. If X is not present, it d
efaults to 1. Automattically charges you price * X
/adopt price : States the current price of a wolf via the /adopt command on the
current world.
/adopt price [world] : States the current price of a wolf in the given world.
/adopt price all : States the current price of a wolf on all worlds.
/adopt price [X] : Sets the price of a wolf (use 0 for free) for the current wor
/adopt type [X] : Sets the type of currency. use "money" or "-1" to use an econ
plugin, use an item id(like "260") to use an item, for the current world!
/adopt limit [X] : Sets the number of wolves a user can spawn using the adopt co
mmand in the current world. Remember, they can use it more than once!
/adopt aggro [X] : Where X is: neutral, friend, or angry. Sets the agressiveness
of wolves using the adopt command
Global Commands: (a local setting above will ALWAYS override this global setting
/adopt globalprice [X] : Sets the global price of a wolf (use 0 for free).
/adopt globaltype [X] : Sets the global type of currency. use "money" or "-1" to
use an econ plugin, use an item id(like "260") to use an item!
/adopt globallimit [X] : Sets the global number of wolves a user can spawn using
the adopt command. Remember, they can use it more than once!
/adopt globalaggro [X] : Where X is: neutral, friend, or angry. Sets the agressi
veness of wolves using the adopt command
/adopt remove [world] : Removes the local settings of "world", it will now use t
he global settings
Please Post any questions/comments/request!
Take a color code, for example &e and place it on a sign

&0 Black 0 0 0 0 0 0
&1 Dark Blue 0 0 191 0 0 47
&2 Dark Green 0 191 0 0 47 0
&3 Dark Teal 0 191 191 0 47 47
&4 Dark Red 191 0 0 47 0 0
&5 Purple 191 0 191 47 0 47
&6 Gold 191 191 0 47 47 0
&7 Gray 191 191 191 47 47 47
&8 Dark Gray 64 64 64 16 16 16
&9 Blue 64 64 255 16 16 63
&a Bright Green 64 255 64 16 63 16
&b Teal 64 255 255 16 63 63
&c Red 255 64 64 63 16 16
&d Pink 255 64 255 63 16 63
&e Yellow 255 255 64 63 63 16
&f White 255 255 255 63 63 63
/pc [Text] - send a chat message to everyone in your party.
/pc - Toggles on/off party chat mode (all your chat is party chat until turned o
/party create [PartyName] <open|invite|leader> - creates a new party, if no type
is specified, open is default.
/party leave - leaves your current party.
/party join [PartyName]
/party list - If your in a party, lists your party members, otherwise lists all
party names.
/party invite [PlayerName] - invites PlayerName to your party.
/party accept - accepts a party invite
/party decline - declines a party invite.
/party tp [PlayerName] - sends a request to PlayerName for you to teleport to hi
/party tpaccept - accepts a request for somone to teleport to you.
/party tpdecline - declines a request for somone to teleport to you.
/party disband - disbands the party (if your leader)
/party kick [PlayerName] - kicks somone from the party (if your leader)
/party leader [PlayerName] - sets a new party leader (if your leader
/pc help" for an awesome help menu
"/pc command list" for a list of available commands
/hunt - used to sign up for the event. Inactive if you have disabled signing up.
/huntstatus - will display status of the plugin (counting or not counting), curr
ent player score and optionally time until counting stops
/huntscore - will display player's personal highscore.
Admin commands:
/huntstart [World name] - manually start hunt.
/huntstop [World name] - manually stop hunt in selected world.
/sort all - Sorts all of the slots in your inventory(slots 0-35)
/sort top - Sorts the "Backpack" slots of your inventory(slots 9-35)
/sort 4 35 - Sorts slots 4-35
/sort 30 10 - Sorts slots 10-35
/sortchest - Sorts all of the slots in a chest or doublechest (alias: /srtc)
/sort stack - Toggles whether sorting stack's first (default off) will remember
between sessions as long as the server hasn't been restarted.
/sort reload - Reloads the config, useful if y
<target|g:> [amount]
Grant money to an account.
Amount can be negative or positive.
<target|g:> [amount]
Set an account to a specific balance.
Amount can be negative or positive.
Reset target account
Hide account from top list / ranking.
Create an account.
Remove an account.
Check economy statistics.
Bank Related (5.0+)
Simple tap another player while your hand is empty

Simply slap a sign over a chest, make the first line "[Repair]", and you're done
!Users will then put their damaged tools into the chest and right-click the sign
while holding their hard earned gold ingots, and the tools in the chest will be

If you are admin and you are writing something in the first line, which is not "
AdminShop" or any variation of it, it won't work, just leave it blank.
If it's not the case, and you're sure that your economy has this account (for ex
ample, in iConomy it's /money accountName), if there is no account like this and
you want to create it, in iConomy do /money create <accountName>.
B <price> : S <price>
<item name or id >

item [-d] <item[:data]> [amount]
give [-d] <target> <item[:data]> [amount]
more [-a] [-i] <target>
online [filter]
setspawn [destination]
time [world] <time>
weather <'stormy'|'sunny'> [duration] [world]
thunder <'on'|'off'> [duration] [world]
spawnmob [-p] [-d] [-i] [-r] <mob> [count] [location]
kit <kit> [target]
tp [target] <destination>
bring <target>
put <target>
call <target> (request a teleport)
broadcast <message>
say <message>
me <message>
msg <target> <message...>
reply <message...>
mute <target>
unmute <target>
clear [-a] [target]
slap [-s] [-h|-v] [-d] [target]
rocket [-s] [-h] [target]
barrage [-s] [target]
shock [-s] [target]
thor [target] (get Thor's hammer)
unthor [target] (revoke Thor's hammer)
whois [target]
debug info
debug clock (very accurate server lag benchmark)
kick <target> [reason...]
ban [-e] <target> [reason...]
unban <target> [reason...]
/help: Help
/kit starter
/mark - marks one corner
/name <name> - names cuboid specified by two corners (previousl
y marked using /mark or wand) ## is § for colour coding and _ for space.
/name prism <name> - names prism specified by n corners (previously m
arked using /mark or wand) (Y coordinates specified by lowest and highest corner
) ## is § for colour coding and _ for space.
/clearmarks - clears memorized list of marks
/unmark - removes space you reside in
/expand <i> - offsets a cuboid face or prism base polygon vert
ex in the direction (north, west, south, east, up or down) you face by i blocks
- contracts it with negative i (try using with visual aid - its amazingly easy t
o use)
/prune - moves a bordering face of cuboid level with your
face or vertex to where you stand on a prism
/resize - moves the cuboid face or prism vertex you look a
t to the last marked place
/space list - list all spaces in current world
/dead list - lists all dead spaces (that intersect with other
s and thus got removed from use, but can be restored)
/dead wipe - removes all dead spaces (irrevocable after next
/revive - revive all spaces that can be revived (i.e. no l
onger intersecting with others)
/revive <space> - revives particular space or see what space is in
the way.
/remove vertex - removes vertex (of the base polygon of a prism)
you look at
/add vertices - insert vertices you've previously marked with ma
rk or wand, at the vertex (of the base polygon of a prism) you look at
/visaid - visual aid so you can see the space (even when m
anipulating it.) It will toggle on and off a glass cage around the nearest space
. Warning: Don't use around chests or signs or other unsual blocks that store ot
her data. Until fixed that is.
/displaypos - shows current position as you walk (better than
using F3 IMHO)
/tree list - displays bsp tree hierarchy and node which you r
eside in by "#"
/gimme - gives you stuff (for debugging purposes)
/cat create <name>
/cat remove <name>
/setcat <name>
/cat nopvp <category name>
/cat nomvp <category name>
/cat regen <category name> <regen time delay in seconds> - negative delay will
hurt rather than heal your
/cat noexplos <category name>
/cat noblockplace <category name>
/cat noblockbreak <category name>
/cat noblockignite <category name>
NSOnlineList Commands:
/who - lists players online and the places they reside
/who <player> - show where a particular player is
NSCompass Commands:
/find <name> - find places or players using the compass
/find spawn
/find reset - reset compass back to spawn
/find north - compass points north
/find <x> <y> <z> - find specified coordinate using compass
/find nearest <categoryname> - finds a space of a specific category closest to
/find my stuff - find where you died
/find stuff of <player> - find where player died
/find here - find current location (useful in a cave for find
ing it when coming back later)
/hide - hide from compass of players who don't have stro
ngfind (useful for ops to bypass hide)
/gastronomic - enables and disables plugin.
/gastronomic reload - reloads all configuration files.
/hunger - checks your current hunger level.
/sethunger [player name] [hunger level] - sets player's hunger to the specified
/food [id] - tells the player how much hunger the id restores.
/food list - lists how much hunger each food id restores.

"/bab categories" returns all accessible categories.

"/bab category <categoryname>" returns all abilities in the category.
"/bab page" lists all accessible abilities.
"/bab current" lists all active abilities.
"/bab buy <abilityname>" buys an ability.
"/bab rent <abilityname>" rents an ability for a period of time.
"/bab rentuse <abilityname>" purchases uses of an ability.
"/bab info <abilityname>" returns information about that ability.
"/bab help <abilityname>" returns the help text about that ability.
From server console:
"/bab listall" prints out a list of all active abilities for all players.
"/bab status" prints out the current status of the hooks into the permissions an
d economy plugins.
For admins:
To allow usage of the /bab command, grant the permission "buyabilities.use".
To allow access to a category, grant the permission "buyabilities.abilities.<cat
egoryname>" where <categoryname> is the name of the category, with periods repla
cing spaces.
NOTE: A user can access an ability if he can access any single one of its catego
ries. It does not matter if he can access its other categories, just one.
NOTE: If an ability or category name is misspelled, this plugin will provide sug
gestions for the correct spelling of the name.
Create signs on top of each other with [Lift up]/[Lift down]/[Lift] on the secon
d line to use.

/npc create [name] (text - optional) creates an NPC at your location.

/npc set [text] sets an NPC's text (removes all previous messages).
/npc add [text] adds to an NPC's text list (messages selected randomly from the
/npc reset resets an NPC's messages.
/npc name [new name] sets an NPC's name.
/npc color [&(code)] sets an NPC's colour.
OR /npc colour [&(code)] Either spelling of colour can be used.
/npc remove (all) removes an NPC (or all of them).
/npc item [id|item name] sets an NPC's in hand item to the specified type
/npc helmet|boots|torso|legs [id|item name] sets the specified armor type of
an NPC.
/npc move moves an NPC to your location.
/npc copy makes a copy of the npc at your location.
/npc tp teleports you to the selected NPC.
/npc getid gets the ID of the currently selected NPC.
/npc select [id] selects an NPC ID.
/npc talkwhenclose [true/false] sets whether a specific NPC should talk when clo
/npc lookatplayers [true/false] as above, but for looking at players.
/npc setowner [name] sets the owner of the NPC.
/basic|trader|healer|wizard help (page)
displays a list of commands.
stick is a portal gun
apple drop from leaves
take 1 chop to harvest a whole tree
/reagent for spells
paper is a bandage
redwire can hold liquids in one spot
catch random things from fishing

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