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Nombres: Mariuxi Navarro Cardenas Carrera: Ingeniería en química


The Internet is the best place to find information. Do you agree

or disagree?

In my opinion I agree because nowadays the internet is a very important and

easy to use tool, most people use this tool to communicate, look for information
and keep informed. we can also associate it to science and technology for a more
evolutionary development.
Therefore, the internet in recent times has advanced a lot and will continue to
advance as the years go by is constantly changing, being very easy to find the
information we need, having comfort when researching and it takes a few
minutes to find what we require. This is due to how advanced the internet is
nowadays and how easy it is to get a device that can be connected to it, children
and adults use this tool.
In conclusion, the internet is the best place to find information, since it is
possible to search in different sources and find the information in a fast way,
besides it is very important in the present, and it is very useful for different
people to communicate, to learn, to be informed and as entertainment.

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