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The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 131(4):000–000, 2019

Red-headed Woodpecker (Melanerpes erythrocephalus) winter roost-site selection

in a burned forest stand

Benjamin Nickley1* and Lesley P. Bulluck1,2

ABSTRACT—In temperate regions, winter is characterized by high thermoregulatory demands and low food availability.
For woodpeckers, winter survival depends on selecting habitat that provides both suitable roost trees and adequate food. The
Red-headed Woodpecker (Melanerpes erythrocephalus) has experienced precipitous declines across much of its range in the
past 50 year, yet causes of declines remain elusive. Although previous studies have focused primarily on the breeding season,
understanding winter roost-site requirements is crucial for the maintenance of Red-headed Woodpecker populations across
the full annual cycle. Our study investigated winter roost-site characteristics at 3 spatial scales (roost patch, tree, and cavity)
in a 41 ha fire-affected forest stand located in northern Virginia. From February to April of 2016 we tracked Red-headed
Woodpeckers to 42 roost-sites during evening surveys. To determine the features driving roost-site selection, we compared
vegetation surrounding the roost to random sites within the same forest stand, and occupied roost snags (standing dead trees)
were compared to the closest available snag. Cavity height and orientation were also examined. We modelled roost-site
selection at both the patch and tree scales using logistic regression and identified important variables and their influence by
estimating regression coefficients and their model-averaged parameter weights. Habitat within the patch surrounding roost
trees had higher basal area of snags and mast-producing trees compared to random sites. Red-headed Woodpeckers selected
roost snags with signs of decay and showed preferences based on snag taxon. Our findings indicate that managing land that
produces and retains both snags and mature mast-producing trees will benefit overwintering populations of Red-headed
Woodpeckers. This study provides the first detailed analysis of winter roost-site selection in this declining species. Received
30 March 2018. Accepted 15 December 2018.

Key words: fire ecology, full annual cycle, Melanerpes erythrocephalus, Red-headed Woodpecker, roost-site selection,
winter habitat use

Selección de sitios-dormidero invernales del carpintero Melanerpes erythrocephalus en una parcela de bosque

RESUMEN (Spanish)—En regiones templadas, el invierno se caracteriza por altas demandas termorregulatorias y baja disponibilidad de
alimento. Para los carpinteros, la supervivencia invernal depende de la selección de hábitat que les provea de árboles para dormideros y
alimentación adecuada. En los pasados 50 años, el carpintero Melanerpes erythrocephalus ha experimentado declives precipitados a lo largo
de buena parte de su rango, si bien las causas de tales declives siguen siendo elusivas. Aunque estudios previos se han enfocado
principalmente en la estación reproductiva, el entendimiento de los requerimientos de sitios-dormidero en invierno es crucial para el
mantenimiento de las poblaciones de este carpintero durante todo su ciclo anual. Nuestro estudio investigó las caracterı́sticas de sitios-
dormidero invernales a 3 escalas espaciales (parche de bosque donde se encuentra el dormidero, árbol y cavidad) en una parcela de bosque de
41 ha afectada por fuego, localizada en el norte de Virginia. De febrero a abril de 2016, seguimos a carpinteros a 42 sitios-dormidero durante
reconocimientos al final del dı́a. Para determinar las caracterı́sticas responsables de la selección de sitios-dormidero, comparamos vegetación
adyacente al dormidero con sitios aleatorios al interior de la misma parcela de bosque. Por su parte, los árboles muertos en pie ocupados como
dormideros fueron comparados con el árbol muerto disponible más cercano. La altura de la cavidad y la orientación también fueron
examinados. Modelamos la selección de sitios-dormidero a escala de parche de bosque y a escala de árbol usando una regresión logı́stica.
Identificamos variables importantes y su influencia por medio de la estimación de coeficientes de regresión y el peso de los parámetros de
modelos promediados. El hábitat al interior de la parcela que rodea los árboles-dormidero tuvo una mayor área basal de árboles muertos en pie
y de árboles semilleros comparado con sitios aleatorios. Los carpinteros seleccionaron como dormideros árboles muertos en pie con signos de
descomposición y mostraron preferencias con base en el taxón del árbol muerto. Nuestros hallazgos indican que el manejo de la tierra que
produce y retiene árboles muertos en pie y árboles semilleros maduros beneficia a las poblaciones invernantes de M. erythrocephalus. Este
estudio provee el primer análisis detallado de selección de sitios-dormidero en invierno para esta especie en declive. Recibido 30 marzo 2018.
Aceptado 15 diciembre 2018.
Palabras clave: carpintero, ciclo anual completo, ecologı́a del fuego, Melanerpes erythrocephalus, selección de sitios-dormidero, uso de
hábitat en invierno

Understanding species–habitat relationships is and the quantity and quality of those resources
essential for conservation. Habitats provide re- affect populations (Johnson 2007). The vast
sources necessary for survival and reproduction, majority of studies on species–habitat relationships
in vertebrates have focused on the breeding season
Department of Biology, Virginia Commonwealth (Marra et al. 2015). One reason for this bias is the
University, Richmond, VA, USA link between breeding habitat and reproductive
Center for Environmental Studies, Virginia Common-
wealth University, Richmond, VA, USA output—a key demographic parameter regulating
* Corresponding author: populations. However, species requirements
2 The Wilson Journal of Ornithology  Vol. 131, No. 4, December 2019

change across seasons and life history stages. designation by Partners in Flight (Rosenberg et al.
Narrowly focusing on one season risks missing 2016), prompting research into the causes of
key habitat dependencies at other times of the year declines. Recent breeding season studies suggest
(Fuller 2012). For most vertebrates, the opportu- loss and degradation of breeding habitat (Brawn
nity to breed comes only after surviving a 2006), interactions with predators (Koenig et al.
relatively long nonbreeding period (Marra et al. 2017) and nonnative competitors, and susceptibil-
2015). The availability and quality of nonbreeding ity to ecological traps (Frei et al. 2013) are all
habitat has been shown to affect survival (Sir- possible factors.
iwardena et al. 1998, Smith et al. 2014, Cirule et Although recent work has improved our under-
al. 2017) and even have consequences for body standing of this species’ habitat needs during the
condition (Marra et al. 1998), breeding success
breeding season, quantitative studies of habitat
(Norris et al. 2004), and survival (Duriez et al.
selection during the winter are scarce (Doherty et
2012) during the subsequent breeding season.
al. 1996). This presents a serious knowledge gap,
Hence, knowledge of habitat requirements during
as habitat needs of Red-headed Woodpeckers
the nonbreeding season is necessary to promote
conservation across the full annual cycle. change over the annual cycle. During the summer
Within the nonbreeding season, winter is a months, Red-headed Woodpeckers rely on open
particularly harsh period in temperate regions and habitats that provide space for aerial foraging
poses a survival challenge. Winter is characterized (Brawn 2006, Kilgo and Vukovich 2012, Berl et
by reduced food availability and increased ther- al. 2015). As insects become scarce in the fall and
moregulatory demands. Periods of increased winter, their diet undergoes a concomitant shift to
energetic demands are linked to increased mortal- hard mast (i.e., beech nuts and acorns; Frei et al.
ity (Newton 1998) and the availability of winter 2017). Red-headed Woodpeckers are responsive to
habitat that provides resources to meet these mast availability during fall migration and may
demands (i.e., food, shelter) can limit populations select overwinter sites with high mast tree density
(Siriwardena et al. 2008). (Bock et al. 1971, Smith and Scarlett 1987). Snags
To survive the rigors of winter, shelter is key. are an important resource throughout the year, but
Shelter comes in various forms, but for many the characteristics of snags selected by woodpeck-
species, the preferred form is a hollowed-out ers for breeding have been shown to differ from
cavity in a tree. Tree cavities provide shelter from those selected for roosting (Aubry and Raley
wind and rain (Cooper 1999), protect against 2002). Therefore, habitat characteristics associated
predators (Mainwaring 2011), and produce micro- with breeding success are expected to differ from
climates that are buffered from extreme tempera- those associated with overwinter survival. Detailed
tures (Paclik and Weidinger 2007, Coombs et al. knowledge of habitat requirements across the full
2010, Grüebler et al. 2014). While a variety of taxa annual cycle are needed to inform management
take advantage of tree cavities for shelter, the efforts aimed at mitigating the current population
creation of these cavities is the province of primary
cavity excavators: the woodpeckers. Woodpeckers
To address this knowledge gap, we studied Red-
are considered a keystone guild in forested
headed Woodpecker winter habitat associations.
regions, as the cavities they excavate are used by
up to a third of all non-excavating vertebrate taxa Our aim was to determine the features that drive
(Bunnell et al. 1999). Thus, managing forested winter roost-site selection at the patch, tree, and
habitat in a way that promotes woodpecker cavity scales. Winter habitat selection determines
populations benefits the entire overwintering the availability and quality of food and shelter
community. resources, which has consequences for survival.
The Red-headed Woodpecker (Melanerpes er- We expected that Red-headed Woodpeckers would
ythrocephalus) is a primary cavity excavator of the select winter roost sites with characteristics that
eastern deciduous forest that has experienced 68% promote their survival (see methods for specific
range-wide population declines over the past 45 hypotheses). We provide—for the first time—a
year (Rosenberg et al. 2016). Declines have detailed analysis of winter roost-site selection in
resulted in a ‘‘species of continental concern’’ this declining keystone species.
Nickley and Bulluck  Red-headed Woodpecker winter roost-site selection 3

Methods dark to see woodpeckers. While waiting for Red-

Study site headed Woodpeckers to roost, we mapped winter
territories of all individuals observed within our
We studied Red-headed Woodpeckers during
survey grid cell using a modified spot mapping
the winter of 2016 at Fort A.P. Hill (FAPH), a
method (Bibby et al. 2000). We resurveyed points
30,200 ha military installation in northwest
where Red-headed Woodpeckers were detected,
Caroline County, Virginia. FAPH is managed for
but their roosts were not found. We also found
multiple uses: timber harvest, levy construction,
some roosts opportunistically, by tapping a
and prescribed fire are used as tools to open
potential roost snag with a stick, on mornings
corridors for troop activities and create succes-
when light drizzle kept the birds in their roosts past
sional habitat for game species. Intensive manage-
ment at FAPH—combined with the natural sunrise. Waypoints for all roost locations were
diversity of the region—resulted in a variety of taken using a hand-held GPS unit (Garmin
cover types including beaver swamps, mixed International, Olathe, Kansas, USA). We are
closed-canopy forest, oak (Quercus spp.) wood- confident that we located the vast majority of
land, and pine (Pinus spp.) savanna. winter roosts in our focal stand because (1) our
Although Red-headed Woodpeckers occupy survey duration was long (45 min), (2) surveys
many of the cover types available at FAPH in were repeated when individuals were detected but
winter, we chose to limit the scope of our study to no roost was found, and (3) our sample area was
a 41 ha focal stand with a high density of relatively small (1 ha) for each survey.
overwintering Red-headed Woodpeckers. Within
our focal stand, a habitat gradient exists, ranging Habitat measurements
from mostly closed pine-oak forest in the northern We measured roost-site attributes at the patch,
portion of the stand, opening gradually, and tree, and cavity scales, corresponding to second-,
changing composition from oak to pine in the third-, and fourth-order selection, respectively
south (Fig. 1). The shrub layer is dominated by (sensu Johnson 1980). To quantify the character-
Vaccinium species. Variation in vegetation across istics of the roost patch, we established an 11.3 m–
our focal stand resulted, in part, from its radius circular plot centered on the roost tree,
management history. In March 2014 a high- following a modified version of the methods in
intensity prescribed fire moved through the stand Martin et al. (1997). For each 11.3 m–radius plot,
and created a burn mosaic. This added complexity we recorded the number of living trees and snags
to the existing habitat gradient and created a pulse (standing dead trees) 10 cm diameter at breast
of snags. The availability of snags for roosting, height (dbh) and 5 m in height. We created 6
combined with variability in habitat, provided species categories: beech (Fagus grandifolia), pine
options for Red-headed Woodpeckers to choose (Pinus spp.), red oak (Erythrobalanus), white oak
from, presenting us with a unique opportunity to (Leucobalanus), other hardwood (tree not included
investigate their winter roost-site preferences. in the aforementioned categories), and snag; we
then identified each tree to its category and
Roost data collection measured its dbh. We tallied smaller trees and
Between 16 February and 6 April 2016 we shrubs as well as snags measuring ,10 cm dbh,
systematically surveyed our focal stand for Red- but 2 m in height. At the tree scale, we measured
headed Woodpeckers to locate their winter roosts. the roost tree’s dbh, height, number of dead limbs
In order to ensure adequate coverage of the entire 10 cm diameter and 1 m long, number of
focal stand, we split it into 39 grid cells of 1 ha suitable cavities (approximately 4 cm and ,15
each using the fish net feature in ArcGIS 10.3 cm in diameter), tree condition (live or dead),
(ESRI, Redmonds, California, USA) and situated a crown condition (intact or broken), and percent
survey location at the center of each grid cell (Fig. bark on the bole (trunk). At the cavity scale, we
1). We conducted evening surveys at each of these measured the height and orientation of the roost
39 survey locations, starting 45 min before sunset cavity.
and ending after either (1) we saw a Red-headed In order to compare selected roost patches to
Woodpecker enter a roost cavity, or (2) it was too available roost patches within our focal stand, we
4 The Wilson Journal of Ornithology  Vol. 131, No. 4, December 2019

Figure 1. Our focal stand spanned an environmental gradient. Red-headed Woodpeckers responded to variation in vegetation
and clustered their territories in the north end of the stand, where snags and mature oaks were abundant. Roosts were found in
the winter of 2016 (n ¼ 42) during repeated systematic nighttime surveys at survey points (n ¼ 39). Roost kernel density is
shown in grayscale: dark shading corresponds with high roost densities. Cover type classification was based on the VGIN
Virginia Land Cover Product.

established 42 random points using the random strates to excavate their cavities (Bent 1964), so
points feature in ArcGIS 10.3. To make sure that comparing a random tree to the roost tree would
we did not overlap our vegetation measurements, not be appropriate. We measured the same features
we set the minimum distance between roost for the closest snag as for the roost snag.
locations and random points to 32.6 m. All habitat
measurements for the plots centered on random Statistical analyses
points were the same as for plots centered on roost
trees. To compare roost trees to available trees, we We used logistic regression to determine which
measured characteristics of the snag (10 cm dbh, variables drove roost-site selection at the patch and
5 m height) that was the shortest distance from tree scales. Variables included were based on
the roost snag. Red-headed Woodpeckers are weak hypotheses about the role each variable plays in
excavators and require decadent (decayed) sub- influencing roost-site selection (Table 1). At the
Nickley and Bulluck  Red-headed Woodpecker winter roost-site selection 5

Table 1. Variables and hypotheses for habitat features thought to be important for roost-site selection. Variables at the patch
and tree scales were used in our logistic regression models to evaluate their influence and relative importance in driving either
roost patch or roost tree selection.

Scale Variable Hypothesis

Patch Snag basal area Higher values provide (1) larger snags that are more stable and insulated and/or (2)
greater numbers of snags for alternate roosts.
Mast basal area Higher values provides more acorns.
Non-mast basal area Higher values provides more cover and shelter.
Snag basal area*Mast Since snags and mast trees provide complementary resources, the presence of both
basal area together will have a stronger positive effect than the sum effect of snag BA and
mast BA individually.
Tree Diameter at breast Thicker trees are less prone to windthrow and provide better insulation.
Dead limbs More dead limbs provide more substrates for scatter hoarding and potential
roost-cavity sites.
Percent bark Less bark limits access by ground predators.
Crown condition Cavity excavation is easier in trees with broken crowns.
Taxon Investigate potential tree species preference.
Cavity Cavity orientation South-facing orientation preferred for thermoregulation.
Cavity height Higher cavities are better protected from ground predators.

patch scale, many of our variables were correlated model weights. This approach allowed us to
(r  0.5), so we chose a single variable from a pair minimize the effect of uninformative parameters,
of correlated variables to include in our models while still considering all variables of interest
(Quinn and Keough 2002). To reduce variables (Burnham and Anderson 2002, Arnold 2010). We
and minimize multicollinearity, we computed used Wilcoxon rank sum tests to compare patch
combined variables for tree taxa (i.e., white oak, variables between roost and available patches due
red oak, and beech were combined into a mast tree to non-normality.
category) and used basal area as the preferred We used a similar logistic regression approach
measure for tree density, as it scales density by for our analysis of roost-tree selection. At the tree
diameter. We standardized values from this subset scale, we included a nominal variable for tree
of predictor variables and used them to model the taxon and 4 continuous variables: dbh of the roost
odds that a patch contained a Red-headed
tree, number of dead limbs, crown condition, and
Woodpecker roost. We used the R package glmulti
percent bark. In order to include a nominal
(Calcagno 2013, R Core Team 2016) to develop a
variable, we dummy coded tree taxon into 4
fully parameterized global model and all possible
binary variables accounting for each tree taxon,
subsets of reduced models. All model terms are
except red oak—the most common taxon—which
equally frequent in the model set, allowing for
we used as the reference on which the other 4
balanced model averaging (Anderson 2008, Ar-
nold 2010). The global model included 4 param- variables were interpreted (Quinn and Keough
eters: snag basal area, mast tree basal area, non– 2002). All possible models were run and com-
mast tree basal area, and a term for the interaction pared, as above, and we computed the model
of snag basal area with mast tree basal area. Since averaged parameter estimates, their 85% confi-
our primary objective was to determine the relative dence intervals, and cumulative AIC model
influence of predictor variables on roost-patch weights. To quantify differences between the roost
selection, instead of identifying a single ‘‘best’’ snag and the closest available snag, we compared
model from a preestablished model set, we used the number of cavities, number of dead limbs, and
model averaging to sum AIC model weights across percent bark using Wilcoxon rank sum tests due to
all models for each predictor variable included. We non-normality; we compared dbh and tree height
computed the model averaged parameter estimates, using t-tests; and we compared tree taxon using
their 85% confidence intervals, and cumulative Fisher’s exact test and standardized residuals.
6 The Wilson Journal of Ornithology  Vol. 131, No. 4, December 2019

To investigate preferences for cavity placement, living trees did not differ between roost (16.98 m2
we used the Rayleigh test of uniformity to ha1, IQR ¼ 9.97 to 26.60) and available patches
determine if cavity orientation differed from (13.98 m2 ha1, IQR ¼ 6.96 to 22.20, W ¼ 771.0, P
random (Batschelet 1981). Cavity height is limited ¼ 0.323). Snag basal area was higher in roost
by roost tree height, so mean cavity height does patches (5.54 m2 ha1, IQR ¼ 3.06 to 7.89) than in
not indicate a preference for cavity height per se. available patches (0.38 m2 ha1, IQR ¼ 0.00 to
To explore the partial dependent relationship 2.05, W ¼ 326.00, P , 0.001). Results from
between cavity height and tree height, we statistical tests comparing basal area for our tree
regressed the cube-root transformed cavity posi- taxa categories were comparable when tree density
tion (i.e., distance from the top of the roost tree) (number of trees ha1) was used instead of basal
against tree height and used our model to predict area, so we only report the latter. Structural
cavity height from tree height. differences between patches at the shrub level
All analyses were performed in R 3.3.2 and were also significant: roost patches had fewer
RStudio 1.1.383 (RStudio Team 2015, R Core small trees and shrubs (12.46 ha1, IQR ¼ 0.00 to
Team 2016). We used the R package suite 137.11) than available patches (349.00 ha1, IQR
tidyverse to manipulate data and create plots (R ¼ 43.62 to 860.03, W ¼ 1265.00, P , 0.001).
Core Team 2016, Wickham 2017). We based P- Roost patches had more dead limbs (99.71 ha1,
values on 2-tailed tests. When data were not IQR ¼ 56.09 to 230.59) compared to available
normally distributed, we used nonparametric tests patches (49.86 ha1, IQR ¼ 0.00 to 99.71, W ¼
and report the median and the interquartile range 537.50, P ¼ 0.002).
(IQR). Otherwise, we used parametric tests and Roost sites also differed at the tree scale. Roost
report the mean and standard deviation (SD). We snags differed from the closest snag taxonomically
report 85% confidence intervals, instead of the (P ¼ 0.003), with red oaks selected (std. residual ¼
standard 95%, to be fully compatible with AIC 2.03) and Virginia pines avoided (std. residual ¼
(Arnold 2010). 2.99) by Red-headed Woodpeckers (Fig. 3a).
Crown condition differed between roost snags and
the closest snag, with roost snags having a greater
Results proportion of broken crowns (P ¼ 0.003; Fig. 3b).
Roost snags tended to be larger in diameter (31.27
We found 42 Red-headed Woodpecker roosts
cm, SD 11.58) than the closest available snag (Fig.
during the winter of 2016. We found at least one
3c; 25.87 cm, SD 7.91, t ¼ 2.19, P ¼ 0.031), but
roost for every 1 ha grid we surveyed where a Red-
this difference was not significant after adjusting
headed Woodpecker was detected. Roost density
for multiple testing (a ¼ 0.01). They did not differ
for occupied grids was 1.83 ha1, and overall
in the percentage of bark (75%, IQR ¼ 40.00 to
density in the focal stand was 1.02 ha1. Roosts
80.00 vs. 60%, IQR ¼ 26.25 to 90.00, W ¼ 922.00,
were primarily located in the denser mixed woods
P ¼ 0.722), and neither roost snags nor closest
in the northern part of the focal stand, with
available snags tended to have dead limbs (0.00,
clustering in areas with abundant snags and oaks IQR ¼ 0.00 to 0.00 vs. 0.00, IQR ¼ 0.00 to 0.00, W
(Fig. 1). ¼ 819.50, P ¼ 0.604).
Roost cavity height varied (10.45 m, SD 3.68),
Habitat measurements
but was limited by roost snag height (12.72 m, SD
Density plots show that roost-sites differed from 5.58). The roost cavity was often near the top of
available sites at the patch scale (Fig. 2). Roost the roost snag (median distance ¼ 0.50 m, IQR ¼
patches had higher mast tree basal area (11.74 m2 0.20 to 2.30). Our regression analysis indicates
ha1, IQR ¼ 6.62 to 22.19) compared to available roost snag height explained 51.9% of variability of
patches (2.82 m2 ha1, IQR ¼ 0.00 to 9.97, W ¼ cavity height relative to the snag top (R2 ¼ 0.519,
457.00, P , 0.001), while non–mast tree basal F1,40 ¼ 43.24, P , 0.001). Since our aim was to
area was lower in roost patches (3.82 m2 ha1, IQR determine if Red-headed Woodpeckers have a
¼ 0.74 to 5.77), compared to available patches preference for cavity height per se, we used our
(7.21 m2 ha1, IQR ¼ 3.74 to 15.35, W ¼ 1260.50, regression model to predict cavity height over the
P , 0.001). However, combined basal area of all range of roost snag heights (Fig. 4; range ¼ 2.8–
Nickley and Bulluck  Red-headed Woodpecker winter roost-site selection 7

Figure 2. Density curves of habitat variables measured at roost patches (n ¼ 42) and randomly established availability
patches (n ¼ 42). Asterisk (*) indicates significance at the 0.05 level after Bonferroni correction (a ¼ 0.008).
8 The Wilson Journal of Ornithology  Vol. 131, No. 4, December 2019

Figure 3. Characteristics of roost trees compared to the closest available snag. (a) A count of snags by taxon, (b) proportion
of snags with either broken or intact crowns, and (c) snag diameter at breast height.

26.8 m). Cavity orientation did not differ from show Red-headed Woodpecker roost-site selection
random (z ¼ 0.1317, P ¼ 0.512). was positively influenced by snag basal area and
Variables driving roost-site selection—Our 2 mast basal area, while non-mast basal area had a
roost-site selection model sets were constructed negative effect. The odds of a patch containing a
from variables hypothesized to be important for Red-headed Woodpecker roost increased 3.12
this species at either the patch or tree scale. At the times for each SD (3.91 m2 ha1) increase in snag
patch scale, the most important variable was snag basal area. A single SD (10.69 m2 ha1) increase in
basal area, followed by mast basal area and non- mast tree basal area more than doubled the odds of
mast basal area (Table 2). The interaction term for a patch containing a roost. To the contrary, a SD
mast basal area*non-mast basal was the least (6.54 m2 ha1) increase in non-mast tree basal area
important. Model averaged adjusted odds ratios decreased the odds of a patch being a roost patch
Nickley and Bulluck  Red-headed Woodpecker winter roost-site selection 9

Table 2. Model averaged adjusted odds ratios of parameter

estimates and their 85% confidence intervals for model sets
at the patch and tree scale. Odds ratios represent the change
in the odds of a patch or a tree containing a Red-headed
Woodpecker for each SD increase in the variable. Variable
importance weight (wi) is determined by summing Akaike
weights of all models in which the variable appears and
normalizing to 1. Confidence intervals that do not overlap 1
indicate a difference in the odds.

Scale Parameter Estimate 85% CI weight

Patch Snag BA 3.12 1.79–5.42 0.99

Mast BA 2.39 1.36–4.21 0.95
Non-mast BA 0.43 0.23–0.84 0.90
Figure 4. Winter roost cavity height is maximized in shorter Mast BA*Snag BA 1.06 0.80–1.41 0.27
roost trees, but varies widely as roost tree height increases. Tree Crown Condition 0.10 0.03–0.28 1.00
Shorter trees typically had broken crowns (circles) and taller VA Pine 0.09 0.03–0.33 0.98
trees usually had their crowns intact (triangles). Solid line DBH 1.60 0.87–2.93 0.70
represents the back-transformed predictions, and dashed Dead Limbs 1.48 0.82–2.69 0.64
lines represent 95% confidence intervals, from our regres- Unk Tree 2.78 0.50–15.51 0.58
sion model of cube-root cavity distance from the top of the White Oak 0.68 0.28–1.65 0.42
roost snag as a function of tree height: Cavity distance from Percent Bark 1.05 0.83–1.34 0.29
snag top1/3 (m) ¼ 0.08013 * Roost snag height (m)  0.0145. Loblolly Pine 1.00 0.69–1.46 0.25

by 43%. We interpret the influence of the

we found both mast and snag basal area positively
interaction of mast basal area and snag basal area
influenced winter roost-site selection. The roost
as insignificant, as the 85% CI for the parameter trees selected by Red-headed Woodpeckers in this
estimate contains 1. study were almost exclusively snags: of the 42
Crown condition was the most influential roosts we found, only one was in a living tree.
variable at the tree scale, followed by tree taxon Red-headed Woodpeckers are weak cavity exca-
(e.g., Virginia pine in reference to red oak) and vators and depend on dead wood in order to create
dbh. Snags with intact crowns had a negative roost cavities (Bent 1964). It is not surprising,
influence on roost-snag selection, as did Virginia then, that snag availability limits winter roost-site
pine in reference to red oak. A snag with an intact selection. But why does increasing snag basal area
crown decreased the odds of being a roost snag by markedly increase the odds of a patch being
90%. Similarly, a snag that was a Virginia pine selected as a roost site, when one snag should
decreased the odds of that snag being a roost by suffice? Kilham (1958) observed that Red-headed
89% compared to a red oak snag. While dbh Woodpeckers overwintering in Maryland had a
increased the odds of a snag being a roost by 1.60 primary roost and at least one alternate roost.
times, the confidence interval around this param- Selecting a patch with many snags hedges against
eter estimate at the 0.85 level marginally includes structural failure or usurpation of any particular
1, so we do not claim a positive effect. The snag, which would otherwise leave a woodpecker
remaining variables were less important and all out in the cold.
had parameter estimates with 85% confidence Beyond functioning as potential roost sites,
intervals that contain 1, and are therefore are snags also act as substrates for storing mast (Hay
interpreted as uninfluential. 1887). Red-headed Woodpeckers are hoarders,
collecting acorns and beech nuts in the fall,
depositing them centrally near their roost, then
redistributing them among various cache sites
We found Red-headed Woodpecker roost sites within their territories (Kilham 1983, Doherty et
differed from random sites for many of the al. 1996). Kilham (1983) found this behavior
characteristics we measured. At the patch scale, prudent, as mast stores are subject to pilfering from
10 The Wilson Journal of Ornithology  Vol. 131, No. 4, December 2019

Red-bellied Woodpeckers (Melanerpes carolinus), to a communal gathering site limits aggressive

Blue Jays (Cyanocitta cristata), and mammals. interactions associated with crossing territory
Scattering acorns among many cache sites insures boundaries.
against catastrophic loss: this is the aphoristic Although the interaction between snag basal
‘‘eggs in one basket’’ hypothesis. Cracks in snags area and mast basal area was not an important
and dead limbs often serve as important storage predictor of roost patch selection in our models,
substrates and ‘‘anvil’’ sites, where acorns are the additive influence of these resources was clear.
broken apart (Doherty et al. 1996, B. Nickley pers. The combination of mast trees and snags at the
observ.). In our study, we found dead limbs to be north end of our focal stand correlated with a high
more common in roost patches compared to density of roosts (1.83 roosts ha1) and small
available patches. Snags and limbs therefore territories in that area (Fig. 1). Red-headed
facilitate the storage and processing of mast crops. Woodpecker density (1.02 roosts ha1) in our
There are many anecdotal accounts of the link focal stand was similar to winter territory sizes
between mast tree crops and Red-headed Wood- observed by Moskovits (1978; 0.97 ha, SD 0.3)
pecker distribution in the literature, but few and MacRoberts (1975; 1.0 ha, SD 0.2). Several
empirical studies of this relationship. We found authors have suggested that Red-headed Wood-
that mast tree basal area positively influenced pecker winter territory size may be compressible
winter roost-site selection. Our results are consis- based on the abundance of resources (Kilham
tent with Smith and Scarlett (1987), who showed 1958, MacRoberts 1975, Moskovits 1978, Doherty
Red-headed Woodpecker abundance was positive- et al. 1996). Johnson et al. (2006) demonstrated
ly correlated with acorn production in Missouri. that winter habitat quality correlated with territory
Similarly, Graber et al. (1977) observed a strong density for American Redstarts (Setophaga ruti-
positive relationship (r . 0.909) between over- cilla) overwintering in Jamaica. The clustering
wintering Red-headed Woodpecker numbers and pattern of roosts in our focal stand, along with the
oaks of acorn-bearing size in Illinois. In our study, selection for patches with abundant resources,
we did not estimate mast production, but similar to suggests woodpecker density indicates winter
Graber et al. (1977), used mast producing trees habitat quality for Red-headed Woodpeckers,
(10 cm dbh) as a proxy for the mast crop itself. although data on overwinter survival is needed to
Mast production is often synchronized within confirm this (Van Horne 1983).
closely related species over local to regional Winter territories that are densely packed with
spatial scales (Koenig and Knops 2005), so within resources can be relatively small, while still
a given year, the abundance of mast trees is a good providing winter needs (Doherty et al. 1996).
indicator of the mast crop. Smaller territories with concentrated resources are
Selecting roost patches with abundant mast trees more economical to defend than large territories
may limit energy expenditures during acorn with diffuse resources (Brown 1964). Economiz-
gathering in the fall. Close proximity between ing defense may be particularly important for Red-
mast trees and storage sites limits the flight headed Woodpeckers because they vigorously
distances required to gather acorns and frees up defend their territories, not only from conspecifics,
time for harvesting and storing. MacRoberts but from a whole host of mast-dependent species
(1975) and Doherty et al. (1996) both observed (Frei et al. 2017). Moskovits (1978) observed
that mast harvesting occurred primarily from frequent aggressive encounters between Red-
within well-defined and strictly defended territory headed Woodpeckers defending mast stores and
boundaries, precluding extraterritorial gathering. intruders. Moreover, attacks on heterospecifics
Thus, selecting a winter territory with an adequate were in proportion to their reliance on mast as a
supply of mast trees was imperative, as the entire winter food source. Defending a territory against
winter food supply depended on it. However, conspecifics is task enough for many species, even
Kilham (1958) and Moskovits (1978) observed in the breeding season when resources are less
that mast trees were often situated outside of limited (Brown 1964, Marler et al. 1995). The
territory boundaries, in undefended communal prospect of defending a territory against an entire
areas. Nevertheless, proximity to mast trees guild—during a period of limited resources—
remains important, as having a territory adjacent places strong pressure on Red-headed Woodpeck-
Nickley and Bulluck  Red-headed Woodpecker winter roost-site selection 11

ers to economize on defense by selecting patches this preference. Some tree species produce defen-
with clustered resources. These patches may also sive chemicals that inhibit fungal growth and slow
be targeted by migrating individuals making the process of decay, even after death (Campbell
settlement decisions in the fall, as they are more and Clark 1960). Specifically, Harmon (1982)
conspicuous (Saab and Dudley 1998). Therefore, found that heartwood in oaks decayed at a faster
areas with high resource density may limit winter rate than pines in the southern Appalachians.
habitat selection in this species and influence However, it is important to consider that decay in
overwinter survival. wood is a continuum (Cain 1996). The preference
In addition to preferences for habitat character- we observed for red oaks in 2016 may shift to
istics surrounding the roost patch, we show that Virginia pines, as red oaks decay further and
Red-headed Woodpeckers are sensitive to fine- become too unstable and porous to provide shelter,
scale differences among potential roost trees. Tree while Virginia pines decay enough to allow
condition, specifically broken crown status, greatly excavation.
increased the odds of a snag being a roost. While Contrary to our predictions, percent bark and
we are unaware of any studies that investigated cavity orientation had no influence on roost snag
winter roost tree preferences for Red-headed selection. Red-headed Woodpeckers have been
Woodpeckers, Hudson and Bollinger (2013) shown to prefer smooth snags as nest sites during
observed that nest chambers were more frequently the breeding season, possibly to inhibit access by
excavated in snags with broken crowns. Broken ground predators, such as snakes (Hudson and
crowns expose heartwood and gather moisture, Bollinger 2013). During the winter, predation from
forming a suitable substrate for colonization of ectothermic snakes is unlikely. Additionally,
lignicolous fungi, responsible for heartwood mammals likely pose less of a threat to roosting
softening (Haggard and Gaines 2001, Jackson adult Red-headed Woodpeckers, with the ability to
and Jackson 2004). We found roost cavities were flush and escape predation, than they do their eggs
often located within 0.5 m from the top of a broken and chicks. With regard to roost cavity orientation,
snag, further supporting this idea. Although decay south-facing cavities are warmer on average
makes cavity excavation easier, it also compro- (Wiebe 2001, Coombs et al. 2010), and wood-
mises the structural stability of the snag (Thomas peckers in northern latitudes tend to orient cavities
et al. 1979). But the benefits of advanced decay toward the south (Landler et al. 2014). But factors
may outweigh the costs for winter roost-tree other than solar radiation influence the thermal
selection, in contrast to nest-tree selection. Winter properties of the roost cavity. Covert-Bratland et
roost excavation occurs simultaneously with the al. (2007) found that Hairy Woodpeckers (Dry-
most active period of hard mast collection and obates villosus) excavated cavities that oriented
caching in the fall (Moskovits 1978). Selecting a away from prevailing winter winds, rather than
roost tree that is easier to excavate frees up time to toward the sun. Also, Red-headed Woodpeckers
gather mast. In contrast to nest trees that contain may be limited in their ability to orient a cavity
the brood, stability of winter roost trees is less of a based solely on thermal benefits, as wood hardness
concern, provided other suitable roost sites are likely factors into their decision (Jackson and
within the winter territory. This may also be why Jackson 2004).
we did not find dbh to be a significant predictor of Optimal cavity height is thought to vary from
winter roost trees. Although Red-headed Wood- species to species based on a variety of ecological
peckers prefer larger-diameter snags during the factors (Jackson and Jackson 2004). Covert-Brat-
breeding season for their structural support (Vierl- land et al. (2007) found Hairy Woodpecker winter
ing and Lentile 2006, Berl et al. 2015), the roost cavities were 8 m (SD 2) from the ground,
necessity of finding a snag that can be quickly and while tree height was 18.9 m (SD 2.7). In that
efficiently excavated may override preferences for study, cavities were not limited by tree height, and
larger-diameter snags in the winter. the mean cavity height accurately reflects cavity
Red-headed Woodpeckers also discriminated height preference. In our study, cavity height was
among available snags taxonomically, with a clear limited by roost tree height, with cavities on
preference for red oak and against Virginia pines. shorter snags often situated near the top of the
Taxon-specific rates of wood decay may underlie snag. Our median cavity height was 9.6 m;
12 The Wilson Journal of Ornithology  Vol. 131, No. 4, December 2019

however, predictions of cavity height from our

regression model asymptote near 15 m (Fig. 4). We
believe this better represents optimal winter roost
cavity height for Red-headed Woodpeckers than
the median.
Our focal stand allowed us to study preferences
in roost-site selection at 3 spatial scales across an
environmental gradient. However, Red-headed
Woodpeckers occupy other habitats in winter;
therefore, we do not suggest that the relationships
we found will hold in all contexts. To the contrary,
we acknowledge the uniqueness of our focal stand.
The high-intensity fire in 2014 created a pulse of
snags: equivalent snag densities are unlikely to
occur in undisturbed habitats. Yet undisturbed
mature forests are also used by overwintering Red-
headed Woodpeckers, and may have advantages
over disturbed areas for winter roosting (Doherty
et al. 1996). During winter surveys for another Figure 5. Density of large snags (.25 cm dbh) was higher
in roost patches compared to available patches. Median large
study, we found high densities of Red-headed snag density and the IQR is shown for roost (black circle)
Woodpeckers in an undisturbed forested ravine and available (hollow circle) patches. As snags continue to
dominated by mature beech trees and containing decay and fall, the overall snag density in our focal stand
several oak species (B. Nickley, unpubl. data). The will decrease, limiting the usefulness of this stand for
selection of roost sites in this stand is likely overwintering Red-headed Woodpeckers in the future. The
solid line represents the predictions of large snag loss in our
different from that in the focal stand we used in focal stand based on Cain’s (1996) exponential decay model:
this study, as the predominant characteristic of our Nt ¼ N0ert. Cain estimated the large hardwood snag
focal stand (i.e., snags) was all but absent from the fragmentation rate (snag to stump) at 5.28% loss per year
beech ravine. When snags are lacking during the (r ¼ 0.058). Mean large snag density in our focal stand was
32.14 in 2016, 2 years after the prescribed burn. Predicted
breeding season, Red-headed Woodpeckers exca-
snag density at t ¼ 0 (2014) was 35.72. In 2021 (t ¼ 7), large
vate cavities in large dead limbs and rotting nubs snag density is predicted to drop below the minimum
within live trees (Rodewald et al. 2005). Over- density of 85% of the occupied roost patches (N7 , 25).
mature trees in closed-canopy forest accumulate
injuries, through self-pruning and summer limb snag production and loss (Agee 2002, Chambers
drop, that are susceptible to fungal invasion and Mast 2005). Our focal stand experienced a
(Harris 1983) allowing woodpeckers to establish pulse of snags after fire consistent with a ‘‘boom,’’
roosts in live trees (Jackson and Jackson 2004). however, the ‘‘bust’’ is sure to follow (Fig. 5). Red-
Roost sites within living trees have advantages
headed Woodpeckers are nomadic and responsive
over the roosts selected in our focal stand: cavities
to resource pulses, be it snags generated from fire
in limbs provide concealment (Berl et al. 2015)
or girdling (Kilgo and Vukovich 2014), or a
and those in dead areas within living boles are
bumper crop of acorns or beechnuts (Smith and
structurally superior and provide thermal advan-
tages (Coombs et al. 2010). Fire and timber Scarlett 1987). Since FAPH is a large (30,200 ha)
harvest could be detrimental to these areas as landscape composed of a patchwork of stands that
beech trees are fire intolerant and are most receive different levels of disturbance, careful
competitive in low-light conditions (Parshall and management could maintain overall snag and mast
Foster 2002). tree levels through a landscape-scale ‘‘bounded
We recognize the value of both fire-disturbed equilibrium’’ (sensu Turner et al. 1993) of boom
habitat and undisturbed habitat for overwintering and bust cycles among forest stands. In areas
populations of Red-headed Woodpeckers. Stands where such large-scale management is possible,
that are exposed to disturbance by fire can be maintenance of a mosaic of both disturbed and
described by boom–bust cycles with respect to undisturbed mature stands will benefit Red-headed
Nickley and Bulluck  Red-headed Woodpecker winter roost-site selection 13

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