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Who'd want to marry Henry VIII? Henry Vill had more wives than any other British king. Being his wife must have been avery tricky business. They may have enjoyed a luxurious lifestyle, but there were enormous risks involved. So which wife did he accuse of being a witch? Who did he divorce for being too ugly? And who did he have executed for having a boyfriend before she met him? "Your taskis to ook through the tangled love life of Henry. Imagine that you area fiend of Katherine Part She isa sensible, inteligent and kind 31-year (ld widow and 52-year-old King Henry wants to marry her. She would be Henry's sixth wife, Despite her famiy’s pleasure thatthe king has chosen hey, she salle bit worried, pethaps frightened, The marriage date has been set for 12 July 1543, Your jb as her fiend, sto give her advice. Carefully read about each of Henry previous wives and what went wrong for them. How might Katherine be able ro keep the king happy? What shouldnt shetdo? (Catherine of Aragon ‘Wife Number 1: 1500-1533 + She was Catalie + ASpansh pincess once marie 2 Herysclder tether se boo frenasip wih Span She maser nd popula ‘Aner mae babes ded which angered Heng wh wares 2mae hr siehada dager cake ay who sued, + en taut Cerne ws old ad rng hen ne Icha Totes Ne ores her ail Henryhada party to celebrate Catherine’ death in 1536 there were rumous atthe time that shed been posoned), He even were yellow clothes, the trational colour of elevation! == ‘© Explain why Henry married so many women. Examine what happened fo each of his wives 1 Advise his sixth wife on how to survive being married te Henry. Lets start by looking atthe ageing king 52 years old Cruel, bad tempered and paranoid. Once he was 50

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