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Air Pollution

What is Air Pollution?

Air pollution is the contamination of the

air with impurities.

Effects of Air Pollution

Carbon monoxide

Sulphur dioxide

Steel Corrodes in
polluted air

Sulphur oxides caused
by burning coal.

Effect of weather and

What is the Greenhouse Effect?

This is described as the global

atmospheric warming caused by the heating of atmospheric gases which are
prevented from rising.
Causes of Green House effect

The burning of fossil

Burning of oil and

massive removal of trees  contributes to
a built up of carbon dioxide


Consequences of the Greenhouse effect

Melting of the ice
caps causing the rise in sea levels.

Rise in temperature.

Excessive heat may
cause climatic changes

Activities used to reduce the Green House

Substitutes for


Solutions to Air Pollution

Strict laws to ensure
factories install pollution control devices.

Use of alternative
sources of fuel.

Factories should be
required to make waste gases harmless by releasing them into the atmosphere.

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