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Adieu, The . 686 H elper of Men, A • 6o3

Along the Vesuvian Shore, . . 9, 40, 69, Holy Crown of Thorns, The-R. S., 216
.93, 122, 149, 18o, 207, 235, 261, 291, 315 Holy Lance and Nails, The-R. S., . . 240
Anecdote of Ruskin, An 129 Holy Shroud or Winding-Sheet, The-R. S., 299
Anger, . 128 Holy Ghost (The), A Favor of . . 433
Antiphon of the Little 0A1ce, An . 271 Holy Infancy, A Legend of the . 43
Apostle of the Working-Men, The 125, 141, 176 Holy Childhood (The), The Golden Jubilee of 561
Archbishop's Adventure, The . 376 Homeless Man, A . 214
Asceticism of Our Divine Lord, The 169, 197 Hospitable Catholic Home, An • 75
Hospitals, . . . 511
Bidding, A 13 How St. Philip Made a Salnt.-Tke At~llu>r oj
Bigotry Rebuked, 45 "Tyborne," 211
Bit of Steel, A . 268
• Blessed Virgin (The), A Type of 617 In Fashion and Out, , . 381
Bradstow, Our !.ady of . 521 Ireland, Martyr Memories of 595, 623, 653, 673
Irish Biography, A Neglected Chapter of 37
Campocavallo, The Prodigy of 154 I rish Poet, An Unknown 85
Call to the Counsels, The-L. W. R., 459
Chance or Providence ? . • 398 James II. of England, 57
Chapter of Neglected Irish Biography, A - The
.. R ev. I. Rajmumd, .
Charity in the Middle Age.-T!te R ev. Reubm
. 37 Keeping of Lent, The •
Kolplng (Ado!f).-Ellis S cnrciber,
• t83
125, I.ty, 176
Pars011s1 .D. D., 511
Colorless Catholics, 217 Legend of the Publemont, The-Gewge Prosj('ro, 657
Concerning Anger, 128 L egend of the Holy Infancy, A-T. A.M., 43
Concerning Tact, . . 73 Lent, Lessons for 1fJ9, 197
Convert Queen, A . . . . 185 Lent, The Keeping of 183
Confraternity's May Celebration, A-William D . Leo XIII., . 225
Kelly, . 533 Lessons for L ent, . 169, 197
Courtesy, The D ecay of 520 1ttle Office, An Antiphon of the . 271
Counsels (The), The Call to
Cross, Mary .
Cure's Sacrifice, The-C. O'Ctmbr Ecdcs,
;1 ou rdes, . .
Lourdes, Our Lady of Amongst Turks,
Lourdes, A Recent Marvel at
113, 576
Cure of Ars, The . . 5!!9, 628 Lourdes, Our Lady of, A Favor of 15

Daily Bread of the Poor, The Maintenon, Mad. de , • 253, 288

D ecay of Courtesl.• The Making Pretend, . . · 549
Deed of a Saint, '1 he Martyr Memories of Ireland.- Aml(l T. Sadlier,
Dies Irre, The • . . 595. 623, 653. 673
Downtrodden Sex, The Mnrvel of Our Own Time, A (Illustration) S!j(), 628
Mary, An O ld Testament Type of . 575
Easter-Egg, An- Tile Author o/" Ty/l()rnc," 352 Mary, The Physical Beauty of 547
Easter Observances, . 382 Martyrs of the Sacred I !eart, . . 630
Egyptian Exile, The (Illustration) 1 Marquis of the Old Regime, A-TheCqmfesu de
England, Shrines of Our Lady in . 421 Courson. . . 348, 373, 401, ~30, 449
~)!.vor of Our Lady of Lourdes, A
May In the Olden Time.-JI.fario" Ames T"ggart, 505
• 15 Memory of a Mother, The . . 383
~~avor of the Holy Ghost, A 433 Message of a Bell, The-George Pro.<j>ero, 487, 515
Fit·st Robin, The . . . 297 "Modern" Education, . • 393
First Witnesses of the Resurrection, The (Illus- Modern Esther, A -Tke R !'u. Reubrn Pm-.<.ms,
tration) . . . 337 D. D., . . 253, 288
For Our Country.- A. G. Ewing, . . 379 Mrs. Nolan's Rosary.-JI.fagdale11 Rock, . . 2<4
Found in a Coat-Pocket.- Ffqrallailles Loughead, 6oo Much-Maligned Monarch, A - Tile Rev. Reuber~
Pttrsons, D. D., 57
Gentle Voice, A . . 44
Golden Jubilee of the Holy Childhood, The-- New Anthology of Our Lady, A - Katkarhte
L. W. R eilly, 561 Tynatt, . 539
Grave Peril, A . 16 New Poet Laureate, The ssr
Great Physician's Diplomacy, A 326 Noble Project, A 100

Noble Mind Obscured, A . 157 Rhyme with Reason, A 353

Notes and Remarks, . . 17, 46, 76, ror, 130, Rich and Poor, 578
158, rl:l6, 217, 242, 272, 300, ,327, 355, 384, ~u, Rosy Day, A 632
439, 467, 493, S24, ss2, .sSo, 6os, 634. 66r, 692 Ruskin, 157. 551
Notices of Ne w Publications, 20, 133, 302, 496, 6o7 Ruskin, An Anecdote of 129

Obituaries, 21,49, 78, 104, 134, r6o, rSS, z19, 24S• 274, Sacred Heart, Martyrs of the 630
303. 330,3S7,386,413,470,497, S26, " Santa Maria," The . . 523
582,6oS,636, 663,694 Scottish Catholic Novelist and Poetess, A-P.
Old Testament Type of Mary, An - Ellis Goldie Wilso11, . 456
Schreiber, . 57S Shrines of Our Lady in Engl:md.-Elli$ Sckreibrr, 421
Old Story, The . . 465 Significant New Departure, A . . 466
Our Lady, A.New Anthology of 539 Significant Book List, A 156
Our Lady of Bradstow.- E. W. Beck, SH Some Threads Untangled, 325
Our Lady, Shrines of, in England, 421 St. Philip Neri-llow he Made a Saint, 21 1
Our Lady of Lourdes, A Favor of rs St. Patrick's Scattered Children.- Tltc Rev.
Our Lady's Month (Illustration), 477 Atulre•v Dovley, . . 281
Our Lady's Sorrowful Way, . . 309 St. Joseph in ·Pclil of the Sen.- F. N., C. P., 29S
Our Lady of Lourdes Among Turks.-Atma T. Story Told in Seville, A-From tiM SpaHis!t of
Sadlier, . . 36S Pad1·e Coloma, <y. M. T., 319
Our Holy Father Leo XIII. (Illustration), 22S Story of Memorial Day, A 6oo
Our Lady of Pontmnln.-Gcorge Prospero, 29, 65 Suzette, 462
Ij Our Lady of the Distaff,
Our Cynic Free~ His Mind,
. .
99 Tact, . . . 73
Out of the Fashion, 659 Talks at the Tea-Table.- Loui,<a llfay Dalto11, 13,
44· 73. 99· 128, 152, 183, 214, 238,
Peep Into Blackwood, A 241 268, 297, 325, 353, 381,409, 436, 46_s,
Perverted Aphorism, A 436 . 492, 520, 549· 578, 6o3, 632, 659. 686
Physical and Moral Cure, A 576 Through the Promises, . . 68o
Physical Beauty of Mary, The 547 Traces of Travcl.-Ckarlcs Warre11 Stoddard, 9, 40,
Plus IX., A R eminiscence of . 97 . 69,931 1221 149· I8o, 207, 23S 1 261, 291 1 315
Point of View, The-Ella Lorrait~e Dorsey, 437 Turks, Our Lady of L ourdes amongst, 365
Pope Jullua II., More than a Protector of Artists. Type of the Blessed Virgin, A . 617
-Tite Rev. Reube11 Par.<o11s, D. D., 6fS
Pontmaln, Our Lady of 29, 65 Unknown Irish Poet, An-Katharitre Tyna11, ~5
Poor, Rich and . . 578
Poor (The), The Dally Bread of " 238 Vocation of Edward Conway, The- Jlfauricc
Pretty Incident, A . . 66o Fra11cis Eg<m, . . 4• 34. 61,
Pretty Custom, A-7· F., 354 . 89. 116, '45· 172, 203, 228, 257. 28f, 312, J41,
Professor's Indictment, A . 689 · 369, 405, 48o, 505, S35, 570. S92, 620, 6f9, 677
Prodigy of Catnpocavallo, The . 154 What Should be Our Gratitude toward "Mod·
Praised by a Pope.- William D. Kt!lly, 232 ern" Education?- Tltc Rev. Reube11 Par·
S01M, D. D., 393
Rt-adlngs from Remembered Books, . 689 What Next? . . 152
Rebecca a Type of the Blessed Virgin. - Ellis Witness's Account of a '\Vondrous Event, A
S chreiber, . 617 -..C\ara Trainer Smith, . 684
Recent Marvel at Lourdes, A 483 Wondrous Event (A), A \Vitness's Account of 6!>4
Reminiscence of Plus IX., A 97 \Vondrous Spectacle, A . . .S23
Resurrection (The), The First Witnesses of 337 Wonder Spot of the World, The 113


Ash-vVcdnesday, . . 169 Heart (The) which so Loved Men, .

At Midnight Ne:w the Sea.-Mary E. llfmmix, 373 His Name was John.-F. E. Gilliat Smith,
Hope.- The Rev. A. B. O'Neill, C. S. C.,
Baptism of Jesus, The-M. E. M., . 486 How Glorious this 1\Ionth.- Casria,
Before a Picture of St. Joseph.- T. A.M., 253
Bethlehem, The Star of 9 In Memory, K. F.- llf. E. M.,

Captive, The-Katken'1re M. Morse, 627 Judge Not.-B. R. S.,

Carmen .Marlanum.-" A," 5'4 Land Unseen, A - Cascia, . 561
Complaint, A - ilfary, • 533 L egend of the Fuchsia, A - ]lfaf!tlalen Rock, 68o
Consolatrlx Affilctorum.- ilfagdalen Rock, . 113 L egend of St. Martin, J\-flarrict Jlf. Skidmore, 176
Cry of a Heart, The-S. II., 599 Life's Lesson.-Jifarion Ames Taggart, . 40
Life's Voyage.- From Ike Germ<m of Gottjrird
Foster· Father of Our Lord.- Jif. Elizabeth Stare, 232 Ar11old, . 673
Life's Passlon.- A. B. O'N., 318
Gratitude.-Sylvi<r /lu11ting, Love in Disguise.-Artlmr Barry, sos
Index. vii

Martyrdom of St. Blandina, The-The Rev. Fred- Resurrection, The-A Miracle Play.-Katkarine
crick George Lee, D. D., 64 Tynatl, 345
l\laler Doloroba, 'l'he-llfcrccdcs, 324
Sacred Trefoil, A-Eugene Davis, 197
Maler Mea.-Cascia, 94 Scala Santa, The-Eugene Davis, 315
Memorare.-A1 thur Barry, 281 Star of Bethlehem, The-Eugene Davis, 9
Mother and l'llald.-E. Beck, 449 Stay with Us, Lord.- William D. Kelly, 365
St. Blandina, The Martyrdom of ~
Offertory (Mu&ic).-F. 'f. Liscombe, . . r 11-112 St. Francis de Sales.-ilfary E. ilfmmix, 2o6
0 Mother Mine (!'l!usic).-Il. E. /1£., 0. S. B., 588 St. Francis. -S. ltf. P. . . 4~
Orphan and the Star, The-llfary E. liimmix, 570 St. Joseph, Before a Picture of . 253
Our Lady's Espou•als.- William D. Kelly, . . 85 St. Joseph's Lilies.-J!osrf>h W. S. Norris, 455
Our Lady's 1\:liracles.-Tkc Rev. A. B. O'Neill, St. Martin, A Legend of 176
c. s. c., . . 141
Out of the Desert.-Sara Trainer Smith, . . 261 Tapestry of Life, The-Cascia, 403
Our Little Lady of the Incarnation.-Elea11or The Lord Is Risen.-Cascia, . 337
C. Don11elly, . . 309 To Christopher Columbus.-Edmtmdof the Heart
of Mary, C. P., · · · 547
Passing of the Lord, The-/11/. E. M., 33 To Leo XIII.-Edmnnd of the Heart of Mary,
Petition, A -Sara Trainer Smith, . 430 C. P., 225
Purification, The, A Miracle Play.-Katluzrit~e To One In Doubt.-A. Barry, 393
Tyttatl, I 20
VIaticum in Lima, The-Thomas Walsh, 287
Rest by the Way.-Ednumd of tkc Heart of Mary,
~p~ . . Yearning.-The Rt. Rev. 'J. L. Sjaldit~g, D. D., 589



Ansgar's Dreams, and \Vhat Came of Them, 135 King (The) and the Miller,
Artistic Touch, The • . 420
Little Mail . Carrier, The- Tkc Rev. Francis
Bad Beginning for a Saint, A 358 Ca.<sily, S. 'J., 392
Bingen, A Good Boy of . . 527
Boy (A) who Wanted to be:\ Saint, . 105 Mary Nevil's }l'oble Deed.-Sara Trainer Smith,
Bridge Medal, The- Flora Jlaines Loughead, 441 1\Iaytime Incident, A-Sylvia llunting, . .
Burke and the Maniac, 3o8 Motto by Chance, A
Cadi (The) who Loved Justiee.-Frmtcesca, 695
Calvary Clover.-.Frtmcc.<ca, . . 336 Neglected Hero, A
Camels, Needles' Eyes, and St. Casimir -Uncle Noble Action, A
A11stin, . 250
Captain of the Van Loon, The-Francesca, 27 People of Few Words, A
Cardinal and the Cake, The-Fmncesca, 224
Case of Discipline, A 56o Queer Title, A-Franccsett,
Children's Audience with Leo XIII., The 168
Real Little Lady, A-UHclc Austi11
Diego's Dream.-.1Vario1~ 'f. Bnmowe, so Royal Act, A . .
Royal in Patience as in Rank,
Family Holiday Abroad, A- Mary Cat!~eri11e
Crowley, . . 22, 52, 82, 107, Some Clever Jesters,
137. 162, 192, 220, 247. 276, 304, 36o, 388, Sparing of Moments,
•P5> 445. SOl, S29, SS7. 612, 637, 668, 6g6 Statue Within, The
St. Casimir,
Golden Deed Recalled, A . 246 St. Ephrem-How He Learned Greek,
Good Boy of Bingen, A-Father Cheerl•cart, 527 St. Prisca, The Story of .
Good·Kight Stories.- Uncle At~slin, . . 358, 498 Sultan's Rebuke, The
Grandmamma's Schooldays.-Hc/ell Atteridge,. 471
Theodora's Vision.-Edith Stai11jorth,
"Hail Mary'' In Chinese, (The) 336 Things Xot Generally Known,
"Hail Mary" in Japanese, The 5~ Two Little Proteges,
Height of Impudence, The . 28o
History of a Statue, (The) . . 587 Washington's Victory, . . 672
Holy !''ather (The), An Audience with . 168 Way of the World, The 420
Hour·Gias~; Day, The-Frat~ccsca, . . 140 Wreck of the Santa Zita,The-E. V. N., 6og,
How St. Ephrem Learned Greek.-UttcleAusti1J, 79 637,668, 6g6
viii Index.


Ag Rain and Dew.-Ca.scia, 583 May, The- Sylvia lftmtittg,

527 Old and the New, The z8
Come up, Little Flowers.-L<n.vrcncc Jllfinot,
J)ay of Days, The-Lawrence Minot, 358 Precepts in Rhyme.-Sylvia lft•nting,
Death of Winter.-Cascia, . Riddle In Rhyme, A-Sylvia I-/tmtit~g, 695
First Communion.-Madge Manni.~, Schoolboy Martyrs. - T be R ev. W. II. K ent,
Glants.- Falber Ckeer!teart, 275 o. s. c., . 161
105 Snow-Bird, The-Lawrence Minot, . . zzo
Guardian of America, The-ilf. A., Snowdrop for Our Lady, A-Attgcliquc de Lande, 331
Hepatica, The-Lawrence llfinot, Two Stars.-Fatkcr Cltecr/uuLrt, 50
Herman's Gift.-Ca.scia, .
Uis First Snowstorm.-Undc Austin,
Vacant Chair, The-Artlmr Barry, 664
Inn of the Beautiful Star, The-FloraL. Stanfield, 22
What lie was Up to.-L. W. Reilly, 364
In Secret, . . . 448 Why they Laughed.-Cascia, 644
In the Sprlngtlme.-Fatlter Cltecrhcart, . . 476

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