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PROGRAM FOR THE CHOIR AT REQUIEM MASS THE GREGORIAN REQUIEM MASS Note: According to the Ceremonial of Bishops, I. ¢.xxviii, 1.13 8.R.C. 4156, the use of musical instruments is not permitted 2 the otriee of the dead; At the Mass and at the A solutlonal- ass, the organ m: used to accompa 6 voices bu Shall be stent Bon ae chant ceases (oe 38a5, won 4265). From this it will be understood that Funeral Marches before and after the Mass are not ‘per itted, For this reason it is suggested that the Responsory “Subvenite” be sung as the Procession enters the Church. In some places it is customary for the Choir to lead the Funeral procession from the door of the Chureh to the Altar, singing the “Subvenite” as given in the proper Chant or in other approved forms. “MISSA CANTATA” or SOLEMN HIGH MASS. 1.PROCESSION: “Subvenite” (Page 425 or 428) 2.INTROIT: “Requiem aeternam” (Begun when the Celebrant goes toward the foot of the Altar for the first prayers.) To be sung as given-in full, (270) * 3.KYRIE:..Follows the Introit without pause. (270- A) 4.PRAYERS AND EPISTLE: After the first prayer, if it be a Solemn High Mass,the Choir will wait until the Epistle is sung before beginning the Graduale; If a High Mass_ the Choir will begin the Graduale etc. while the Priest recites the Epistle. 5.GRADUALE: “Requiem Aeternam” (270-B) bb- or b,b,b. 6.TRACTUS: “Absolve Domine» (270-C ) ee-ore,c,c. 7,SEQUENCE: “Dies Irae” (270-D) The Graduale and Tractus may either be sung as in- dicated in the Graduale or may be recited“Recto Touo;’ or in“Falso Bordone’? style, (270-bb-ce -) The“Dies Irae” may not be omitted ina High Mass of Requiem because everything that appertains to the Precatio Suffragii, the supplication of the Suf- frage,must be sung (S. R.C, 2959 ad 2), and the words “‘Precatio Suffragit” include also the Sequence “Dies Irae” (S.R.C. 3051 ad 1), (Another Decree S.R.C. 4054 ad V. declares that the 422 “Dies Irae? must be sung entire.) 8.RESPONSES, GOSPEL: (Note; The Choir does not sing the “Laus tibi Christi? after the Gospel or the“Deo Gra- tias” after the “Epistle}’ these responses are for the Acolytes only) 9.RESPONSE: To“Dominus Vobiscum}’ “Et Cum Spiritu Tuo? Celebrant sings “Oremus” and the Choir proceeds with the “Domine Jesu Christe” which is sung inits entirety, 10,OFFERTORY: The interpolation of solos;“Ave Maria}? or other songs 1s entirely uncalled for in Requiem Masses at this point. (270 -E) or ee 11.RESPONSES: Preface responses are to be sung in Ferfal tone as indicated. 12.SANCTUS—is begun immediately after the last word of the Pre- face “icentes” and the singers continue until thé'Ben- edictus” (exclusive), (270 -F) 13,ELEVATION: (Complete silence during the Elevation.) 14.BENEDICTUS: Choir begins immediately after the Elevation of the Chalice (after the last bell). (270 -@) (A Decree of the Sacred Congregation of, Rites dated Jan, 14, 1921, clearly states that the“Benedictus”must always be sung @/ter the Elevation), (If time Rermits,a motet may be sung after the Bene- dictus but according to a decree (3827) of the S.R.C, the words must be taken from the Liturgy and must have reference to the Blessed Sacrament.) 15,RESPONSES: “Amen” and after the “Pater Noster” which clos- es with“et ne nos inducas in tentationem” the Choir auswers ‘Sed libera nos a malo” after which there is complete silence until the Priest again sings ‘Per omnia’ which the Choir responds with“Amen” aud after the Celebrant’s“Pax Domini sit semper vo- biscum” the Choir responds; “Et cum spiritu tuo” as indicated. 16.AGNUS DEI—is sung as indicated, (270 -H) 12COMMUNION:“Lux Aeterna” is sung immediately after the Ab- lutious. (270 -1) 18.RESPONSES: “Et cum spiritu tuo” and the proper “Amen?” LOD THE ABSOLUTION 1. LIBERA: When the Celebrant reaches the bier and recites or sings the “Won Jutres’’ (to which the Choir responds“Amen” if sung)*the Choir sings the “Libera me” at the end of which the Chanter sings “Kyrie Eleison” which is followed by the remain- der of the Choir singing“Christe eleison und all join- ing in the final “Kyrie” after which the Celebrant sings“Pater Noster’and coutinues the prayer ina low voice. (270 - J) 2.RESPONSES: As indicated on (p. 457) Note:- If the body is present (a) either the body isac- companied to the grave in procession or (b) it is tak- en away without procession or other ceremony. 3.... .. In the first ease the Choir will sing Zn Paradisum” (270-L) as they leave the Church. If the distance to the grave dew Bee 6..... Dewiae 8... 9... 10.... is considerable, the Miserere may be added. (252) -On arrival at the gate of the burial ground the Gele brant intones the words “Ego Sum” (270 -k) Choir starts “Benedictus” at ouce. -On conclusion of ‘‘Benedictus” Choir sings the whole antiphon (Ago sum... in aeternum).(p. 458) Priest... Kyrie eleison. Choir....Christe eleison Choir. ... Kyrie eleison Choir sings responsesto “Pater Noster”and versi- cles which follow. Page 460 Choir returns to Church in procession, «In case (b) everything (except the “Miserere” which would have been sung at the place of burial) is sung here or round the catafalque or round the cof fin at the door of the Church. Note:- In this case “In Paradisum” can be sung in its usual place, if such is the custom. * Non Intres is said only when the body is present. 424 The Gregorian Requiem Mass 270 Missa Pro Defunctis From the i Vatican Graduale Introit Transcribed and Harmonized by N. A. Montani Sixth Mode 434 Ps, Te dé- cet hymnus Deus inSi-on, et ti-bi red-dé-tur vo-tuminJerisxlen® ex - du-di o- ra-ti-6-nemmé-am, ad te é-mnis ca-ro vé-ni-et. Ped. r . Repeat from beginning to Psalm (Te-décet) oat f € then to “Kyrie” 270a Kyrie Sixth Mode “Numerals I -II indicate divided sections of the Choir, 432 yy Softest Sto 432 + Amen. R. Etcum Spfritu tio. R saeculorum. ¥. Dominus Vobiscum; ¥. Per omnia saecula Responses: - Graduale (2 Optional Setting of the Graduale and meses ) 270 bb The following Chords can be used to accompany the recitation of the Graduale and Tractus, should a shorter version be preferred. N.A. Montani rit, Sequence* 270d Dies Ira First Mode —_— == i-re, di- es il- la, lus tre-mor est fu- ti- rus, 7. Quidsum mi- ser tune di-ctti-rus? Quem pa - tre - 8. Rex tre-mende ma- je-sté-tis, Qui sal - van - ——_—_—_—__ — ee > — cum Si- byl - la, dis-cyg- sti - rus! Da- vid stri-cte in fu-vil- la: Tes-te 2.dex est ven-ti-rus, Cun-cta an . ro- ga-tu- ix ju-stus sit se - eti - rus, 8. dos sal-vasgra-tis, Sul-va me, fons pi- e - té- tis, spar - gens so-num, na- ti-ra, ia ‘su pi- e, Quodsumcausa tu - 10.Quierensme,se - di - sti lus-sus: Red -e-mi -sticru - —= == mit 10.cem pas-sus: Tan-tus la - bor non sit cas - sus, % Verses should be sung alternately by different sections of the choir. 441 Mi ber seri 5. Li- ber - ptus pro 6, Ju- dex cum 11. Ju-ste ju - dex ul- ti- o - nis, Do-num fac re- 12, In-ge - mi - sco, tam-quam re - us: Cul- pa ru-bet Un-de mun-dus ju- di- Nil in - i1-tum_re-ma- né - bit, — | — Il. mis- si- 6 - nis __ An-te di-em ra-t-0- nis. 12. vul- tus me - us: —— Sup-pli-ecin-ti par-ce De- us. %B.nem — ex- au- di ~ sti, Mi - hi quo-que spem de-di- sti. 14. nus fac be-ni - gne, Ne per- én-ni ere-mer i- gne a tempo (not slower) ft Bw. allarg. Hu-ic er-go par - - ce Dé-us. 20.Pi-e Je-su Do-mi-ne * (Note) The melody in left hand is to be brought out prominently (on Gt.or Ch.) the right hand accompaniment is to be played on the Swell; very softly. 444 Responses at the Gospel Et cum Spiritu tuo: @Gloria Tibi Domine. OFFERTORY 270 ee Domine Jesu Christe (2) Optional Setting (FALSO BORDONE ) Unison, 2,3 or 4-part Chorus with Organ Acc. N.A.Montani Recited in a smooth, flowing manner 1) Domine Jesu Christe," Rex glé-ri - ae, libera Snimas omnium fidélium de-fun.cté - rum 2) de poenis inférni et deprofiindo la - cu: tiberadusdeore le-6 - nis, 8) ne ubsérbeat eas tar-ta. rus, necadant inob . sea - rum: 4) sed signifer sanctus Mi-cha - el repraeséntet éas in lucem sén - ctam: 5)*Quam tim Abrahseprémi-si . sti, et sémini e+ jus. 6) M Hostias et préces tibi Domine laudis of-f6-ri-mus: tu suscipe pro animébus il - lis, ?) quérum hodie memériam f% - ci- mus: fac eas, Domine, de morte transiread vi - tam. 8) Quam élim Abrahae . Promi-si - sti, et sémini e - jus. 448 Ferial Responses at the Preface Choir Cel. ) Pp Unaccompanied Choir (ace. ad lib, (Unison) Choir | St — JJ —_ bé- mus ad berate bon — 3. Ha- SS ———— da. % Stir-sum cor - g : 2 3 a g gé-mus Dé-mi- \ Gré-ti-as a- is begun immediately after the “Sanctus” Preface follows (always unaccompanied). The “dicentes”. word 449 270 f Sanctus Chanters Tutti ——————= SO — ee Benedictus ped 270 & Use Sottest SipsAfter the Elevation Chanters Voice Seatower Be - ne - di Gt. Ped. The section between the signs © — © may be played an octave lower in both hands. 450 See Program regarding the motet that may be sung after the “Benedictus” RESPONSES AT THE PATER NOSTER elebrant 1 Per 6-mni-a sé- cu- la se-cu- 16 - rum. Et ne nos in- da- cas in ten- ta- ti- 6 = ———— Tr SSS SS = Sed li - ber - a nos a ma - lo. re =— do —- Here there is a slight pause. (Wo playing necessary.) Celebrant 8 (as ahove No. 1) Choir 3 (as above No. 1) SSS SSS Celebrant 4 Pax Dé - mi - ni sit sem-per vo - bis - cum. a = Ped. “Agnus Dei” follows immediately. 451 270h Chanters Agnus Dei —== — Choir Eighth Mode do-na e-is ré-qui- em A-gnusDe - i* 461 - is pec - c&-ta mun-di: do-na e-is ré-qui-em. quitol-lis pec-cd-ta mun-di: do-na e- is ré-qui-em sem-pi-tér- nam, 270 i Eighth Mode Communion Chanters. ~ ter- num, i-ctis tu - is mA Sani > tér- nam do - na e - is: at li- ce- é-tu- a 2 £ z o~mi- ne, e-is De to ” “Cum Sanctis’ Choir Repeat from X. Re-qui-és-cant in pi - ce. Deacon (or Celebrant). Responses at the Absolution - after the“Libera” Chanters- Ist Chorus 2nd Chcrus For Visitation, see below: Choir: R Sed Ifbera nos a “Po Ry-wedtttone XM A porta (a) Choir: R Erue Démine énimam (@) Cel: YW Dominus Vo - - (4) Choir: B Et cum Spiritu tu - 0. (e) Cel: YW Per Christum Déminum No - - - - strum. || (©) Choir: B Os A - men. 457 270-L In Paradisum Tutti Chanters Ant. VII tu in ti-o ad-vén- ‘cant- té-tem vi in ci. te hi- et per-di Tes, & ant te Mér- ef - sus Ché-rus An- ge- at, sus - ef-pi- 16-rum te ctam Je- in quon dam péu-pe-re ae-tér'- nam etcum Lé. ® Thie eection can be played an octave lower(in both hands) preferred. 464

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