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1, Allof the following are classified as true support of uterus except ‘a. Transcervical Ligament b. Pubocervical Ligament ‘e. Uterosacral Ligament 4. Broad Ligament ing is NOT essential fatty acid? Db. Linolenic Acid 1d, Oleic Acid Culture media, Instruments sharp Metallic Instruments spended Animation may b a. Blectrocution by. Strangulation / Hanging, © Drowning phenomenon is not seen in: b. Chicken Pox ‘Treatment of choice in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. is: 4. Chemotherapy Radiotherapy © Surgical Excision —d. Electric Cauterisation Scanned with CamScanner 8, All of the following are the features of Zollinger Ellison Syndrome except: a Peptic Ulcers b. Diarrhoea ¢ Beta cells tumor of pancreas d. High Acid Output |© Zollinger Etison syndrome isa condition characterised by “excessive levels of gastrin, usually from a gastrin secreting “hyperplasia of islet cell of pancreas. Features are gastroduodenal ulcers due to high acid output, ‘malabsorption and diarrhoea, Best screening test 1s Fasting Gastrin Levels on 3 different days. Treatment is ‘high dose PPls, Octreotide and surgical resection of the gastrin adenoma. 9. The gold standard for gastroesophageal reflux disease is: a. Barium Swallow b. Endoscopy © 24hours pH monitoring d. Esophageal manometry 2 Gold standard for diagnosing and quantifying acid reftux t8 24 hour pH test. Ie provides total number of reflux of reflux, number of diagnosis of 10. Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia is seen in: a. Dubin Johnson Syndrome b. Rotor Syndrome © Gilbert's Syndrome 4. Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis ee ‘Dubin Johnson syndrome, Rotor: ‘Syndrome Iyperbilirubinemia. It is the ‘causing mild ‘solated hyperbilirubinaemia when oll other LFTs are completely normal “ 111, Snowstorm appearance is seen in: a. HMole b. Hydrocephalus © Ectopic Pregnancy d. Ovarian Cyst molar pregnancy, choracteristic snowstorm appearance 14n the ultrasound 12, Snowflake cataract is seen in: ‘a, Hypertension b. Diabetes ¢ Glaucoma d. Trauma © Cataract formation is a common complication of diabetes ‘and in adult patient nuclear opacities are more common ‘and are similar in appearance to senile cataract. in Juvenile diabetics “Snowflake Cataract” may occur. 2 These cataract are associated with accumulation oj sorbitol within the lens. Osmotic changes then develop producing disorganization of lens fibers. 13.Which of the following is seen in ECG in hyperkale a. Tall P wave b. Bifid P wave c. Inverted T wave d. Tall Twave 2 ECG changes seen in Hyperkalemia include tall-tented T waves, small P waves, prolonged PR interval, widened QR leading to a sinusoidal pattern and asystole 14. Which of the following is not the feature of charcot triad? a. Jaundice b. RUQpain c. Fever @. Shock 2 Charcot’s Triad consists of Fever (usually with rigors) Jaundice and right upper quadrant abdominal pain. ic ‘occurs as a result of ascending cholangitis. > Charcot’s Triad features along with Shock and Altered ‘mental status are the features of Reynold's Pentad. 15. Sensation transmitted by Paccinian Corpus¢ a. Cold b. Warmth © Touch 4. Vibration 2 Paccinian Corpuscles are nerve endings inthe skin responsible fr sensitivity to vibration and pressure. 16. Onion Peel appearance in X-ray is seen a. Ewing’sSarcoma , Osteoid Osteoma © Osteoclastoma —d._ Paget disease of bone 2 X-rays in Ewing's Sarcoma show an area of bore destruction classically in the diaphyseal - of new bone may occur along che shaft and e ‘there is fusiform layering of a bone around the lesion. (i 80 called onion peel appearance. e 17. Long QT interval is not see: Hypokalemia Class 1A antiarrhythmic Drugs Hypercalcemia Hypomagnesemia apogee Scanned with CamScanner 18 Mest common type of finger print is: a. Whorls b. Loops Composite Compose: 1129 least common 19. Quarantine was first applied for: a RV >. TB & Leprosy a. Plague © Quarantine (40 day detention) i the restriction of “ectivities of well persons (healthy contacts) or animals ‘exposed to a communicable disease ¢ Enflurane All produce equal uterine relaxation (All inbalations! agen in present sie (haibchone (sofferane. enfurane) ond obo newer agere (éeatre~ and sevoflurane) produce almost smisr dearee of sterne relaracon. 23, Bezold Jarisch Reflex causes: a. High cardiacoutput b. Tachycardia Hypertension 4 Bradycardia 2 Berold Jorixch Reflex (coronary chemorefex}: bgectom of veracridine. serotonin copsaicn et inte the coroncry arteres supplying left ventricie causes apace followed by ‘rapid breathing. decrease in BP and decrease i hewrt rave. Receptors invoived is Left wenericalar C fibre endings 24.1n the past, the Kveim skin test was used to assist in the diagnosis of: a. Sarcoidosis bh Lung Ca © Scleroderma d._ Rheumatoid arthritis > Keim test. Nickersan-Kveim or Kveim-Siitzback test is ¢ sian test used to detect sarcoidests. where part of ¢ spice= “from a patent with known sarcosdasts i inpected weno om skin of @ patient suspected to have the disease If non caseating granulomas are found (4-6 weeks later) the test is positive. 25, Priapism is seen im: a. Sickle Cell Anemia b. Hypertension ¢. Diabetes mellitus d_ Thalassemia 2 Priapism or poinful penile erection is seen in Sickie cell Anemia, ickling of RBC will obstruct microvascuioture of [Pens causing its vests to be engorged during erection which resus prigpesm 26. Preload of Heart is: a. End Diastolic Volume b. End Systolic Volume ‘¢. Total Peripheral Resistance 4. Force of contraction ‘heart is End diastolic Volume of Heart whereas Sa “ 27.25/m with suspected tubercular cervical lymph nodes has biopsy taken. What will be seen? a, Foreign body giant cells i Giant cells: Sternberg cells da 1s Giant cells = Scanned with CamScanner and contain multiple nuclei arranged in pattern. They are typically found in 28.0ne who purposefully does not tell truth to the courtis: a. Common Witness b. Expert Witness c. Hostile Witness — d. Perjury oA 1s one who purposely makes statements facts or does not give his evidence fairly and ‘to tell the truth to the court. 2 Perjury means wilful uterance of falsehood by a witness under oath. 29.Wide fixed splitting of $2 is heard. What is the lesion? a. ASD b. HOCM © ToF d. Ps 2 Wide WA ‘splitting of S2 that doesn't alter with respiration is seen in Atrial Septal Defect. 30. A patient in Surgical ICU, is lying on bed and does not open his eyes even on pain, However he makes Aaah sound and straightens his arms and legs when pinched on sternum. What is his GCS level? a 5/15 b, 3/15 © 7/15 4. 9/15 | Eye opening is Nil (£1), Vocal responses has vocalizing ‘sounds only (V2), Motar responses is extension to pain (2). SS. 31. Angiofibroma arises from: a. Nasopharyngeal Vault b. Sphenopalatine fossa . Temporal Fossa . Nasal cavity ‘site Of origin of Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma is a Earlier it was thought to arise from the or the anterior wall of sphenoid bone lieved to arise from the posterior part of close to the margin of sphenopalatine m | tough rubbery tumor which arises from the __htes pharynx. 32, Length of NG tube to be inserted for gastric lavage is: a. 25em b. S0cm 75cm d. 100cm_ 33. Compression - ventilation ratio in CPRis: a. 15:1 b. 15:2 30:1 d. 30:2 34, Cephalic vein drains to: a. Subclavian vein b. Brachial vein ¢. Axillary vein . Radial vein 2 The cephalic vein, along with the basilic vein, is one ofthe primary superficial veins that drain the upper limb. i courses through both the forearm and arm and termina. by draining into the axillary vel 35, Complication of trachoma is: a. Trichiasis b. Corneal Ulcer c. Cataract 4. Night blindness 2 Corneal ulcer isthe only complication of trachoma. 36.Fracture of head of fibula, all of the following nerves are involved except: a. Common peroneal nerve b. Superficial peroneal nerve ¢. Anterior tibial nerve 4. Tibial Nerve 2 Common peroneal nerve is often damaged tthe lev! of fibular neck. Superficial and anterior tibial nerves are branches of common peroneal nerve. Anterior tibial nerve is anoth’ name of deep peroneal nerve. This diagram can make you understand better: Scanned with CamScanner ‘of otomycosis is: b. Histoplasma | d. Actinomyces Jinfection of exter ternal audit Be armen, found 2, teandida albicans. Treatment conse Gand application of Cloninan, of, Clotrimazole Motion. Amphotericin Bis aioe inerve block is given at: mer 1 Upper border of rib + widofintercostal sPace tower border of rib None ofthe above 4 EDIRNE 0 owe re ‘aMeniere’s disease is characterised by: +, conductive hearing loss and tinn'tus + Vertigo, ear discharge, tinnitus and headache « Vertigo, tinnitus, hearing loss and headache 4 Vertigo, tinnitus and hearing loss a vhich of the following is not the common sie of peaile carcinoma? 2 Glans b. Prepuce ‘Coronal sulcus 4. Shaft ———" from: ai s 4‘ 1"branchial arch 4 na 24 branchial arch i h 394 branchial 2° gym of and 20d 14. Whi heh mem i forms the transvel tubule b.Sucoplsmlretielum ; Junctional or Subneural folds g Rough endoplasmic reticulum The sarcole : olemma or skeletal ms invaginates to form the T system, or tran Je eel membrane verse tubule poten 45, Vitamin Bis absorbed inthe: ela a. Stomach b. Duodenum ¢. Hleum 4 Colon ‘2 The inestnal absorption of tainly is mediated 1 receptor sites nthe ileum. [Sphenopatatine fossa ilary vein Vertigo, (eh ara hosing one ae aivary| a ulins can cross Lower border sprains sin wand 2 branchial arch sarcolemma the following immunoglo! 46, Which o! placenta? an b. IgM ie 4. IgD az, sputum examination fr AFB isatype of: primary Prevention secondary prevention «Tertiary Prevention primordial Prevention cr na peicerventon ination ‘nosis and adequate treatment tion. ei produced by Right Atrial waves in atrial fibrillation. 50. Charcot triad is: a. Fever, pain and vomiting b. Fever, stone and Jaundice Fever, pain and jaundice 4. Stone, vomiting, jaundice ‘D> Charéat’s triad is seen in cholangitis and contains Fever, RUQpain and Jaundice. 51. The most common cause of diarrhoea in cl is dren a. Vibriocholera—b. Ecoli ¢. Rotavirus 4. Pneumococcus 52. Most common site of genital tuberculo: a. Ovary b. Uterus, ©. Cervix 4. Fallopian tube > Fallopian tube is the most frequent involved part of the ‘genital tract and provides over 90% of all genital ‘tubercular lesions. 53. Most common type of eye lid carcinoma is: ‘a. Squamous cell —_b. Basal cell ¢ Adenocarcinoma 2D The most common malignant epithelial growth of lid is ‘basal cell carcinoma (rodent leer) and it shows 0 predilection for inner canthus 54. Which of the following sinus is not present at birth? Melanoma a. Ethmoidal b. Maxillary < Frontal 4d. Sphenoid 55. Ortolani test is done for: a. Congenital dislocation of hip b. Traumatic dislocation of hip Rheumatoid arthritis d. Tuberculous arthritis ‘2 Ortolani test are the test for congenital dislocation of hip. Hips are flexed and then abducted while fingers try to reduce the dislocated head. ‘56. Post spinal Headache can be prevented by: a. Use of thinner needle b. NSAIDs ¢. Preanesthetic medication 4. Plenty of oral fluids "2" The most important causative factor of spinal headache is needle sie, 30 use of small gouge needle isthe best method to prevent post spinal headache. 57. Permethrin is used in the treatment of: a. Scabies b. Leprosy c. Body louse 58, Opiate withdrawal is treated with: a, CPZ b. Nalorphine . Pethidine d. Methadone 59, Coarctation of aorta may be associated with al o/ the following except: a. Bicuspid aortic valve b. Turner syndrome c. Renal artery stenosis PDA 2 Turner's syndrome is associated with Coarctation of corta ‘and bicuspid aortic valve. Most common associoted congenital anomalies with Coorctation of aorta is bicuspid aortic valve. PDA may be associated d. Leishmaniasis 60. Non parenteral hepatitis is: a. Hepatitis E b. Hepatitis B ¢. Hepatitis € 4. Hepatitis D 2 Hepatitis A and E are spread through non parenters A 28 years old G3PIL1A1 at 32 weeks of gestation visits your health center with complain of copious amount of painless vaginal bleeding. Bleedins started 2 weeks earlier when there used to be slight bleeding but she ignored. Suddenly tod2y she found to have massive bleeding while she "2° resting after having food. She could not recall 2" history of injury to abdomen or genitalia. Her 125 pregnancy ended at 13 weeks with incomple'® abortion after which she had undergone dilatation and curettage 61. What is the most likely diagnosis? Placenta Previa Abruptio plancenta Onset of premature contractions Rupture of membranes bleeding Weeks of tayd. 72.What aspect of physical examination do you suggest a. Neurological status b. Lung auscultation Abdominal Examination 4. Detection of palpable edema 73. The most important additional test is: a. S.creatinine b. Urinalysis & Chest X ray 4. USG abdomen 74Which of the following is most important therapeutic intervention following admission to the hospital? a. Administration of antibiotic b. Administration of large quantities of fluid c. Salt and protein restricted diet d. Administration of spasmodic 75. Allare true of nephrotic syndrome except: a RBCcastinurine b, Edema c. Hypoproteinemia d. Hyperlipidemia IV. A35 years old female presented with a swelling in the neck for the past 2 months, she had the treatment for Hodgkin's Lymphoma when she was 2 years with irradiation. On examination, her vitals were normal, there was a single, firm, irregular nodule, moving with deglutition in the left side of midline. Clinical examination also revealed a single node in the left side of the neck. 76.The most likely clinical diagnosis of these conditions ‘a. Recurrence of lymphoma b. Malignant goiter © Benign multinodular goiter 4. Toxic nodular goiter 2 Most common cancer of thyroid in people exposed to ‘externol radiation is popillary carcinoma. tt accounts for 80% of thyroid malignancies in fodine sufficient areas. 77. Most probable pathological diagnosis would be: Anaplastic carcinoma Follicular carcinoma Medullary carcinoma Papillary carcinoma pose NNN 78, ‘The FNAC of the lesion should reveal: a, Orphan-Annie eye nucleus cells, b. Amyloid deposits c. Epithelioid cells and giant cells d. Follicular cells 79. The ideal treatment of the above condition would be: a. Total thyroidectomy with lymph nodal dissection of the same side b. Radiotherapy . Lobectomy d. Lobectomy with isthmusectomy 80. Which route of metastasis is more common in this, case? a. Lymphatic b. Distant through hematogenous c wasion to tissues d. Allofthe above Answer Direct [Orphan-Annie Jeye nucleus celts Malignant 55 year old female with LMP S years ago presents with a chief complaint of vaginal spotting. Her spotting is not related to sexual acitivity. She complaints of burning sensation in the vagina. She denies any medical conditions and is not on any medications. Pelvic exam reveals a dry vagina with decreased rugae. 81, What could be a provisional diagnosis in this case? a. Cacervix b. Endometrial TB Postmenopausal HRT a. Adenomyosis 82, Pap smear is useful in diagnosis of all, except: a. Gonorrhea b. TrichomonasVaginalis . Human Papilloma Virus d. Inflammatory changes 2 [A number of infectious processes including yee candidiasis, HSV and Trichomoniasis can also be detes2~e However, it is not very sensitive at detecting Sa Scanned with CamScanner arcade oF tex Infections on yoy smear | 83, Transvaginal USG reveals endometrial thickness f 8.0 mm. The next step in the management of this | patient is: Hysterectomy Start progesterone therapy Histopathological examination and curettage Follow up sonography | women with endometrial thickness | a b. « a ig 84, Staging of most of the gynecological carcinoma is done surgically except one of the following in which staging is done clinical a. Ovarian Carcinoma b, Tubal Carcinoma © Endometrial Carcinoma “4. Cervical Carcinoma 85. What Is the ideal treatment of this female, if the histopathology reveals simple hyperplasia of endometrium with atypia? ——. 88. All are true about chromic osteomyelitis except a. Reactive new bone b. Cloacais an opening in ©. Involucrum is dead bone 4. Sequestrurn is hard and porus 29. Which of the following is not trae aboot tubercular osteomyetitis? a. itis secondary TB b. Periasteal reaction is seen ©. Sequestram is uncommon 4. Inflammation is mi 90. How would you manage the above patient? 2. Continuous suction and continuous drainage b. Intermittent suction and continuous drainage © Sargical evacuation and curettage ander antibiotic cover 4. Sequestrectomny with antibiotics 2 lytic lesion with sclerotic margin in upper end of tra in 2 ‘VIIA 35 years old female presented with a swelling in the neck for the past Z months, she had the treatment for hodgkin’s lymphoma when she was 2 years with irradiation. On examination her vitals ‘were normal, there was a single, firm, irregular nodule, moving with deglutition in the left side of midline. Clinical examination also revealed a single node in the left side of the neck. G1. The most likely clinical diagnosis of these conditions is: a. Recurrence of lymphoma b. Malignant goiter ¢. Benign multinodular goiter ‘d. Toxic nodular goiter Scanned with CamScanner of thyrold in people exposed to ‘carcinoma. It accounts for iodine sufficient areas.) 92, Most probable pathological diagnosis would be: a. Anaplastic carcinoma b, Follicular carcinoma Medullary carcinoma 4, Papillary carcinoma 93. The FNAC of the lesion should reveal: a. Orphan Annie eye nucleus cells b. Amyloid deposits & Epitheloid cells and giant cells 4. Follicular cells [Histological characteristics of papillary carcinoma of thyroid: Papillary projections Orphan annie eye nuclei, ‘The nuclei contain finely dispersed chromatin, which imports an optically clearly or ‘empty appearance giving rise to term ground glass or ‘orphan annie eye nucle. ws Psammoma bodies ] 94. The ideal treatment of the above condition would be: ‘a Total thyroidectomy with lymph nodal dissection, ofthe same side b. Radiotherapy © Lobectomy 4. Lobectomy with isthmusectomy 95. Which route of metastasis is more common in this case? a. Lymphatic b. Distant through hemategenous . Direct invasion to tissues 4. All ofthe above BE Gyroidectomy mm xs VIL A 9 month child presented with fever, neck stiffness, abnormal body movement for 1 day, stare look with up rolling of bilateral eyes. He has no history of upper respiratory tract infection, He was immunized with Hemophilus influenza vaccine. 96. What is the likely diagnosis? a. Febrile Seizure b. Meningitis, . Encephalitis d. Metabolic encephalopathy 97. What is the clinical sign of above case? a. Buldging pulsatile anterior fontanelle b. Hypertension Normal CSF picture Bulging non pulsatile anterior fontanelle 98. Despite vaccination with Hemophilus influenzae vaccine. What is the likely organism causing this condition? a. Streptococcus pneumonia b, Hemophilus influenza © Ecoli . Pseudomonas 99. For CSF analysis, what is the site of lumbar puncture in this age group? a. Lit2 b. L213 c L344 d. LS-L6 100. Which antibiotic will you prefer? a. Third generation cephalosporin b. Vancomycin ©. Flucloxaciliin d. Azithromycin MOT Ti ae” oo Scanned with CamScanner

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