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Food and drink

Main article: Ghanaian cuisine

Ghanaian delicacies and gastronomy is diverse, and consists of an assortment of soups and stews with
various seafoods and most Ghanaian soups are prepared with veggies, meat, hen or fish.[266] Fish is
important inside the Ghanaian weight loss program with tilapia, roasted and fried whitebait, smoked
fish and crayfish all being commonplace components of Ghanaian dishes.[266]

Banku (akple) is a common Ghanaian starchy food made from floor corn (maize),[266] and cornmeal
primarily based staples, kɔmi (kenkey) and banku (akple) are usually followed with the aid of some
shape of fried fish (chinam) or grilled tilapia and a totally spicy condiment crafted from uncooked purple
and green chillies, onions and tomatoes (pepper sauce).[266] Banku and tilapia is a combination served
in maximum Ghanaian eating places.[266] Fufu is the maximum common exported Ghanaian dish, in
that it is a delicacy throughout the African diaspora.[266]


The Ghanaian country wide literature radio programme and accompanying publication Voices of Ghana
was one of the earliest on the African continent. The most prominent Ghanaian authors are novelists; J.
E. Casely Hayford, Ayi Kwei Armah and Nii Ayikwei Parkes, who gained international acclaim with the
books, Ethiopia Unbound (1911), The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born (1968) and Tail of the Blue Bird
(2009), respectively.[267] In addition to novels, different literature arts consisting of Ghanaian theatre
and poetry have additionally had a excellent improvement and guide at the countrywide degree with
outstanding Ghanaian playwrights and poets Joe de Graft and Efua Sutherland.[267] Much of the 2016
novel Homegoing by Ghanaian-born American creator Yaa Gyasi takes place in Ghana.

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