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To: Mr.

From: Dacian, employee
Subject: the Company’s 20th anniversary
Date: the 28th of March

This proposal aims to provide an idea for a special event to celebrate the 20th anniversary of
the company.

In less than a year the company will have been in existence for 20 years, so, a grandiose event
should be organized. For example, a luxurious party should take place at the most expensive
venue in the town called Porte Dorrs. Everyone invited is required to follow a formal dress
code due to the uniqueness of this event.

Furthermore, in order to have a memorable night, every single detail of the event must be
carefully planned in time.Another great feature to have would be a fireworks display at
midnight that everyone will remember. A pleasant surprise for the employees of the company
would be to award each and everyone of them an anniverasy gift.
To sum up, the 20th anniversary day should be memorable for everybody, not only since 20
years have already passed, but also because the company has extended greatly over the years.

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