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TO: Mr.

Whong, Manager
FROM: Dacian, employee
SUBJECT: My current situation
DATE: the 24th of February

The aim of this report is to assess the skills that I have achieved during the first six months of
working in the company, if any problems have been encountered and also to suggest any future
training that would be suitable.

To begin with, all of the tasks that I had to do were prepared before the deadline, the projects were
also completed during my first six months. All of these happened could only because of the fact that
I had a great team that helped me whenever I could not achieve the task alone.

There were a few issues that occurred during my first week at the office. Being a beginner in this
field, I had to tackle some small problems, my printer did not want to cooperate with me, nor the
computer. Moreover, these problems were solved effortlessly by the informatician.

Taking into account the fact that the company also has branches in Hungary, a Hungarian language
course would only be beneficial for any of the employees. Attending to Hungarian language courses
would only make work much more effective if someone has to communicate with offices that are in

To sum up, in the first six months of working here I have achieved a lot of things but only by being
very determined and being eager to learn more every day.

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