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A. Choose the right answer by crossing A, B, C, or D.

1. My sister and I _______________ television now

A. are watching B. watching C. is watching D. watches

2. _______________ she waiting for you ?

A. is B. do C. does D. did

3. They are _______________ with the fishermen now

A. talks B. to talk C. talking D. talk

4. My father _______________ not working in the office now

A. do B. does C. did D. is

5. _______________ the nurses looking after the patients now ?

A. are B. is C. do D. does

6. I _______________ not washing my car now

A. was B. is C. am D. do

7. She is _______________ to the radio

A. listening B. listen C. to listen D. listened

8. Are you _______________ at me?

A. to looking B. look C. looking D. looked

9. The porters are _______________ the goods now

A. loaded B. loading C. load D. to load

10. The children are _______________ ‘Hide and Seek’

A. plays B. playing C. to play D. play

11. My uncle and my aunt _______________ visiting my house

A. are B. were C. do D. does

12. The beggar is always _______________ on the floor of the building now
A. sitting B. sit C. sits D. sat

13. The killer is _______________ his gun to the pickpocket

A. appoint B. appointing C. appointed D. to appoint

14. The manager is _______________ the store now

A. inspecting B. inspect C. to inspect D. inspects

15. The doctor is _______________ the patients in the hospital

A. checked B. check C. checking D. to check

B. Change the sentences below into the right ones.

1. Shinta is shopping in the market with her mother now

Example: (-) Shinta is not shopping in the market with her mother now

2. They are waiting for me in the library

(?) are they waiting me in the library?

3. The students are working the test now

(-) the students are not working the test now

4. Are they watching television now?

(+) they are watching television now

5. She is not writing the letters now

(?) is she writing the letters now?

6. Is your teacher explaining the lesson clearly?

(+) your teacher Is explaining the kesson clearly?

7. We are not painting the classroom

(?) are we painting the classroom?

8. The students are playing basketball this time

(?) are students playing basketball this time?

9. My father is reading the newspaper at the moment

(-) my fathe is not reading the newspaper at the moment

10. My sister and I are sweeping the floor

(-) my sister and I are not sweeping the floor

11. The manager is signing the documents

(?) is the manager signing the documents?

C. Change the Indonesia sentences into English

1. Dokter sedang memberikan perawatan kepada pasien

The doctor is giving treatment to the patient
2. Pasien sedang tidur di ruangan
The patient is sleeping in the room
3. Dokter sedang memeriksa suhu tubuh si pasien
The doctor is checking the patient temperature
4. Apakah perawat sedang berbicara kepada pasien?
Is the nurse talking to the patient?
5. Perawat itu tidak sedang bekerja sekarang. Dia sedang lepas pekerjaan
The nurse is not working now, she is off work
6. Apakah perawat sedang memandikan pasien ?
Is the nurse bathing the patient?
7. Ibu itu sedang memberi makan kepada bayinya
The mother is feeding the baby
8. Ibu itu sedang mengenakan pakaian kepada bayinya
The mother is putting clothes on baby
9. Seorang perawat sedang berbicara kepada pasien
a nurse is talking to a patient
10. Ibu itu sedang memberihkan tempat tidurnya
The mother is cleaning the bed
11. Bayi itu sedang menangis ketika saya datang ke kamarnya
The baby was crying when I came to room
12. Ibu itu sedang menceriterakan tentang bayinya kepada bidan
The mother was telling the midwife about baby
13. Bayi itu sedang bermain dengan mainannya
The baby was playing with the toy
14. Dokter sedang memberikan pengarahan kepada para perawat
The doctor is giving directions to the nurse
15. Para bidan sedang mempersiapkan peralatan di ruang operasi
The midwives are preparing the equoment in he operating room

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