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American Journal of Clinical Dermatology


Female Androgenetic Alopecia: An Update on Diagnosis

and Management
Michela Starace1 · Gloria Orlando2 · Aurora Alessandrini1 · Bianca Maria Piraccini1

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

Female androgenetic alopecia (FAGA) is a common cause of non-scarring alopecia in women. The onset may be at any
age following puberty and the frequency increases with age. Clinically, it shows a diffuse hair thinning over the central
scalp, while the frontal hairline is usually retained. FAGA can have a significant psychological impact, leading to anxiety
and depression. For this reason, early diagnosis is very important to stop the progression of the disease. The sex hormonal
milieu is the main pathogenetic mechanism studied in FAGA. The role of androgens is not clearly defined and only one-third
of women with FAGA show abnormal androgen levels. Endocrinological diseases with hyperandrogenism associated with
FAGA comprise polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), hyperprolactinemia, adrenal hyperplasia and, rarely, ovarian and
adrenal tumours. Usually the diagnosis of FAGA is made clinically. A complete clinical examination and a blood examina-
tion can reveal other signs of hyperandrogenism. Trichoscopy shows the typical hair miniaturization. A scalp biopsy can be
useful when the clinical evaluation does not provide a definitive diagnosis or when cicatricial alopecias with hair loss in the
distribution of FAGA or alopecia areata are suspected. FAGA is a slowly progressive disease. The goal of therapy is to stop
the progression and to induce a cosmetically acceptable hair regrowth. The most important drugs are topical minoxidil and
oral anti-androgens. The purpose of this review is to provide an update on FAGA and to create a guideline on diagnosis and
management of this frequent hair disease, not always easily recognizable from cicatricial alopecias with a similar distribution.

1 Introduction ‘Androgenetic alopecia’ (AGA) is used to refer to this

form of hair loss both in men and women, where ‘andro’
Female androgenetic alopecia (FAGA) is a common cause signifies a hormonal aetiology and ‘genetic’ refers to the
of non-scarring alopecia in women [1]. Clinically it shows hereditary contribution. Some years ago, the term ‘female
a diffuse hair thinning over the central scalp, while the pattern hair loss’ (FPHL) was introduced for this condition
frontal hairline is usually retained. It is typified by a pro- in women [3]. Later it was clarified that FPHL refers to
gressive follicular miniaturization and an increased telo- all diseases with hair loss in a typical FAGA distribution.
gen phase. Several studies have reported a reduced qual- Recently, cicatricial alopecias with hair loss in the dis-
ity of life in women with FAGA. Indeed it can have a tribution of typical FAGA have been reported. Fibrosing
significant psychological impact, leading to anxiety and alopecia in pattern distribution (FAPD) presents as a central
depression [2]. scarring hair loss with perifollicular erythema and follicular
hyperkeratosis and histological features of lichen planopila-
ris (LPP) and AGA [4]. Cicatricial pattern hair loss (CPHL)
is characterized by histological features similar to FAPD and
Michela Starace and Gloria Orlando equally contributed to this ‘pencil–eraser-sized’ areas of focal atrichia, lacking the clin-
ical inflammatory signs seen in FAPD [5]. A common form
* Bianca Maria Piraccini of cicatricial alopecia seen in African American women, central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia (CCCA), appears in
the same area of the scalp as FAGA and is also characterized
Division of Dermatology, Department of Experimental, by a perifollicular lymphocytic infiltrate [5]. Frontal fibros-
Diagnostic and Specialty Medicine, University of Bologna,
V. Massarenti 1, 40138 Bologna, Italy ing alopecia (FFA) is histologically similar to FAPD but it
2 is characterized by a permanent progressive recession of the
Unit of Dermatology, Department of Medicine‑DIMED,
University of Padova, Padua, Italy

M. Starace et al.

3 Etiopathogenesis
Key Points 
Sex hormonal milieu is the main pathogenetic mechanism
Female androgenetic alopecia (FAGA) is the most com- studied in FAGA. Even though the relationship between
mon form of non-scarring alopecia in women, character- dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and male AGA has been con-
ized by diffuse hair thinning over the central scalp. firmed [15], the role of androgens is not clearly defined in
Recently, cicatricial alopecias with hair loss in the distri- FAGA. Indeed, only one-third of women with FAGA show
bution of typical FAGA have been reported. abnormal androgens levels [16].
An increased peripheral sensitivity to androgens has
The diagnosis of FAGA is usually made clinically, but been postulated to explain cases with normal levels of
blood examination is important to assess any associ- androgens [17]. However, FAGA has also been described
ated diseases and trichoscopy is useful to follow up the in patients lacking androgen receptors, suggesting that an
patient. androgen-independent mechanism could be involved [18].
FAGA is a slowly progressive disease. The goal of Estrogen could have a protective role on human hair
therapy is to stop the progression and to induce a cos- growth, suggested by the increased prevalence of FAGA
metically acceptable hair regrowth. following menopause, the prolongation of anagen during
pregnancy [19], the hair loss in women taking tamoxifen
or aromatase inhibitors for treatment of breast cancer [20]
fronto-temporal hairline; not a typical feature of FAGA, but and the documented complete hair regrowth in transsexual
quite common in some forms of male AGA [5, 6]. individuals with AGA on estrogen [21, 22].
In this context, FPHL has not been considered a dis- Recently, sequence variations in the androgen recep-
ease but rather a phenotype of clinical presentations of tor gene (AR) and estrogen receptor 2 gene (ESR2) have
different disorders including some subtypes of cicatricial been associated with susceptibility to FAGA [8]. However,
alopecias [5]. the association between FAGA and the aromatase gene
The purpose of this review is to provide an update on (CYP19A1) has not been confirmed [8]. No definitive fam-
diagnosis and management of FAGA. ily inheritance has been identified.
Moreover, several data suggest that chronic inflam-
mation in the scalp may promote hair loss [23]. Histo-
logically, the miniaturization process is associated with
2 Epidemiology microinflammatory lymphocytic infiltrate in the peri-
infundibular region; and prostaglandin D2 (PG-D2), which
The onset may be at any age following puberty and the can inhibit hair growth in explanted human hair follicles
frequency increases with age [7, 8]. and in mice, is elevated in bald scalps, but this study is
Although the real prevalence of FAGA is difficult to confirmed only in men [24].
determine due to the lack of universally accepted criteria
for the diagnosis, it is generally agreed that the frequency
of FAGA varies among different population groups. 4 Clinical Presentation
In Caucasian women, the prevalence of FAGA increases
with age: from 3–12% during the third to fourth decade, FAGA is characterized by a progressive hair follicle minia-
to 14–28% in postmenopausal women in their fifties and turization with the conversion of terminal follicles in vellus-
29–56% in the population older than 70 years [9–11]. like follicles, an increased telogen/anagen ratio and a short-
The prevalence of FAGA in Asian women has a similar ened hair cycle. If untreated, it leads to a slow progressive
age-related trend, but it seems to be lower than in Cauca- hair thinning of the scalp, though not to complete baldness,
sian women. as happens in males [16].
A study conducted in 2001 with 4601 Korean women Three main patterns of FAGA presentation have been
showed an overall prevalence of 5.6% [12], the same rate described. Most frequently it shows a frontal hair thin-
was observed in 2010 in a Chinese study involving 8446 ning accentuation resulting in the ‘Christmas tree’ pattern
women [13]. The largest study was conducted in 2013 in (Olsen pattern) [25] (Fig. 1). The second most common
Taiwan with 26,226 women and showed an overall preva- pattern is characterized by central scalp involvement with
lence of 11.8% [14]. There are no published data about the the sparing of the frontal hairline (Ludwig pattern) [26]
prevalence of FAGA in the African population. (Fig. 2). Finally, in patients with significant androgeniza-
tion, bitemporal recession can be observed; rarely it could
Female Androgenetic Alopecia

Fig. 3  Hamilton pattern in female androgenetic alopecia (FAGA)

cardiovascular risk [29]. Higher aldosterone, C-protein,

D-dimers and insulin levels in women with FAGA could
explain this [30]. In female patients with early-onset
Fig. 1  ‘Christmas tree’ pattern of female androgenetic alopecia FAGA, some authors recommend ruling out the presence
(FAGA), with frontal hair thinning accentuation
of metabolic syndrome and/or cardiovascular disease [30].

be associated with vertex thinning (Hamilton pattern) [27] 6 Diagnosis

(Fig. 3).
However, severe FAGA often involves parietal and 6.1 Medical History
occipital regions with diffuse hair thinning [28].
Age of onset, duration and progression of the hair loss
should be investigated. In many cases, the family history
has a positive response, if it is negative, FAGA can’t be
5 Associated Diseases excluded.
Patients should be asked about thinning and shedding.
Many endocrinological diseases can be associated with Usually they describe a hair thinning on the central scalp
FAGA. Among them, the most frequently implicated in the and complain about an increased visibility of the scalp
development of hyperandrogenism are polycystic ovarian through the hair in this area. Patients should be investigated
syndrome (PCOS), hyperprolactinemia, adrenal hyperpla- for menarche, menstrual irregularities, menopause, amenor-
sia and rarely, ovarian and adrenal tumours. rhea, difficult in conceiving, signs of virilization (hirsutism,
Moreover, FAGA have been linked to insulin resist- deepening voice, clitoral enlargement) and acne. Closer
ance, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and increased

Fig. 2  Typical female androgenetic alopecia (FAGA) presentation, with involvement of the central hairline at different degrees of severity (a–c)
M. Starace et al.

attention must be observed to drugs that can induce hyper- increasing crown balding, and in addition there is a spe-
androgenism such as anabolic-androgenic steroids, synthetic cial subcategory to detect frontal anterior recession [31].
proandrogens, progestins and antiepileptics. Other causes Sinclair’s classification includes five colour photographs
of hair loss should be excluded such as iron deficiencies, of women’s scalps with the hair parted centrally; it is a
thyroid dysfunctions, medical treatment, infections, deficient photographic measure of patients’ perception of the sever-
diet and rapid weight loss. ity of their hair loss [31]. Olsen’s classification is similar
to Ludwig’s classification, but it underscores the accen-
6.2 Physical Examination tuation of fronto-vertical alopecia, with a triangular or
‘Christmas tree’ pattern [31].
It is useful to perform a complete clinical examination in
order to find other signs of hyperandrogenism, such as acne
and hirsutism. Hirsutism should be evaluated in locations 6.3.1 Pull Test
where typically women do not develop terminal hair (face,
abdomen, back and chest) and estimated with the Ferryman- Pull test could be positive in the central scalp and in the
Gallwey scale (Fig. 4). In Caucasian woman, a score of 8 or initial phases of FAGA, showing telogen roots. It is usu-
higher is indicative of hirsutism. ally negative in long-standing forms and the hair shedding
Impaired fertility, menstrual irregularities, amenorrhea, does not involve the scalp diffusely.
hypertrichosis, hyperseborrhoea, obesity and severe acne
may be indicative of PCOS [1]. 6.3.2 Trichoscopy

6.3 Scalp Examination Trichoscopy is a non-invasive technique based on dermo-

scopic evaluation of the scalp, which allows a 10× magnifi-
The diagnosis of FAGA is usually made clinically. A scalp cation. Recently, besides manual trichoscopy, videodermos-
biopsy should be recommended for cases of uncertain copy has gained importance. It is a non-invasive diagnostic
diagnosis but also for very young patients, patients with tool, initially used to evaluate and monitor pigmented skin
diffuse FAGA and those who have suspicious clinical fea- lesions, that has proven to be useful in the scalp diseases. A
tures for the cicatricial forms. Since the occipital scalp is magnification ranging from 20× to 70× allows the in vivo
not under androgen control and not involved in FAGA, visualization of scalp epidermis, follicles, hair shafts and
the best way to evaluate the hair thinning is by parting vascular patterns. Moreover, images can be stored to get a
hair vertically, both in the central and occipital scalp, and global photographic assessment that can be used in further
comparing these two areas [25]. controls to evaluate the hair growth [32].
Several scales have been developed in order to evaluate The main trichoscopical sign in FAGA is the presence of
the severity of FAGA. Ludwig’s scale is divided into three hair diameter variability > 20% [33]. Moreover, it may show
degrees, from a mild light thinning in the first degree, yellow dots that are indicative of empty follicles, small areas
to a complete absence of hair in the central scalp in the of focal atrichia and peripilar hyperpigmentation [34, 35].
third degree [31]. Savin’s scale quantifies eight stages of

Fig. 4  Clinical presentation of hirsutism on the face and the abdomen of a woman affected by female androgenetic alopecia (FAGA)
Female Androgenetic Alopecia

Follicular ostia are usually preserved, helping in the differ- [7]. Low levels of mild perifollicular inflammation around
ential diagnosis of scarring alopecia (Fig. 5). the upper portion of the hair follicle as well as perifollicular
In 2009, Rakowska et al. [36] proposed major and minor fibrosis may be present.
dermoscopic criteria for the diagnosis of FAGA. Major cri-
teria include (1) more than four yellow dots in four images 6.3.4 Biochemical Examinations
in the frontal area; (2) lower average hair thickness in the
frontal area compared with the occipital area and (3) >10% A hyperandrogenic state should be considered in women
of thin hairs (< 0.03 mm) in the frontal area. Minor criteria with FAGA associated with signs of androgen excess (e.g.
include (1) increased frontal to occipital ratio of single-hair hirsutism, irregular menses, acne, hyperprolactinemia, acan-
pilosebaceous units; (2) vellus hairs and (3) perifollicular thosis nigricans); while it is not indicated in all women with
discoloration. The diagnosis of FAGA is made with the FAGA [1]. Free androgen index test (FAI = total testosterone
presence of two major criteria or one major plus two minor [nmol L−1] × 100/sex hormone binding globulin [SHBG])
criteria. and prolactin as screening parameters for ovarian hyper-
androgenism and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA)
6.3.3 Biopsy and 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OH-P) as screening param-
eters for androgen-producing tumours and adrenal congeni-
It can be useful when the clinical evaluation does not provide tal hyperplasia are recommended [39]. Note that testing of
a definitive diagnosis, and cicatricial alopecias or alopecia androgen levels should be done during the follicular phase,
areata are suspected. From our experience, we recommend between the fourth and the seventh day of the cycle, and
the dermoscopy-guided biopsy of the scalp technique with that oral contraceptives should be discontinued for at least 2
a 4-mm punch involving the dermis. Dermoscopy helps months prior to this testing [40].
select the most significant site to perform the biopsy, lead- Ovarian and adrenal ultrasound could be prescribed to
ing to a definitive pathological diagnosis in almost all cases. rule out the presence of ovarian cysts and androgen-produc-
In early stages of FAPD, for instance, dermoscopy identi- ing tumours or adrenal congenital hyperplasia [39]. Depend-
fies even small areas of cicatricial alopecia and therefore it ing on the results, further investigations may be needed and
allows a correct clinical-pathological diagnosis promptly. It an interdisciplinary approach involving gynaecologists,
is best to avoid the bitemporal area as this region may have endocrinologists and dermatologists may be required [39].
miniaturized hairs in women without hair loss. Vertical and Measurements of blood iron, ferritin, vitamin D, zinc and
horizontal sectioning should be evaluated [7, 37]. Horizontal thyroid profile may be useful to assess and treat other condi-
sections enable the evaluation of the number of hairs per tions that may impact on hair regrowth in FAGA [1].
field of view. In FAGA, there is an increased number of min-
iaturized (vellus-like) hairs (Fig. 6). The ratio of terminal
to vellus-like hair follicles is typically < 3:1 in women with
this condition against > 7:1 in the normal scalp [38]. Other
typical histopathological features are an increase of telogen/
anagen ratio and an increased number of follicular stelae

Fig. 5  Trichoscopy of female androgenetic alopecia (FAGA): reduced

hair thickness with hair diameter variability, reduced number of hairs Fig. 6  Histopathology of female androgenetic alopecia (FAGA) with
with empty follicle (×20 magnification) increased number of miniaturized (vellus-like) hairs
M. Starace et al.

7 Differential Diagnosis Trichoscopy shows diffuse yellow dots, black dots and
dystrophic hair. A biopsy is useful to confirm the diag-
Multiple hair disorders may be present with clinical fea- nosis (Fig. 8).
tures that resemble FAGA. Moreover, FAGA can coexist
with other disorders. The main differential diagnoses include
telogen effluvium (TE), diffuse or incognita areata alopecia 7.3 Cicatricial Alopecias with a Female Pattern
(AA) and cicatricial alopecias that can be present in a FAGA Distribution
7.3.1 Fibrosing Alopecia in Pattern Distribution (FAPD)
7.1 Telogen Effluvium
In 2000, Zinkernagel and Truëb described 19 patients
TE is caused by the early entry of anagen hair into the tel- aged from 35 to 74 years—15 women and 4 men—with a
ogen phase, leading to increased shedding. It is typically form of progressive scarring alopecia limited to the area
subsequent to a stressful event (emotional difficulties, preg- of FAGA and named FAPD [4]. FAPD is usually presented
nancy, recent surgery, viral infections), or caused by drugs, with diffuse hair thinning on the central scalp associated
malnutrition or endocrine disorders. In the acute form, hair with itching [4]. Trichoscopy shows perifollicular ery-
loss is evident 2–3 months following the trigger event, and thema, follicular keratosis and loss of follicular orifices
full regrowth is seen after 6–12 months; whereas chronic TE limited to the involved area (Fig. 9). Histology shows hair
can persists for 6 months or more. follicle miniaturization and a lichenoid inflammatory infil-
Although it may be most evident in the temporal area, trate with perifollicular lamellar fibrosis targeting the isth-
the hair loss occurs in all areas of the scalp [41]. A hair mus and the infundibular region, indistinguishable from
pull test often demonstrates increased shedding of telogen LPP. Since its first description, several cases of FAPD have
hairs. There are no specific trichoscopic signs to detect been reported [44–46].
(Fig. 7). Of note, an episode of acute TE can reveal under-
lying FAGA [42]. 7.3.2 Cicatricial Pattern Hair Loss (CPHL)

In 2005, Olsen coined the term CPHL to describe a form

7.2 Diffuse and Incognita Alopecia Areata of cicatricial alopecia in a case of FPHL, lacking the peri-
follicular erythema and follicular hyperkeratosis seen in
Diffuse and incognita AA are autoimmune disorders histo- FAPD [5]. Typically, it affects women over 40 years and
logically characterized by infiltration of ­Th1 cells around the specific trichoscopical sign is the presence of small
and within the hair follicles. They lack the characteristic “pencil–eraser-sized” areas of focal atrichia [5] (Fig. 10).
patches of classical AA and instead demonstrate wide- Histological examination shows perifollicular lymphocytic
spread scalp hair thinning [43]. Due to the preferential infiltrate surrounding the isthmus, sebaceous gland loss and
loss of pigmented hairs, adult patients may complain of concentric lamellar fibrosis [5, 47].
rapid greying of the hair. Pull test is usually positive.

Fig. 7  In telogen effluvium, all of the scalp can be affected (a) but the disease is more evident in the temporal area (b)
Female Androgenetic Alopecia

Fig. 8  Diffuse areata alopecia (AA) is characterized by a diffuse hair thinning (a)  and trichoscopy shows diffuse yellow dots with dystrophic
hair (b) (×20 magnification)

Fig. 9  a Clinically evident hair thinning and mild erythema in the and hyperkeratosis. Miniaturized hair and diameter variability are
crown area in a subject with fibrosing alopecia in pattern distribution lacking (×20 magnification)
(FAPD). b Trichoscopy shows peripilar casts, perifollicular erythema

7.3.3 Central Centrifugal Cicatricial Alopecia (CCCA) Trichoscopy shows peripilar white/grey halos, a honey-
comb pigmented network, point–point white dots, white
CCCA is a lymphocytic cicatricial alopecia presenting pri- patches and variability in the hair shafts. Inflammatory
marily in African Americans in the second or third dec- signs, such as perifollicular erythema and follicular kerato-
ade of life [48]. Clinically it begins in the central midline sis, can be present [5] (Fig. 11).
scalp and slowly progresses centrifugally. In the advanced
stages the affected scalp is smooth and shiny and there is 7.3.4 Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia (FFA)
progressive loss of follicular ostia. Itching and pain can be
associated. FFA, first described by Kossard in 1994 [6], is permanent
Olsen has hypothesized that these women may have cicatricial alopecia of unknown etiology. Hormonal milieu,
underlying FAGA that becomes inflammatory with the use genetic predisposition, environmental factors and autoim-
of some hair care practices, such as hot combs, relaxers and munity have been supposed to be involved [51]. It affects
occlusive ointment, leading to a cicatricial type of hair loss mainly middle-aged post-menopausal women, although
[49, 50]. it has been reported both in males and in premenopausal
women [52]. The incidence of the disease is increasing in
Europe, the United States and Asia.
M. Starace et al.

Fig. 10  a Hair thinning of the central scalp in a patient with cicatricial pattern hair loss (CPHL). b Trichoscopy shows fibrotic areas and loss of
follicular ostia, absence of diameter variability and perifollicular erythema and hyperkeratosis (20× magnification)

Fig. 11  Typical case of central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia (CCCA): clinical presentation (a) and trichoscopy (b) (×20 magnification)

FFA is considered a clinical variant of LPP lacking the Histology shows a typical lichenoid perifollicular lym-
well defined areas of alopecia typical of LPP. Clinically, it phocytic infiltrate associated with perifollicular lamellar
is characterized by a progressive recession of the fronto- fibrosis involving predominantly the vellus hair follicles.
temporal hairline, similar to some forms of male AGA. The main features of FAGA and cicatricial alopecias
However, this pattern has rarely been described in FAGA with a female pattern distribution are listed in Table 1.
as well [5].
Loss of eyebrows, eyelashes and peripheral body hair
is often associated with FFA. Eyebrow alopecia could be 8 Treatments
the initial manifestation of the disease [53]. Non-inflam-
matory facial papules are reported in about one third of FAGA is a slowly progressive disease [1]. The goal of
all cases [53]. Up to 90% of patients report subjective therapy is to stop the progression and to induce a cos-
symptoms in the affected area, such as itching and tricho- metically acceptable hair regrowth [32]. It is essential
dynia [53]. The association with FAGA is often reported. to discuss with the patient the therapeutic options, their
The pull test can show dystrophic anagen roots, but costs and side effects, the importance of the use of and
it is usually negative. Trichoscopy shows perifollicular adherence to treatments, always remembering to set real-
erythema, follicular hyperkeratosis, white patches and istic expectations. An objective method to evaluate hair
absence of follicular ostia in the fronto-temporal hairline regrowth is the global photographic assessment, which is
(Fig. 12). ‘Lonely hair’ could be seen in the scarring area.
Female Androgenetic Alopecia

Fig. 12  A case of frontal fibrosing alopecia (FFA) with eyebrow involvement (a): at trichoscopy, perifollicular erythema and hyperkeratosis with
absence of follicular ostia is evident (b) (×20 magnification)

Table 1  Main features of FAGA and cicatricial alopecias with a female pattern distribution

Clinical features Onset after puberty Mostly targets post- Onset after the fourth Targets almost Mostly targets post-
menopausal women decade exclusively African menopausal women
American women
Mostly involves the Involvement of the Involvement of the Begins in the central Progressive recession
central scalp central scalp central scalp scalp and progresses of the fronto-tempo-
centrifugally ral hairline
Slowly progressive Cicatricial hair loss Cicatricial hair loss Cicatricial hair loss Cicatricial hair loss
hair thinning
Widened central part- Clinically evident ‘Pencil–eraser-sized’ Clinically evident Itching and trichodynia
ing line erythema areas of focal inflammation may
atrichia be present
Trichoscopic features Hair diameter vari- Follicular erythema Absence of follicular Peripilar white/grey Follicular erythema
ability > 20% erythema halos
Yellow dots indicative Perifollicular hyper- Absence of perifolli- Honeycomb pig- Perifollicular hyper-
of empty follicles keratosis cular hyperkeratosis mented network keratosis
Follicular ostia usu- Loss of follicular ostia Loss of follicular ostia Point–point white dots Loss of follicular ostia
ally preserved
Peripilar hyperpig- White fibrotic patches White fibrotic patches White fibrotic patches White fibrotic patches
Histological features T:V reduced (< 3:1) Lichenoid infiltrate of Lichenoid infiltrate of Perifollicular lympho- Lichenoid infiltrate of
hair follicles hair follicles cytic infiltrate hair follicles
Telogen:anagen Concentric perifol- Concentric perifol- Concentric perifol- Concentric perifollicu-
increased licular lamellar licular lamellar licular lamellar lar lamellar fibrosis
fibrosis fibrosis fibrosis
Increased number of Lymphocytic interface Lymphocytic interface Sebaceous glands loss Sebaceous glands loss
follicular stelae dermatitis dermatitis
Mild perifollicular Sebaceous glands loss Sebaceous glands loss Premature disintegra-
inflammation/fibro- tion of internal root
sis may be present sheath

CCCA​ central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia, CPHL cicatricial pattern hair loss, FAGA​female androgenetic alopecia, FAPD fibrosing alopecia
in pattern distribution, FFA frontal fibrosing alopecia, T:V terminal to vellus-like hair follicles ratio
M. Starace et al.

a standardized and reproducible method to estimate the 8.2 Hormone‑Modulating Treatments

severity of the disease in each patient [32].
The hormone-modulating treatments used for FAGA include
antiandrogen receptor antagonists, which avoid testosterone
8.1 Minoxidil and DHT binding to their receptor, and real antiandrogens,
which alter androgen levels at the hair follicle.
8.1.1 Topical Minoxidil It must be remembered that 5-α-reductase inhibitors or
antiandrogens are forbidden in pregnant women. Abnormali-
Topical minoxidil is the first-line treatment for FAGA ties of external male genitalia, namely feminization of the
approved by the US FDA. Its efficacy has been proved in male foetus, were reported in animal studies. Strict contra-
double-blind placebo-controlled trials [54–56]. Minoxidil ception should be used during and for at least 30 days after
is a potassium channel blocker originally used as an oral discontinuation of these drugs [1].
hypotensive, whose peculiar side effect was an increase They are mainly prescribed off-label for the treatment of
in hair regrowth. Topical minoxidil is available in 2% FAGA and their use is still contested. Indeed, several studies
and 5% solutions and in a 5% foam. The precise mecha- including a metanalysis did NOT evidence any improvement
nism of action is not yet known; some hypotheses include with either antiandrogens or 5-alfa-reductase inhibitors [59].
enhanced vasodilatation and proliferative, anti-androgenic Due to their teratogen potential, many antiandrogen stud-
and anti-inflammatory effects [57]. The final result is to ies have been conducted in post-menopausal women. More
prolong the anagen phase of the hair follicle and induce an studies are needed to assess the real potential of antiandro-
enlargement of miniaturized follicles, obtaining the con- gens in different ages and biochemical situations. Their
version of miniaturized hair follicles to terminal hair folli- administration is advisable, in association with Minoxidil,
cles [55]. Minoxdil 2% solution applied twice daily shows in cases of poor response to the latter or in patients with
similar efficacy to minoxidil 5% solution or foam applied hyperandrogenism [1].
once daily [56]. Topical minoxidil should be applied as
1 mL of solution with a pipette directly on the dry scalp. 8.2.1 Finasteride
It doesn’t need massage and it is advisable to apply it 2 h
before bed to allow adequate time for drying and to avoid Finasteride is a 5-α-reductase type II inhibitor that blocks
it spreading on the face during sleep. Its efficacy could the conversion of testosterone in DHT, stopping hair loss
be observed after 6–12 months of treatment [32]. If suc- and increasing hair growth [60]. Finasteride is approved by
cessful, it should be continued indefinitely. Its withdrawal the US FDA for the treatment of benign prostatic hypertro-
will lead to a TE because of the simultaneous transition to phy and male AGA; it is used off-label for the treatment of
hair telogen with a minoxidil-dependent prolonged ana- FAGA.
gen phase. Patients should be informed about a transitory A study including 137 post-menopausal women with
increase in telogen hair shedding during the first months of normal androgen levels and treated with 1 mg of finasteride
treatment [55]. The most disturbing side effect in women is for 12 months did not show significant improvements [61].
hypertrichosis [54]. It can be the result of the personal sen- However, finasteride has shown its effectiveness both in
sitivity, or, more often, due to incorrect application with normo-androgenic and in hyperandrogenic patients in some
local spreading. Irritant or allergic contact dermatitis may studies utilizing higher doses (2.5–5 mg per day) [62–65].
occur, commonly related to the solution vehicle propylene In our clinical practice, we usually prescribe 2.5–5 mg
glycol [32]. If patch testing confirms a contact dermatitis, daily. It requires at least 6–12 months of treatment to achieve
a switch can be made to 5% foam—that doesn’t contain hair regrowth. Responding patients need to continue the
propylene glycol—or to oral minoxidil. treatment to maintain obtained results [32].
Besides the teratogenic effect, finasteride has been asso-
8.1.2 Oral Minoxidil ciated with estrogen-mediated malignancies such as breast
cancer, because it can generate estrogen excess [66]. There-
Patients are considered eligible for oral minoxidil if their fore, finasteride should not be prescribed if the patient has a
hair loss does not respond to topical minoxidil or if they family history of breast cancer.
don’t tolerate it [58]. Oral minoxidil is used at much lower It is generally well tolerated; side effects include head-
doses than those used to treat high blood pressure; indeed, aches, depression, nausea, hot flushes and decreased libido
doses range from 0.25 to 2.5 mg/day [58]. It can cause a sig- [60, 67].
nificant reduction in blood pressure if it is given with other
anti-hypertensive treatments. Other side effects include fluid
retention and hypertrichosis.
Female Androgenetic Alopecia

8.2.2 Dutasteride bleeding, the addition of 2.5 mg nomegestrol for 4–5 days

from the 14th day of the menstrual cycle can block the
Dutasteride is an inhibitor of 5-α-reductase types I and II. bleeding and, after some cycles of treatment, the bleeding
It has demonstrated more efficacy than finasteride in male could disappear [70].
patients with AGA [68]. It is approved for benign prostatic Spironolactone is a valid alternative to finasteride in
hypertrophy, while it is used off label for male AGA and patients that show FAGA associated with hirsutism or acne
FAGA [60]. It has been reported to successfully treat FAGA [73].
at doses that range from 0.25 to 0.5 mg/day [69]. It is well
tolerated but due to its long half-life, women of childbearing
8.2.4 Cyproterone Acetate
potential should continue to use effective contraception for
at least 6 months post-discontinuation [1].
Cyproterone acetate (CPA) is an antiandrogen that acts by
blocking androgen receptors and decreasing testosterone
8.2.3 Spironolactone
levels by suppressing luteinizing hormone and follicle-
stimulating hormone release. It is approved in Europe and
Spironolactone is a potassium-sparing diuretic primarily
Canada to treat hirsutism, acne and female alopecia, but
used for the treatment of hypertension, hyperaldosteronism
it is not approved in the United States [60]. As mentioned
and heart failure. It is also approved for the treatment of
above, its efficacy is similar to spironolactone [71]. In a
hirsutism [60]. The mechanisms of action of spironolactone
1-year trial, CPA was compared with minoxidil 2% in 66
are complex, since they are mediated not only by the direct
women with FAGA. While minoxidil showed an improve-
antagonist of aldosterone on androgen receptors, but also
ment, statistically significant hair regrowth did not occur
indirectly through the reduction of hyperandrogenism and
in the CPA group [74]. However, even if not statistically
systemic inflammation [70]. This molecule partially inhibits
significant, women with irregular menstrual cycles seem
ovarian and adrenal steroidogenesis, blocks 5-α-reductase
to respond better than those with regular menstrual cycles.
and 17-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase at the ovarian and
CPA is generally prescribed in combination with an estrogen
adrenal level, activates aromatase and increases SHBG [70].
in oral contraceptive pills. The suggested regimens for the
The initial dose is usually 50 mg per day for 1 month, then
treatment of FAGA in premenopausal women are 100 mg/
100–200 mg/day thereafter. It should be continued for at
day on days 5–15 of the menstrual cycle alongside ethinyl
least 6–9 months to assess its efficacy. There are limited
estradiol 50 µg on days 5–25, or 50 mg/day on days 1–10
data about the efficacy of spironolactone in FAGA. A study
and ethinyl estradiol 35 µg on days 1–21. Postmenopausal
included 80 women aged between 12 and 79 years with
women may be treated with 50 mg daily.
FAGA receiving a minimum of 12 months of oral antian-
Side effects include menstrual cycle irregularities, weight
drogen therapy. Forty women received spironolactone 200
gain, breast tenderness, reduced libido, depression and nau-
mg daily and 40 women received cyproterone acetate (50 mg
sea. Moreover, it should not be prescribed to patients with
daily if post-menopausal or 100 mg for 10 days per month
liver diseases. There is an increased risk of venous thrombo-
if premenopausal). There were no significant differences in
embolism in patients taking oral contraceptives containing
the results between spironolactone and cyproterone acetate.
estrogen, which can then be enhanced in patients taking CPA
Thirty-five (44%) women had hair regrowth, 35 (44%) had
contraceptives [32].
no clear change in hair density before and after treatment
and 10 (12%) experienced continuing hair loss during the
treatment period. In conclusion, 88% of women receiving 8.2.5 Flutamide
oral antiandrogens can experience a halt of progression of
their FAGA, or even a clinical improvement [71]. Flutamide antagonises the receptor to which testosterone
Spironolactone is generally well tolerated and its side and DHT bind. US FDA approved it for the treatment of
effects include headaches, decreased libido, menstrual prostate cancer [60].
irregularities, orthostatic hypotension, breast tenderness and Flutamide is usually administered at doses that range
hyperkalaemia. However, some studies have evidenced that from 62.5 to 250 mg daily for FAGA.
patients younger than 50 years without renal diseases have Although it has shown to be more efficient than finas-
no risk of hyperkalaemia, thus monitoring is not required teride and spironolactone in FAGA [75], it is not habitually
[72]. prescribed due to the risk of hepatotoxicity, which can lead,
In women who complain of orthostatic hypotension, in rare cases, to hepatic failure. Physicians who prescribe
it can be useful to take some pastilles of pure liquorice flutamide should monitor serum transaminase at baseline,
because liquorice can reduce the side effects related to the monthly for the first 4 months and periodically thereafter
diuretic activity of spironolactone. In cases of intermenstrual [60]. Flutamide should not be prescribed in patients with
M. Starace et al.

impaired hepatic function at baseline. Other minor side 8.3.3 Platelet‑Rich Plasma

effects include decreased libido and hot flushes.
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is obtained by centrifuging
8.3 Other Treatments patient’s own blood and concentrating the platelets. Platelets,
often with added growth factor, chemokines and cytokines,
8.3.1 Prostaglandin Analogues are then injected in the affected areas [84].
PRP has begun to be used in many specialties, such as
Latanoprost and bimatoprost are anti-glaucoma drugs with orthopaedics, aesthetics and plastic surgery, because plate-
the well known side effects of eyelash growth caused by the let activation promotes wound healing and induces tissue
stimulation of the anagen phase, and periocular skin pig- regeneration, with the release of various growth factors and
mentation. Topical latanoprost 0.1% led to increased hair cytokines such as platelet-derived growth factor, transform-
density in a small placebo-controlled trial including 16 male ing growth factor beta (TGF-β), vascular endothelial growth
patients [76], whereas bimatoprost 0.03% injections were factor, epidermal growth factor and insulin-like growth fac-
not effective in a case report of a post-menopausal woman tor [85].
with FAGA [77]. Moreover, some studies link the inflam- The efficacy of PRP during hair transplants has been eval-
mation in the scalp to an increased level of PG-D2, with a uated, and a considerable improvement in the density and
consequent miniaturization of hair follicles, and the topical regrowth of the transplanted hair follicles has been observed
application of PG-D2 has been shown to inhibit hair growth after the growth factors’ stimulation [85].
[24]. Actually, research is being carried out to verify if drugs The mechanisms of action on hair follicles are still under
able to block the PG-D2 receptor (GPR44) could have a debate. In vitro PRP induces the proliferation of dermal
potential application in patients with AGA. papilla cells and prevents apoptosis by inducing an increase
in Akt and Bcl-2 expression. Furthermore, PRP contributes
8.3.2 Light Therapy to the formation of hair epithelium and stem cell differen-
tiation into hair follicle cells, thanks to an upregulation of
After the first published report of paradoxical hair growth in β-catenin, which is expressed in the bulge area of the follicle.
patients treated with intense pulsed light (IPL) for removal The increased expression of FGF-7 (fibroblast growth fac-
of unwanted hair, an interest has grown for the potential tor-7) determines an extended anagen phase of hair cycle.
effects and applications of low-level laser light therapy Moreover, in androgenetic alopecia, PRP increases prolifera-
(LLLT) to treat alopecia [78]. This phenomenon has been tion of bulge cells with release of Ki-67. Finally, thanks to
called ‘paradoxical hypertrichosis’ and is widely acknowl- the suppression of inflammatory cytokines, PRP appears as
edged to occur with an incidence rate ranging from 0.6 to a potent anti-inflammatory agent [85].
10% with low fluences of all laser types. According to recent studies, PRP proved to be a promis-
The mechanism of LLLT on hair growth is not yet known; ing option for the treatment of FAGA [85–87]. A placebo-
it is hypothesized that the light enhances mitochondrial res- controlled, randomized, half-head trial that included 12 men
piratory activity and production of adenosine triphosphate and 13 women with AGA found a greater increase in hair
[79]. The treatment is usually performed at home and there density in sites treated with PRP compared with control sites
are many devices designed such as brushes, combs, hoods 6 months after the first of three monthly PRP treatments
and helmets. [88].
The FDA has approved different LLLT devices for use Moreover, three studies assessing the efficacy of PRP in
in AGA: for example, the HairMax LaserComb and the female patients were included in the evidence-based evalu-
TOPHAT 665. They are usually well tolerated; side effects ation of the last European Guidelines for AGA [32, 89–91].
include scalp dryness, itching, tenderness and a warm sen- Based on these studies, it was concluded that there was
sation. A recent paper compared the use of LLLT for adult insufficient evidence to support the use of PRP in FAGA
androgenetic alopecia with a review and meta-analysis of [32].
randomized controlled studies [80]. Although studies may differ in methodology, patient
The majority of studies found an overall improvement in selection and treatment technique, regrowth rates have been
hair regrowth, thickness and patient satisfaction following reported after five local treatments of 3 mL of PRP at 2- to
LLLT therapy. Further controlled randomized clinical stud- 3-week intervals [92].
ies are required to establish the efficacy of these devices The main side effects of PRP include pain and transient
[81–83]. post-treatment oedema and tenderness, persistent tricho-
dynia, psoriasiform scalp reactions, telogen effluvium, sec-
ondary infections and scarring [32].
Female Androgenetic Alopecia

Even though further studies are needed to confirm its other treatments [97]. This effect could be due to its anti-
efficacy and to define standardized protocols for treatments, inflammatory power, reducing Malassezia, and to its ability
PRP can represent a viable option in patients in whom stand- to decrease DHT in the skin acting as an androgen receptor
ard treatments do not produce satisfactory results [85]. antagonist [97]. It is recommended in women with FAGA
associated with seborrheic dermatitis or sebopsoriasis.
8.3.4 Microneedling
8.3.6 Topical Hormonal Treatments
Microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure that
involves the use of a skin roller with small needles that cause The anti-androgen fluridil and the anti-estrogen fulvestrant
minor skin injuries. It has become initially popular for the are not recommend for FAGA therapy [32].
management of acne scars and facial rejuvenation [92].
Recently, the use of microneedling has been investigated as 8.4 Hair Transplant
a potential therapeutic option for the treatment of hair disor-
ders due to its capacity to enhance growth factor production, Hair transplant is a valid option in patients who do not
facilitate hair follicle development and cycling, amplify col- achieve a cosmetically satisfying response to topical and
lagen and elastin production and create microchannels that systemic agents [98]. It is a minimally invasive technique
allow transdermal delivery of medications, such as minoxidil in which hair follicles from the occipital area, called the
or PRP, through the stratum corneum [93]. ‘donor site’, are transplanted to the bald area. It is indicated
In our experience, we recommend microneedling treat- in women with a high hair density in the donor site and no
ment three times a month, for at least 6 months. For the pro- overlying diffuse TE. Final results can be assessed after 9–12
cedure, the patients are anaesthetized with a local mixture months. In many cases, multiple surgical sessions are needed
of lidocaine and prilocaine/tetracaine cream 1 h before the and the potential transplant failure should not be excluded
procedure. Rolling is done with a dermaroller with a needle [32]. After the transplant, patients should continue previ-
length of 1.5 mm over affected areas until mild erythema and ous treatment with minoxidil or antiandrogens. Side effects
point–point bleeding is noted. Patients are recommended to include early temporary hair loss, pain and infections.
resume the application of topical treatments after 24 h [93].
Microneedling is usually well tolerated. Reported side
effects are pain or discomfort at the site of treatment, bleed- 9 Conclusion
ing, infections and enlargement of the lateral cervical lymph
nodes [93]. FAGA is a common form of non-scarring alopecia in
There is evidence that this technique may be effective in women. Clinically it is characterized by hair thinning in the
male AGA, based on the results of a 12‐week, randomized, central scalp and histologically by miniaturization of hair
evaluator‐blinded study on 100 patients [94]. Single case follicles and by an increased number of telogen hairs in the
reports, case series, or small randomized controlled trials involved area.
have shown promising results in FAGA, suggesting the Recently, the following cicatricial alopecias with hair loss
effectiveness of microneedling in combination with other in a FAGA distribution have been described: FAPD, CPHL,
validated treatments of AGA [93, 95, 96]. In particular, a CCCA and FFA. In order to rule out the presence of a cica-
case series studying the association of microneedling with tricial alopecia, trichoscopical examination should always
topical minoxidil in FAGA showed that the frontal area, the evaluate the frontal hairline and the crown area in patients
typical androgenetic affected area in females, has the most complaining of hair thinning, especially if associated with
improvement with the microneedling technique [93]. itching or pain. In doubtful cases, a trichoscopy-guided
To date, it is considered a valid method to be paired with biopsy can be decisive.
the existing techniques [92]. Future large controlled clinical The predilection of FAGA, FAPD, CPHL, CCCA and
trials exploring the utility of microneedling are imperative to FFA for postmenopausal women, the effectiveness of andro-
prove its validation as an evidence based therapeutic option. gen-modulating treatments and the histological finding of
perifollicular inflammation involving mainly the minia-
8.3.5 Ketoconazole turized hair follicles suggest an overlap or a progression
between these diseases.
Ketoconazole is an antifungal drug used to treat seborrheic More studies are necessary to further elucidate the rela-
dermatitis. Oral administration has proven to be effective in tionship between these diseases and therefore determine the
reversing the biochemical and clinical abnormalities of ovar- correct management and treatments.
ian hyperandrogenism. In FAGA, ketoconazole shampoo
has proved its utility, especially if used in combination with
M. Starace et al.

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