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DEMONGROUND: The Electronic Fanzine of Dark Conspiracy

On The Cover
The Devil’s Day by Alan M. Clark 1

Editorial and Opinion

Beginning of a New Era by Marcus Bone 3
A Short History of the Dark Conspiracy Game by Lester W. Smith 4
A Long, Hard Look: DC Then and Now - a fan’s perspective by Geoff Skellams 6

Terror Train by Michael Marchi 10

Home Rules
Nine New Careers by Geoff Skellams 18
A Referee’s Guide to Dimensional Physics by Mitch Polley 21
A New Automatic Fire Table by Moritz Capelle 24

Equipment and DarkTek

Slings and Chains: The forgotten melee weapons by Michael Marchi 25

Dark Races
The Gatherers by Marcus Bone 26

Crazy Charlie by Marcus Bone 28

Stark Raving Mad by Geoff Skellams 29

Tabloid Articles
A collection of tabloid article for use as adventure seeds by Rob Beck, Ms. Georgie, Marcus
Bone, Michael Marchi and Geoff Skellams 32

The Loose Ends 35

The Dark Conspiracy game in all forms is owned by Dark Conspiracy Enterprises. © 1991 - 1998 Dark Conspiracy Enterprises.
Dark Conspiracy is a trademark of Dark Conspiracy Enterprises. Dark Conspiracy Enterprises permits web sites and fanzines for
this game, provided it contains this notice, that Dark Conspiracy Enterprises is notified, and subject to a withdrawal of permission
on 90 days notice. The contents of this site are for personal, non-commercial use, only. Any use of Dark Conspiracy Enterprises 's
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or trademarks. In addition, any program/articles/file on this fanzine cannot be republished or distributed without the consent of the
author who contributed it. Dark Conspiracy Enterprises PO Box 2310 Key West FL 33040.

Page 2 Demonground – Issue 1 Contents

Beginning of a New Era
By Marcus Bone
DEMONGROUND Editor-in-Chief

Well, it is here at last. Dark Conspir- through your contributions that DE- Dark Conspiracy ICQ chats, MsG, Rob,
acy has been re-released and DEMON- MONGROUND will survive. Avalanche, NightOwl, Grim, Geist, PaCo,
GROUND: The Electronic Fanzine of On that note I must say thank you to Hamster Boy and the rest… thanks for
Dark Conspiracy is here to support it. the many people out there who made this keeping up the interest.
I cannot express how happy I was to fanzine possible. And finally to you, the reader of this
see my favorite role-playing game of all To Ken Whitman, thanks for bringing fanzine. Thanks for giving us your time.
time back in print, Dynasty Presentations DC back. This is for you as much as it is for us.
has done a great job in getting this great To Lester Smith, thanks for designing Well enjoy this first delve into horror,
game back out amongst the role-playing the greatest RPG on Earth. and be ready for much more in our next
community, the place it deserves to be. To Geoff and Mike, a big thanks… issue, in which we will focus on intro-
Now that Dark Conspiracy is back in without you none of this would ever have ducing new Referees and players to this
print, it is we, the players, who must make happened. great game. So until then have FUN.
sure it becomes bigger and better than To everyone who contributed to the
ever before. And that is where DEMON- first issue, a very special thanks. It is
GROUND comes in. We are a fan maga- really you who are the heroes today, for
zine, relying on you, as the fans of DC, to without you work this magazine would be
show your support and submit your ideas nothing. Marcus D. Bone
on the world of modern horror. It is only A special note to all the guys at the DEMONGROUND Editor-in-Chief

The Dark Conspiracy

ICQ Chatroom
Each week, fans of Dark Conspiracy
come to the ICQ Dark Conspiracy chat
room to talk about the game. In the past,
sessions have concentrated on things such
as the 2nd edition of the game, adventure
ideas and different initiative systems. The
concept for DEMONGROUND was cre-
ated in one of these sessions.
If you have ICQ installed on your
computer, just search ICQ by id# (for
12565688) or nickname (&Dark Conspir-
acy) and add it to your ICQ contact list.
If you don’t have ICQ installed on
your computer, you can download it for
free from the ICQ home page at
For more details about the Dark Con-
spiracy chatroom and chat sessions, in-
cluding the next scheduled time, see the
Discussions page on the Dynasty Presen-
tations website.
If you have any questions about Dark
Conspiracy, come along. We look for-
ward to seeing you.

Editorial Demonground – Issue 1 Page 3

A Short History of the Dark Conspiracy Game
By Lester Smith
Did you ever wonder how a role- range of numbers, without the clunkiness that I didn’t have to come up with new
playing game comes to be? Well allow of a d10 on the one hand, the needlessly stats for all the modern and futuristic gear
me to pull back the curtain over the his- fine divisions of a d100 on the other, or I wanted to include in DC.
tory of the Dark Conspiracy RPG, and let the bell curve of multiple d6s on the third That clinched it. I got to work con-
you take a peek. hand. (It’s Dark Conspiracy, remember, verting my notes to T2K2 stats (or per-
so I can have three hands.) In my original haps more properly converting T2K2 to
The Genesis system, the number of points by which my notes). Empathy was added as an at-
you succeeded or failed determined the tribute, two of T2K2’s physical stats were
Early in the summer of 1990, I was
“quality” of your result. In competitive merged, and skills were juggled to suit.
taking a break from grad school, when
actions, that “quality” helped determine The project took a great leap forward as I
Marc Miller called to ask if I’d be inter-
just how much of an effect the victim suf- was able to concentrate on mood instead
ested in designing a new project for
fered. Still, the effects of that “quality” of mechanics.
GDW. I had some time on my hands—
were left up very much to the referee to
and you know what they say about idle
hands…. So I said, “Sure.”
decide. The Background
A few months into my work, Frank
When I met with Marc and Frank From the beginning, I set myself the
and Marc called again, to let me know
Chadwick to discuss the project, they ex- goal of making a background that could
that the second edition of Twilight: 2000
plained that they wanted a role-playing incorporate absolutely any horror story. It
was going over very well for the com-
game of “ecological horror.” I have a soft was my opinion at the time that AD&D
pany. They explained that they thought it
spot in my head for horror, so naturally I succeeded largely because a DM could
would be a good idea for GDW to have
said, “Sure.” We discussed the ecological import pretty much any fantasy story, and
similar mechanics for all its RPGs, so
aspects: a world in danger of ruination; a I wanted to do the same for horror.
they wanted me to adapt my current rules
plot of some sort to take the earth from Nowadays, I’m not so sure that’s a valid
to match T2K2.
human hands. They pitched some ideas. I approach. Chill tried just that, and it’s
pitched some ideas. We shook hands all died at least a couple of times. Call of
around, and I went home to start work. Cthulhu didn’t really try that, and it’s still
I was very excited. But as a role- as strong as ever. Vampire: The Masquer-
playing game designer, I was still a little ade and it’s siblings all focus on one vi-
wet behind the ears back then. My RPG sion, too, without trying to incorporate
experience to that point had been to revise absolutely every type of horror, and
the Traveller: 2300 RPG, filling in some they’re going strong. Fortunately for me,
holes and expanding the original to twice two focuses developed early in Dark
the size. And I’d done several adventure Conspiracy’s development, and they gave
modules and a few board games. But I the game the identifying mark it needed to
wasn’t quite sure how to start a role- survive.
playing game from scratch. So I just gave The first focus was the guns. GDW
it my best shot. I jotted down some basic was a wargame company at heart, and it
mechanics, wrote up a few monster de- showed even in their RPGs. (In fact, if
scriptions, plotted out an adventure, and you used the abbreviation “RPG” at
got some friends together to start playing. GDW, it was usually assumed you meant
Along the way, I just hoped to generate “rocket-propelled grenade.”) Rather than
enough material to fill a 250-page book. fight that fact, I decided to try making a
At first, I wasn’t thrilled about the horror game where the point was ulti-
The Mechanics idea. As I’ve mentioned, I thought the d10 mately to blow the monsters to little
system to be too “coarse-grained,” with- pieces. I just tried to create monsters that
It might surprise you to learn that the
out enough variance. Still, I could see the would rip you up a time or two before you
game started with a d20 mechanic based
appeal of a game company having com- could come up with a workable plan to
on skills. At the time, I was of the opinion
mon mechanics throughout its RPGs, and defend yourself. But once you had, it was
that a d20 was just about a perfect die for
I like to be a team player. Also, it meant payback time in spades. Pretty much all
a role-playing game. It gives a reasonable

Page 4 Demonground – Issue 1 Editorial

of the DC adventures I ever wrote and ran of us was much aware of the other’s work always something like, “Sure, you can
were designed exactly that way: I’d maim until both game and first or second novel change it, as long as all the current
or even kill a PC or two, then let the rest had been completed. Mike depicted a sourcebooks for it and T2K2 remain in ef-
escape, catch their breath, equip for the more cyberpunkish world at first than I fect.” So I couldn’t just double the attrib-
baddies, then come back and blast them to had, but the two visions began to feed off ute and skill numbers, because things like
bits. It isn’t how I run Call of Cthulhu, but each other after the game was released. gun recoil ratings wouldn’t work any-
it certainly works for DC. Ted Kocot, the fellow who turned me more. I tried a provisional change in the
The second focus was the ETs. As a on to cyberpunk before it was a phe- PC Booster Kit, but it was kind of clunky.
kid, I watched lots of sci-fi movies in nomenon, is to blame for the tabloid tie-in About a week after the booster kit hit the
which the aliens were beneficent. Then as to the game. He got me to thinking about stands, however, I smacked my forehead
a teenager, I read reports about ETs per- the ways in which those bizarre tabloid and said, “Of course! Just add the skill
forming head transplants on helpless hu- stories could serve as clues for “actual” and controlling attribute together, and use
mans. So I built that change into the DC events in the game. I found tabloid stories the total as the target number for a d20!”
game. Once the ETs came in peace, but to be a great inspiration for adventures. I It was such a natural adaptation that we
now they were corrupted. Frank’s the only wish I had taken the idea further, and all wondered why we hadn’t thought of it
fellow who came up with the rationale built them more fully into the back- before. That’s the version that’s in the
that they had opened a mystic gate to ground. newest edition of the game.
“hell” and became possessed. That central I think my favorite writer for DC What brought about that new edition,
concept gave DC an identifying mark it material was Michael LaBossiere. He be- long after GDW was gone? Well, at pretty
needed. gan writing short adventures almost im- much every convention I attended, some-
As for the other monsters, I just tried mediately, mainly for Challenge maga- body or the other would ask me if the
to come up with a rationale that fit the old zine. I immediately fell in love with his game would ever be reprinted. I men-
stories, but didn’t stretch the laws of sci- approach to horror, his bent vision, and tioned that fact to a couple of different
ence too far. For example, it seemed more his delivery in writing. I looked forward publishers over the years, and finally Ken
reasonable to me that “werewolves” were to seeing his every submission. I hope Whitman decided it sounded like a good
always bestial-looking in reality, but pro- he’ll do some new work for the second idea. He talked with the folks who cur-
jected a hypnotic power to disguise them- edition. rently own the license, came up with a
selves, than that their bodies could meta- For what it’s worth, my favorite of business plan, and got to work. It was
morphosize in seconds. That rationale the full modules, however, is Among the Ken who decided to split the original
was one of the things that sold Frank on Dead, for whatever you can make of that. book into two sections—one for players,
my vision for the game. and one for referees—then incorporate
Finally, I needed a world where such material from various sourcebooks into
creatures could break loose. But it had to each. He’s also the guy who decided to
be a fairly modern one. So I described a repackage them both in digest sized
growing dystopia—not quite cyberpunk— books. At first, I was skeptical about that
in which lawlessness plagued the rural re- format, but when he showed me a sample
gions, allowing for monsters to prowl, yet page, I had to admit it looked nice, and
dark secrets were held at the center of the when I saw the finished books at GenCon,
overcrowded cities. It was never my in- I was impressed. They definitely stand out
tent to detail the megacorps or metro- among a sea of 8 ½” x 11” books.
plexes. Remember, I wanted a world I’m gratified to see the books back in
where referees could import stories they print. I’m not certain at this point how
read or viewed, not one that dictated their Late Developments much involvement I’ll be able to have in
campaigns. The plan was to allow for the line’s further development. Lots of
Eventually, I finished writing and
Howling-style werewolf packs on the one water has passed under the bridge since I
went back to grad school for one season.
hand, and Aliens-style corporate horror on ran the line at GDW, and I have several
After finishing grad school, I went back
the other. The rest of the dystopian vision other irons in the fire, as they say. But I’ll
to work full-time at GDW. As luck would
grew from those two extremes. continue to advise Ken as he pursues fur-
have it, my first task was to finish getting
ther publication, and I’ll be running DC
DC through production, then take over
The Other Players management of the line. Through the next
events at a number of conventions. Maybe
I’ll see you there…
Which brings me to Mike Stackpole’s couple of years, as the line expanded, I
novels. At the same time I had been ap- had a great deal of fun. But the D10 sys-
proached to do the game, Mike had been tem continued to bug me. I talked with
asked to write a series of novels. Neither Frank about it often, and his reply was

Editorial Demonground
Demonground – Issue 1 Page 5
A Long, Hard Look
Dark Conspiracy, then and now – a fan’s perspective
By Geoff Skellams
With the republication of Dark Con- AD&D is the classic sword and sor- which are very popular.
spiracy, it is perhaps a good time to re- cery hero game. People like (or perhaps The WoD games have a very strong
flect on what has gone on before, where need) to be a hero in some sense, and backplot that the game universe revolves
the game currently stands and what needs their real world lives may not provide around. As time goes by, adding to the
to be done to make the game more com- them the opportunity to express those de- background story and advancing it one
petitive and appealing to the gaming pub- sires. So they get attracted to a game that piece at a time expands the game uni-
lic in times to come. does. AD&D is the best known of the verse.
Before I do that, I would like to look fantasy games and it is what most people Shadowrun also has a very strong
at the games that are currently doing well know about. It may not be the best fantasy campaign backplot, which is becoming
on the market (relatively speaking) and game, but it is the oldest and best-known more and more complicated as the years
examine why they have the appeal that role-playing game and is well supported. go by. It is this ever-evolving backplot
they have. By looking at the reasons why Shadowrun allows the character to be keeps the game fresh, as the new source-
these games appeal to people can give us powerful outside the normal bounds of books that come out all help to advance
an insight as to why Dark Conspiracy society. The characters are particularly this story.
didn’t take the gaming community by mercenary in their outlook on life and I The concept of a backplot is being
storm in it’s original form. It’s important suspect this is one the attractive features used more and more on television. Shows
to note at this point that these ideas are of the game. It allows the character to get like X-Files, Babylon 5, Pretender and
simply my opinion and not based on any out of the normal humdrum of society and Profiler are all using elements of backplot
empirical studies. make a difference. This may or may not to attract viewers and try and get them to
To the best of my knowledge, the involve the character being a hero in the stay watching over the duration of the se-
three most popular gaming systems cur- classic sense. ries. It seems that giving the story a long-
rently being produced are TSR’s Ad- The WoD games, on the other hand, term backplot keeps the show’s focus and
vanced Dungeons & Dragons (AD&D), appeal to a different section of the gaming ensures that it keeps moving along. These
FASA’s Shadowrun and White Wolf’s community. Instead of looking for a way long-term plots which are revealed very
World of Darkness series (WoD). For the to be a hero of some description, WoD slowly as the show progresses hook view-
sake of this argument, I am going to players relate more to the loss of human- ers and have them trying to second guess
group the WoD games together under a ity the characters in the game suffer from. what is really going on and what is going
single heading because the reason for the The modern world is very dehumanizing to happen next.
popularity of the series as a whole is all and the characters in the game echo this
based around the same basic idea. feeling, as they are all trying to recover Having looked briefly at all of that,
So why are these games selling much their lost humanity in some form or an- the time now comes to have a look back
better than everything else on the market? other. at the 1st Edition of Dark Conspiracy and
I believe that the answer has to do There is another thing all three of see where it may have lacked something.
with the concept of Makia (see the side these games have in common. In some
bar on the next page for an explanation). form or another, all of them have some The first and perhaps the most im-
People are attracted to certain games sort of long-term campaign backplot that portant problem Dark Conspiracy suf-
because the settings of those games re- is used to guide the production of new fered from was people didn’t resonate
flect the mindset that they have at the material. with the underlying concepts of the game.
time. For whatever reason, their subcon- AD&D used to produce a series of For whatever reason, people didn’t like
scious uses the game as a means of ex- campaign modules that are all loosely re- the idea of fighting an interdimensional
ploring areas that it cannot do in the per- lated in some fashion. In the early days of evil because there seemed no real way of
son’s day-to-day reality. I think that if a D&D, a wide variety of modules were beating it. You can’t stop the evil, only
person could not relate to a particular written, but as time went by, sequels to delay it for a while. In the long run, I
game setting or style, then it would no these modules were written to turn them think this turned a lot of people off, as
relevance for them and they would not into campaigns. To the best of my knowl- there was no sense of hope for a better
bother to play. edge, this idea is still being used, in such future.
Given that line of thinking I started to products as the Birthright campaign set- The second thing that I think acted
try and figure out what “mindset” the ting. Another example is the RPGA’s against the original game (although I have
three popular systems catered for. Living City campaign at conventions, heard it called one of the game’s

Page 6 Demonground – Issue 1 Editorial

strengths) is the emphasis on combat another area where Call of Cthulhu has it games, in the same way AD&D has done
within the rulebooks. There are a lot of over Dark Conspiracy, in my opinion. in the past. The unfortunate demise of
weapons listed and detailed rules for how The rules for sanity in Call of Cthulhu are GDW put a halt to these plans though.
to conduct fire combat. This means that quite good, even if they do tend to result
unlike Call of Cthulhu, blasting away at in of the premature retiring of a lot of Well, now that I have soundly be-
the nasties is a perfectly reasonable means characters. rated DC to great lengths, I can imagine
of solving a problem. I know that this is I feel that the other major problem you are wondering why I still like this
not what is meant, the underlying “if it with the old Dark Conspiracy system was game at all. Well, it all boils down to one
moves, shoot it; if it doesn’t, set fire to it” the lack of direction in the game universe. thing.
mentality comes across in a lot of the The main rulebook included a very de-
published material. Most gamers I know tailed background story, but in all the Potential.
have grown out of the “blast everything” other published books, very little of the
mindset and now prefer a game where background information was expanded There is so much scope in Dark Con-
there is far more character interaction and on. If people wanted to use elements of spiracy universe. A lot of time and
mental work. I think the latter is why Call the background in their own campaigns, thought has gone into coming up with a
of Cthulhu is still around. The emphasis they had to do all the work themselves. A coherent game background, and it ties in
on role-playing instead of roll-playing lot of people don’t have the time to come wonderfully with all of the old tales of
was one of its strongest points. up with a detailed Dark Lord plot. For the horrific creatures as well as some current
The lack of any sort of decent rules most part, it requires too much work; it’s situations in the world. It builds on the
for fear was also a problem. A character too big. Dark Conspiracy has a great sense of whole conspiracy theory concept
could spot some sort of hideous monster background story. I think it’s a crying that has become very popular in recent
and could react normally, while it would shame that nothing much was ever done years, especially with show such as the X-
incapacitate 99.9999% of the population with it. To be fair, it possible that there Files.
with fear. It does not allow for a realistic were plans to follow on from the pub- It is probably this potential that re-
portrayal of the situation. Again, this is lished adventures to make campaign sulted in the new edition of the game.
There are enough people who also have
sensed the potential in the game and have
Some Metaphysical Explanations taken the time and effort to work out a
long-term campaign based on the back-
These concepts are taken from the Hawaiian Huna philosophy. I have included them ground. I believe that it is through the ef-
here simply to help illustrate several points I am making in the article. forts of these people that have helped
bring this game back from the dead.
IKE - "The World Is What You Think It Is" The new edition of Dark Conspiracy
People have a whole series of subconscious beliefs, which they pick up along provides a wonderful opportunity to really
their way during their lives. The beliefs are instilled in them as a result of highly start to resonate with people. Over the
emotional experiences they have had, which results in a series of “rules” in their past few years, people have really started
subconscious. These beliefs and rules dictate what that individual thinks about the to look at society and say, “something se-
world and how they react to various situations that come their way. By changing rious is wrong here.” Crime rates are up
your way of thinking about certain things, you can change the way you react in a and individual self-esteem is getting
given situation. lower each year. Dark Conspiracy ties in
with this sense of frustration and builds a
whole universe around it. By using these
MAKIA - "Energy Goes Where Attention Goes" feelings as a starting point for building a
Makia is a pretty succinct definition of the attraction mechanism that underpins
campaign, it allows for the construction of
a lot of metaphysical teachings. Basically, the more you think about something, the
some very valuable experiences.
more likely it is for you to experience that thing. By thinking about a topic a lot,
With the republication of the game,
then you reinforce the importance of that thing to your subconscious, which will
there is the perfect opportunity to really
make sure that you perceive that thing more and more. The reverse of Makia is also
build something solid on the framework
true - "Attention Goes where Energy Flows". If you spend a lot of time investing
of the game’s background. As I men-
energy into certain thought patterns, then your subconscious is going to point your
tioned above, Dark Conspiracy has a
attention in the direction of something that reinforces that concept. That's why you
wonderful background story and it pro-
can watch a TV show or read a book sometimes and really connect with what is
vides a lot of scope for some really ex-
going on - because it will resonate with the concepts in your subconscious mind. It
cellent role-playing adventures. The writ-
also means that other people will tend to notice what you have done and appreciate
ers of new Dark Conspiracy sourcebooks
it more, because of the time and effort you have invested into it.
and adventures can start to build a coher-

Editorial Demonground
Demonground – Issue 1 Page 7
ent and strong backplot into any new ma- does not defeat evil by becoming evil. All come their personal difficulties and lead
terial that is to be produced for the game. that does is perpetuate evil. Dark Con- fuller, happier lives. In most ancient leg-
This is not to say that the plots of the spiracy needs to emphasize the integrity ends, there is a deep message hidden in
Dark Lords have to be worked out in full of the minion hunters and reward the use the plot of the story. Not many people
and spelled out in black and white. Far of ingenuity and intuition. these days use this concept but there are a
from it. I think a good lesson can be few famous Hollywood writers, directors
learned from the Shadowrun universe. One aspect of the horror genre is that and producers who understand and use
Give the players and referees enough it makes you to look at the darker side of these ideas. A classic example is George
material to reveal small pieces of the life. People are attracted to horror stories, Lucas and Star Wars. Lucas read and was
backplot as time goes on and they will because it can give their subconscious heavily influenced by the works of Joseph
spend a lot of time trying to figure it out. minds a chance to bring to the surface all Campbell. Campbell’s book, The Hero
All of a sudden, the game universe be- of the old fears that have been suppressed with a Thousand Faces, details the ele-
comes far more interesting and immediate for ages. By bringing them up and out, it ments that are common to most forms of
to people because they are trying to piece forces the person to look at them and re- classical mythology and how these ele-
together all of the clues in all of the books alise that they can overcome their fears ments help make the story seem real and
and come up with something coherent. and get on with their lives. Overcoming more immediate to the listener. Lucas
A good backplot to the game means your old, irrational fears allows your life used a lot of ideas in Campbell’s book to
that the design of new products is going to become a lot freer and your self-esteem build a stronger, more meaningful story
to need to be mapped out in advance by suddenly starts to go up. that still attracts people to see it more than
the line developers. Each new product Unfortunately, this is an aspect of 20 years after its release.
published in the line will need to be cre- horror that is seriously overlooked by By using some of these concepts, an
ated to fill a specific need. These adven- people. At the moment, Dark Conspiracy adventure story ceases to be a simple lin-
tures can build upon the back-story and comes across as not much more than a ear “go to point A, beat up the monster,
reveal new snippets of information over simple “bug hunt”. It’s so “in your face”; solve the puzzle, collect the widget; go to
time. it’s either really funny or just plain stupid. point B, beat up the monster…” type plot.
This does not mean that everything Great horror stories scare the living It becomes something that seems a lot
that is published has to advance the main daylights out of you. They do this, not so more real and alive, something that peo-
backplot. There is still a lot of the game much by graphical depictions of blood ple tend to resonate with more. Each of
universe that can be explored and de- guts and violence or by some hideous the events in the story, be they situations
scribed in detail. What is not really creature, but by merely suggesting the or characters, become more real because
needed is more equipment and monster shape of something and letting the mind each of them is suddenly in the story to
guides. I feel that new sourcebooks of the viewer fill in the blanks. People fill a specific purpose, not just to act as
should instead concentrate on fleshing out fear what they do not know or understand. random encounters. They test the charac-
the parts of the game universe that have When someone doesn’t know the whole ter’s resolve or provide them with crucial
until now have not received a lot of atten- situation, the mind automatically tries to piece of information they need. The tim-
tion. In other words, new sourcebooks complete the picture and normally it will ing with which each of them appears and
should aim to make the game universe automatically assume the worst. Horror disappears will make more sense to the
seem more real, more alive, instead of just stories use these ideas to play tricks on players in hindsight and they will not just
filling it with more “stuff”. the mind. Normally, the subtler the trick, be simply a “space filler”.
The biggest thing that needs to be the more horrifying the story can become. Most of the ancient legends have a
done if a backplot is to be created is to Dark Conspiracy could certainly im- hero risking his or her own life to achieve
give players and referees a sense of hope. prove in this area. For a Dark Lord’s plot something that will ultimately improve
I mentioned earlier on that the idea that to be really successful, it needs to be very life for their whole communities. These
they are trying to defeat the machinations subtle. If it were too obvious, then people sorts of stories teach us that the actions of
of something incredibly powerful from would notice it and start to react against the individual really do have an effect in
another dimension turns people off. On it. By having their minions cover up the the greater scheme of things and that it
the whole, there is no sense of hope for operations and spreading rumors and false really is worth the effort in the long term.
humanity. This, I think, is something that information, people begin to doubt what If people writing modules actually set
can be rectified in the new edition of the they have seen or heard and are far less out to use mythic structure in the adven-
game. The emphasis needs to be placed likely to do something about it. This will tures they write, then all of a sudden peo-
on empowering the characters and show- only add to the sense of horror. ple will sit up and take notice. It might
ing that the actions of the individual really not be anything they can put their fingers
do make the difference. We don’t need to In ancient times, legends were passed on. It will just be something that makes
resort to using the same tricks as the Dark on, not only to tell a story, but also as a them think “Damn, that was good”, after
Lords in order to overcome them – one means of showing people how to over- they have either read it or played through

Page 8 Demonground – Issue 1 Editorial

it. But buried in amongst all of the action message in the story, it takes a conscious somehow, just one of life’s little coinci-
and adventure would be the information effort to make the story work. It requires a dences.
that they might be able to use in their eve- lot more energy on the part of the writer I believe Dark Lords should reflect
ryday life. to finish the thing. Sometimes this is be- aspects of what is wrong with society to-
cause the writer needs to overcome some day, only amplified to exaggerate it. By
Now, the trick with this sort of writ- personal fears to get through it. But, once showing players how to overcome the
ing is that it takes a deliberate act on the it is finished, that energy will show Dark Lord in the context of the game, it is
part of the writer to carry it off. You can’t through. It will be obvious to people that possible to show them a way to overcome
just string things together and hope for the someone has spent a great deal of time similar problems in their own lives. It
best. Everything that happens in the story and effort into making this a great story. ceases to be merely a game, and becomes
has to happen for a reason and has to hap- Now, if you remember, I said that the re- a lesson as well. The trick is presenting
pen at the proper time. verse to the concept of Makia is that “At- the lesson so that it looks as though it
Despite the fact that the process is a tention Goes Where Energy Flows”. If isn’t one.
hard one to carry off successfully, I be- you put a lot of energy and effort into cre-
lieve that there are enough good reasons ating something, then people will notice With so many role-playing games
to use it. First and foremost, it makes for a that effort. People will start to talk about disappearing off the market because of
far more coherent adventure. Christopher the adventure and when something gets a the collapse of their publishers, the sec-
Vogler has proposed a great framework in genuinely good review, people will sit up ond lease of life for Dark Conspiracy is a
his book The Writer’s Journey. Vogler’s and take notice and will spend the time very special thing. We have two options
work is essentially a distillation of the and money needed to have a look at it. at this stage. We can keep doing what was
concepts from The Hero With A Thousand The other side effect of doing this done before and risk the failure of the
Faces, aimed primarily at screenwriters consciously is that people will subcon- game for a second time. Or we can look at
and storytellers. The framework is a good sciously be drawn towards it. Through the what has gone on in the past, learn from it
one, as it helps to get rid of the dull spots metaphysical attraction mechanism, they and change the direction of the game and
in a story that sometimes cause the whole will get drawn towards something that build a stronger, better system that people
level of excitement to be removed. can help them get rid of whatever subcon- will want to play.
The other good reason for using this scious fears they may have. They will just
framework is that by putting a “hidden” happen to get drawn towards the story

Editorial Demonground
Demonground – Issue 1 Page 9
Terror Train
By Michael Marchi
With a roar, the thing slithers out of the darkness. Driven by hunger, it stops to feed - purring softly as victims slide into its
belly. With a hiss and a shriek it lurches forward, fleeing into the dark night – staring back with twin red eyes disappearing in the

Foreword doorway of the train, watching anxiously players into the scenario. One of the PC’s
Debbie Meyers shifted her book bag as her teacher came running up the stairs. could play the role of the professor left
straps on her shoulder and slid her left She waved in encouragement. “Hurry up, standing on the platform, or that of a
hand into the pocket of her faded denim Doctor Kate!” friend or relative of the missing girl. If a
jeans. She pulled out her monthly com- Three steps from her goal, Kate simple missing person scenario isn’t
muter pass and slid the card into a slot in heard the hiss of the automated doors cy- enough to pique your group’s interest,
the turnstile's card-reader. The elec- cling closed. She backpedaled to a stop then arrange it so that Debbie is carrying
tronic display turned from red to green just as they slammed shut – stranding her a very important manuscript for the Pro-
and with a satisfying *ka-chink*, released out on the platform. Debbie gave the fessor.
the lock on the turnstile. Once she doctor an apologetic glance as the air-
stepped passed the rotating bar, she brakes of the train hissed again and dis- Assembling the Clues
plucked the card from the slot on the exit- engaged. Then, as the train began to There is a good deal of detective
side of the turnstile. Her companion, move, she shrugged her shoulders, as if to work for the players to do in the initial
Professor Kaitlin Jones was digging say, “Oh Well.” stages of the adventure.
frantically through her purse for her own Kate took a step backward behind the
commuter pass. line on the platform and nodded reassur- The Missing Girl: According to Dr.
The low, steady hum of the ap- ingly to her student, mouthing the words, Kate, Debbie Meyers boarded the train at
proaching train changed in pitch as the “It's Okay, I'll get the next one.” the Cottage Grove station at 9:05pm. Dr.
air brakes were applied. She watched silently as the twin red Kate claims that she just missed making it
“Come on, Professor!” Debbie taillights of the train receded in the dis- on the train herself. She knows that it
called impatiently. "We're going to miss tance to the west. was the 9:05 train, because she remem-
it." bers checking her watch, and it was a
“Ah ha!” Kate exclaimed in triumph. Involving the Players train that they normally took when they
“Got it.” She waved her hand dismis- The quoted scene in the Foreword had to work late.
sively at her teaching assistant. “Go on section is one possible way to get the
up, Deb. I'll be through in a second.”
Debbie turned and trotted up the
stairs to the platform. Above her, the
sound of the train hissed to a stop.
Dr. Kate slid the card into the reader,
and stepped forward. Instead of turning
green and releasing the lock, the display
flashed red, and spat the card back. Kate
winced in pain as she slammed her thighs
against the unyielding bar. Swearing an
oath under her breath, she retrieved the
card and flipped it over.
This time it worked, and a moment
later, Doctor Kaitlyn Jones was pushing
through the turnstile and running up the
stairs as fast as she could. From the
platform above, she could hear the sound
of the pneumatic doors opening on the
Debbie was already standing in the

Page 10 Demonground – Issue 1 Adventures

Police Records: There are no records of the turnstile. Thus, a single-ride ticket person will frown, double check the com-
any attacks on CTA trains the night in has two ride points - one for entering the puter screen, and inform the players
question. The police and hospitals along station at the origination point, and one “There was no 9:05pm train last night.
the route have no records of any Jane for leaving the station at the destination. The train which would have been the 9:05
Does showing up. Nobody matching Round-trip tickets have four points, Ten- was delayed in the train yard for nearly
Debbie’s description has shown up in a Rides have 20. Monthly passes do not twenty minutes!”
hospital or morgue in the last thirty-six use points, they simply function at all
hours. The police will be reluctant to be- times throughout the course of a given The Records: The CTA keeps very de-
gin an investigation until Debbie is miss- month. tailed records of the usage of its mass
ing for 48 hours. transit system. Every usage of a magnetic
The Cottage Grove Train Station: This ticket is recorded in the central computer
Debbie’s Apartment: Debbie lives on the is the station where Debbie allegedly database at the train yard main office.
second floor of a five-story apartment boarded the CTA Westbound 9:05pm There are also surveillance cameras in
building. A spare key to her apartment Green Line train. This station is equipped every train station. The tapes of those
can be found atop the door frame. only with automated ticket vending ma- cameras’ captured images are also located
Searching the apartment will reveal very chines. If anyone thinks to look, there are at the train yard main office. Any inquir-
little. She doesn’t appear to have returned surveillance cameras pointing at both the ies made at a ticket booth about records of
home the previous night. There are mes- entry and exit turnstiles, and on the train Debbie Meyers either boarding or de-
sages on her answering machine dating platform as well. Dr. Kate will remember parting any trains on the night in question,
back to the afternoon on the day she dis- seeing a young couple, making out in the or for that matter, any questions about the
appeared. None of Debbie's neighbors shadows of the train platform just after video tapes, will be referred to the Main
will remember seeing her since the previ- the train carrying Debbie had pulled Yard Office.
ous morning. away. She remembers it, because at first
all she could hear was strange wet, suck- The Train Yard: Two blocks south of
Taking a Train: Sooner or later, some- ing sounds coming from the shadows, and the Stony Island train station, the four
one is going to have to take a train ride. it freaked her out. commuter tracks pass beneath a rusted
At the entrance to every CTA station, iron framework and enter the 79th street
there is a bank of turnstiles. Next to the The Western Avenue Train Station: Train Yard for Green Line (South). The
turnstiles will either be a manned ticket This is the station where Debbie would yard is over two miles long, and as they
booth, or an automated ticket vending have normally gotten off the train. The get closer to the Main Yard Office, con-
machine. Commuters insert cash or credit station is two blocks away from Debbie’s tinue to branch off until there are over
cards into the vending machines, and se- apartment. At the entrance to the train twenty separate lines of rails spanning the
lect single-ride, round-trip, 10-ride or platform, is a manned ticket booth. If the width of the train yard at the end. All of
Monthly tickets. The tickets have a mag- inquiry is made at any time of day other the off-duty train cars are parked along
netic strip on their backs, and are inserted than 4pm-midnight, the person in the this section, where they are cleaned, in-
into the card reader on the turnstiles. This booth will not have been on duty when spected and each moved in turn to the
unlocks the bar allowing the commuter to Debbie would have arrived. There is a staging area where they are assembled
pass through. If ride points remain on the computer terminal in the booth that can be into the next scheduled commuter train.
ticket, the commuter can pick it up after used to check train schedules for the most Once cleared, the train proceeds slowly
passing through the rotating bar. If no recent several days. When the players in- out of the yard, and then accelerates once
ride points remain, the turnstile keeps the form the person in the booth that they are it clears the outer marker of the yard, two
ticket. Leaving a station requires the searching for a passenger from the train miles to the north.
commuter to insert their card, and unlock that left Cottage Grove at 9:05pm, the


Stony Wood- Cottage King RED Halsted Ashland Western California Kedzie Pulaski Midway
Island lawn Grove Drive LINE Airport
(Trains run every 15 minutes throughout the day
8:42pm 8:46 8:50 8:54 8:59 9:04 9:09 9:15 9:18 9:21 9:27 9:35pm
8:57pm 9:01 9:05 9:09 9:14 9:19 9:24 9:30 9:33 9:36 9:42 9:50pm
9:12pm 9:16 9:20 9:24 9:29 9:34 9:39 9:45 9:48 9:51 9:57 10:05pm


Midway Pulaski Kedzie California Western Ashland Halsted RED King Cottage Wood- Stony
Airport LINE Drive Grove Lawn Island
(Trains run every 15 minutes throughout the day
8:30pm 8:38 8:44 8:47 8:50 9:56 9:01 9:06 9:11 9:15 9:19 9:23pm
8:45pm 8:53 8:59 9:02 9:05 9:11 9:16 9:21 9:26 9:30 9:34 9:38pm
9:00pm 9:08 9:14 9:17 9:20 9:26 9:31 9:36 9:41 9:45 9:49 9:53pm

Adventures Demonground – Issue 1 Page 11

passed through that same turnstile at 9:04. documented records on a hand-written
The Big Board: The Main Office build- There is no record of that ticket ever clipboard that confirms this statement.
ing sits along the southern edge of the leaving another station anywhere along
train yard. Within, there is a low counter, the line. Walkin’ the Line
behind which are about a dozen desks, The group will have little choice, but
manned by a dozen, frantic train-traffic The Video Paradox: It would appear to to try to follow the train line, to see if and
controllers. Each person wears a headset, be a simple matter to check the surveil- where Debbie may have gone. They will
and types furiously at computer screens, lance videos of the Cottage Grove station, undoubtedly begin at the Cottage Grove
pausing only momentarily to glance at the to see if a train was at the station at station, and proceed westbound, looking
gigantic situation board that lines the back 9:05pm. If the party checks, they will for something suspicious. The train they
wall. The board is a map of the entire ‘L find that no train is visible on the platform take will be no different from any other in
commuter line showing stations, and at that time. Further, there is no video of the CTA stable. There is a single engi-
ever-advancing groupings of three tiny either Debbie Meyers or Dr. Kate going neer on board, who sits in a small booth at
lights, which represent the currently ac- through the turnstile anywhere from the front-left corner of the car. Each and
tive trains on every line on the south side. 9:00pm to 9:10pm. But, there is footage every car in the line has two of these con-
The board is a wonder to watch. Trains at 9:11pm, of a young couple walking trol stations (one at each end). Control-
accelerate and stop as needed to allow arm-in-arm out of the shadows on the east ling the train requires a special control
other trains to pass by without incident. side of the platform, and exiting the sta- board to be inserted into a socket in the
The man behind the counter is Rich tion (with accompanying tracking confir- booth. The board will operate only in the
Holmes, a fast-talking, balding, man with mation in the computer). This is followed lead car. The engineer in the train sits
an over-inflated sense of pride in the at 9:12 by Dr. Kate walking out of the behind a doorway of bulletproof glass.
board he oversees, and a grating munch- shadows on the west side of the platform, He communicates with the passengers via
kin-like giggle. Rich will gladly point out watching the couple go. At 9:19pm, a microphone, which renders everything he
the operation of the Big Board, showing train stopped on the platform and Dr. says virtually unintelligible. As the route
how each train is tracked via a Global Po- Kate boarded it. At 9:20, another West- progresses, each successive station will be
sitioning System, and updated on the bound train arrived, stopped momentarily, announced. The ubiquitous “all aboard”
board. He proudly proclaims that he is and continued on its way. This evidence announcement garbled sufficiently should
personally responsible for standing senti- would seem to bear up the facts asserted drive the point home (the referee is en-
nel over one hundred and sixty-four dif- by Rich Holmes. Except, that the com- couraged to cover his/her mouth with
ferent trains cars, and with the board, he puter shows two tickets entering the sys- both hands to form an echo-chamber and
can pinpoint the exact location of every tem at 9:04 and 9:05 pm … a fact contra- slur the announcements). This mangling
train in the CTA network. Asked about dicted by the video. of the announcements should continue
train Debbie took, he will pompously in- until the players actually request that the
sist that there is no way any of his trains Frankie D: Frankie is the second-shift engineer address them directly through
were at the Cottage Grove station at yardmaster at the CTA facility for the the speaker. All such conversations will
9:05pm that night, as the train was de- Green Line South. It’s his ass on the line be clear. If they are on the 9:05 train, the
layed in the yard by Frankie D, the yard when the trains leave the station. A fact engineer will tell them that he always runs
boss. If pressed, he will go to a computer that he is more than happy to expound this train at this time, and yes, the train
console, and switch the board to a “play- upon when questioned. He is the epitome was delayed almost twenty minutes on the
back” mode of the time in question. Ac- of the stereotypical Chicago sportsfan night in question.
cording to the big board, none of the (popularized by Saturday Night Live). He
bright lights, which represent the trains, will talk your ear off about how each train The Vision
were anywhere near Cottage Grove at the car is five tons of iron, aluminum, glass After the train leaves the Pulaski sta-
specified time. and plastic, with ten-thousand moving tion, it will slow down considerably for
parts. The enormous machines run from the sharp curve northward toward Mid-
Tracking the Ticket: Each ticket is an electrified “third rail” that runs be- way Airport. At that point, the players
coded with a unique identification num- tween the two supporting rails of the will notice a great deal of construction
ber, and that number is used to track entry track. The way he talks about the trains, equipment through the windows. Many
and exit at every station along the line. you’d swear he thinks they’re living construction barricades topped with yel-
There is no way of knowing exactly things. He knows each and every car by low flashing warning lights line both
which ticket belonged to Debbie, but Dr. heart, and insists that he will never let a sides of the track. The train bumps
Kate still has hers, and records show that train leave the yard unless it is 100% slightly as it switches over several inter-
Dr. Kate’s ticket passed through the turn- ready to do so. He admits to delaying the sections in the track. Toward the center,
stile at the Cottage Grove station at train in question, claiming that a locked between the east and westbound local
9:05pm. There was another ticket, which brake-shoe was responsible. He has

Page 12 Demonground – Issue 1 Adventures

tracks, a dark ramp slopes down from the Out of the Darkness who will still be there, regardless of what
elevated train platforms toward the street Depending on how diligent your time of day they arrive. He will be happy
below. group is, they might be willing to follow to replay the big-board status at the time
As the construction zone is passed, the underground subway tunnel forever. they “claim” to have seen a train exit the
start with the player with the highest em- This should be discouraged after a while. Grey Line subway system (“That’s im-
pathic rating, and roll an empathic per- Point out that according to the map, the possible. Those tunnels aren’t even com-
ception check. The first one that succeeds subway extends at least fifteen miles to plete!”)
will be overwhelmed by a vision of Deb- the north, and another five to the south. This time, while observing the Big
bie Meyers, trapped on a speeding train. So once, you feel they’ve devoted enough Board, the players should notice some-
Her eyes are wide with fear, and she is time to the underground search, it’s time thing new. Preceding the lights that rep-
beating bloody fists against starred and to bring out the train. It will begin as a resent the trains on the board, a small
bank of LED’s will shift in color from
green to amber to red. This change ap-
pears as a flicker of color approximately
one minute on either side of the trains.
Rich will explain that is the feedback of
cracked safety glass. The image lasts low subsonic rumble, causing the tracks the automated traffic signals along the
only a moment, and disappears the mo- to vibrate rhythmically. Before too long, track route. These signals are designed to
ment the train they are on begins acceler- it should become obvious that there is a operate independently of the rest of the
ating away from the construction zone. train advancing toward them from the system, serving as warning lights for
north. As it grows closer, no lights will trains in both directions about proximity
Into the Depths be visible on the train. No headlights, and travel directions of other trains on the
The players will have to wait until the navigation lights, interior lights or any- track ahead.
train reaches Midway Airport to get off. thing, save the occasional sparks thrown When replaying the status at the time
Even pulling an emergency chord in an off the steel wheels as they roll over the the mystery train exited the Grey Line,
attempt to stop the train will result only in iron rails. The train will pass them, although no train is visible on the display,
a red light illuminating on the engineer’s moving much too quickly to even con- the automated signal lights are clearly
board as a stop request – which he is not sider jumping aboard. Hopefully the changing as if a train is progressing down
obligated to acknowledge. group will follow. From experience, half the track.
Upon arriving at the construction site, the groups who ran this adventure have When replaying the status of the
they will find the area surrounded by big elected to follow the tunnels to find where Cottage Grove station around 9:05pm on
fences of bright orange plastic construc- the train came from. If your group insists the night Debbie disappeared, the same
tion netting. A large billboard proudly on continuing the search, let them find flicker is observed, proceeding westbound
proclaims: “Coming November 2013, what they are looking for: a huge area of until it stops at the Grey Line construction
GREY LINE subway extension. Brought the track that is surrounded by an outline area.
to you by the CTA and City Services – in the ground – essentially forming a
working together for a brighter tomor- trapdoor (probably hydraulic) that will Comes the Monster
row”. The ramp from the elevated plat- pitch downward should an object of suffi- At this point, all the pieces are in
form above, extends downward into the cient mass (say 15 tons) come to rest place to solve the mystery except one.
depths beneath street-level – apparently upon it. Since the players don’t have a How does the false train get onto the sys-
providing access to the subway system 15ton vehicle on them (like…a train), tem? Where is it, and how is the substi-
down below. According to the signs, the they’ll need to go elsewhere, or wait for tution coordinated? The players may feel
Grey Line subway isn’t supposed to be the train to come back. that another conversation with Frankie D
active for months, yet when the players is in order. No matter what, they are
proceed down the ramp, they will find the The Big Board (revisited) moments away from their first encounter
tracks leading downward to be shiny and By now, the players should realize with the Ghost Train. While there, they
new, quite complete, and most disturbing that they’ve just witnessed the passage of will hear an announcement that Frankie D
of all, powered! That’s right, electricity is a train that should not and does not exist. has ordered the current train in the staging
flowing through the third rail of this sup- It should occur to someone in the group, area to be held up due to a mechanical
posedly inactive tunnel. Despite the fact that they need to see if that train can be difficulty. This should alert the players
that the tracks have power, the overhead tracked by the CTA GPS system. Which that the switch is about to be made some-
lighting system does not. The tunnels are will involve returning to the Main Office. where along the two miles of track that
pitch dark, so unless the party brought form the train yard.
along some flashlights, they’re going to The arrival of the group back at the office This is indeed the case. If the players
have a very difficult time getting around. should come as a shock to Rich Holmes, manage to follow the tracks northward

Adventures Demonground – Issue 1 Page 13

from the yard, they will arrive within construction area going entirely too fast steel. The floors, the walls, the support-
sight of the entry point for the train! It for safety. It will actually leap off the ing pillars, the ceiling - even the intricate
rises up out of the ground, climbing up a track momentarily when it hits the ramp art-deco sculpture which adorns the walls
hinged ramp from somewhere beneath the sloping down to the subway. When that are all composed of the shiny metal.
ground. The train is well-lit and appears happens, the lights on the train will go There are two support pillars in the center
in every way to be an official CTA vehi- out, and then come back on when the train of the platform, each capped by a delicate
cle. It will begin accelerating out of the lands on the tracks where it belongs - ca- metallic sculpture. There is a ticket booth
train yard and heading toward the main reening down the ramp into the subway in the center of the wall opposite the train
commuter line. tunnel. The ride through the pitch-black with two motorized revolving doors at the
corridor will take only a minute before the corners on either side – the one to the
The Wild Ride train’s brakes suddenly engage and bring right, marked “Entrance Only”, the other
The act of catching the train should the massive cars to a halt – right atop the marked “Exit to 33rd Street”. There is
be played up to great effect. Arriving too trapdoor. Just as the people on the train also a pair of restrooms lining the walls to
late at each successive station, then fi- breath a sigh of relief, the train will pitch either side.
nally, getting far enough ahead of it that even more steeply forward than before One other obvious exit from the area
they can gain access to one of the stations and roll downward. The lights will go out is the subway tunnel with its single track
downrange, and climb up to the platform for good this time, and the sensation of which appears to continue forward of the
before the train leaves. falling, very slowly through a long dark train (in reality, it ends less than 50 feet
The train appears normal in all re- tunnel will be experienced. After another into the tunnel in a blank wall).
spects. There will be less than a dozen minute, the train levels off, with a bump, The only other exit would be the tun-
people on board. Appropriate announce- the lights will come back on, and the train nel behind the train through which it de-
ments are made, and the train will con- will roll to a stop in a beautiful subway scended into the station. The tunnel be-
tinue the route at normal speed. Before station. hind the train is dark, and appears lined
the train reaches the next stop after the with thousands of writhing black tentacles
players board it, the train will switch The Stainless Steel Station which extend down from the ceiling to the
(very suddenly) over to the center, ex- The silence that follows the abrupt floor and radiate extreme cold. The ten-
press track, and begin picking up speed. end of the headlong train ride will be bro- tacles actually served to keep the speed of
Attempting to contact or deal with the en- ken by the sobs of several passengers. the descending train at a reasonable level
gineer on the train will be futile. The en- Nobody will have sustained any lasting by clinging to the sides as it slid down the
gineer is in his control booth, frantically injuries, although a few bumps and dark tunnel. Climbing back up the steep
pulling levers and pushing buttons, and bruises are to be expected. Bright fluo- slope through those tentacles should be
obviously trying (without success) to re- rescent lights shine in through the win- next to impossible. They radiate a cold so
gain control of the train! Stations will fly dows of the train, bathing the scene in an intense that they produce 2 pts of cold
by, and the other passengers on board will intense blue-white glow. damage per combat phase to any exposed
begin to get very nervous as each of their The station visible through the right- hit location they touch.
stops are passed in turn. side windows of the train appears to be The train has power, now that it is
The train will approach the Grey Line constructed entirely of brushed stainless resting on normal tracks again, and is ac-
tually operational. The doors function,

Page 14 Demonground – Issue 1 Adventures

the lights work, and the intercom speaker saw. This can be especially horrifying to slammed into the fixed blades, and then
works just fine. The engineer will make a the players if they’ve just decided to head pressed THROUGH them by the rotating
brief announcement, instructing the pas- through the exit themselves, leaving the rods on the door. In effect, the revolving
sengers not to panic while he attempts to other passengers behind “where it’s safe”. door is a giant bread slicer! At the base
figure out what’s going on. Should the The sound of the chainsaw ripping into of the blades, a small trap door will slide
players get the bright idea to reverse the the other passengers makes a nice back- open, revealing a dark opening to a room
engines and drive the train backwards up drop for what happens on the other side of below.
the dark tunnel, they will discover that the Exit.) Attempts to stay on the sidewalk, and
each car of the train loses power as soon avoid the slicer require Constitution
as it enters the tentacle-lined tunnel. It Bread Slicer checks, made every five minutes. They
will take all three cars operating at full The official entrance and exit from start as easy tasks, and grow in difficulty
power to climb back up the slope. (Refe- the station are motorized revolving doors. one level each time. Failure of the Con-
ree’s Note: The train is returned to the These doors are divided into three seg- stitution roll will result in the person fal-
tracks above by utilizing an Electrogeist ments, comprised of metal rods anchored ling, and being drawn toward the slicer.
(page 63 of the DC Referee’s Guide) to to the center axis of the door. The rods As long as the door is freely rotating,
supply power to the cars long enough for are two inches in diameter and spaced there is very little chance of a person
them to climb through the tunnel. The four inches apart. Each door is motorized jumping (or falling) into the opening be-
Electrogeist lives in the third rail beneath and rotates in a fixed direction. In order neath the door without being pushed into
the train, and cannot be summoned by to enforce the one-way design of the sta- the blades by one of the revolving sec-
anyone but it’s dark masters – the Dwarf tion, one side of each doorway has alter- tions of the door. To pass through the
Gremlins) nating metal rods (also two inches in di- moving door unscathed is a formidable
A short time later, the soothing music ameter and four inches apart) that inter- Agility task. Failing the task results in
playing through the station’s loudspeaker lace with the rods of the door segment. dismemberment.
system will be interrupted by calm These prevent anyone from staying in the The double doors at the far end of the
woman’s voice. “Attention ladies and revolving door segment and following it hall, are locked. There is no mechanism
gentlemen. We are experiencing techni- around back into the station. for opening the door. Should the players
cal difficulties with the switching system On the other side of each revolving prove resistant to facing the slicer, the
for this station. Please proceed in an or- door is a moving sidewalk. The sidewalk following incentive can be invoked: Af-
derly fashion toward the nearest exit, travels along a seven-foot wide hallway ter a minute, cockroaches begin crawling
where alternate transportation will be with a ten foot ceiling. The walls and out from beneath the double door, and
provided.” The engineer will listen to the ceiling are made of the same brushed riding the moving sidewalk toward the
announcement, and then echo it. “All stainless steel as the rest of the station. slicer. There are initially, only a few
right folks, you heard the lady, there’s al- Overhead is an intricate pattern of neon roaches. As time passes, more and more
ternate transportation available outside.” tubes of various colors. The colors in the pour out from beneath the door, until
The restrooms, should anyone check, tubes shift and flow, accompanied by the there are hundreds of them coming out
are clean and tidy, just like the rest of the same soothing music that can be heard out every few seconds. The impression
station. While in one of the bathrooms, on the train platform. The hallway is fifty should be given to the players that there is
one of the players will spot a rather large feet long and ends in large stainless dou- a room on the other side of the doors that
cockroach skitter across the floor beneath ble doors. is literally full of roaches. Have a few of
a bathroom stall door. This hallway is in fact a hideous trap, the insects bite the players during this
The pleasant voice will return over built by the operators of this station. time period to convince them that the
the intercom, requesting that the passen- Once the majority of the train passengers roaches are there to eat the victims of this
gers head for the nearest exit. This are in the “Exit to 33rd Street” hallway, particular trap.
seemingly automated message will repeat the moving sidewalk will grind to a halt, It is possible to jam the revolving
every few minutes. and then reverse direction. The revolving door (at least temporarily). A well-placed
If the players need a little help head- door will continue to rotate in the original rifle barrel, or even chain could prove suf-
ing toward the exit, have the engineer go direction however. This has the effect of ficient to jam the door for a short period
there ahead of them. If they appear to be the moving sidewalk carrying the passen- of time. This should buy the players
going fine on their own, have him hang gers toward the backside of the one-way enough time to drop through the hole to
back and urge everyone to follow. (Refe- revolving door. It is at this time, that the what lies beneath…
ree’s Note: The engineer is a Dark Elf players should notice that the backside of
(page 70 of the DC Referee’s Guide). that door is comprised of sharpened Extruder
Anyone who doesn’t go through the exit blades, and not rounded bars! With the The room beneath the bread slicer is
door, might find themselves at the busi- way the door is rotating, anyone caught fifty feet long, seven feet wide and ten
ness end of an engineer-wielded chain- unawares on the sidewalk would be feet deep. Anyone dropping through the

Adventures Demonground – Issue 1 Page 15

hole from the room above will land in a smaller until it is only about 2 feet in di-
pile of body parts. The missing girl is un- ameter. It extends from the Extruder
fortunately among the victims in this room into the back of the Dwarf Gremlin
room. The room is dark, and the body Lair, where a bunch of Dwarf Gremlins
parts beneath the hole form an eight-foot sit with napkins tied around their thick
deep pile, that tapers off to a few scattered necks, forks and knives in hand, ready for
parts farther along the room. The room a feast. To the advantage of any player
reeks of decaying flesh. A Formidable squashed into the casing, the Dwarf
test vs. Constitution is required to avoid Gremlins are not expecting their food to
vomiting (Medical skill will make the still be alive, and they are only armed
task two levels easier). with the aforementioned dining imple-
The two long walls and the floor of ments.
the room are made from the same stain-
less steel as the rooms above. The wall The Lair
closest to the hole is formed of stainless Behind the piston, lies the lair of the
steel blades formed into an interlocking Dwarf Gremlins; the creatures responsible
grid of 1-inch holes. The remaining wall for the elaborate trap that the train and
at the far end is essentially a large bull- station represent. The tunnels that make
dozer scoop, extending from floor to up their lair are approximately 5 feet tall,
ceiling and wall to wall. The ceiling so most humans will have to travel
overhead is the underside of the moving through them hunched over. The short
sidewalk from the room above, still tunnel that the Gremlin fled into ends in a
moving. ‘T’ intersection. The players following it
An Average test of Observation will will catch a glimpse of the creature disap-
reveal that just beneath the ceiling, spaced pearing around the corner to the left. The
out evenly along the long axis of the room route that the Gremlin takes is shown in
are access vents to the motors that operate the map of the Lair.
the moving sidewalk. There are five The path to the right is left to the
vents on each side of the hall. These The vents are big enough to allow Referee to populate. It is recommended
vents can be opened with an Easy Me- even a large person to squeeze between that the passage curve back up toward
chanic skill check (with appropriate tools, the motors into the access crawl way. where the Sausage comes out of the Ex-
of course). Otherwise, finding something The crawl way is about 30 inches high, truder. Possibly as a balcony that over-
in the room and improvising will require a and extends beyond the length of the looks the dining room where the Dwarf
Difficult Mechanic check. room to where the machinery that oper- Gremlins are preparing to dine on the
ates the Extruder scoop is located. fruits of their dark labour.
The Piston A single lever pushed into the for- The path to the left leads to … an
As soon as everyone gets their bear- ward, backward or neutral position oper- elevator.
ings in the room, the scoop on the far wall ates a large hydraulic piston, which drives
will begin to slide toward them pushing the scoop. Operating the lever is a short,
the piles of body parts toward the mesh- squat, misshapen figure of a Dwarf The Elevator
work of blades. As soon as the piston be- Gremlin (page 83 of the DC Referee’s Following the ‘T’ intersection to the
gins to move, any cockroaches in the Guide). The Dwarf Gremlin will see the left one comes to an octagonal room with
room will scatter, climbing up the walls players looking down from the vent and a normal height ceiling. The hallway
and disappearing through the vents where flee through a small archway into the continues out of this room to the left. Set
the sidewalk motors are located. dimly lit hallway beyond (see “The Lair” into the wall opposite the entrance is what
The wall will begin to slide toward below). appears to be an elevator door. There is a
them pushing the piles of body parts to- single button set into the wall next to the
ward the meshwork of blades. This should The Sausage elevator with a small arrow pointing up.
start to panic the players as they realise It is pretty unlikely that this is the This button has been booby-trapped.
they are about to be diced with the rest of route the players will take, but based on Pressing the button will send a surge of
the body parts. sheer conceptual horror, it’s hard to beat electricity through the unfortunate victim.
being smashed into a giant sausage casing The shock will cause 2D6 damage to the
along with mulched up body parts. The arm that makes contact. It will also send
diameter of the casing gets smaller and the person flying backwards across the

Page 16 Demonground – Issue 1 Adventures

room. Treat the damage they receive frame the moment any weight is put on it. diameter. The same black spongy sub-
from landing as if they had fallen from a A Difficult Agility (or Acrobatics) roll is stance covers the entire tunnel. The mate-
2-meter height (as per the rules for falling necessary to keep from falling. Critical rial seems to absorb heat, and is responsi-
damage p198 of the DC Players Hand- failure results in the character panicking ble for the extreme cold.
book). and grabbing the sides of the ladder to The Dark Tunnels in which the char-
Careful observation (Difficult Obser- prevent their fall (which will be just as acters find themselves are part of a vast
vation task) after the shock will reveal an devastating as it was on the ground). underground network that extends for
indentation six inches beneath the glow- Normal failure will result in the player miles beneath the city of Chiwaukee.
ing elevator button. Pressing that inden- falling toward the stone floor below. One-hundred yards in either direction, the
tation will cause the elevator doors to Anyone else on the ladder beneath them characters will come to a four-way inter-
open. Inside are three metal drums. The can make an attempt to grab them as they section with a vertical shaft extending
first contains hydraulic fluid (for the pis- plummet passed (Average Agility roll to upward. That shaft leads up to the normal
ton). The second contains bleach (for catch the falling person, followed by an storm sewers beneath the streets of Chi-
cleaning the station). The mixing of these Average Strength roll to hold on long waukee. From there it is a simple matter
two chemicals will produce smoke – a lot enough for them to grab the ladder again). to find a manhole cover that leads to the
of smoke - a blinding, stinking, cloud of (To see where the ladder goes, check out surface.
white smoke. “Dark Tunnels”, below.)
The elevator goes up to the basement End of the Game
of an abandoned tenement building. The Gremlins How you end the game depends on
elevator shaft in that building appears to Continuing up the hallway from the how long you want to keep building on
have been excavated downward to grant elevator and the ladder, the tunnel widens this story line. Do the players find the
access to the lair. The elevator is used for out into an enormous cavern. The far way out? Do they leave a path of de-
delivering supplies to the lair below. wall of the cavern resembles a large struction and bloody retribution in their
apartment building viewed at night. wake, or do they quietly slink away in the
The Ladder There appear to be multiple levels of hopes of returning with better tools to
Up the hall from the elevator is a glowing windows with balconies and take on the Dwarf Gremlin menace?
small alcove in the side wall. In the al- walkways connecting them to each other. There are a lot of questions raised by
cove is a ladder, which extends upward This is the home of the Dwarf Gremlins. this adventure. It is impossible to believe
through a roughly carved stone shaft. The There are probably about a hundred that such an elaborate trap could be con-
two sides of the ladder are composed of Gremlins living in the structure – proba- structed and operating without someone
metal, which is embedded in the stone bly too many for the players to take on at on the inside helping to cover the trail. Is
floor. The rungs of the ladder appear to the moment. The Dwarf Gremlins are the corruption in the CTA, or higher up in
be made of some sort of plastic. The lad- short, ugly creatures with misshapen the Chiwaukee city services infrastruc-
der has been booby-trapped as well. heads and bulbous, gray-green bodies. ture? Is it a few key individuals, or have
Grabbing the two side rails of the ladder They are extremely adept at using human entire departments been corrupted? Are
will complete an electrical circuit and machinery. They are especially adept at the Dwarf Gremlins working alone? The
send voltage coursing through the poor turning that machinery against mankind. answers to these and other questions will
fool holding the rails. This will have the The trap they have devised here is a very be addressed in later adventures.
effect of locking their hands in a death- extreme example of their work and is de-
grip on the ladder. The person holding signed to produce the maximum amount The Dark Tunnels that the players have
the ladder will receive 1D6 of damage to of fear in the victims before they are just discovered will be addressed in a
each arm and 2D6 of damage to the chest slaughtered. The Dwarf Gremlins find future adventure. Watch for “The Dark
for every combat phase he/she is in con- that the chemicals produced by the human Tunnel Project” coming to a future
tact with the metal rails. They will be un- body when it is terrified add a unique fla- “DEMONGROUND” issue!
able to break themselves loose, and will vor to the sausage they produce in the
have to rely on one of their companions to process.
aid them. Whoever pulls them free will
suffer 2D6 damage to the chest from the Dark Tunnels
jolt. The higher the players get on the lad-
The ladder can still be climbed. The der, the lower the temperature will be-
person doing so must simply make sure come. Soon, they will notice that a black
they grab only the plastic rungs in the spongy substance covers the stone walls
middle. This works great until they reach of the shaft. The ladder comes out in a
the 42nd rung. This one has been deliber- perfectly cylindrical tunnel, seven feet in
ately loosened and will pop out of the

Adventures Demonground – Issue 1 Page 17

By Geoff Skellams

Hacker Courier Taxi Driver

The world’s computer networks hold In this day and age, information is Even in this day and age, people still
a vast amount of information for anyone wealth. Sometimes it is not possible to need to catch a cab sometimes to get
who knows how to access it. Most of it is move this information via a computer where they’re going. Some people even
locked up behind all sorts of security network and a courier becomes necessary. do it regularly, especially in the big cities,
systems and encryption, but you have You provide an important service to cli- where it is not practical to own their own
learned to slide past and get at the raw ents, racing through crowded city streets cars.
data. Many people are willing to pay good to make sure that the delivery is made in People talk to taxi drivers a lot, or
money for inside information, which is record time. perhaps taxi drivers talk to people a lot.
what you excel at finding. Then again, sometimes it’s just a And because they’re so common, a taxi
pizza delivery. But you have to make sure driver gets to see a lot of different things
Entry: Computer Operation 4+, Intelli- it isn’t cold by the time it arrives. Some that are happening in a city.
gence 7+ people get very upset about that.
Entry: AGL 4+
First Term Skills: The character receives Entry: AGL 6+
the following skills in the first term: First Term Skills: The character receives
Computer Operation 3 First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
Observation 1 the following skills in the first term: Vehicle Use (Wheeled ) 2
Electronics 1 Navigation 2 Streetwise 2
Bargain 1 Luck 1 Navigation 2
Computer Empathy 1 (if EMP 1+) Vehicle Use 4 Observation 1
(Wheeled Vehicle or Motorcycle)
Subsequent Terms Skills: A total of 6 Subsequent Terms Skills: A total of 6
levels from any one or a combination of Subsequent Terms Skills: A total of 6 levels from any one or a combination of
the following: levels from any one or a combination of the following:
Bargain the following: Bargain
Computer Empathy (if EMP 1+) Luck Language
Computer Operation Mechanic Mechanic
Electronics Melee Combat Navigation
Observation Navigation Observation
Luck Observation Small Arms
Willpower Small Arms Streetwise
Streetwise Vehicle Use (Wheeled Vehicle)
Contacts: One per term, specialist (com- Vehicle Use (Wheeled Vehicle)
puter or electronic), criminal, business, Vehicle Use (Motorcycle) Contacts: Two per term, of any type.
intelligence community or law enforce- Contact is foreign on a 1D10 roll of 8+.
ment. Contact is foreign on a 1D10 roll of Contacts: One per term, business, crimi- Special: Taxi Drivers are allowed two
7+. nal or law enforcement. Contact is foreign secondary activities per career period.
Special: When calculating beginning on a 1D10 roll of 10. They also use CHR instead of EDU when
money, use the sum of Computer Opera- Special: Couriers are allowed two secon- calculating starting money.
tion and Computer Empathy instead of dary activities per career period.
Education for all terms as a Hacker.
[Author’s Note: This career was inspired
by Hiro Protagonist and Y.T. from Neal
Stephenson’s book, “Snow Crash”]

Page 18 Demonground – Issue 1 House Rules

Records Manager Corporate Raider Corporate Intelligence Operative
Despite most of the information in Since the corporations have become Since the corporations have become
the world being electronic, there is still a more powerful than the government, more powerful than the government, they
large role to play for the Records Man- having control of the corporations is like need to have a lot of information. Some of
ager. All large organisations have a lot of having control of the country. You are that comes through normal channels.
information that needs to be stored away one of the elite, buying and selling corpo- Some of it comes in more, shall we say,
for future reference, sometimes not to see rate stocks, gaining control of a smaller clandestine ways. You are responsible for
the light of day for many, many years. It’s corp, breaking it up and selling off the the gathering of strategic and tactical in-
a boring job, but in the long term, very pieces for a tidy profit. How much fun telligence out in the field, which will en-
necessary. can you have in one day? hance the position of your corporation.
You have a good network of informants
Entry: EDU 5+, Business 3+ Entry: INT 7+, Business 5+ in key positions that give you the infor-
mation you need. Sometimes you have to
First Term Skills: The character receives First Term Skills: The character receives do a little dirty work as well.
the following skills in the first term: the following skills in the first term:
Business 2 Business 2 Entry: INT 5+
Computer Operation 2 Bargain 2
Observation 1 Persuasion 2 First Term Skills: The character receives
Leadership 1 Leadership 1 the following skills in the first term:
Computer Empathy 1 (if EMP 1+) Small Arms (Pistol) 2
Subsequent Terms Skills: A total of 6 Interrogation 2
levels from any one or a combination of Persuasion 1
Subsequent Terms Skills: A total of 6 the following: Stalking 1
levels from any one or a combination of Business Observation 1
the following: Bargain
Business Computer Operation Subsequent Terms Skills: A total of 6
Computer Operation Instruction levels from any one or a combination of
Computer Empathy (if EMP 1+) Leadership the following:
Instruction Luck Act/Bluff
Observation Observation Business
Leadership Persuasion Computer Operation
Willpower Disguise
Contacts: Two per term, government or Forgery
business. Contact is foreign on a 1D10 Contacts: Two per term, government or Interrogation
roll of 10. business. Contact is foreign on a 1D10 Language
Special: None. roll of 6+. Leadership
Special: For corporate raiders, calculate Luck
[Possible Special Bonus: A lot of very money by using twice the business skill, Observation
sensitive information is often stored away rather than EDU. Persuasion
in archives because of government regu- Small Arms
lations. The records manager sometimes Stalking
has access to some of this information. Streetwise
Remembering the details of the contents
of the records in storage is a Formidable: Contacts: Two per term, government,
Observation test, or an Impossible: Intel- business or intelligence community.
ligence test. All tests are one level harder Contact is foreign on a 1D10 roll of 6+.
for each term before the last one.] Special: If more than one term served,
add one to initiative.

House Rules Demonground – Issue 1 Page 19

Corporate Intelligence Analyst Smuggler Role Playing Game Designer
The corporations have all sorts of People will always want things they People need a sense of escapism
ways of gathering information that might can’t normally get. Sometimes this is be- these days. It’s because life has gotten so
be useful to them. Someone has to sort cause you just can’t get the thing they are bad, that they need to feel important. You
through all of the raw data and figure out looking for. Normally, though, it’s be- write the games they play, helping them
what it all means. That someone is you. cause the sought after item is illegal for relieve the monotony of their otherwise
You know how the corporate world oper- whatever reason. That’s where you come drab lives. It doesn’t matter if it’s fantasy,
ates and you have a gift for being able to in. You excel at moving goods from one science fiction or historical, people seem
sift the nuggets of useful information side of a line to the other. This can be to still want to play, although Cyberpunk
from the rest of the rubbish. With the across the border of a country or may be and Dark Future games seem to have
right information, your corporation can as simple as smuggling illegal goods into gone a little out of vogue.
make a killing. Sometimes literally. a corporate enclave.
Entry: INT 5+, EDU 5+
Entry: EDU 5+, Business 3+ Entry: INT 5+
First Term Skills: The character receives
First Term Skills: The character receives First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
the following skills in the first term: the following skills in the first term: +1 EDU
Business 2 Vehicle Use 3 OR Act/Bluff 2
Observation 2 Vessel Use 3 OR Computer Use 1
Interrogation 2 Pilot 3* Instruction 1
Psychology 1 Luck 2 Luck 1
Act/Bluff 1 Psychology 1
Subsequent Terms Skills: A total of 6 Bargain 1
levels from any one or a combination of Subsequent Terms Skills: A total of 6
the following: Subsequent Terms Skills: A total of 6 levels from any one or a combination of
Business levels from any one or a combination of the following:
Computer Empathy (if EMP 1+) the following: +1 EDU
Computer Operation Act/Bluff Act/Bluff
Foreboding (if EMP 1+) Business Business
Interrogation Bargain Bargain
Language Computer Operation Computer Operation
Leadership Language Instruction
Luck Luck Luck
Observation Mechanic Persuasion
Persuasion Observation Psychology
Psychology Persuasion Willpower
Contacts: Two per term, government, Streetwise Contacts: One per term, business or aca-
business or intelligence community. Small Arms demic. Contact is foreign on a 1D10 roll
Contact is foreign on a 1D10 roll of 6+. Vehicle Use of 10.
Special: None. Vessel Use Special: None

Contacts: Two per term, criminal, busi-

ness or law enforcement. Contact is for-
eign on a 1D10 roll of 9+.
Special: Smugglers use their Luck skill
instead of EDU when calculating starting
The character can choose how they operate as a
smuggler, be it land, sea or air based. Please note
that the character gets one of the choices of vehicle
skill, not all three.

Page 20 Demonground – Issue 1 House Rules

The Referee’s Guide to Dimensional Physics
By Mitch Polley

Preamble Empathy in Physical Terms The same would be true of Animal Em-
Empathy as a Force The four known forces are the pathy or Insect and Plant empathies.
From just reading the available mate- Gravitational, Electromagnetic, Strong Computer Empathy is even simpler. It’s
rial we can tell that in Dark Conspiracy Nuclear and Weak Nuclear forces. To this that certain something that hackers get,
the power of the mind, Empathy, can of- we are adding the “Empathic” force. being able to dance their fingers across
ten be emulated by physical machinery, To use the electromagnetism analogy the keyboard and work apparent miracles,
such as Dimension Walk devices, without again, envision it as having fields, with a making luck where none should exist - or
the need for harnessing empathically ac- powerful empath being a strong source - the Zen of the video game player that
tive and engineered creatures like the just like the iron filings being influenced seems to know what the computer is go-
Folder Pod and Esperlink. by a magnet, empathically sensitive ob- ing to do a microsecond before it hap-
From this observation it is a simple jects can be influenced by a strong em- pens.
logical step to realize that the forces being pathic presence. Use of a Dimension
unleashed by the mind are of a type that Walk device will leave a strong empathic The Nature of the Multiverse
has a physically describable presence in field behind, detectable by an Empathy
the universe like, but not limited to, elec- Detector Device (although I don't know if Bubbles of Nothing make it something
tricity. This is important for further un- they exist in the game - just imagine the While people have been trying to fig-
derstanding; it must be clear that the PKE-Meters from Ghostbusters). ure this one out for ages, one theory al-
forces and processes that allow an empath ways jumps out as being more than ap-
to Dimension Walk from London to Empathy in Human Terms propriate for Dark Conspiracy, even more
Frankfurt are exactly the same as those On a human level, empathy is the so after the publication of ProtoDimen-
that allow a device to Dimension Walk “feel” of things. How you get along with sions.
from New York to Moscow. It is not people, animals, computers; the feeling Imagine you are about to leap out of
magic; it can be done without an empath, you get when someone's staring at the a plane to go skydiving and that you toss
by a machine. Just like a car that travels back of your head or when you live in a a bucket of water out in front of you and
by carefully calculated use of understood house where somebody died. It’s about follow it down, watching the droplets and
forces so does a Dimension Walking de- emotions and feelings mostly, like being blobs of water move and spin, split and
vice tunnel across the space-time contin- able to “feel” the strong empathic residue recombine in an almost endless dance.
uum. left by someone who was violently mur- That’s how I see the multiverse - each of
Likewise, your body uses chemical dered. Their strong emotions, perhaps those little droplets or blobs is a universe.
processes to move you using the same even the strong emotions of their attacker, They may vary in size shape and symme-
forces as used by the car and thus an em- are left like a magnetic field for an em- try, but these are effectively the ProtoDi-
path’s brain must use the same chemical path to pick up (imagine those psychics mensions that are explained in the 2nd
processes to enable them to tunnel across who say “yes it was right here that the as- Edition Referee’s Guide. They don't exist
the space-time continuum. Without this sault took place, I can feel it”). in the same three dimensions as our uni-
concept, it is impossible to rationalize verse, instead in a set of three dimensions
how any machine can interfere with a (or more) set aside for the definition of
mind or vice versa - just like an electrode Discussion the falling bucket of water.
stuck in a brain can be used to interfere Any sort of Empathy Skill is being If two droplets combine in “Dimen-
with the electrical processes or the brain “in-tune” with that discipline. Human sional Space” or “Interstitial Space” it
can cause the electrode to register a Empathy is about being in-tune with hu- doesn't mean that those droplets are
change in electrical condition. Empathy man feelings or perhaps what it is to be joined at the edges. They could have
operates in a similar manner human; perhaps a level of awareness of joined anywhere - the junction in our uni-
humanity that allows one to empathize so verse could have been anywhere in our
Precept Number One: “Empathy” is as- well with someone as to gain an insight three physical dimensions - surface of the
sociated with some sort of dimension- into their thought processes. Perhaps it is moon, under the sea, deep space, some
spanning universal force. more like two wires running near to one other galaxy etc. The worst bit is that like
another, the second wire picking-up the droplets of water falling off the roof, or
signal being transmitted through the first. bubbles breaking the surface of a glass of

House Rules Demonground – Issue 1 Page 21

soft drink, this “dimensional flux” is con- fabric being seamlessly welded back to-
stantly happening, not quickly, but it is gether for a contiguous universe. Discussion
happening - the constant loss and gain of The opposite is a bubble of this same The implications of Dimensional
bubbles of universe. material (another universe) coming up Flux are that pockets of other universes
beneath it and getting closer and closer. might be joining ours every now and
Dimensional Flux Now depending on the “discontinu- again, and bits of our universe might be
Dimensional Flux is the constant loss ity” of the approaching universe relative dropping off from time to time.
and gain of bubbles of universe. It usually to ours will determine how likely it is for However, if large parts were to drop
only happens with universes that are the bubble to break and for the approach- off or join, this might have an adverse ef-
similar to our own, dissimilar universes ing universe to become a part of ours. If fect on the physics of our universe. An
don't seem to like coming together, possi- they are dissimilar, the encroaching uni- obvious example being that it is widely
bly due to some sort of field or charge- verse will “press” on ours, distorting the accepted that the background temperature
like effect - consider discontinuity factor fabric of the universe and our three physi- of our universe is an even 4 Kelvin (-269
in ProtoDimensions. cal dimensions in the locale where it is Celsius or -452 Fahrenheit). If a universe
A perfect example of this flux is happening. If they are not dissimilar, the the same size as ours, but with an average
Delta 7 from ProtoDimensions. Hundreds opposite will happen - like a water droplet temperature of 2 Kelvin merged with ours
of thousands of years ago a bubble of our falling from a tap in reverse. then the average temperature of the com-
space-time continuum “dropped-off” from Where the two continuums are close bined universe would be 3 Kelvin. Radio
this universe. The part that dropped off together they will distort out to meet each astronomers would pick it up pretty
had its three physical dimensions located other and create a “hanging drop” type af- quickly.
in what might be interpreted as a North fair between them (see the diagram, be- Even worse is that the assimilation of
American pine forest. The bubble was low). the two merging universes would take a
about 50km across and took that much while and a large proportion of the sky
ecosystem with it. Over the millennia the would read 2 Kelvin and the rest 4 Kelvin
flora and fauna evolved to suit the - even more obvious. Not to mention the
changed conditions in that bubble. I hope effect that it would have on the average
Ted Kocot doesn't mind if I steal and re- mass of the universe, gravitational con-
define the term “Splinter Land” for these stant etc. Scientists would notice a big
types of places. change.
Just as a splinter is a small facsimile Little ones however are a different
of the log it came from, so these universes matter. When measuring things like grav-
are small facsimiles of the place that they ity and background temperature of the
left (regardless of whether it was our uni- universe etc., there are always fluctua-
verse of somebody else’s). Thus it would tions in the instrument: these instruments
also be possible to have splinters of these are so sensitive that they fall victim to
splinters and so forth - even two splinters “Hiesenberg’s Uncertainty Principle”. In
from Earth recombining to create a single this context, it can be stated as “You can't
bigger splinter, although it could be a measure something precisely, there is al-
splinter of jungle meeting a splinter of de- ways uncertainty.” This could cover a
sert to create a rather bizarre mixture. multitude of little universes joining or
leaving our own, especially when consid-
Geometry of Dimensional Flux ering how big ours is (we don't know for
The geometry of dimensional flux is sure how big, but what we can see is
an odd one. If you can imagine the fabric Of course, if they are essentially dis- huge).
of our universes space-time continuum as similar the incoming droplet will press on
the fabric of the universe - the two will be
a sheet stretched tight (its nothing like it
very close but still separate, and a distinct Wormholes and Space-Time Dis
at all but makes for a good analogy) then tortions
imagine an invisible ball depressing a lo- physical distortion will occur in that area,
cal region, a distortion in the fabric of in a similar manner to an object under a
space. sheet. Latex, Grapefruit and Gravity
Imagine the rubberized sheet become Having discussed the nature of the
more and more distended until the ball Precept Number Two: The multiverse is multiverse, it is perhaps wise to discuss
drops out of our universe, taking a little a series of distinct bubbles or “Dimen- some nature within our universe. Many
bit of the fabric with it, which wraps into sions”, each one a universe in its own people use the cliché of the rubber sheet
a bubble around the ball, the remaining right. to describe the fabric of the space-time

Page 22 Demonground – Issue 1 House Rules

continuum and heavy balls to simulate bigger the mass the bigger the distortion. Again with the grapefruit - pop it down
massive objects and their gravity wells, Now you place a smaller body on the and see it create a gravity well in the
and I'll use it too. sheet, a ball bearing say, and while it has space-time latex. Now set it spinning, like
Imagine the “fabric” of our universe its own little dimple in the sheet, it rolls a top or a planet; on its axis. Spin it faster
as a stretched sheet of latex rubber. down the big depression until it hits the until the surface of the sheet (now acting
Imagine it is black with a white grid on it, larger body. Welcome to gravity. If you like water) forms ripples and eventually a
(space-time isn't really black latex with a instead place this ball bearing in the de- whirlpool around the grapefruit.
white grid on it but this is just an analogy pression and roll it tangentially (at 90 de- This is now a decent analogy of a dy-
so I don't have to go into superstrings or grees to the shortest distance between the namic space-time distortion. Now all you
anything silly like that). Imagine this as two bodies) you can get it to roll around have to do is imagine what it’s really like.
you read it (a role-player should have no the depression, simulating an orbit. Now That surface you have described repre-
problems). you're probably considering the solar sents the four dimensions that live in (x,
Now you put a ball on the sheet, it system, with a huge ball several small y, z and time), those white lines (still
might represent a planet or star, but either balls and lots and lots of tiny balls. there) are now distended, rippling repre-
way, it’s heavy, about the size of a grape- Thought so. sentations of ideal space-time; the dimen-
fruit. Where it lies you can see the fabric sions and the very time we occupy are
stretching, the lines that were straight are Add Water being bent by the gravitational forces and
now bowed, or curved. Go back to imagining your latex motion present.
This rather overused cliché is a good sheet, only this time the surface of the
demonstration of the distortion of the fab- sheet also behaves like the surface of
ric of space-time caused by mass. The water. Touch it and little ripples go out.

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House Rules Demonground – Issue 1 Page 23

A New Automatic Fire Table
By Moritz Capelle

Since the original Rules for Auto- the following skills: Rifle 5, STR 7. He SKILL-line 21 and search for the 9 in the
matic Fire were not very Skill-based, I has to roll a 21 or less for the first burst ROF 5 column. This means 3 Hits.
started to develop my own rules. Use the (STR 7 + Small Arms (Rifle) 5, doubled The second Burst is "quick" so we
normal Fire Combat Procedure and han- for close range = 24. For two bursts, the need to add one level of Difficulty. This
dle each burst as it were one shot. recoil is 10, which is 3 more than the means the character has an effective skill
character’s strength, so we need to sub- of 9 (STR 7 + Small Arms (Rifle) 5 = 12,
For example, Player A fires two tracted because of recoil 3, for a total of minus 3 for recoil).
bursts with a M16A2 (ROF 5, Brst 5) at 21). He rolls a 4. Consulting the Skill 9
one Target at close range. Player A has He rolls a 9. Consult the chart in the line, we get 3 hits for ROF 5.

ROF 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 10 5 10 5 3 10 5 3 10 5 3
Hits 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Skill 40 1-4 5–8 9 – 12 13 – 16 X X 1–8 X 9 – 16 X X 1 – 13 X X 14 – 16 X X X
39 1–3 4–7 8 – 11 12 – 15 16 X 1–7 X 8 – 15 X 16 1 – 13 X X 14 – 16 X X X
38 1–3 4–7 8 – 11 12 – 15 16 X 1–7 X 8 – 15 X 16 1 – 12 X X 13 – 16 X X X
37 1–3 4–7 8 – 11 12 – 14 15 – 16 X 1–7 X 8 – 14 X 15 – 16 1 – 12 X X 13 – 16 X X X
36 1–3 4–7 8 – 10 11 – 14 15 – 16 X 1–7 X 8 – 14 X 15 – 16 1 – 12 X X 13 – 16 X X X
35 1–3 4–7 8 – 10 11 – 14 15 – 16 X 1–7 X 8 – 14 X 15 – 16 1 – 11 X X 12 – 16 X X X
34 1–3 4–6 7 – 10 11 – 13 14 – 16 X 1–6 X 7 – 13 X 14 – 16 1 – 11 X X 12 – 16 X X X
33 1–3 4–6 7–9 11 –13 14 – 16 X 1–6 X 7 – 13 X 14 – 16 1 – 11 X X 12 – 16 X X X
32 1–3 4–6 7–9 10 – 12 13 – 16 X 1–6 X 7 – 12 X 13 – 16 1 – 10 X X 11 – 16 X X X
31 1–3 4–6 7–9 10 – 12 13 – 15 16 1–6 X 7 – 12 X 13 – 16 1 – 10 X X 11 – 16 X X X
30 1–3 4–6 7–9 10 – 12 13 – 15 16 1–6 X 7 – 12 X 13 – 16 1 – 10 X X 11 – 16 X X X
29 1–2 3–5 6–8 9 – 11 12 – 14 15 – 16 1–5 X 6 – 11 X 12 – 16 1–9 X X 10 – 16 X X X
28 1–2 3–5 6–8 9 – 11 12 – 14 15 – 16 1–5 X 6 – 11 X 12 – 16 1–9 X X 10 – 16 X X X
27 1–2 3–5 6–8 9 – 10 11 – 13 14 – 16 1–5 X 6 – 10 X 11 – 16 1–9 X X 10 – 16 X X X
26 1–2 3–5 6–7 8 – 10 11 – 13 14 – 15 1–5 16 6 – 10 X 11 – 15 1–8 X 16 9 – 16 X X X
25 1–2 3–5 6–7 8 – 10 11 – 12 13 – 15 1–5 16 6 – 10 X 11 – 15 1–8 X 16 9 – 16 X X X
24 1–2 3–4 5–7 8–9 10 – 12 13 – 14 1–4 15 – 16 5–9 X 10 – 14 1–8 X 15 – 16 9 – 16 X X X
23 1–2 3–4 5–6 7–9 10 – 11 12 – 13 1–4 14 – 15 5–9 16 10 – 13 1–7 X 14 – 16 8 – 15 X X 16
22 1–2 3–4 5–6 7–8 9 – 11 12 – 13 1–4 14 – 15 5–8 16 9 – 13 1–7 X 14 – 16 8 – 14 X X 15 - 16
21 1–2 3–4 5–6 7–8 9 – 10 11 – 12 1–4 13 – 14 5–8 15 – 16 9 – 12 1–7 X 13 – 16 8 – 14 X X 15 – 16
20 1–2 3–4 5–6 7–8 9 – 10 11 – 12 1–4 13 – 14 5–8 15 – 16 9 – 12 1–6 X 13 – 16 7 – 13 X X 14 – 16
19 1 2–3 4–5 6–7 8–9 10 – 11 1–3 12 – 13 4–7 14 – 15 8 – 11 1–6 16 12 – 15 7 – 13 X 16 14 – 16
18 1 2–3 4–5 6–7 8–9 10 1–3 11 – 12 4–7 13 – 14 8 – 10 1 – 6 15 – 16 11 – 14 7 – 12 X 15 – 16 13 – 16
17 1 2–3 4 6 7–8 9 – 10 1–3 11 4–6 12 – 13 7 – 10 1 – 5 14 – 15 11 – 13 6 – 11 16 14 – 16 12 – 16
16 1 2–3 4 5–6 7–8 9 1–3 10 – 11 4–6 12 7–9 1 – 5 13 – 14 10 – 12 6 – 11 15 – 16 13 – 16 12 – 16
15 1 2–3 4 5–6 7 8–9 1–3 10 4–6 11 – 12 7–9 1–5 13 10 – 12 6 – 10 14 – 15 13 – 15 11 – 15
14 1 2 3 5 6–7 8 1–2 9 3–5 10 – 11 6–8 1–4 12 9 – 11 5–9 13 – 14 12 – 14 10 – 14
13 1 2 3 4–5 6 7 1–2 8–9 3–5 10 6–7 1–4 11 8 – 10 5–9 12 – 13 11 – 13 10 – 13
12 1 2 3 4 5–6 7 1–2 8 3–4 9 5–7 1–4 10 8–9 5–8 11 – 12 10 – 12 9 – 12
11 1 2 3 4 5 6 1–2 7 3–4 8 5–6 1–3 9 7–8 4–7 10 – 11 9 – 11 8 – 11
10 1 2 3 4 5 6 1–2 7 3–4 8 5–6 1–3 9 7–8 4–7 10 9 – 10 8 – 10
9 1 2 3 4 X 5 1 6 2–3 7 4–5 1–3 8 6–7 4–6 9 8–9 7–9
8 1 X 2 3 4 5 1 X 2–3 6 4–5 1–2 7 5-6 3–5 8 7–8 6–8
7 X 1 3 2 X 4 1 5 2 X 3–4 1–2 6 5 3–4 7 6–7 5–7
6 X 1 X 2 3 X 1 4 2 X 3 1–2 5 4 3–4 6 5–6 5–6
5 X 1 X X X 3 1 X 2 4 3 1 X 4 2–3 5 5 4–5
4 X X 1 X X 2 1 X X 3 2 1 X 3 2 4 4 3–4
3 X X X X X X 1 X X X X 1 X 2 2 3 3 3
2 X X X X X X X 1 X X 1 X X X 1 2 2 2
1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 1 1 1

Page 24 Demonground – Issue 1 House Rules

Slings and Chains
The Forgotten Melee Weapons
By Michael Marchi
Players are always finding ways to simplest of weapons, somewhere in the the answer into a simple set of statistics.
test the bounds of the Game Master’s in- original books. The Sling uses the standard “Thrown
genuity. I had been pretty impressed with But my search bore no fruit. I’d have Weapon” skill. Damage is based off
the array of weapons available for the to wing it. Strength, but there are quite a few modifi-
Dark Conspiracy player to deal out deadly Part of the problem, is that the Sling, ers available for range and projectile
force. I was fairly certain that the vast being nothing more than a loop of leather, numbers. (See the table below).
majority of items had been covered. doesn’t really fall neatly into the rather No sooner had the ink dried on the
Then one day, one of my players ap- rigid weapon classifications provided by Sling when yet another new character ar-
proached with his new character – a Street DC. rived on the scene. This one was a Biker,
Urchin who was to be only 15 years old, It really was a new weapon class, and the player wanted to carry a chrome-
and have no ability to use firearms. combining aspects of thrown weapon and plated chain around on his belt, and be
In order to balance this, the player armed melee, but I didn’t want to require able to swing it around in combat.
wanted the young lad to be pretty good a new skill for it. Then another consid- Once again, I flipped through the
with some simple melee weapons – and eration came to mind: should it be a books and found no easy answer, al-
taking a cue from The Road Warrior, Strength-based skill, or Agility-based. I though this one wasn’t quite as challeng-
wanted one of them to be a Sling. I could conferred with several other DC GMs on- ing as the first weapon, I like the out-
have sworn, I’d seen statistics for that line and after a spirited debate, distilled come.

Weapon ROF Damage Pen Blk Mag Range Mod

Sling SS 1D6 + ¼Str* Nil 0 1* 10** -*
* Optional: Can load up to three projectiles simultaneously. Each one rolled to hit separately. However, each
additional projectile inflicts a one-point to-hit penalty, and the strength bonus is lost for calculating damage.
** Cannot be used at Close (<2m), Long (>40m) or Extreme range
Chain 1D6 + Str* Nil L (TR **) -
* Strength bonus is lost if Chain is thrown
** Thrown Chain short range = Thrown Weapon range

“I have come up with a good advertisement for

Zil cars. Its Zen-like clarity and perfection please
me greatly:

Buy a Zil –
It’s almost better
than having a root canal

“The true beauty of this rests in the fact, like all

classic advertising, it is a lie.
– Zena Marely
(Early 21 Century mercenary-philosopher)

Equipment/DarkTek Demonground – Issue 1 Page 25
The Gatherers
By Marcus Bone

Eric’s head spun. Pain racked his decide to split up and explore the place tain. Twice within one week these violent
brain. Slowly but surely his consciousness that they now found themselves in. acts lead him to be arrested and placed in
faded away to a perfect shade of black. Where they all ended up it unclear, county lock-ups where he was sedated
Something was in his mind and there was but one of them found Eric Pearce on a and restrained, allowing once again for
nothing he could do to stop its slow and stake out in Dallas, quickly discovering his parasitic companion to gain control.
steady attachment to his thoughts. that the native inhabitants of this world Other emotions Pearce found were almost
As suddenly as it had started, the had no resistance to the bonding ritual impossible to keep up for any amount of
pain stopped and Eric was a last a peace, which allowed the Gatherers to possess time or at a high enough level, to force
for he was now a slave to physical bodies. Pearce was possessed the Gatherer into the back of his mind.
the…GATHERERS. rapidly and under the influence of the It was during these moments of clar-
Gatherer left his family and friends be- ity that he found out why his body had
hind to explore the Southern States of been hijacked and taken on a road trip
History of the Gatherers America. across America. The Gatherer was col-
Pearce became unable to do anything lecting electronic and mechanic parts
- From the speech given by Dr Yonist
while his possessor learned more of its from various different sites, using both
Gray. Michigan State University, October
surroundings, but he did during this time legal and illegal means his possessor had
12th, 2005.
discover two interesting facts about this acquired a number of specialized items.
“Not that much is known about the
particular Gatherer, if not all the Gather- From Texas he had picked up half a mile
group of entities calling themselves the
ers here on Earth. The First of these was of high voltage cable, from South Caro-
Gatherers, and what little we do know has
that The Gatherers would go to any length lina he had stolen a specially sized copper
been gleaned from the journals and dia-
to open a portal to their home world, even dish, and so on. Slowly but surely, Pearce
ries of Private Investigator Eric Pearce.
if it meant destroying ours first. come to the conclusion that the creature in
It seems that during the late 90’s Eric
The second and most important was his mind was gathering items that could
was possessed by one of these Gatherers
to come late one night. As Pearce and his be used to create some sort of gate to its
and was little more than a passenger in his
Gatherer drove over the Mississippi Bor- home dimension.
own body. After these experiences, he
der, they came across a car wreck; the Unfortunately it was about this time
was able to record what he could about
scene was a terrible one, with bodies ly- that the journal entries finish. Eric Pearce
his experience and the actions and rea-
ing bleeding or dead. The emotion of the has not been heard of since, although the
soning of this possessor. However, these
crash was such that even Pearce, trapped owners and workers of the sites he visited
notes were found after Eric’s second dis-
deep down inside his own brain, was ef- verify his story. He is currently wanted in
appearance and therefore no one got the
fected by the horror. It was then that the connection with numerous crimes and is
chance to ask more in-depth questions.
grip the Gatherer had on his body weak- suspected of killing at least eight people
Where Eric Pearce is today nobody
ened and for the first time in many weeks over the last year.
knows, but his sacrifice has allowed many
Pearce was again master of his flesh and But more importantly we are unsure
to be aware of yet another threat to hu-
bone. Somehow this built up emotional if this creature or any of its companions
scene weakened the bond between the created this gate back to their home
The Gatherers are a group of ethereal
Gatherer and its host and by exhibiting world. As far as we know, any number of
entities who have come to earth from an-
extreme emotion, Pearce discovered that these creatures maybe still searching for a
other dimension. The reasons why they
he could control his own actions to the way home, gathering the equipment they
came here are not known but it is known
point where his possessor was as trapped deem necessary at the expense of human
that they will do anything to return to the
and as defenseless as he had been. lives. These Gatherers must be stopped
dimension of origin.
However as Pearce was soon to dis- for whom is to say that once this gate is
Sometime in the mid 70’s a group of
cover, maintaining an adequate level of opened and the entities on this side at last
Gatherers, as they are now known, found
emotional activity was extremely difficult go home, that they will not return in num-
themselves on Earth trapped by our en-
and ostracized him from the mainstream bers to taken humans as physical bodies.
tropic sphere (the naturally occurring pull
community. Extreme anger, random vio- Our mentally weaker world may well be
which tries to keep both beings and items
lence and acts of destruction were possi- on the verge of becoming a flesh breeding
in this dimension) unable to continue their
bly his best attacks against the Gatherer, ground for a race of entities we know
journey. Being a resourceful group they
but even these were impossible to main- nothing about…”

Page 26 Demonground – Issue 1 Dark Races

Gatherers by sight Gatherers without Hosts hours.
The Gatherers have no natural body, Strength –
instead they are a free forming opaque Agility – Running the Gatherers
entity which can shape change at will and Constitution – Although they may not seem it, the
have the ability to make themselves stand Intelligence 10 Gatherers pose a serious threat to man-
out more any time they wish. To the hu- Education – kind. Much like the movie the Invasion of
man observer, this means that the Gather- Charisma – the Body Snatchers, these creatures can
ers look like a cloud of white steam or Empathy 16 infiltrate our society slowly but surely
mist, which is visible in no fixed shape Initiative 6 taking over the institutions that bind the
and is able to become brighter at will. Move 5/10/20/40 world. Although they may find resistance
This also means that at the other extreme Skill/Dam – from other Dark Minions, they will
it can lessen its color as to blend quite Hits – eventually find a way.
readily with the background. In other Appearing 1-2 When playing the Gatherers it is im-
words, a Gatherer is only visible when it Special – Darkling Empathy, Possession portant to remember that, at this time at
wishes to be and can be any place at any least, the main aim of these creatures is to
time. gather enough technology and equipment
The down side of this, for the Gath- to create a portal to their own home di-
erer, is that without a physical body it is mension. Once this has been achieved,
unable to interact with the physical world God only knows what they will try and
that humans live in. This is the reason do.
why the Gatherers must take over human When interacting with humans in
bodies. To achieve anything in this world, host bodies, the Gatherers show nothing
even the most powerful of mental entities but contempt for humans, and will quite
require a physical presence. This also readily kill to get what they want. They
means that human technology and weap- see humans as little more than lambs to
ons have no effect on the Gatherers in the slaughter and will use us to their own
their natural form, so other means must be ends.
found to stop them. As for the rest of the information
Fortunately for the Gatherers, hu- concerning the Gatherers I have inten-
mans have very little resistance to their tional left blank. It is up to the individual
ability to enter and gain control of physi- Referees to say how one kills a Gatherer,
cal forms. This allows the Gatherer to use what they shall do if the open a portal,
and then dump one human shell after an- Gatherers with host and why and how it achieves this goal.
other, which leads to very little respect to Strength *
human life in general. Agility * End Note
Once a Gatherer is in possession of a Constitution * I have used the Gatherers in one ad-
host body, that person exhibits a number Intelligence 10 venture. I didn’t actually use the physical
of uncharacteristic behaviors: Education * presence of a Gatherer, rather the ideas
1. They are listless and are uncomfort- Charisma * and action of one, which forced the play-
able being stuck in one place for Empathy 16 ers to act. I found they are good catalysts
more than a short time. Initiative 6 for action and when used correctly they
2. They show little or no emotion, with Move * can create confusion and paranoia in the
even friends and close family getting Skill/Dam * tightest of Minion Hunting Teams.
no recognition. This lack of emotion Hits 30/60
affects even causal acquaintances. Appearing 1
Everyone who met the possessed per- Special – Darkling Empathy, Possession
son can feel that something is not * = Same as host
quite right about him or her.
Other than this, a possessed person When a Gatherer attempts to possess
looks normal and acts normally in every a host, it needs to achieve a Stage Three
other way. success or better on the Possession roll,
otherwise nothing happens. If the attempt
fails, the Gatherer may not attempt to re-
possess the same person for at least 24

House Rules Demonground – Issue 1 Page 27

Crazy Charlie
By Marcus Bone

I use Crazy Charlie as one of parties’ self about fantastical things, such as ali- lot more than he is willing to let on.
regular contacts. Being mad and a street ens, and monsters from the sewer. He also Eight of Spades: Crazy is quite ambi-
bum, I am able to give the players a go has the tendency to talk as if he was pres- tious, although not for himself but for
between with which I can give as little or ent in places and at times he couldn’t pos- others, be would never let a friend down.
as much information as I wish. I also find sibly have been. “We told Mr. Kennedy
Crazy Charlie is useful as a way of get- that he should duck”, or “The Earth sure
ting the party back on track, if they have looked pretty from that Crater.” He isn’t
missed a vital clue, or they have misun- however dangerous in any way, well not
derstood something. to his friends anyway.

“Him, He’s just a local bum” But that Super Duper Grade In
Crazy Charlie or Crazy as he gets re- forma
ferred to, is a man of indistinguishable That is what Crazy is good at, infor-
age, but suggestions between 50 and 70 mation. He often gives the party clues and
would be a reasonable guess. He is a local suggestions that aid them in their investi-
bum in the district in which the party sets gations, but just as often mislead them
up its home base, and is always seen in and has more than once lead them into
the same clothes; a ruined gray overcoat, deep trouble. Although in general Crazy
old Army fatigue pants, and muddy fin- is the one who has access to facts which a
gerless gloves. Depending on the weather normal man, let alone a street bum,
he also appears in a grease covered wouldn’t know. His typical babble is usu-
woolen hat. All of this makes him look ally disjointed and muddled, especially
pretty unwholesome although he usually when passing on any important informa-
smells worse than he looks. tion, for example if he was to tell the
Friendly enough to the locals he has
attached himself to the party as he has
group a code the conversation may go like Skills
this: Crazy is the equivalent of a Veteran
seen them as a group of people he can “You know anything about the New NPC but has a few minor changes. Initia-
trust. He can usually be found scavenging Research Lab on the corner of 65th and
in dumpsters and after-hours at fast food tive and Agility are at one point lower
Main, Charlie.” than Veteran, and in general all his skills
restaurants, and never looks underfed. “Oh, that old Carrington Research are a one point higher. He also has other
Crazy never complains about his lot in Lab… I remember once when… skills – Streetwise 7, Observation 6,
life, and seems almost happy in his cur- “We need to get inside Crazy.” Stealth 6, Act/Bluff 6, Persuasion 6 and
rent situation, refusing shelter, or any “Ah …sorry I mean 668, or was that Luck 5. One optional skill I was thinking
other major acts of sympathy. He also 669, no definately 668, that’s the back about adding is Instruction 5, but it de-
never talks about his past, even if pressed door”. pends on how Crazy is used in the cam-
and also refuses to say where he gets all
his information. “’Cause then they Motivations
wouldn’t tell me no more.”
He is quick with a toothy grin, and is Crazy is motivated by the need to make Equipment
always willing to help with small tasks he sure that everything is okay, and in the Charlie carries nothing special on
sees as necessary, but makes sure that he back of his mind doesn’t want others to him regularly, except an Army Combat
remains inconspicuous, as though be is make the same mistakes that he did in his knife as a form of defense. He could,
being followed. youth. He doesn’t ask for any sort of re- however, be used to give the party any
Most importantly though is the fact ward for his information, but doesn’t turn physical clue, such as papers or Key cards
that he is mad. This manifests itself in down any payment for his advice. that they may have missed during investi-
many different forms, which usually in- Jack of Hearts: Although he is not quite gations.
cludes him continuously talking to him- ‘with it’, Crazy is very wise, and knows a

Page 28 Demonground – Issue 1 NPCs

Stark Raving Mad
By Geoff Skellams

“Are you sure this is the right area?” Joby took Lyndal’s hand and started fered arm.
asked Lyndal, looking around nervously. down the stairs. A single naked globe The club’s bouncer glared at them as
“If we head out any further this way, hung from the ceiling; the grime built up they came out of the stairwell. My God,
we’ll be in an uncontrolled zone.” on its surface obscured most of its light. they’ve found a gorilla to shave down and
Joby shuddered as the light rain “Come on. This is going to be great. All tattoo, thought Lyndal as they stepped up
soaked into her hair. “Of course I’m sure. of the guys from school are going to be to the door. “Tickets,” said the bouncer
The guy who sold me the tickets said that here. You know how hard it was to get under this breath.
the entrance is just up from that giant TV these tickets.” Joby pulled out the two she had and
screen.” She pointed at the billboard-sized Lyndal kept her hand in contact with handed them over. Sloan and Dukker did
screen that pointed out towards the un- the wall as she went down. “Jobes, I’ve the same thing. The bouncer held them
controlled zone. The light from the screen got a really bad feeling about this place. under a small black light on the desk next
lit up the falling rain. Something’s not right here. I…I think I to him and saw the glowing logo of the
Lyndal looked up at the screen, past had better go, OK?” club on all four. “Right,” he said. “Step
the neon signs of the businesses on the Joby rolled her eyes. “Will you stop up to the line, one at a time,” pointing to a
street. “Do people actually watch that acting like a baby and get down here?” scuffed yellow line painted on the floor.
thing? I mean, wouldn’t they have their Above them, the door to the street Each of them did as they were in-
own TVs they could watch?” swung open and the silhouettes of two structed and the bouncer ran a metal de-
Joby shook her head in wonder. figures appeared. Boots thundered down tecting wand over them. It beeped a cou-
“You’ve got no idea, do you? People out the stairs. ple of times on each of them, but the
there don’t even have power, let alone Lyndal tried to squeeze her herself up bouncer only grunted when the offending
TV. Even if they got one, it would proba- against the wall, but a hand grabbed her items turned out to be coins or jewelry.
bly be stolen or destroyed within days. by the elbow. Oh shit, I’m dead now, she “You’re clear,” he said and pushed a
Maybe even hours.” thought. She glanced up into the face of button on the desk. The door into the club
The screen flashed into an advertise- her assailant, expecting some grotesque swung open and the thumping bass rolled
ment from the police. Pictures of several tattooed ganger. Instead, a clean-shaven out and over them like an invisible tidal
mutilated corpses covered the screen. The face with a smile gazed down on her in- wave. Sloan smiled and led Lyndal and
caption read “If you have any information stead. the others into the club.
on the identity of the perpetrator, call the “Oh please tell me you’re not going The noise inside was almost intoler-
SPD on 9452-7132.” yet. I’ve only just met you.” The guy able. The insistent throbbing of the drums
Lyndal shuddered in disgust. “Eek. I holding her arm smiled gently and let go was almost like a heartbeat of a giant
wish they wouldn’t show that sort of of her arm. creature. Inside the belly of the beast,
thing. It gives me the creeps. Just like this Lyndal blushed and shook her head. thought Lyndal. Bodies gyrated out on the
whole place.” Oh my God, he’s SO cute! she thought. dance floor, many of them looking like
Joby waited until the monorail had The guy sighed with relief. “Oh they were in some sort of religious rap-
rumbled by. “Would you rather go home good. It’d be such a waste of a night if ture. The strobing of the lasers only
to Daddy and watch reruns on TV?” you were. I’m Sloan and this is Dukker,” helped accentuate the alien nature of the
Lyndal shook her head. “No, I guess he said, extending his hand. whole scene.
not. Let’s just get out of here, OK? I can’t “I’m Lyndal and my friend’s Joby,” Sloan leant over and yelled into her
stand being here any longer.” said Lyndal as she extended her hand. ear. “Do you want to dance?”
Joby crossed the street and checked Sloan took it and gently kissed the back Lyndal nodded and took his hand as
the numbers on the tickets against the of it. Lyndal blushed again, this time visi- he headed out into the crush of bodies.
numbers painted on the walls. “I wish I ble in the dim light of the globe. Lyndal turned and glanced at Joby, who
could find the numbers under all this graf- Sloan smiled. “Well, Lyndal. I’m so only gave her a wink and a wave.
fiti. I think this is the place, the one with pleased to meet you. May I escort you to Sloan started thrashing around in
the greenish looking door.” the dance m’lady?” time with the music. Damn he’s good at
Lyndal pulled the door open. The Lyndal giggled nervously as she took this, thought Lyndal as she tried desper-
throbbing pulses of a drum machine ech- Sloan’s arm. “You may, sir,” she said as ately to imitate him. I feel like a real dork
oed up the stairwell and onto the street. “I she smiled at Joby. Her friend just winked out here. I have no idea about what I am
guess so.” back at her as she took Dukker’s prof- supposed to be doing.

Fiction Demonground – Issue 1 Page 29

Sloan opened his eyes and looked at as Sloan pulled her close and pressed up of ecstasy washed over her from the
Lyndal, as though he sensed her discom- against her. She smiled and put her arms dance floor as the party raged on.
fort in amongst the maelstrom of emotion around his neck. You’re just imagining She looked at Sloan to try and make
all around them. things again, girl. Just relax and enjoy sense of the world. He smiled and just for
Lyndal caught a strange look in his yourself. an instant there was another image on top
eyes and a cold shudder ran up her spine. Sloan pulled her head close and of his face. One with horns, pointed teeth
Oh my God, she thought. He looks like kissed her passionately. Whoa, hold on, and red eyes with vertical pupils. Oh…
he’s hunting for something. She looked she thought. This is going way too fast. my…God.
again at his eyes. No, I must have been She started to pull away slightly. Sloan “What’s wrong?” he asked. Lyndal
imagining it. opened his eyes and smiled at her, before looked at him again, trying to see the
“You’re doing fine,” he shouted. kissing her again. Oh, Don’t be such a other image again. I’m sure I saw some-
“Just let go a bit more!” damn idiot. Girl, if you let this one go, thing…evil. Don’t tell me this Vodka is
“I can’t! I don’t know what I am do- you’re as big a loser as some people going to my head already! She looked
ing!” reckon you are. Stick with this one, every- back out towards the dance floor. The
Lyndal’s vision disappeared as Sloan one’ll be so jealous. music moved across to her in waves,
covered her eyes with his hand. Sloan leaned over to her ear. “Do you shimmering slightly in the darkness. The
“Just relax!” he yelled. “Don’t worry want to go and get a drink?” people out on the dance floors all had
about what everyone else is doing. Let the Lyndal nodded and took his hand as dazzling auras as well.
beats get into your mind; let them drag he led her towards off the dance floor. Sloan slid his hand up the inside of
you along as though you are on a river!” “Wait here,” he yelled as he pointed Lyndal’s thigh and started to kiss the nape
Yeah right, she thought, trying des- to the bar. “I’ll go and get us something. of her neck. She jumped suddenly in sur-
perately to relax, despite the intensity of What do you want?” prise and turned to look at him again.
the energy all around her. She let her “Vodka and Orange,” she yelled. He Only to see his true image properly
mind filter out all of the noise except for headed away and Lyndal turned back to this time.
the basic drumbeat, which seemed to be watch the dance floor. The rhythmic beats His face was something from her
running at a steady but rapid pace. of the music resonated within her. Briefly worst nightmares. Two curled horns jut-
“That’s the way!” yelled Sloan over the lightness of her mind returned and she ted from the side of his head and bony
the noise. “Let it carry you away! Then sensed the abandonment of the people ridges covered his face. Sharp, jagged
just let your body do whatever it wants to thrashing out on the dance floor. Here I teeth filled his mouth in two rows. But the
do!” go again, she thought. worst thing was his eyes – they glowed
Lyndal felt as though her mind was “Here you go!” yelled Sloan as he red, with dark vertical slits for pupils.
disconnecting from her physical body. handed her a plastic cup.
God, it feels like I am floating up through “Huh? Oh, thanks,” said Lyndal as
the roof! Is this what everyone goes on she took the cup from him.
about? “Do you want to go and find some
“You’ve got it! Flow with it!” place to sit down?” he asked.
Lyndal’s vision cleared to a psyche- Lyndal took a sip of her drink and
delic swirling of light colours and lights. nodded. “Sure.”
Oh my God, this is so weird! How is this Sloan led her to a booth in the back
happening? She watched, captivated, as of the club, hidden deep in the shadows.
the colours swirled into one another. She “Slide in here beside me.” He patted the
was vaguely aware of the sensation of her seat beside him.
body whirling around in time with the Lyndal sat down and snuggled in to
music, but she really didn’t care about it. Sloan, taking a mouthful of her drink. She
She just kept dancing, completely losing coughed almost instantly. “Whoa, that’s a
Sloan threw his head back and
track of time. lot stronger than I’m used to,” she said.
laughed as Lyndal slid quickly off the seat
Suddenly, a cold shiver ran straight “Are you OK?” Sloan asked.
and backed away. His eyes narrowed. “I
down her spine, like some sort of warning Lyndal nodded as she tried to get her
didn’t think you had it in you. You’ll
beacon. What’s going on? Something coughing under control. Doesn’t taste like
make for some great sport. Go on, run lit-
doesn’t feel right here! She felt the crush Vodka and Orange. Must have just been
tle girl, run! I love a challenge!”
of people all around her, as if pressing in cheap Vodka, I guess.
Lyndal screamed, her voice vanishing
on all sides. In amongst all the confusion, The room started to swirl and the mu-
into the throbbing music. She turned and
something else lurked, like a shark sic seemed to be coming from a distance.
ran back out onto the dance floor,
swimming just under dark water. Lyndal looked around in confusion. What
searching desperately for Joby. Bouncing
Her mind snapped back into her body the hell is going on? she thought. Waves

Page 30 Demonground – Issue 1 Fiction

off the dancers, she pushed her way only to be disappointed. “There’s nothing that can help you now.”
through the crowd until she found her She slumped down onto a bench, her “Get away from me, you bastard!”
friend. shin throbbing mercilessly. The adrena- she screamed. She focused all of her fear
“Joby!” she screamed. “Come on, we line in her system started to wear out and and loathing and mentally hurled it at the
have to get out of here now!” she burst into tears. “What was he?” she creature approaching her.
Joby looked at her strangely, as sobbed. Sloan staggered as though he had
though she was looking at someone she The sound of footsteps coming up the been physically struck. Blood started
had never seen before. “Huh? Who the stairs echoed out onto the platform. Lyn- leaking from an invisible wound in his
hell are you?” Lyndal felt the waves of dal looked around, hoping to find a place chest.
malice rolling off Dukker, who was still to hide. The platform lay open and bare. Lyndal’s eyes flew open. What the
dancing with Joby. He shared the same She forced herself upright and started hell did I just do?
features as Sloan. hobbling to the end of the platform as Sloan forced himself upright. “Per-
Just get the hell out of here, right quickly as she could. haps I underestimated you, little one. You
now! she thought. You can’t save her; “There’s nowhere to hide up here, are far stronger than even I realised. No
she doesn’t even know herself, let alone little girl.” matter, killing you will make me all the
you. Lyndal spun around to see Sloan more powerful!”
Like water gushing out a ruptured standing menacingly at the top of the Lyndal’s survival instinct burst clear
pipe, the sound of evil laughter rumbled stairs, his hands behind his back. His long of the surface of her mind. Her eyes nar-
through Lyndal’s head from the booth in black coat billowed out behind him in the rowed as she focussed on Sloan’s face.
the corner. She glanced back there and breeze, adding to the sheer malevolence. “I’ll see you burn in hell, first!” she said
could see nothing but darkness. “You’re so much stronger than the oth- through clenched teeth.
She turned and ran straight for the ers,” he said. “They didn’t have what you Sloan screamed as his body erupted.
main door, pushing people out of the way had. Tearing you apart and feeling your Flames burst from every orifice, quickly
as she went. People shouted after her, but suffering is going to be a pleasure.” consuming his features. He staggered
she ignored them and pushed on. “Leave me alone, you freak!” across the platform, trying desperately to
She thumped on the release bar for screamed Lyndal as she kept hobbling put out the fire. As he reached the edge,
the main door and crashed through into towards the end of the platform. he slipped just as the train was pulling up
the stairwell, knocking over a young “That’s right, little one. You just to the platform. There was a sickening
woman in the process. keep running away. Just like you always crunch as the train crushed what was left
“You stupid bitch!” yelled the have.” Sloan started walking towards her. of Sloan’s body against the concrete.
woman. “I ought to kill you!” His footsteps echoed menacingly across Lyndal staggered over to a bench and
Lyndal didn’t hear, as she bounded the platform. started sobbing uncontrollably. The smell
up the stairs. As she neared the top, she “How do you know that?” said Lyn- of burning flesh wafted across to where
tripped up and banged her shin on one of dal. “You’ve never met me before!” she was sitting. The smell of it turned her
the steps, bringing tears to her eyes. Sloan laughed evilly. “It’s in your stomach and she vomited at her feet.
Dragging herself to her feet, she clam- eyes, little one. You’re so afraid of eve- She wiped her mouth and limped
bered up the last few steps and limped out rything. I thrive on fear. How do you across to the payphone. She fished a cou-
onto the street. think I found you?” ple of coins from her pocket and dropped
The rain was falling heavier now and A blast on a horn signaled the ap- them into the coin slot before dialing a
it soaked Lyndal’s hair as she started proach of a monorail. Lyndal glanced number.
hobbling towards the monorail station around and saw the headlights approach- “Hello? Is that the SPD? Oh, thank
down the street. She staggered up the ing the platform. Maybe someone on the God! I have some information about those
flights of stairs and onto the brightly lit train can help me. The sounds of train murders…”
platform. Where the hell is everyone? rippled towards her like a tidal wave.
Lyndal looked both ways up and down “Don’t count on help, little one,”
the platform looking for another soul, said Sloan, as he approached her.

“Many things just aren’t what they used to be. A weekend in the country is
fairly high on that list.”
– Zena Marley,
(Early 21 century mercenary philosopher)

Fiction Demonground – Issue 1 Page 31

Tabloid Articles
By Rob Beck, Ms. Georgie, Marcus Bone, Michael Marchi and Geoff Skellams

The Dark Conspiracy rulebooks sug- Plot environment. From there, as it grows and
gest using the supermarket tabloid news- It doesn't take a genius to draw from becomes more evil, it will try to insinuate
papers as a source of inspiration for Dark this that all is not right with DataWeb. itself into every system on the DataWeb,
Conspiracy adventures. The system required full access to even to those not normally accessible, but
To assist you in this area, each issue much of the various Dreamlands com- with a hard connection. It will choose a
of Demonground will include several arti- puter systems. Obviously, sensitive cor- name for itself...Mob.
cles that are tailor made for the GM to use porate information is still kept under the While it grows, it will be hard to no-
in his or her campaign. tightest security even by the firms' own tice, but not invisible. Certain irregulari-
We hope they will be of use. personal security forces, to the extent that ties in operations or certain behaviors of
many of the most sensitive systems are the AI when dealing with human interface
excluded from DataWeb. What is avail- will seem odd or downright eccentric. By
DataWeb Completed able to it are utility and power regulation the time it's ready to strike, it will be in
Dateline: October 14, 2016 systems, as well as data transmission be- everything.
San Francisco, CA – Tojicorp announced tween these megacorps and their outside The first test of its powers will be to
today the completion of its new DataWeb affiliates. Most lower level files and sys- drop an elevator 50-100 stories with one
server. tems are accessible to it on an emergency or two people on it. After that it will be-
DataWeb, the artificial intelligence basis, but only to the extent that it could come more bold, and will do whatever it
wonder system proposed several years complete its job. The system is actually can to corrupt databases, gathering the in-
ago that would control the utilities and terribly secure and is virtually invulner- formation for its Darkling masters, kill
power grid of the San Francisco Dream- able to outside assault. Even misuse in- those who get to close to it, by electrocu-
lands and maintain secure computer con- side without detection is so remote as to tion, fire, drowning, whatever it can come
nections between the major corporations be a very minor risk. up with, even robot attacks. There are lots
based here with each other and their af- The problem is this. Some dark elves you can do with this.
filiate agencies across the globe. (although any Dark Minions could be
Tojicorp, a firm respected worldwide used) have managed to acquire some The Hook
for providing the best in high power secu- brain tissue through some rather shady One of the players knows a worker in
rity systems, has just completed the last of dealings with some unscrupulous care a San Francisco Dreamland, preferably
the connections that are the culmination services. They pay a handsome sum for one of the Dreamlands being infiltrated.
of years of agreements and construction terminally ill and invalid patients whose In passing, during a lunch or other social
rights contracts negotiated with the vari- brains are removed. After extracting the engagement the character is at with this
ous corporate entities in the Bay area. brain tissue, the dark elves then slice it up person, he mentions how quirky the new
Tojicorp spokesperson Clifford Bat- into brain circuit boards (bring in another security and monitoring system Tojicorp's
tles said “Although there have been minion group helping them if you think installed is. He complains that at some
doomsayers who have said such a system this beyond them) and have been insinu- times the computer seems to be downright
would lead to potential corruption and ating this tissue into the DataWeb system crazy at times, refusing to process re-
compromise of the various corporate nets, long before its completion. This was pos- quests that are obviously within his secu-
we at Tojicorp can now proudly say their sible because Tojicorp is wholly a Minion rity clearance, quoting Biblical passages,
worries were well and truly unfounded.” front. etc. He might also mention how the envi-
Critics of the DataWeb system have The tissue lay dormant until activated ronmental controls on the office keep
commented on the inherent dangers in some time after the DataWeb became ac- going haywire. The players will probably
allowing one network to have so much tive. The mix of remnant personalities be- guess this is a set-up, but to further
control. Tojicorp and other leading ex- gan molding itself into one many-voiced, sweeten the pot, have the contact be one
perts in the computer security field have rather psychotic entity, with a little help of Mob's first victims, maybe in a grue-
called their fears "unfounded". and stimulation by infusion of vast some elevator accident.
amounts of empathic energy, compli-
In other news, police are still baffled by ments of the Darklings. This entity will be The rest, including resolution, should be
the rash of disappearances of terminally slow to manifest itself, causing little rather obvious.
ill patients from Bay area hospitals... headaches at first that will be explained
away as bugs, the system learning its new

Page 32 Demonground – Issue 1 Tabloids

Gargoyle in Hyde Park? fight. It was about then that we landed in wanted to go off exploring. We can only
London, Wednesday: a group of paint- London. think that she as somehow been abducted,
ballers calling themselves the “Night “The pilot tells me that I attacked him though why or how we don’t know.”
Stalkers” reported seeing “a Gargoyle fly when he tried to help me out of the oil. I FBI Agent Timothy Wallren stated to
off from a building”. The Captain of the had been trying to help a young woman the gathered media that ‘they’ were
Night Stalkers, Damon Wilson, stated that who wouldn’t come out. I do remember treating this case as an abduction and that
the Gargoyle attacked his paintball team the young woman in the oil, she kept in light of the previous disappearances
and others in the area, before “zooming moving farther into the oil and wouldn’t they held little hope of finding Tammy
off into the night”. allow me to help. Shaw here at the Reserve. Therefore, with
Medical personnel stated the group “I have no memory of attacking my the assistance of local enforcement offi-
appeared to have been in a fight, with pilot and I am not a violent man. At night cers, they were turning their attention to
several needing hospitalization, although I can hear the screeches of the birds in my other avenues of investigation. Although
no evidence of the alleged “gargoyle” sleep and I find myself wanting to return pressed, Agent Wallren was not willing to
could be found. to Stonehenge.” reveal anymore information on this case.
Police suspect the group was in- Garin is currently undergoing psychi-
volved in some sort of drug related gang atric evaluation.
violence and the alleged gargoyle is The CIA Ruined My Relationship
merely the result of hallucinogen use. The Third Youth To Go Missing With Mom!
group denies this, saying they had not Reported by Marco Delvas
Chiwaukee, Illinois: Things are bad
been under the influence of any form of Aspen, Colorado: Today saw the disap-
enough these days without having to
drug. pearance of a third child in the Aspen re-
worry about the government performing
A search of the surrounding buildings gion of Colorado. Tammy Shaw, aged 13,
secret mind-control experiments. But
has failed to find any trace of missing a visitor to Aspen, was last seen on her
that's just what Hank Becker of Chiwau-
gargoyles. parent’s campsite early this morning.
kee, Illinois claims. “The government is
Tammy is the latest in a series of dis-
performing secret experiments on me,” he
appearances that have occurred in the As-
says, “This has been going on for six
Oil slick around Stonehenge! pen Public Reserve, and as a result local
months – without my consent!”
Police are looking into some strange and state law enforcement have now
According to Mr. Becker, the gov-
events at Stonehenge after a reporter for a placed this area “out of bounds” for both
ernment – specifically the CIA – is using
London newspaper and a helicopter pilot tourists and the local population.
a new process called Telemetric Mind
reported seeing an oil slick around the an- As with all the previous cases in As-
Control to try to keep tabs on the unwary.
cient monument. pen there is a suspicious lack of any evi-
The operatives on the project are able to
David Garin, 32, was admitted to dence pointing to the reasons why these
use powerful electronic devices to watch
hospital shortly after flying back from young people have simply vanish.
a tagged individual from half a country
Stonehenge last week. He was treated for Although there was little information
away! “If you live in Chicago,” Becker
minor lacerations and bruising and was pointing to her having simply walking
says, “they can watch you from New
allowed to leave. away from the campsite, a search was un-
York.” The technology is apparently so
“We were on our way to cover an- dertaken this afternoon. Park Ranger Bill
sophisticated that they can use it to get in-
other story,” said Garin, “when we flew Ward, the search team’s leader, was
side your mind, and view the world
over Stonehenge and saw what looked quoted afterwards saying, “with the thou-
through your eyes, or they can leave your
like an oil slick around it. I could clearly sands of acres of forest out there, I see
mind and view your actions from else-
see the oil and what looked to be people little chance of us finding the young lass
where in the room. “My privacy is being
laying in it. Some were quite dead, others if she has been taken against her will.”
violated, and nobody will believe me!”
were alive. Ranger Ward, with about 20 others,
The electronic devices being used are
“I had the pilot land so that we could searched the areas near the Aspen Re-
so strong, that some household appliances
assist them. The next thing I knew, they verse where it was likely that the young
are actually sensitive to the powerful
attacked us for trying to help. There was girl may have wandered, but no evidence
electronic waves. This has the effect of
also some very large, strange looking of her was found. The search continued
turning the tables on the unsuspecting
birds that seemed to be the messengers of tonight until failing light made it impossi-
government operative. “I can hear
death. ble to continue.
voices,” Becker says. “I know that sounds
“I am not sure what happened next When asked about their young
psychotic, but it isn’t.” Becker reports
except to say that when I became aware daughter, Jimmy and Lynn Shaw said,
that he originally picked up the telltale
of my surroundings I was in the helicopter “Tammy wouldn’t wander off, she been
signal coming through the ceiling fan in
and the pilot looked as if he had been in a camping with us many a time. She’s a
his bathroom. Later, the waves were so
smart girl, and would have told us if she

Tabloids Demonground – Issue 1 Page 33

strong that the motor in his refrigerator my conscience – the death of a guy as- the missing divers has been found.
started receiving the signal as well! signed to watch me. He's just doing his A well-known local psychic, Ron-
Grace Becker, Hank's mother with job, right?” aldo, flew over the reef after the latest
whom he lives, grew concerned for her If only the government agents cared disappearance. “There is something very
son's health. “He hears voices all the as much for our well-being. unusual about St. Edmund’s Cross,” Ron-
time. He can't sleep. I tried to get him to aldo said. “There is a distinct sense of
see a doctor, but he won't go.” Hank is Diver Swallowed Whole By Reef hunger right over the formation, as though
emphatic on this point. He is convinced Cairns, Australia – In the fourth incident the reef itself is hungry. It feels as though
that his family physician is working with in as many months, another scuba driver the reef has swallowed the divers to stay
the government operatives to monitor his has gone missing while drift diving on St. alive. There is also an unusually high en-
progress. He even confided that his own Edmund’s Cross, a part of the of the Great ergy field centered on the reef, which I
mother might be in on the plot. “Why else Barrier Reef. cannot explain.”
would she keep trying to get me to go The diver, Michael Nesbitt from Cairns Police refused to comment on
back to that doctor!?” In any case, the Sydney, failed to surface at the prear- Ronaldo’s claims, saying only that “Mr.
longer the experiment continues, the more ranged time. He had been diving with Ronaldo is known to us and his claims are
of a strain it is putting on their relation- several other people on the reef and had nothing more than the crazed ravings of a
ship. “I'm starting to doubt his sanity,” stopped momentarily to take a photo of a sick and deluded mind.”
Grace laments. “I've never heard anything colorful coral formation. The other divers
from that ceiling fan.” in his party progressed further round the I’m Carrying My Dead Teacher’s
When asked why he was singled out reef, expecting Michael to join them in a Child
for this experiment, Mr. Becker was very few minutes. When he failed to appear Seacouver, Tuesday – Glenna
specific. “They’re going after people who after ten minutes, the group returned to Richardson, 15, of Everett, claims to be
are spiritual – trying to destroy their investigate. carrying the child of her dead History
spiritual nature.” Then to clairify, he Cairns Police interviewed the crew of Teacher, Mark Vail.
added “Some people have a natural desire the dive boat and the other people on the “Mark came to me one night a month
to help those around them. They can tell dive. No sign was found of Nesbitt during ago and made love to me,” said Ms.
when a person nearby is in pain, or fright- or after the search and no one reported Richardson. “I’d had always loved him
ened. I'm one of those people - that's why seeing anything out of the ordinary. from afar and was devastated when he
they picked me.” David Gillespie, owner of Reef died. He told me he had come back from
If Hank Becker is correct, then the Depth Dives, denies any negligence on the other side to give me a son that would
Telemetric Mind Control project may be the part of the Dive Company. “We took carry on his life’s work. I’m so happy he
stepping up the operation. “They’ve al- every precaution to ensure the safety of chose me and I want to bring up my son
ready begun experimenting on thou- the divers,” Gillespie said. “Mr. Nesbitt so that he can make his Dad proud.”
sands…or millions…somewhere between stopped to take a photo and was not seen Doctors at St. Mary’s Hospital con-
thousands and millions…I was told again. I have no idea what happened to firmed that Ms. Richardson was indeed
700,000 worldwide.” him. My staff and I have since gone back pregnant, but refused to comment on the
The picture that Becker paints is a out to St. Edmund’s Cross to search, but alleged father of the child. A local psy-
bleak one indeed. What possible defense have not found any sign of Mr. Nesbitt.” chologist, Dr. Henry Matheson, suggested
could one muster against long distance St. Edmund’s Cross is an unusual “the real father was probably a boy in Ms.
electronic surveillance? “Silver Oxide,” coral formation that forms part of the Richardson’s class at school. Her claims
Becker says, “or Nitrous Oxide … or is it Great Barrier Reef. The coral on the reef of a spirit father for her unborn child are
Silver Nitrate. Anyway, whichever the is gradually dying off, thought to be probably a symptom of post-traumatic
chemical is used on photographic film can caused by the increased levels of ultra- trauma caused by the teacher’s death.”
protect you from the effect.” violet light. Mr. Vail, 26, was murdered in De-
It seems that the chemical composi- In the past four months, three other cember last year by the father of a girl in
tion of normal film can reflect the Tele- divers have also vanished in the same Mr. Vail’s class. The man found out the
metric waves. “But be careful!” Becker general area of the Great Barrier Reef. teacher had been sleeping with his
warns. “If you are already under their in- Mrs. Elisa Guthry, a single mother from daughter and ambushed him one day after
fluence and you touch the film to your Melbourne, vanished while on a night school, shooting him through the head
body, it can kill you! It will either kill you dive to see some of the spectacular coral. seven times with an automatic rifle.
or kill the operative watching you at the Dr. Nigel McCormick and his wife,
time. If you put it on before they track Melanie, both from England, also van-
you, it could kill the operative assigned to ished near St Edmund’s Cross six weeks
watch you.” Becker has yet to use his ago during a research dive to investigate
newfound defense. “I don't want that on the death of the coral. No sign of any of

Page 34 Demonground – Issue 1 Tabloids

The Loose Ends

Credits Submissions Next Issue

Demonground Editor-In-Chief Like all fanzines, we need articles by In the next issue, we will be concen-
Marcus Bone you, the fans of Dark Conspiracy, to keep trating on providing ideas for new refe-
( this magazine alive. rees and players of Dark Conspiracy 2nd
We’re looking for articles solely re- Edition.
Demonground Associate EdiEdi- lated to the Dark Conspiracy universe. So far, we already have:
Any material that would help a new refe-
tor/Chief Minster for Propa
Propa- ree or player would be ideal. • A revised combat system by Ken
ganda Use the departments from this issue McKinney.
Michael Marchi as a rough guide to the areas of material • Faith and Dragons, an adventure by
( we are looking for. Marcus Bone
In particular, we need more • Tips for new Referees by Ms. Geor-
Demonground Associate EdiEdi- • Dark Races gie
tor/Chief Minister for Layout • Equipment/DarkTek • Mindset: Life as a Ballotman by
Geoff Skellams • Dark Conspiracy Related Fiction Geoff Skellams
( • Tabloid Articles • Plus much, much more
• House Rules
Article Authors If you think you can help, then please
Rob Beck send your submission to Marcus Bone The deadline for the next issue is No-
Marcus Bone ( vember 1st, 1998. If you have any articles
Moritz Capelle We would prefer all submissions to that you think would be valuable for new
Ms. Georgie be in a format readable by Microsoft players or referees of Dark Conspiracy,
Michael Marchi Word 97. Our main preference is a Word please submit them.
Mitch Polley 97 file. For more information, see the De-
Geoff Skellams If you are sending in tables, please monground website at
Lester W. Smith send them as a word processor table or a
tab-delimited text file. Do not send
Cover Art HTML files.
Alan M. Clark Please keep the formatting in your
( submissions simple. We will be responsi-
ble for formatting your submission when
the magazine is being laid out. Fancy
Interior Art formatting makes our job that much
James D. Collins
Eyal Faingersh
We reserve the right to edit your
Michael Marchi
submission and to correct spelling and
grammar if necessary. If you have a
Zena Marley quotes are from the Dark
problem with us doing this, please contact
Conspiracy 1st Edition rulebook. Used
us and we will see if we can come to
with the kind persmission of Ken Whit-
some sort of arrangement.
man. We look forward to seeing your sub-
missions. Your involvement is important,
not only to the success of this fanzine, but
also to the continued survival of Dark

Loose Ends Demonground – Issue 1 Page 35



Shapes that rip and tear. Shadows that live in corners. Windows in the space and time that
lead to realms of madness and decay. A dark, lurking horror that feeds off the echoing an-
guish of a billion souls. When an ancient brooding evil is released from its dimensional
prison, humanity’s worst nightmares come to life. Set in the near future, the world of Dark
Conspiracy is fraught with peril and challenge. Can you face the forces of darkness?

The Player’s Handbook contains all of the rules to create and run characters in the world of
Dark Conspiracy. Including material from the previously released Dark Tek™ and Empathic
Sourcebook™, this book contains revised character sheets, expanded equipment lists and in-
depth empathic abilities section. 6” x 9” format, 400 pages, US$20.00

The Referee’s Guide contains material from the previously released Dark Races™ and
Proto-Dimensions™. This book contains a large section on creatures and new dimensions for
players to explore. You will find all the rules, start-up adventures and creatures from the dark
abyss needed to play in this dark game of sci-fi horror. 6” x 9” format, 462 pages, US$25.00

To order Dark Conspiracy 2nd Edition, contact

Dynasty Presentations, Inc.
PO BOX 221
Lake Geneva, WI USA 53147
On the web, go to

Copyright © 1998 Dark Conspiracy Enterprises. Dark Conspiracy is a trademark of Dark

Conspiracy Enterprises. All rights reserved

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