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Former Papers. MINUTES. Final Paper.

Kcvrt'h V-Vf

I .?*>;<• rt*4 tr yru t.f .4+. th':; fo'3 ?jsl0

i u- i:: ■; tr t.h# triraat 2 ilr 1 fe$t?9-3i- J-ilMOi U'l

$*a'ir»£ ft 1 :t &*: x i ':rr r.t.i 3: ■?, . ttj i , hi t tki 3 > 3

I aqpr >p :i *. r^rr by P . *rf 3 3 jr •3 rn tl.®


.rs^ot. i i t i p.; : rv?"j tr X3$<% fjVP GMtSN?

if hi 3 .'Sr.y-'rr ji tX > 3 ^r '\m-3t,

fria'L yr«: ylM-w lat>W HiaUtaRt t! .■&<•. I

Itlit S.'\ (Ultw, J e-r-j iij rx>. -it’. 7i't 'jri J’HJl.i ", I*.* ;.t

rr ■*$ .


I ’*.$ 1 3*4, th%t I lift yrn M i 1" L-Vl

tr 7.1X.V tr •«*tn p-;frUv 'jrr** t’ th ;


had rrt ry •■«»& ilrag HJ 3 1 *n%

■che Octriv'/c heette in yrebably Wallas**

ralr.arttu, „a«tsr (Ian* hua. ait. Sear* xlvi , W3, y.

•&t i ri 1 .;•■ 11 -3.t 1 aot f re»3 tl£$ Cr or jmt II > ej 1 A H#,etl • r *i r rta

by liioharda and ethers in the wederated ,#alay State*

3rents .r a Gfrcs&attJ i. ,,eatyc sayi rf the Wallaoes M ft;-

dai :r£ tta jey ra aserylari &i Si nyapere, eve iue3tr irlettr

fa daaa> ertevali alia fair.*", theugh frer, 'hat senree

he da iited the infcsmatlrn that it vttaobi all ralra

is *nrt iyrar ant. P ref esse yaier has all*" tafce# it

the^rr It hi very -lif'llar te the beetle

brereortheea Struin^ii # vhi eh is very serirusly i r.Jurieu* tr

ococruts ir amthe^a huUaaae, afrrut ais%.

C her a a re tl • re *; av s xua a i al r n " ?1 .:* oh i 1; j: ay b


1. When the beet! ea and the-5 r yen©* aypear t* be

ocafi re l tr me cr» a £e\f leave* ea a tree, these ray

be carefully out an 1 thrust ir tr .it ^e. Sueh wcr>- ahfc.ld

ecaetautly ir> regress. la ease cf high tree3, they ^ay be

slays! by reaas rf a terefc ca a ir®; yrie.

-/ ^ Spraying by arsenates. It is xubtful if this w.euld

ray c ■* eve© be yraetioaltle under oe^taia or nd it* civs. It shculd

cal; *‘e *x] erinsnte! ritl., nr Xe * *syert razngereBt.

3. I at. 'r iiuot;i car f yar i ij tea. Create ” yerraneat rel > e£

> i tr be esyeeted frer tfci s than frev %av ether r ift**.

.4* V
It is

however, -rerh thiol, tr be it'.oooiifiil# rust be delegated

tr an mt'rrrirri it e-T^oially trained for it.

3Cth. Jars any, h xc

-cun RUI-0B2f January loth— / th. # IS 16

I hav3 the fccacur tr tr von

return frrr tcur.

C• Xa I 02 anu f 1 ■ fri :r.d th r:> t! .e -'.r «r3 nod i ay

cffored frp latxur (.Merrdid la ry lefttc ycu

cf 17 th# Ucverber, Id?* : :3) had enabled the 0i

Field A*aiatart ri“ the Utetff a* Garden tr cbtala

ran: bat tin 3te*ta:;e cf ?• or in the third ard f earth

quarters of IS 17 had lift :,\ neSSt cn the ildJSrmg cf the

strew 3i 1* and an#r

3 they enlti 7**4 rr :ti# n aj. -ay# omr hr. hJiu,


4. ike Gcrrlttei for the r arirarent cf the

UatarfadLl <»iMesa ret ar.d trareaeted \ll the-; business

roc s 13ary tr * v -
1 ; . ■' y; \) (’. • V, ;'V,'. ,.' . ■' '•_. yjif -'V ' -.. ;:‘ a x-: , ,. V . v .■.;‘y^W .
r ■
jubj • r. tr iftiilii t.' .v;-. \7$ and rad i bad •»

3j'-.i!■ vts for lfiie. A3 s#v9ru# 'All rr-’i x-y=i? their

■ . - , ■• • ■
a rs-iwlutSCR iftlaj fc* eft# the. j.irl 4cll-jm
i ’ ' • - ■ * * -

CCi|CCO) raa ; a mol -v-d h^i beta fereaMed tr ym.

5* X fc i v d t:i.r.e tl re o sjwn > r s-1 e et i r n a ;>c *,

or42';:, iad thm r^roreeled tc •- alaeea *1 I did tor etri

ia*| etti.cp#-.;
6. She aeee&ut -sit rarad in rara C cf ry letter
: M3ert# Viit net rr i

hive '■yji; 3. "lid vet rr


. th.3 J::h ij r r i \X s tl 3

beetle 1-3 $3 **>1 fcnRd

rr the; h;i®ks cf youa^ arrant leaves. A-3 It ^V3'^

suddenly aft32* unsaMCBibly ret rgath®*# >t 1> be

3\c* 4 that the dsy ^gather nctf nh.vh*^ ~h fill vrcv®

Jrlrt'fiX tc-it. It i 3 net 3rmtlT.*a aj stated *i ry

letter under refer irae, but Or: ihsouw 4rteotf *he fir *1

detamln vtiefe < f '/hi a I* 13 ■/&itel f^*-- • o® ^

Italy. I foiff that re .tfe /itheut r.eari cf on-

batting It.

X 3,we the hcncur tr !>e#

Yen? ebadi.r^ i»?v»r-it,

l)i?9<)vf'3P ef >H?o; 3, *».S.

©.3 Hrnca?ibVj
I .

r.lv3 Ccler.l S39Wt^j?y,

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No—M4mrtes ■■■sftonldori Hi is page. A separaYe half-sheet to

v3. t 1 CtrxjtrtAjud

i/L Cv-td f jktidfixAiL Cm.


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33nd. Kcver.ber# ISIS



I have the hr ecu? tr report tr yru ry return this

day tr head quarters.

I left Singapore 19 arranged on the evening of Hoyenbar

14th| and arrived in Penang rn the next day. There I jfshiImI

until the evening of Kovemfes? lSth9 when I sailed for Port

Swettsnham# and reached Tampin vis Kuala Lumpur. fw* Tanpia

t went tr Ale? Gad ah and Milaess, leaving Tampla again yesterday

My three el ear days in Penang were occupied entirely wi^-h

ti e detail of the administration of the Waterfall Gardens: and

there was a meeting of the new Worrittee of Management

rrt th.e third day. The Garden13* affaire are satisfactory#

Being delayed in Kuala Lunpur fey want cf a train9 I used

jqy afternoon there for featanising rn the limestone at satu Saves.

By appointment through Messrs Morten, listriot officer,

Alrr Gajah and tee-Warser. Assistant tr the Resident, Malacca,

the malacea Ucscnut Inspectors met me. I tcoh both into

the field after examining their diarieSi investigated their

• K \ #fc. I:
wrrJcf and gave instructions to them* £J.e senior ran ?r.c
t !‘\ . ,
l-.aa tl* e*»tral and j»jfan Watrt*t» is Eiving ««ttafaotira

and I must have more pointed werfc out of him. Unless better
- • ;{■•
». , f • 1.

results are obtained immediately I shsll l ave tr s&sY. a feeder

man. I have the honour tr be. Sir

.• f
Your rbed»nt servan t„ 'h

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