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I wouldn't agree with the statement that manners are for the plain and the pretty can

get away with

anything. But it also has a point. We, people, are more likely to forgive people who are physically
attractive more than people that are not in our taste. That's true, it's our flaw to judge other people
by their looks. However, it doesn't mean that it should be like that. Manners apply to every single
person, regardless of how they look. It's not that only common people have to have good manners
while the posh can do anything, don't need to say 'thank you' or 'I'm sorry'. So, how do we avoid that
unfair belief? Unfortunately, I don't think there's much we can do about that but we should
admonish such people if they do something wrong or are impolite. They have to know they are not
privileged and that the rules apply to everybody. Let's have a look at the case of celebrities, especially
the ones that are very popular, who have a lot of fans. It's true that some fans can be annoying. And
celebrities have a right to have personal space but their behavior towards their followers is beyond
belief. There are cases of stars who respond rudely to their fans who want to take a photo with
them, or they totally ignore them when passing by. I have a few examples of such a situation.

1. Sandra Bullock yelled at a wheelchair-bound fan who asked for an autograph while she was on
hiatus while filming.

2. Justin Bieber has repeatedly refused to sign autographs and is known for calling names and
humiliating his fans.

3. Chris Brown publicly insults not only his fans but also his friends. In 2015, he hit a fan in the face,
who approached him asking for an autograph and a photo!

These are only a few examples of how rude celebrities can be. And there is no excuse for it. We
shouldn't normalize the pretty being the navel of the world who think they are above others.

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