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Centro de Explicações Lda.

Inglês 8º Ano – Relative Pronouns

Nome: _________________________________________________ Data: ___/___/___

1. Who are these people? What do they do? Use the relative WHO

a. A policeman is a person who takes care of your security.

b. A vet _________________________________________________________________.
c. A dentist _____________________________________________________________.
d. A fireman ____________________________________________________________.
e. A singer ______________________________________________________________.
f. A pilot ________________________________________________________________.

2. Write sentences using the relative WHICH

a. This is the bank which was robbed yesterday.

b. This is the building _____________________________________________________.
c. This is the book ________________________________________________________.
d. This is the pencil _______________________________________________________.
e. This is the computer ___________________________________________________.
f. This is the paper ________________________________________________________.


a. Where is the towel ___________ I bought last week?
b. I saw a guy _________ was taking his dog for a walk.
c. I asked for directions to the girl _________ car was parked next to mine.
d. I took a book __________ wasn’t mine.
e. The woman ___________ you were talking to, is my wife.
f. The cat, _________ owner is a tall boy, is lost.
4. Join the following sentences. Write all the possible relatives and put
between brackets those which can be omitted.

a. I saw a boy near the harbor. His name was Peter.

b. Chris met Allan last month. Allan is a salesman.
c. I’m interested in mystery books. They are in the higher shelf.
d. I never listen to my mom. My mom is always right.

6. Famous facts and people. Complete with a relative.

a. Pablo Ruiz Picasso, __________ was born in Málaga, painted a self-potrait.

b. The Tower Bridge, __________ is in London, was completed in 1894.
c. Shakespeare, ___________ first play was Henry VI, died in 1616.
d. 25 December is the day _________children in Great Britain get their
Christmas presents.

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