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All Saints' Day and All Souls’ Day

In the year 835 AD, the Roman Catholic Church made 1st November a
church holiday to honour all the saints. This feast day is called All
Saints' Day.

All Hallows

All Saints' Day used to be known as All Hallows (Hallow being an old
word meaning Saint or Holy Person). The feast day actually started the
previous evening, the Eve of All Hallows or Hallowe'en.

Christians remember all the saints

On Saints' Day, Christians remember all 'men of good will' (saints),

great ones and forgotten ones, who have died through the ages.

Saints are men and women from all ages and all walks of life, who were
outstanding Christians. Some - the martyrs - died for their faith. All of them are
honoured by the church.

All Souls' Day is on 2nd November, when we remember all of our deceased ones. That
day, visiting graves and cemeteries is a sign of attention and faith. On that day people
pray for the souls of their deceased dear ones, lighting candles for them. For all those
who can’t visit the cemetary, it is a custom to pray and light a candle at home.
Find synonyms & match. True or false?

a. to honour All Saints' Day became a religious holiday in 835 AD. ____
b. a feast day
c. a martyr Hallow is a very modern word for Saint or Holy Person. ____
d. faith
On this day we remember all the people who are still with us.

1. holiday Some Saints are honoured by the church. ____

2. to celebrate
3. strong belief Hallowtide is 1st and 2nd November together. ____
4. sacrificing person

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