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eee S eee 12-WEEK GUIDE BUILDING een Cesc eas rs PBL Efe) BUILDING LEGENDARY SHOULDERS STONE Rue att acs uae Umum CIC ula: (0) NAST ba ae Tra SESE ano cinereus auth een ec ke ates le StU a mele eR Rl) a lM ca are cra ARO UM MMe eR Ula bulging out, everyone will know that hitting the weights is something that you do not take lightly. Over the course of my career | have always felt as if my shoulders were a/weak point. | never had those super round capped out shoulders. | didn't necessarily know why at the time. | came to the conclusion that several things, including: AGE, TRAINING EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE, TRAINING TECHNIQUE, TRAINING INTENSITY, MUSCULAR IMBALANCES as Well as PROPER NOONE PE ome eM WO PRC Rory euler Cee un nn Re Rae RU eu e OCU ee ole PPA Re sae PA Ra mtg ee CO Cue Rag Cee eee Cuns De AP CRU Rusa (| Dee ee Rc Ce provements in other areas to make sure | See ae ecm a a stage. Nonetheless, | knew my shoulders See emu ea ea acto Cs ee Run CU RUC ery a training methods and techniques to shock Cee cme this 12 week training program, | added a SEU SRST an SSeS Dea ORL ny intuitive, if'takes understanding the phys- ee eee eee ceca De ee Caen ult Top Photo: MAY 2018 Poem st er) ee ee a physiology of the shoulder. The shoulder is a very int Coa ee eect eres ments to your arm, chest, back, traps, and neck. You CeCe ec ERR works because these attached muscles may be a rea- PO a eee ioe es Anterior View of Right Shoulder The shoulder is made up of three major muscles: Cte Morera deltoid) & the id (rear deltoid). Each ST SEES SAC rea ANTERIOR DELTOID The part of the deltoid at the front of your shoulder. This part of the deltoid attaches to your collarbone. Anterior Reet ee eee ect eae Deltoid the shoulder joint and rotate the shoulder inward. Example: Hang your arm at your side and then raise it in front of you and up. This is an example of flexion at a ere ad ee eS ee cee entire arm in towards your body. Yep, that was the an- Cre Ee Ee r Se eo LATERAL DELTOID The part of the deltoid at the middle of your ne Ue cee SC een eas Se Cee seco tr kd Peed so eC aieun er tg ores trap) eee RS eA away from your side and up. This Is an example Oem ee eee nea Ic Cea Lateral Deltoid POSTERIOR DELTOID Re Coury Ree RC a as well, Primarily used to extend the arm at the shoulders and laterally rotate your arm. Posterior Detoid Se eee ene eA Sen eure aca aa That is an example of flexion of the shoulder Fe nae ea Te aU cu ae Cette RR Co part of the deltoid requires a different ex- ercise in order to fire that specific isolated Coe outnens | PosTeRion DELO ee aa ae Cee Ue eee ke lg a Ree tee a ea ven cea Sd Serena een el Pages Coe hun dons that surround the shoulder joint, keeping ee epee eS a Re Cee Bue lle Injuring the rotator cuff is very common, and can be very painful. Most of the time it is a chronic issue that-will progressively get worse if it is not coc Tone: a re det, more than likely that is a rotator cuff that is inflamed. Tao A nC Dae Dene ke Unt ease Se ots Bc ans aC) Cee CRU ea Wa ta tia eee 3 It is important to understand that building great A Cee coe MCR cm Ue aT and the better you become at perfecting your form Ce RS uC n ce herd id eB eeicen Pea otc ca ka) ee eu eect (ore RT ecu ee Eee) Bee na Cua oe and 30's. With that being said, for you young guys, Peano erie ester cel Perera en cane sce cs Da Re ce OER SSC CU es arom your testosterone levels are flourishing in your later See RC ee es cause you are training correctly! During this program we will identify & fix a lot of common problems hindering shoulder growth and Ii also teach you new training secrets that | have discovered this 2018 Olympia prep to give me the Zo Red Mean etaes TO esau set range of motion and development Crier en aku) RR es ets Tee Un eer eur ee La = Pee eRe ee ahaa ee ccd _— Cream Meus aC Pee ee cus COT RU ten sa) posture and lack of stretching and mol Oe CUCL and traps when training shoulders, itis dt RS Ae ek ees eee ‘ MPa kat cee anh ac ut ced ys eee meee eeu hoe a rete ¥ _— Ce ee come Tis tion that will hinder the range of motion wher A Se ees care c/n aaa yy In other words, the tension or the work is takefipff the intended muscle trained (the deltoid) and all the stress and work is being put onthe secondary muscle Cet Oe es Tn eect ey prevent growth of the deltoids aiid will lead to further eee UCU eer pmo Lh ed a uh a 7 F SC gene eee DeRose Nee ea chia anterior deltoid to dominate pressit tions. This will take away from and posterior head of the deltoid be: Dhar ante with an overactive chest. With that being Poet rs ee CC ect eee aa ha INABILITY TO ENGAGE LATS Not being able to engage your lats into a Seeger srs shoulder growth. Keeping your lats engaged cuca minimize any trap activation and will keep aT CeCe bY (tee Aan ~~ os pipe TT wae. Pay +) it FUR, na MPs, arr MPye a THAINING Asia d ar Pye pe ee SEGHETS Over the course of my 10-year body- building career, | have trained with many of the greats. I have picked up a ton of knowl- edge from a handful of legends, each with their ‘own philosophy and outlook on training. But, one must understand that everyone's body is different and some exercises and certain adjustments will work great em for you individually where as other motions may not be as useful for you. Personally, during this prep, I've modified my technique of certain motions to help me engage that specific mus - Some of my motions may be unorthodox, but none- ‘engage, and contract the muscle mort 14 Umea SHOULDER PRESS [atmo Liang Seu cy Osc) “ OTT Oke Try Ory ee UTR Sy © Neutral Grip vs. Power Grip Ort OSC a ecg r Tao Oatley Oe RTI) iz Merced Mealy « ON ena) Oey ® Hand and Arm Placement Re Ly OTe ed ca Ore ure eel Pes ® Various Hand Placement © Setting your Lats © Unorthodox Motion erro Oro he Oe ter Understand that you must first learn the fundamentals and proper So eee ec by that is to make sure you thoroughly understand your technique \d form before you unleash everything and let yourself go in the know a lot of you guys have seen my training videos - you CeCe CLO acuni mut hcl ACME acest nancy Eee eeu ee bE now. No matter how heavy | go, Ihave the same technique. If | can't perform a rep with perfect Pee eRe teen aed See ee beast mode on the weights, make sure your Reet Chem ita it's also important to realize that training in- tensity is the key to growth. The harder you See ess acd TR ae the fine details of proper shoulder train- MRCS RCR Oa st acy Eee aera cs shoulder. This program will give you some 2 ee eee) size you've been wanting from your deltoids! ——— = G Sei R CO en cur hey cus ia Trimet (ety STU eC UM ee eho mura em aE) De eee Reker ec eeu Cec Dee ee i Ca a ee cea Ree aC ea ate ene haces) CeO nt ec tee ecu Mer eect) a sports massage therapist 1-2x per week as well. Utilize techniques such as scraping/graston, cupping, ultra sound, and deep tissue. UT aL ag See) ERC eu ant oi Pe amc ed Stee coe heii hasn't fully recovered. Supplementing with Evogen Deter et eke cum aie Cocina Raa ec ee Ly Peer Sta muses ict uil Buty | UR TC Taco UA Lae Pe ec kc ane il Pho een erie ie dks ce Le na Rennes freely and I'm trying to grow slowly, I'l do about | MET ome ne tcc eget ctas offseason, | use cardio as a way to help my me- 4 , tabolism handle more food. The more food | y CnC cme cats dt Pee Race ocd POR CaCO USm Ta acc’ eRe eisai are Runs Bee la DCU CT ag Ce Re eee ce) 2 RES CCM RCC i CMC nlt ae eT Pees oe toes Ooms st itd ce) Sec a ge Pe RRC aac a) diet, so dor't let off your cardio, it is important! NUTRITION Cee CRUE CLL Lad eRe une p mC eee ctl cy to take a re-feed day with one post workout Che; Pro aka ee Ee ae Reunite eure coc ta COR ea nae Meee (extra sodium, fats, and creatine) as well as salmon (extra healthy fats and calories) 1-2x day as wellas increasing your carbohydrates by 1.5x-2x the nor- Dee Te eaten CL rice, white potato, fruits, Glycoject by Evogen Nutri- Reta Rune RC i eam ne si Rete crab Rhee antic ii Deeg US uu RCo your insulin levels, which will help your body syn- pee a ee eeu m re he Cece Te LR Cn eT SE eC eee tu Se a eh gute orl Eien My cnt cc CINCO ROU n UCR ce ul: Bvt a lt a urtoma eaenoan ovine | wrarmon io Peas POC ge ue ec Tee ts Can ed eras RT econ DN ec Mer oc ke SoU RR Ei) Pte Petar} Cut RR ay c SE epee PNM sean yg cas ary Seiten nee ey Der en sa tea) See ele Wee cel eRe mere cor USOT aa Sa lag RAS aa eth will optimize our training regimen. We will be Pe eC Cou eee Mes ts Us miliar environment forcing it to work at is maxi- On each Loren) intensifiers to increase training output periodi- Se RUS ec oT iar with the following terms. 4 DROP SETS - Pertorming an exercise, then Ue lowering the weight and performing the exact one arm holds art serra Se ecu oe erie ete eee tion of the muscle followed by a partial (30-50%) Shed Sete CUR oe 7 . an a SUS ae en eee cD Toa a a ll SASS \' LS Te URL ecu g PUR seat tea armies o Ca on ee en Cae] improve your recovery time, and maximize your ST ee ame ea Se eee ey caffeine, glycoject, and a Whey isolate will rapidly increase your results. | suggest only the top of the line products made by EVOGEN NUTRITION. Use the link below to order: www. 1 | ome Lesevoanysouoens surrueuenTaTiOn Over the years | have tried various techniques, different methods will yield different results. Pe cus Re eee Cee (a SS CRs er ea (Sl Rss Ces See mse (a esse ree ae ee) BO eect Le baa La ao Kelew W oN) ea mel Gan Veep ats anon) Same ae Soames Meo a eo) nA EE aT 7 FOAM ROLL CHECK LISTS: eer Pretend Tard Pere ge Pepe ey a ‘STRETCHING: (OMNI E esc c (ome (omen eee) (Ome nee Rec (omer tte (ower T tunis PE aid rT TTL aS ae a o PRU oe CREE CN Rd Dieses seth ed aS ee EW Rac Smt De Bea Le Le enero i cur inh uta PO Cue eee however during this time period you shouldn't be on caloric deficit diet. You will need the carbs, fats, protein, and creatine (red meats) Re ec er eT eed pnt mn jeroCoahin i a Fs Pel em MMLC ORE RUB sys uo OO ©O00C® EvoVite 1/2 scoop or 1 pill in the morning and 1/2 scoop or 1 pill pre workout Take 1 scoop EvoGreens upon waking & post workout DR Ree asst et ice og eee aun ues sKs)) “Be sure one of those meals is 45 mins before you train Take 1-2 scoops Carnigen upon waking before cardio & before workout Ree ee eee RCs eR er Dea ar ete rp eer iRise a er Doe ses eam CURL Peo Oe em ae) Acree Decent s VS SSR Mn uN ae TOE St Use code “CHAMP” for 15% OFF Peery 2 | iim. ¥ SAG ase on ee Ree nn RC) Cre red Dresses) SSG EU ays *Hits all three heads of the shoulder, will help sce eee eed build Mass & Strength. Cet Set 1: 40lbs 15 reps (warm-up) SOE RET cat) Sea RRC Me Cun) } Sear oe Pat) Sea ORL Ty Beer ROS Se Sora) SamisieRe eS aku Se cd Pee es Soe SO ee 5 full reps, 3 reps peak contraction holds, Cues Sc *Rest 60-90 seconds in between sets See eee occ ee eee ol Pacey Cen SLU ke eae er Dsus > On| *Body positioning is important. Keep tension eared Set 1: 50Ibs 15 reps (warm-up) See a ee CP SOR cae cau) Cr PA cy Soa SOS Lea BS eee uy Se ne a en ee eee please chosea weight that you can control with PERFECT form.** CABLE ROPE FACE PULLS SUPERSET W/ Ree NR eke Passa Lis] Fe Cee eee Red eee eee Eat a ea SORES RT AS Ua) 20-30Ibs 12 reps Seam) sy) POO ears Soe Rh eeu iN] Pee SOE aL Pe aT) Soe Oo Ce Soca pTt one FRONT PLATE RAISE See Rg eee eRe Rca eel your front deltoid. Lift plate until you can look Le Oy em Ae ay one eons Set 1: 35lb plate 15 reps Soe CRE Ree Tr CR EET Soe cae cee cael Perrenr ry See Rr eee ened oa ee acces eras { DB LATERAL RAISE —— Se eae EA go light, this is about perfect form and connecting Re ke ee eee peak for a “one, one thousand, two” count. Saree.) aE Scere ay Soe bet aE Soe bet aed POS es ee your strength should have increased and your ACR RR ea Unio RSet et ei cua ly. During weeks 5-8, we are going to focus on intensity, utilizing various techniques and mun Oe Ro ere Ln iste Ree ocak acy ee etek ee ec Riemgceitect cn e ee renee traction holds, and statie hold techniques. itis MANDATORY to still stay'on top of your dé ‘4 warm-up. Making sure your body stays flexibl and loose will help develop the shoulder evenly. This month won't be easy. Your workouts will eect Cra ten aU Lae Rm ” Fr ES Rua Ron a) said, “Intensity is the key to growth!” You must mentally prepare yourself before your workout. a Core ee a For more speeific guidance see Go into this month of training as if you are get- Ce RC as san step into to the gym each day. It is okay to zone ee cud Dene neste) et peers ee a) Re en erie ere re aa nee once DRO EAU cs Pe Cc ten erected (Creer rR) On shoulder days, for maximum results | recommend the following supplements: - areal EvoVite 1/2 scoop or 1 pill in the morning and 1/2 scoop or 1 pill pre workout De eet ee ie aa cs Take 1 pill of EvoLog before you eat your 3 largest carb meals per day (consume at eee Re ee an Rear pacer) Se ue eS SCR eRe Cun UNC peice eek nd Dre ee tere Rr eT a Ind Bch UNO eet oe Schengen pate eke Take 1 scoop ISOJECT upon waking and 2 scoops immediately after weight lifting BCP te eo aR Oe RS aL ren On pee iim? ©00OC® r Ng Mk ea Re ee ae Ree Pee Meee a a cca SUEUR ae me ett srauoN Seen eu ae ALCS celg ry OTE Ret ena eke ee a ea should be performed slower than a normal repeti- TD ates eee eee yar Rue e ek eRe ee Dee em ae Pages ener uat) eee ee eee eae Rome en ee See SST ay eee ee a reps, 4 partial reps, 3 full reps, 3 partial reps, eee em em) So er Uy crane rR at AC yee REN cee letras Ee ee ea ed ee Oat eee Set 1: 45Ibs 15 reps (warm-up) Soe ened Set 3: 85Ibs 10 reps DropSet* 45Ibs 5 reps peak contraction hold, 10 full reps or until failure. Soe eee ess ae Seta Pee cue Cte ort Seu SRS ar cu) | See eee eer ag ee | please chose a veight that you can contol with, Cee) Cry Peas eae Perea aay ca ed ek ae LI OF _ Soe eee Peet aL area ed *Targets rear deltoid. Minimize trap activation Jean forward slightly to-target the front deltoid more. by engaging lats. SS SaaS aul eu) SOB SE WRU SD OR DEC’ See DER eC a rk) Sea PAC VORA See OD ee re Ce) ogee CSS): Par oe Daa sau )} So abd BD ea iy a eV SDE BSCS Uy ant holds, full rep until failure Ff F Ser eee eae te ros i a ee aU sae Wee Re 2s el a te fas cara) Cray Pam Se ay Se a Sl ger Ce EE eae aad and lean forward slightly to allow for full range of motion. Watch video for more specific instruction. er SRR OER 2 oR eA eas eed eae OO Se en Ce eed Soe ORR Se Ree fee Se Ci EPR SSR Td ee OR RO Oe ea) Coe a mee *Rest 60-90 seconds in between sets Dee ee eect ‘SEATED ARNOLD PRESSES *Don't go too heavy, focus on tempo and keep- ing constant tension on the shoulders. The point is Pe aCe Reem Re cg DLs SOMERS URC ear Se tae Boer ease ctr Set eget cnc BRS ee UEC ‘oxome uevenoany siou.oens | weecs 912 woot ano anoW Pr ee Cee Cy should be at a point now that it can handle modifications to your workout to help you engage and grow the shoul- COR eet ee ann) understand that everyone's body is different, and some- Cn ote eau ein lized to help further target a specific muscle group. Our Coe a UST Le a A a Peta ee cane ou eRe CT RC! eee etait eee aM OS Se eee ce BT CUR. eT le Dee anaes imize the growth of your shoulder so it is important to Peete chun u eae ead Pee en eu eric ue ter ue plus, but you will also be packing on some great size. To get lean after this phase, check out my number 1 selling eres Dre Race eet Cue Mee er ureter eee ue euy On shoulder days, for maximum results | recommend the following supplements: WEEKS 9-12 @ EvoVite 1/2 scoop or 1 pill in the morning and 1/2 scoop or 1 pill pre workout Be er eee ne aa co Take 1 pill of EvoLog before you eat your 3 largest carb meals per day (consume at eel Ret ee au enc reset) *Be sure one of those meals is 45 mins before you train. Take 1-2 scoops Carnigen upon waking before cardio & before workout SR eee Rr eg act BET CR Ree) PMR ON Sem ORE eich Cy Br CR an Sy Ae a TT eee Take 1 scoop |SOJECT upon waking and 2 scoops immediately after weight lifting. eee ee ee Sea ne Ree eee SCN a ROR eigen ae ie Ve MeN Ee ett ous | WEEKS 9-2 MODIFY NO GROW a = aCe SMITH MACHINE OR HAMMER, Sia eae at Ce] Cee A Re Re ao) Ce cus SOR EC) SSR RR CC aunt} Se a ACC uuat) Soe a Soe x OR ORL Eo reps (use 25Ibs plates, easier to strip) SSeS ORC OE reps (use 25ibs plates, easier to strip) Coe ee Seen eee ee ed are 7 Pee Sie me Pe Usa ets ae W/ UNORTHODOX DB LATERAL RAISE [nsraucro. >, Em nsr2uc 1A | *Great exercise to build roundness to the shoulder, massive pumps. SOR bre eee ueil PAs od Smee eee leaC PAU ud SS ERR een Pau Soe CR eee Pas god Se Ce ean SO eA rnd Coe ae Cre) Exe Coren DB FRONT RAISE ON INCLINE BENCH | ive] een ene eed SOU SSR EEC aul morta) )) Set 2: 20Ibs DBs 15 reps (grip: palms down) Set 3: 20Ibs DBs 15 reps (grip: thumbs up) Drop Set: 10lbs 5 peak contraction holds, 10 full reps Se ORES Cu a ret) Drop Set: 10lbs 5 peak contraction holds, 10 full reps BCS ea Nu Ne Se a aN Le mom LERENOANY SHOULDER { WEEKS 9.12 MODIFY AND GROW f ae eee Sse Ie FRONT PLATE OVERHEAD PRESS SRE ae en OME ee Set 2: A5lbs Plate 20 reps / 15 reps OH press See ee an Pace noey Cnty Bee) Beta ke eS } a BARBELL UPRIGHT ROWS Raed aNd SUS ae eS - = Lvs SRR a REL Sea RMR SOE RO ec eum SSE a ar Cee RE SERRE ROL mE Ry SoS Re eeu Cogs a SEC u ny Cee ee ead Soe Re eae ae Ce Pe CRE om any Oe SR eeu “a = CPS ESRC a eA SSC ECU Se en a i emai on Reece PO ee aC amen ee By Sern eR Cease Co SO Cac E aC ud POP ene en cutetey training techniques, your gym IQ sre De Sm OR MMC to improve over time and with enough time’ CNR cc ig Rta oe Rea cua) CRC aa Cee gtd Price tenet) eee ee For contest prep email Perse Or Rectt

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