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Reading and vocabulary skills

C. Based on the text given, answer the following questions.

1. When did Jon’s parents give him a bicycle?

2. Why did they give him the bicycle?
3. What did Jon’s uncle give him for his birthday?
4. Why is head injury serious?
5. How can a helmet help a cyclist?
6. Where should Jon put reflective stickers?
7. How do reflective stickers help a cyclist?

D. Read the text. Find the words and phrases in the text to match with these meanings.

No. Meaning Word/phrase

1 bad or dangerous
2 a strong hard covering that protects the head
3 flat bars that you push down with the foot to make the
bicycle move
4 making sure that something is not harmed or injured
5 sticky labels that send back light
6 knowing something
7 next to somebody and facing the same way
8 physical harm done to a person’s body
9 able to be seen
10 actions that are done to prevent something dangerous
from happening
11 have enough money to buy something
12 give

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