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My Professional Reflections

(March 17-19, 2021)

My significant learnings in this March School-based INSET are:

One of the major factors that affects pupils learning is the physical
environment. Everything done in the classroom does not simply “occur”
But rather is planned in order to align with the teacher’s goals and
purposes. The physical environment is crucial to classroom management
because it influences the physical, mental, emotional and social aspects
of the learner. It is a combination of social and physical qualities that
create the classroom experience. It includes classroom management,
procedures, as well as the space and furnitures are organized, furnished
and maintained. Thus making our classroom conducive is really
As the saying goes, “No man is an Island”. Same in school, we
need to collaborate with the stakeholders, be it internal or external to
help address the needs of the school in order to provide quality
education to our learners. Working together has a positive impact on
each other and contributes naturally to the school improvement.
As teachers, we have to understand that there are learners with
disabilities. First thing we must do, is to identify their special needs in
order for us to provide and apply appropriate interventions. Providing
support and using varied strategies would be a great help to cater their
needs and to help them learn better.

In this time of pandemic, let us help hand in hand for the

betterment of our learners. We may encounter things that might really
test our capabilities as teachers to do our part in our service but
remember to stand still and embrace the challenges. The learnings I’ve
got from this training are of great help for me.

Prepared by:
Vivian G. Gallentes
Teacher I

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