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As we journey to the next chapter of our lives, we thank You for giving us the courage and

strength to move forward despite the many setbacks we have faced. The road was rough, but here

we are now because You never failed to show your love and compassion in many ways. You

helped us learn to plunge into the cold water where challenges and obstacles were present, and

with You we were confident that we will rise again as we become stronger by your grace. We

thank You for our family and friends who supported us along this way. Thank you for these people

who stayed with us through the sleepless nights of studying and working our way to achieve what

we have now. We thank You for our teachers who taught us that we must step away from our

comfortable lives to reach out to the people in need. We thank You for this institution and for the

people it has who welcomed us and made a comfortable home where we were able to create plenty

of memories. Even after we leave this place, our hearts will remain and our gratitude will never

wane. As we move on to make more decisions for our future, may we be able to choose the right

path where we can enhance our skills and abilities to give unconditional service to those who are

afflicted, especially the poor, the sick, and the marginalized. Amen.

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