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1. Who is she? Do you know her?

Object Pronouns (OP)

2. Could you please help me? I have a problem with this system.
3. What do you like to do in YOUR free time?
4. I create a translation application. ….. is used by Google.
5. Mrs. Joana works at a Technology and Information Faculty. …... is a
6. My sister bought that computer last week. That is …... computer.
7. My friend and I have a project. …… are making a robot.
8. He goes shopping and buys some books. …… are information system
9. They don’t like ….. computer lab. All the computers are slow.
10. We face a mixed-up code. He helps …… to correct it.
11. Tiara and her sister are very bored. …… choose to enjoy watching movies
on Friday evenings.
12. The students sat in the corner. Alison asked …….. questions because
they just very noisy in the class.
Tami: Aufa, do you have any idea about which one I should buy for him?

Aufa: Mmmm., you could buy him a football shirt. We know he loves to play football, right?

Tami: That’s a good idea.. Let’s look for it!

Aufa: There. We could try that sports store.

Tami: Look! Which one is better? Red or blue?

Aufa: I think the red one look more lively, but it’s up to you.

Tami: I’ll take the red one, then.

Modal Verbs Sentences.

Part A.
Part B. Choose the correct modals to complete these sentences.

1. There are plenty of tomatoes in the fridge. You (can’t / mustn’t / shouldn’t) buy any.
2. It’s a hospital. You (mustn’t / may not / don’t have to) smoke.
3. I (might / could / can) speak Arabic fluently when I was a child.
4. You (needn’t / may not / shouldn’t) leave small objects lying around because it’s dangerous for your
5. You (couldn’t / needn’t / may not) take your umbrella. It’s not raining.

Part C.

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