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Learning Outcomes

1. The Hidden Leverage of Human Capital:

From the article the hidden leverage of human capital I learn the following.
This article is all about ups and downs of a country economy like in Covid-19 we faced the
downward of economy. Down economy effects country and its organizations the most
employee’s leader’s hrs. Face worst situation but down economy doesn’t mean that same
situation will be there whole time at current situation decision making choices matters to come
out of that situation with greater opportunities and win something big. If you remain in the same
situation by downsizing employees less productivity cutting salaries this would be beneficial at
the moment but you cannot compete in long run because in re designing phase u need to work so
hard which can affect your position; refocusing staff on what's important at the company by
prioritizing strategic roles and clarifying individual goals; and building return on compensation
by forging stronger links between the pay people get and the results they achieve.

2) Seven common misconceptions about HR practices:

In any company HR practices has very important roles in achieving the goals of organization and
to implement strategy and to assemble the best team for your business growth and success
mainly for the happiness of employees. This article is all about the misconception of hr. practices
because there are some leaders who don’t do good practices of hrm in their organization which
cause failure of organization and their employees by reading the above article the key learning
outcomes are as follows.
1. Making employees to engage in the participation for the improvement of organization
performance is more important than setting goals earlier.
2. Most hr thinks that mistakes got from a regular review on employee performance and
their contribution towards the company can be corrected by manager training program.
3. Anyone can do HR practices purely wrong statement.
4. From the article I found that there is the misconception with employee’s salary that if
asked how significant compensation is to them they are probably going to over gauge its
5. The big five personality trait like Conscientiousness is better than intelligence
3) Producing SCA through the effective management of people:

There is a say “customer doesn’t buy a product customer buys YOU”. Employee management is
a way to get ahead of your competitors at the very early stage where competition begins. Any
company that knows how to manage their workforce and creating profitable environment always
has high chances of outperforming their counterparts.
There are numerous ways to make your employees feel as they are being valued at every
parameter in their organization. Giving employees a sense of ownership, taking their input on
their understandings to improve organization overall performance, providing them premium
perks and benefits to affiliate their interests to organization’s interest, offering them programs to
improve their skills set, creating environment of team based performances to promote jobs within
the organization, increasing probability of using all the above mentioned ways simultaneously,
are the ways of outperforming your competitors.
Though this process takes gradual time but taking corrective actions to run these aims smoothly
is always beneficial to manage overall performance. Market strategy and continuously acquiring
technological advance will be key to achieve targets within time horizon.

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