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34 35 69 All went downhill- The standards are not as good as they used to be.

Catch up- Talking about events that have happened lately.

Up to speed- informing someone about events they missed to witness, deliver news
that someone has no updates about.

Chewing my ear off- Garrulous, Gabby, talkative. Cant get a word in edgewise.

Has a bit of a temper, hair-triggered, peevish, petulant- someone who loses his/her
cool easily or quickly.

Not up to par/Sub-par- not of adequate quality.

We go way back/ known him/her for donkey's years- Old buddies/friends, known for a
long time.

That/the ship has/had sailed- The opportunity is gone.

Second bite at the cherry- To get one more opportunity.

Get a second wind- Resurgence, injection of confidence or vigor; after one is


Steer clear, Wouldnt touch it(someone or something) with a barge pole- Don't like
something, or trust it.

Swamped- Overwhelmed with work.

Do it religiously- To pursue; to follow an activity everyday with regularity,

following something strictly.

around the clock- nearly all the time. Apart from resting and what not.

Piece of cake, not rocket science/straightforward- fairly easy, not complicated.

Bite the bullet- To bear something because of its inevitability.

Take the good with the bad- Self explanatory.

Best of both worlds- A win-win situation, getting the best of two different

Cutting corners- Ignorance in standards or rules to quickly do something, often


Back to square one, back to the drawing board- To restart a failed operation.

Pull yourself together- calm down, to get a hold of yourself.

The straw that broke the camels back- A rather unpleasant ending because of various
events that added up, cumulative result of many small actions. (ASK)

Wrap your head around something- To comprehend/understand something complex.

Get a hang of something- to get used to a task to do it better or completely

understand it.

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