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Since the pandemic started, most people have been affected in different ways.

In my case,
before the pandemic began, I almost was in my house just to sleep. I used to leave home at
6:30 and return to home at 23:30 approximately. When I had time, I used to date my girlfriend
and we went to eat, to watch movies, to walk.

I have worked at my current job since February 2020, but now I´m working online, I mean I
have worked at home since March 2020. This way is kind of softly, because you have more
time to sleep, discounting the traffic time to go to work or anything else, but sometimes is
boring to work alone, not seeing other people faces.

At the start, lock down affected me, I used to feel irritable, sometimes sad, really bored, but at
late 2020 things changed. I feel good since September 2020, approximately. I´ve been focused
on work and studies for all this time.

These days, I´ve been very busy with work and studies, but I keep chatting with my friends, we
met by zoom or Google meet at least 3 times a week. I think I´m feeling good and I´ve adapted
to the “new normality”.

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