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According to the Mexican Academy of the Language

Why some written words with the letter "X" are pronounced as they were
written with the letter "j”?

The letter "X" has different ways to be pronounced:

1. As the sequence "ks”: For example: Exaltar -----> (eksaltar)

Meaning: (To praise/ exalt)

2. As "sh": For example: Xola -----> (shola)

Meaning: It is the name of a train station from Mexico

3. As "s". For example: Xilófono-----> (Silófono)

Meaning: xylophone (Percussion Instrument)

4. As "j". For example: México -----> (Méjiko)

Meaning: Name of a country.

Note: It is common that the letter "X" is pronounced as "j" in names of

places and people that keep an antique orthography.


1. Oaxaca (Oajaka)

2. Texas (Tejas)

3. Ximena (Jimena)

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