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Hello Assalamualaikum.This is Tanzina. Wellcome to my presentation. I am majoring in Computer

Science anf Engineering at DIU. My student Id: 201-15-13891.

Today I am gonna present one of very interesting topic of Coding world. And that is Python programing

So, we’ll discus some basic things about python like :

1. What is Python,
2. History of python
3. Scopes of python
4. What can we do with Python?
5. Why do people use Python nowadays?
6. A sample code of python PL

So let’s get into the video.

So what is python?

Well, Python is a general purose Programming language that often applied in scripting roles. So basically
it is a programmimg language as well as scripting language and also it is called as interpreted language.

Let’s move on to it’s history.

First of all it was invented in the Netherlands, early 90s by Guido Van Rossum. And then it was conceived
in the late 1980s and its implementation was started in December, 1989.

There was a funny story of naming it Python. Guido Van Rossum was fan of Monty Python’s Flying Circus
that was afamous TV show in Netherlends. From that He named the language as Python. It is quite funny

Now let’s get to know what are the Scopes of Python:

Well, there are a Lot of scopes are in Python. Like: In Science – it is Bioinformatic,, In system
Administration ;they are Unix

Web logic, web sphere ,, In Web Application Development they are CGI, Jython,, Testing Scripts ect.

So, now You may ask what can We do with the help of python?

Well, Many tasks like System programming, GUI programming, Internet scripting, Component
integration, database programming, also gaming, XML, robotics and more.

A question may be arisen that who are the main user of Python. Well, Python is being applied in real
revenue generating products by real companies. For instance:
Google makers extensive use of pyhton in its web search system, and employs Python creator.

Nowadays one of the famous platform like youtube video sharing service is largely written in Python.
And now, there are lot of real users are using python sevearly.

So now let’s see a sample code of python and One of other programming language from which we can
ealisy relate why python is so much popular.

This is a C program code that is printing my name is tanjina And this is Python code that is also printing y
name Tanjina. Though the code are different, the output are same. If we compare two language we can
see in C program we need to write so much line for printing one line and it is so much time consuming
also, but on the other hand in Python we can write it with just a line. So, I hope it is clear that how much
python codes are user friendly to the users.

Actually every programming language has it’s own huge world. So it is tottaly impossible to describe the
full parts in a short video. That’s why, that’s all of this video. Hope you enjoyed the video. Thank you.

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