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7 Daysinn Hotel

Booking confirmation
Deer Mr fidel poma :
7 Daysinn Hotel business to extend my sincere greetings to you
Thanks for your interest in the hotel business trust and support! We are pleased to confirm your
room is scheduled as follows:
Visitor Enters the date Returns a house Room type/quantity Room price
name the date

fidel poma October 13 October 21 Superior room/1 14-18/387RMB

(1) All room reservations only shop on the day of arrival to 18:00, except pre-paid deposit or credit card
information in order to do security.
(2) Thank you again for the 7 Daysinn hotel business support, enthusiasm, we look forward to in the
Code of business hotel in honor of you and your distinguished guests.
If you have any questions, please contact us at any time
Hotel number:020-38350988 Hotel manager mobile phone:13418059781
Your sincere,
7 Daysinn hotel

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