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ana Dee A note from one of the first people to try the completed P80X system, Carl Daikeler, CEO of and My, oh my..1 just started week two of P9OX, and in my personal frustration with feeling uncoordinated with much of the program, | spoke to Jon Congdon, President of Beachbody, about my “issues.” He gave me a little insight into his first 30 days, since he was the VERY first to go through it: "I was sore the entire time, and Ab Ripper X was particularly challenging, grunting out 10, 15 reps on each move, max," he said. But, by the end EMBRACE THE STRUGGLE ~"""""" Tho reason | am going to boat the drum of "t's okay if you're strugaling® is | don’t want you to quit if you struggle. | like t0 conquer stuff, and am generally surprised when | can't master something in ‘one or two attempts. If you feel that way, you are not alone. | posted my progress on our Message Boards, logged in to WOWY" to work out with my erew, and participated in chats @ couple times a week. All along | mat ‘other people who were struggling, s0 | didn’t feel quite as much like I was doing i all wrong or there was no hope for me. It was just that, a struggle. And struggle is where the growth is. Together with the folks on the boards and in WOWY, wo kept it going for the full 90 days. The extreme results came with extreme commitment. This 1s why you should seriously consider joining our community at, where you will find the ultimate tools and motivation you eed to succeed. The Million Dollar Body™ Club is where you can create your ‘own personalized meal plan, take advantage of Tony's Corner—the place to go for VIP advice and tive chats with the master of motivation himself, and get tips from your Coach, And here's your ultimate motivation to “Bring ft*—the Million Dollar Body Game, where you ean win $200 daily just for entering your workout in WOWY. Once @ week, you can win even more: $1,000 for the WOWY Mystery Day~play daly so you don’t mise it! Plus, a8 2 member of the Million Dollar Body Club, you can submit your Success Story every month for a chance to win $10,000 and compete for the $250,000 Grand Prize! 1 so appreciate the enthusiasm the members of our community maintain through oy 01 say 90 thie intense and challenging program. And | am proud fo work hard to keep un . @ as EQ) tine now tet you've desied to 9 fort, truly hope you take avant $ oe 2 those important tools like | did. You just ne@d to og in, aise your handy, and 5 sey, "Who's in with me?* st Bring Ih 33 <7 ae | Ss 0 &8 4 —CARL DAIKELER CEO, and ‘THIS IS P90X Who Exactly Is P9OX For? o 1 You Really Have to Read This? o What Can You Expect? 2 How Does P90X Get You There? 02 Nutrition 06 Workout Overview 08 Supplements 10 Equipment 13 Lessening Your Chance of Injury 1% Support 15 Muscle Definition 6 P90X PREP “Before” and “After” Body Measurements 19 TABLE OF CONTENTS “Before” and “After” Photos 20 Take the Fit Test 20 P90X—BRING IT! P9OX CLASSIC Phase 1 27 Phase 2 28 Phase 3 29 P90X DOUBLES Phase 1 a Phase 2 an Phase 3 32 P90X LEAN. Phase 1 33 Phase 2 34 Phase 3 35 ‘Warning: Due to the physical nature of this program, Beachbody recommends you get a complete physical examination from your physician Belore geting started ‘YOU JUST FINISHED P90X “Alter” Photos, Body Measurements a7 & Final Fit Test Submit Your Success Story 3 “Before” and “After” Photo Pages 2 Maintenance 40 Life After P90x 4“ WORKOUT GUIDE 01 CHEST & BACK 43 02 PLYOMETRICS 47 (03 SHOULDERS & ARMS 51 04 YOGA x 55 TABLE OF CONTENTS 05 LEGS & BACK a (continued) 06 KENPO X 65 07_X STRETCH n 08 CORE SYNERGISTICS 1 (09 CHEST, SHOULDERS & TRICEPS 81 10 BACK & BICEPS. 85 1 CARDIO x a9 12 AB RIPPER X 3 P90X WORKSHEETS APPENDIX Peron Pea ce cas THIS 1S P90X Premier training supplements. Tne eee ee ore ee era Reed oa) re ‘Mason B, aay De es cay) Para ome ead elena P90X SUCCESS STORIES x 1 CeCe eee aac Cee tee OC enn Reece oe cor have previously completed an exercise program such as Powor 90° or Sacer Rad Neat aM aa) Sea eee ec eee eee ry Pe ee een ee ee ete ey this extreme fitness program, see the minimum suggested requirements in Cee en eT eC um required reps for most of the exercises (or find the need to call the Dee ea Oa a ved an Beachbody’s Power 90 or Slim in 6 before progressing to this advanced Deore eo a nu ar eee ee ceo Ce eee Ce ear ae ea a ee Bement ae ee ne ea Pe eee ne a ee ee ata eae em eae ee Be a a ee ee ea ee em Re POR CT RRO RL WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT? Toget inthe best shape of your tte Ane OC oe ee eed ‘To sharpen your knowledge of smart eating and discover healthy diet choices, Porter cera Just keep in mind that not all men and women are created equal. We come in a eee ee eee ee ec expectations when it comes to results. P90X recognizes these differences and ee eee eee eee eee Ue eee pas Coe ee eee ee eee ee ey ee tr oe ee soe ees the next level and then some. CAT St ale OR eee ee eee SS ee ea ee ee Td eer ae eee ee ee to keep up; the more varity you put into your workout, the better and faster your results willbe LOR ea eo ao Rca car ie ‘accustomed to the routines, resulting In diminished effectiveness. PPOX avoids this plateau Dre een RL Roe eae a Coit CaO eee ee See eee eee erect Seen Ce eC Beer en ne a a ee confusion technique, utilizing what we call training “blocks.” and opening new doors, secondary and tertiary See ek a en a Cec) thinking that the term “recovery” means lying on a hammock all day while sipping drinks with tiny umbrellas in them. The erm et ee fay See eee ce eee Se ee ‘same for long in this program, Routines are frequently switched, and aching muscles pay the price early on if you push yourself too hard. But for those animals able to both pace thelr intensity, and hang in there and give it all they've got for Cee ee a ae ~ De oe cee ee mR phase, when the body learns how to do the now set of exercises; Se eee a! Be ee ee od phase, when muscular healing occurs and your body grows strong, ready to be “confused” again. Remember that your body only gets stronger while at rest, so the RNR eee era ae Se eee ce acs eee ea! Steer een eee Uae Wan See ae Ce eRe Cn ee ea) pee ee an oe ee) push even harder during the next training block. All well-organized training programs work in blocks in order to A ea acta a eee EXERCISE IS THE ARCHITECT, — movements, cadences, or resistance. Increasing the RECOVERY IS THE BUILDER, speed, duration, or weight added to a given exercise {s an obvious extension, and an important part of the process. But new movements are probably the most vital components of Pa ae ten ca ‘Any time you present your body w Tee ce io Oe ee ace eee neuromuscular patterns developed in order to do the now eee eee eer Se a eee ee en as 10 weeks for untrained athletes: Court: aay SURO mae [old Orne eT eTOCs SE ec ene ety Crea Oe oe ec ea eo pattern favored by athletes at the pinnacle of spor. Pe aon oe ee] ere cen ed Beene oer) eee ee oe a PRC ee cee Potro ce eee ee mace Pen en aac cee cen ed Pee Coa cee tet ee er a eae eee Pee eRe ee nee ee eee te eee eae nee a ea eee eae eee eens ry phase* Adaptive and Ma: Recovery phasi ‘With P9OX you wit Use resistance for muscle tone and growth** Execute isometric and dynamic bodyweight exer irength and pov Perform yoga, martial arts, gymnastics, and Pilates moves for coordination, balance, flexibility, cre stabilization, and cardiovascular efficiency Burn fat and expose your &-pack [maybe even your 8 pack!) By presenting so many complex and challenging movements, P90X forces you to continually adap, ensuring new muscle growth and strength gain, Hae 1) PLATEAU PLATEAU PLATEAU PLATEAU PLATEAU PLATERU PLATEAU PLATEAU PLATEAU PLA Pun nen meee ecco Nu} Ce agra ree Just as this unique workout approach plays a vital role in maximizing your results, so Cee ea eee a eee ete balanced diet designed to support extreme fitness is an integral part of this program, SC ee Sena ce eCR Soa ee ee ed ee eee eT eae COR ee eae ee ema Sen ee ee Ce ee Cee pe en ae ee eed or crash diets; it's about making the proper food cholces to fuel your body for maximum performance, Did we mention there is NO compromising in this area? ra a Lee Cele 20 ee ee ae ee NAC i ata ae ae ee ee Cee ae a eee aa eee eee problems. High-quality foods and supplements assist in lowering fat stores, losing weight, Ce a ecu nn Re a Se tae ee eee eee ea Dee a aa ee De FOOD AS FUEL Tho material in tho P90X Nutrition Plan will show you what kinds of foods to eae a a achieving maximum results. Showing up for six workouts each week requires discipline. I's also Tae ee aged Pra ee aoe eee ae ee ear eee eee ee ae eee workouts, you'll greatly reduce a lifetime of health risks, improve your overall quality of life, and see een ee en a Cee rte Cr an re ne ea pec aac ea eee ee ee techniques that will help you reach “the Line” without Pe ae eee an) \# Consistency. You must Keep Crushing Play six days a ea i Rn ee ne eee Cen et eae ee affect your eneray, recovery, and results Citrus Serene ra aaa Deets ra CS ag Pere Lac are Teer Cerne a4 Carers ey Parca’ Perea ‘To give you a better idea of what's to come, this section presente a brief ov P90X workouts. A more in-depth look at each workout ie discuseed later in this guidebook, LCC me A) en Tee eee ec eee oe Coch a ec a eee eee ee a eae et eee ee eee Se en a ety the Ste CR an ee Re ea ee a ee nee eer eer) Cet ee een eee hee eee es oon Cee Cae a eee pressing, curling, and fly movements that will do wonders for the development of the deltoid eer ee nee eee ae If'you think this wil be the day to relax and take a breather, forget it. This yoga workout will Cen aC eee etc eee eee eet positions, but you'll leave feeling energized, invigorated, and maybe even a little enlightened, Get ready to squat, lunge, and pull during this unique series of exercises for both the lower and Par ee eee ae eT hamstrings, and calves, there's also @ handful of some highly effective pull-up exercises to give your legs 2 quick breather while you work the upper body. Some of the leg exercises during this routine require the use of dumbbells or bands. MO cre eee ae ey Cee ee ee ee On eee eT eee ee eo ey Pere ae cee tener ea Corea Paced Cee ae ao) erie nicer Cer omesC msg Paid erences POE ea} irecretis recrey STeypd Peres rca) PA Maas cores amr Keeping limber and loose is vital to the success oF any fitness program, Aside from the stretching Se one Mee ica Ts ania Secu eT ROR Cn eo neo your game. This total-body workout incorporates cardio, stretching, and resistance to strengthen the core Ge coe ie ee eee a an strong supporting muscles is the goal of this state-of-the you'll be more prepared to tackle the resistance and eardio moves throughout this program, while eee een a ee ee mn ees enter rata oe ee Oa You'll want to hit the beach and show off your lean, ripped musclos after finishing this intense. Pe ee CaN eer ec pee Nae RC ee a Me ed Soe eo Sea RICE ee oe ee La eee eee aD ee ee Rey eon Ra eo a eC eee ee ‘Additionally, this workout also provides some great definition to the back. Ree eC ee MC a eI eeu ad Se eee nec ae ca oR acs Se oe eet oe cc eS ene ne eee ae ee ee COR ce acne eee ee a cee See eet a ee eC eee ee ceo cd burn the fat and tone the musele. From sit-ups to Pilates moves, you'll find everything you need to ee ee ert are etc? Cee eee eee ee ee oe eed Phen ae ge Doe Cee eee ee cr that P90X supplements were designed for this program and will supply your body Re with the necessary nutrients to give you added strength, energy, and stamina for eee ey oa Keep in mind, supplements are not drugs. A prescribed drug is taken (Ee when your Body oF mind is no longer capable of functioning normaly Sas eee ee eee er ec? The cornerstone supplements identified below have been created to help PE nae ee ree et Cre ee ane ee Re ee eee eee ee at} ee ce Cu ED Se eee cee eae ‘unobtainable in these amounts from a normal diet, This highly potent supplement contains over Po eet Renee et nt eee te eee eee Ce eee ees ‘There is no ether formula we know of with so many quatity ingredients, in such high amounts, that covers as many bases. Taken daily, this unique blend of vitamins and minerals will Keep you at the Coe eer dee acne ee ee ene ere erates See ‘One packet of six per day, taken either all at once or RCE een ee eee eee ea) 60-minute “window of opportunity” immediately following exercise when muscle cells are So ae eee Ec een er eee) eee OMe ea see eT) results from your POX workous, Proper post-workout nutrition is a kay factor in how) CC ee em cl io Ce ee eRe oe Ca) ofl Perens ie teeerer nnn ert ne rt Se ee eee ey reese Un eet ee ed (One serving (two scoops), preferably within an hour after your workout Dee i eee ees Pere eR ec na On aS grams of fat and no more than 240 calories. As an essential component for the growth and repair of muscle tissue, itis extremely beneficial to find healthy, great-tasting protein sources that can be consumed when 9 a Ce eed At least one P90X Peak Performance Protein Bar a day as See eee nen et an ra loss goals while detivering healthy fuel to tone muscle. “When it comes to training, recovery is everything. The intense exercises in POX require ‘optimum recovery in order to get the most out ofthis extreme program. A good diet and ee ie a ee Te ie ead Sa) discovered additional shortcuts you can use fo speed up and. eae eee eed P9OX supplements specifically for maximizing your performance and recovery.” Fitness and sports nutrition expert Mark Sisson has spent ea ee eee nae Cee re een eed Lee ae products, His vast knowledge and experience in the fields of Cee ee ea eee een eee ee a Cee aca aan ODT eee hb eal we) ‘Along with the P90X supplements, three additional supplements are highly recommended for optimal conditioning. Cone Ren ee ae ees Ce Cn ey enough protein in your diet to meat the rigorous demands of P90X. CON go ee eee ea Cee ome ee Cre aera aD ae Pee eT Les ae Se Se ee eee nee ea) can help keep your tendons and joints healthy and offset amid oO CAPE spo 4m MPN are ri rE ergrinicneel ean yee arene eres renee er cs eine erence atric | oer Roe renee re cae eater ec FDA. Additionally, these products are not intended to diagnose, tr cure, oF prevent any disease. For mere information about nutritional Era Cue ec ces Poel ee acer ee Ce eee en ee ea ceca ‘all Beachbody or Million Dollar Body Customer Service, —____. (800) 818-5174 Uae ee CMe ae eee PCr a ee eee SC ei ee eee eae Us ue Loe an ae eet ee acco emo SC eee a en a P90X requires a bar that can be used for a variety of pull-up exercises. Beachbody has designed the ultimate pull-up/chin-up bar to securely fit in most doorways. This valuable workout tool is ideal for performing the array of pull-up exercises used in this program. Acca teen nee cu ee a Depending on your fitness level, you will need a variety of dumbbells ranging in weight from 5 to 70 pounds. Oe eg eye ee Cd results can be even more dramatic when you use bands. Beachbody offers bands with ergonomic handles for pen ee ear en anu eu eee en eer ee Ce Sa CO ae) Pee ee OC ee Cou CE ai ‘and easy-to-use heart rate monitor. A must for all those taking their fitness regimen to the next level. See en SO geet Sete ee ete) Se ee ae ‘ Cd ao eo et Ce eu CL Pee ee er Pe ae ce Se ee heavy-duty push-up stands designed by Tony Horton present the Ideal tool to intensify your movements. SE acne a a eee eon cee Prete Les soa OU ala BLL ag During any training program, you are at risk of getting DO au Co ee ee ee aa POO eee eee eee ere your comfort zone, no matter how seasoned an athlete you are. But you can stack Ce ene a ee eee ee eae ant et Beene eae Tacs ie GCI ree ete eer een ‘yu could become injured should you cross it, Realizing that this point exists is rule eee eee ae eens Stayin control. snore are times to push as hard as you can, but you've got to draw the line SO ese ete noe eee ee oC eRe ney i er ae ee eee car eT See eC eee eet Oca an ee ec ace ae Senate ee) SSE er ce eee eee Ce Cee Sec ae ery certainly under-warm up. Never let the way someone else feels cloud your judgment. na ie en ee ey eee eee Oe ee eee eee eee ea SO eae oe Tn ue aa ee stay healthy, results will come plenty fas. If you push too hard, you can get hurt, and—BAM! Se ee eee ee at to peak on day 2 ere ees Pee ea ede ke ane Ce ea ee ae een SUPPORT members to cheer you an every step af the way can Pee eee Oe ea L hae AAT UD) Pees during your P90X journey can also be found on the Message Boards at Forums While at first it may seem awkward to share your 0 sf thoughts, concerns, and questions with total strangers, you'll quickly discover how holland totally col these people really are. No matter how busy how tired, or how a eee ee ee Pen SL eater ¥ y Soe ini eae ere verre rt (0 A MILLION DOLLAR BODY™ CLUB Pema nea renee rae eee eee eT See ae eee ene re ee een! LIVE ACCESS TO TONY HORTON_ Tell the man who brings you to the brink of total exhaustion each day what's on your mind, and eee ee ec SO ea ee oe eee eee eee eee ee at eee eee Re aC ace oe aos a a a proven to help you succeed. Dosa Ree ee nen ce eee ea ane ee On pene eee ee een enn Eee nc Se eee ee eee er aor Poe ce ce a ee eR eee eee eee rae ee ne eee ee PSC eee eee ea etc EXTRAORDINARY PRIZES_ Play the Million Dollar Body Game™ and you can win a $10,000 monthly prize or even the $250,000 ee eee ee eee) Pee eee CT) Cn Leer) eke ee NUEia aa) Saeco esac crooner BICEPS The bicep comprises 40% of the upper arm. The main function ofthe bicep Js to move the forearm towards the shoulder [elbow flexionl. The secondary function ofthe bicep isto rotate the wri TRICEPS The triceps muscle ie composed of three separate heads. Together they ‘make up 60% of the upper-arm muscle mass. The main function ofthe triceps is to straighten the arm and bring it down toward the body. LATS (latissimus dorsi) are the large muscles on either side of the back. Their primary function is to pull the arm down from overhead. When the arm is stable, the late act to lft the body up towards the shoulders. The late also help stabilize the torso during many pressing movements TRAPS (trapezius) are long, trapezoid-shaped muscles that run down the upper portion of the spine. Bringing the shoulder blades together, pulling the shoulder blades down, and shrugging the shoulders up are the main functions ofthese muscles. (os tach near the shoulder joint and originate on the breastbone in the center of the chest. The fibers of these muscles run across serve to bring the arm acrass the chest and to ‘move it forward in the shoulder socket, LESS SHOULDERS aps CALVES The calf muscle originates behind the knee and attaches to the heel with the Achilles tendon. Its primary function Is to raise the heel off the ground. _GLUTES [gluteus maximus] These muscles originate along the pelvic bone and attach ta the back of the upper leg, Extending the hip is their primary function HAMSTRINGS These muscles originate just underneath the glutes. Their primary function is to bring the heal towards the buttocks and to move the Leg to the rea QUADS {quadriceps) Located on the frant af the thigh, the main function of these powerful muscles is to support the upper body during a squatting movement. DELTS [deltoids) Composed of thre heads}, the delts provide total mobility to the shoulder jaint in all directions. muscles (anterior, lateral, and posterior ‘These muscles play a vital rle in the majorly of upper-bedy exercises, including chest and shoulder presses. The main function of the deltoid is to move the arm away from the body. ABS (abdominal muscles] This muscle group consists of: The rectus abdominus (the visible portion of the absI, which brings the rib cage toward the pelvis ‘The obliques (muscles atthe waist), which rotate the torso and stabilize the abdomen The transverse abdominus Imuscle that supports the spinel, which stabilizes the torso. tea tad SO ne ne ie P90X PREP things to do before you start the program ‘step Watch the How fo Bring tt video. st02_Record your measurements and take “before” photos, ‘tep_Take the Fit Test—are you ready for P9OX? ste94_Get your kitchen in order (see the P90X Nutrition Plan} ‘519 4_Go to the Million Dollar Body Message Boards for support. “BEFORE” AND “AFTER” BODY MEASUREMENTS Record your measurement data in the spaces provided below. BODY FAT % Prior to Day 1 Alter Day 90 (atco enter on page 3 of det guide) Use Beachbady’s body fat tester f0 record your current body fat ‘measurements. To get the most accurate readings, follow the Uirections an the package WEIGHT Prior toDay1____——After Day 90 (please indicate it wearing any clothes! CHEST PriortoDay1___" After Day 90_ WAIST Prior to Day1___" After Day 90_* HIPS PriortoDay1___* After Day 90 RIGHT THIGH PriortoDay1___* After Day 90_" (measured at migpint) LEFT THIGH PriortoDay1___" Alter Day 90 Imeosured at midpoint RIGHT ARM Prior toDay1__" After Day 90_“ flexed, measured at peak of bicep! LEFT ARM PriortoDay1___* After Day 90 tered, measured at peak of bicep! “BEFORE” AND “AFTER” PHOTOS The more you show, the more you'll know, Wear a swimsuit, underwear, or something comparable so you can see where you need the work, and where you're making progress. Don't be afraid to show some skin, These photos are great motivators. Be sure to take your first series of photos prior to day 1, following these simple guidelines: use a plain background if possible, 4 Take a few front shots thands on hips, “biceps flex muscle posel, a few side shots (hands at sides), and a few back shots (hands on hips, “biceps flex” muscle pose) 2 on’t suck itn or push it out. You want a true reflection of your body's appearance. This is not just a “before” photo, it's a goodbye photo. The P9OX train is about to leave the station, and that body is going to leave some luggage behind. “Whoo Whooo!” \ Repeat this process after Phase 1, after Phase 2, and after Phase 3 to chart your visual progress. \4 Place your photos in the pages provided on pages 38 and 39. TAKE THE FIT TEST Before starting an extreme fitness program like P90X, i's important to know where you stand and if your current fitness level is adequate, Providing an honest assessment of your abilities and your ‘mind-set wll allow you to take advantage of your strengths and overcome your weaknesses. ‘We ask that you complete the equivalent of Power 90° or Slim in 6° before you begin. But if you're unfamiliar with these programs, we've set some guidelines for you to follow. Ifyou can't do what i listed below, you'll see better results by doing anather exercise program before you take on P90X. So if you can't finish the Fit Test, do Power 90. You'l get great results, and then be able to come back and crush P90K. important note Do this test a few days before your official “day 1.” The P90X Fit Test takes approximately 40 minutes to complete. Be sure to consecutively perform all the exercises in the order they ‘appear. Keep up with the timing, and make a note if you do anything differently: you will repeat this Fit Test when you complete P90X, so it is vital that you are able to da it the same way, in the ‘same order. That way you'll get a true indication of the improvements you've made. Pay attention, and be honest with yourselt WHAT YOU WILL NEED TO TAKE THE FIT TEST Heart rate monitor _-Chin-up bar {securely installed) Body fat tester or caliper Timer [stopwatch or watch with second hand) Tope measure Towel Seale Water Partner to help record data feptionat) _-__Your “Bring It” game face THE FIT TEST resting heart rate You'll want to monitor your morning resting heart rate throughout this program. This isa good indicator of your overall cardiovascular fitness. If possible, take your resting heart rate as soon as you wake up (BEFORE GETTING OUT OF BED). Over the course of the program, your resting heart rate should drop. Ifit goes up 2 few days in a row, ‘you may be overtraining or getting sick. Put on your heart rate monitor. Be sure it is secure and working correctly before beginning. Try to be as relaxed ‘a5 possible when taking this HOW TO TAKE YOUR RESTING HEART RATE reading. Remain calm and quiet for 2 minutes, then record your resting heart rate below. If you don’t have @ heart rate monitor, take your pulse from either your neck or wrist, and count the beats for 20 seconds. Multiply by two to get your resting heart rate. \ Heart rate Prior to DAY 1 Heart rate after DAY 90 ‘That was the easy part... most Likely you passed that. NOW WARM U : Now take about 10 minutes to warm up. Start by marching in place, then do any low-impact movements you like (jumping jacks, light jog in place, etc] until you bulla up @ light sweat, then stretch out lightly. You never want to work “to failure” when you're cold and tight. The warm-up on Power 90 Cardio 3-4 through the yoga moves is ' good way to get you ready. 1_PULL-UPS Grasp your chin-up bar using wide grip palms facing forward, away from body, two fists maximum number of Wider than shoulders). From a hanging position, pull body up smoothly until chin clears the pull-ups to failure bar. Lower body back down, being sure to straighten the arms, and repeat without bouncing Lup. Don't be discouraged if you are not able to do very many. Do as many as you can, to “faiture”* Record the number of pull-ups you can do hers. (If you're only able to do 1/4, /2, or 3/4 of a pull-up, go ahead and record it anyway.) “To FAILURE? when your Body stops you Prior to DAY 1 by not being able to g2 any further without tewteat lire \Atter DAY 90: 90K Minimum_ Should be able to do at least 3 pull-ups if male, 1 pull-up if female. However, many people won't be able to do See eae eC ce eon Te ace) ‘substitute by using the B-LINES Resistance Bands with the door attachment for pull-downs, which are demonstrated as an alternative in the videos. REST 1 MINUTE BEFORE GOING ON TO THE NEXT EXERCISE. 2_VERTICAL LEAP Stand sideways with shoulder against wall and raise arm straight overhead against the wall Record that height here \ Priorto DAY 1 ~atter DAY 90) jump with step Then lower arm, take JUST ONE STEP back and proceed to jump straight up, trying to touch highest point on wall ino gathering up a head of steam prior to your jump—think “jump bal") Record that height here Prior to DAY 1:

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