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Dear [Insert Name],

For these past few weeks, I have done nothing but think of you. I hope you are doing okay. With each day, I
regret the decisions I made more and more. I continuously replay my actions in my head, wishing I could go
back and do things differently. I cannot get you out of my mind and I wholeheartedly believe I will never fall
out of love with you. You are unlike any person I have ever known, and it pains me that we are no longer

I understand that you may need time. I was in the wrong and you did not deserve what I did to you, but I’m
writing to you today to ask for the opportunity to have an open conversation with you. I cannot imagine my
life without you, and the longer we spend apart, the more I yearn for your company. Please give me the
chance to talk to you again. I’m waiting anxiously to hear back…


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