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PGDM NO. 21166

Q1. In this assignment you are going to identify an ethical dilemma you have experienced as an individual in your
personal relationship and social relationships and describe the situation. You will then select one ethical theory, to show
how it is linked to the one you have experienced. What is the rating you want to give yourself for handling the situation
out of 10? What is the rating you will desire to give if you agree that an improvement in the score if possible? Give
reasons for your answer. (15marks)

An ethical dilemma occurs when two morally correct actions are in conflict. There is an incompatibility of values or principles.
The problem is that you will be doing something right and something wrong at the same time, and picking one side will result in
the neglect of the other.
Each of us has our own point of view, and it sometimes happens that we are unable to properly understand/analyze the situation
and choose a solution based on sentiments and emotions.
Ethical Dilemma in personal life
My family and I were on our way to Pune. We had just departed and were about 10 kilometers from our house when we came
across a situation where a bike rider was hit by a truck, and despite the fact that the rider was not in a life-or-death condition, the
truck driver fled instead of transporting him to the hospital. People who witnessed this attempted to summon an ambulance, but
none were available near the rider. He was in desperate need of first aid at the time. My father pulled over to the side of the road
and inquired about the situation, including where an ambulance was and, if none, who would transport him to the hospital; the
response was a minute silence My parents opted to transport the person to the hospital despite the fact that our car was already
packed to the brim with five people. Later, my father urged us to exit the vehicle so that he could drive the injured one to the
hospital and pick us up, but we had a train to catch. Now, when I was a kid, I had a dilemma: 1. I'm left on the side of the road,
waiting for my parents 2. The vacation was on its way to being cancelled. 3.The injured patient need emergency medical
assistance. Even though I was unhappy at the time, I had no choice but to comply with the parent's decisions, but now that I
think about it, maybe it was the correct and appropriate thing to do at the time. Humanity is the most crucial thing a person
requires, and when a person loses his or her humanity, he or she ceases to be human.
Stakeholder management:
The key stakeholder in the preceding incident was an injured rider who was left unattended in an environment.
What were the benefits of saving the life of one stranger, according to utilitarianism? There isn't any money involved. On the
other hand, there is contentment and infinite gratitude. There are long-term monetary objectives in the second situation.
Universalism states that each and every person must be honored. Running away from problems is not a good idea; instead, face
them and deal with them.
Without the influence of others, think from our own point of view and decide whether the result is correct or incorrect.
I give myself a five out of ten since, while I admire my parents' decision to keep them, I was unhappy with my own feelings at
the time. In the second occasion, I am proud of myself for publicly criticizing my parents' decision.
Confidence and rational thinking in the face of hardship, as well as the ability to respect judgments and learn from our peers, all
need to improve. Because no one is perfect, my ethical thoughts and judgements may appear to others to be immoral. To all
issues, there is no one-size-fits-all ethical solution. It is, however, immoral to remain indifferent and fail to decide and speak out
against what is wrong. If you think there's something you could do better,
I'm giving myself a 7 since I believe humans will never be totally ethical, and it all depends on the scenario and how you
approach it.
Q2. In this assignment you are going to identify an ethical dilemma you have experienced as a professional in your
professional relationship and situations (relationships at school, college with teachers, fellow colleagues or in workplaces,
if you have work experience). You will then select one ethical theory, to show how it is linked to the one you have
experienced. What is the rating you want to give yourself for handling the situation out of 10? What is the rating you will
desire to give yourself for handling the situation out of 10? What is the rating you will desire if there is an improvement
in the score is possible? Give reason for your answer. (15 marks)

Professional ethics are principles that govern the behavior of a person or group in a business environment. Like values,
professional ethics provide rules on how a person should act towards other people and institutions in such an environment.
When I was pursuing Engineering, I was a part of student body organization called Make In BVB. We used to conduct many
events related entrepreneurship and business-related things. One such event was called “B- Plan hackathon”, that was one very
unique event, in which the participants were divided into groups according to their caliber we could say. One wonderful thing
about the event was, even we organizers did not know who was there in which group.
How groups were made- based on certain tests which consists of few questions which helps you decide whether u are creative,
technical or management person and the groups were made accordingly. And one mentor was assigned to the group to guide
After creation of groups, each group has to select one topic or one domain to work on. And the domains will be given to them
based on the quiz bid round. In the quiz bid round, when the name of the domain comes, they have to bid points and whoever
bids the most will be asked question, and the team which answers the question will get that domain else it will be given to the
next team which bid highest and answer the question. Just to make them experience bidding arena. The second stage was
building a business model and many more things which was group activity. The problem comes when one of our MIB member
leaked the information about the domains and questions asked. We got to know about the person, and we had taken some
necessary actions regarding that person or else there was no point of conducting such activity. Here the theory we followed is the
theory of deontology theory of ethics
Deontology theory of ethics
Deontology is an ethical philosophy that holds that actions are good or evil based on a set of principles. Personhood offers a
range of rights and obligations from an ethical standpoint since every person has inherent dignity - something that is basic to and
held in equal measure by each and every individual.
This dignity acts as an ethical 'line in the sand,' preventing us from acting in particular ways toward others or ourselves (because
we have dignity as well). In philosophy, deontological ethics refers to ethical theories that emphasize the link between duty and
the morality of human actions. A morally excellent action is regarded morally good in deontological ethics because of some
attribute of the activity itself, not because the action's output is morally good. According to deontological ethics, at least some
actions are ethically required regardless of the consequences for human flourishing. "Duty for the sake of duty," "Virtue is its
own reward," and "Let justice be done even if the skies collapse" are examples of such ethics.
We scheduled a meeting with him to discuss the situation because it was not a minor one. If you look at the big picture, he might
spread his company's secret information to others while he's at work; this is a felony he'll be doing. We examined the situation
and made the difficult choice to dismiss him from Team MIB, as well as filing a formal complaint about the occurrence. The
entire team had to be disqualified. We had to make such a drastic step because we didn't want anything like this to happen again.
In this circumstance, I would give myself a 6 since I believe the judgement was correct, but it was too harsh. If I want to
improve my score, then I will give it 7 because I took a stand for the guy who has done this mistake and I urged the committee
not to take such harsh decision of removing him from team.

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