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Study Guide for Week Three Lectures and Exam

(this guide will assist you in identifying pertinent knowledge and how to apply that

knowledge in pediatric nursing care*)

The School-Age Child and Family

What ages considered school-age?

What is Erikson’s Psychosocial phase?

What is Piaget’s Cognitive Developmental Phase? What is conservation? What kind of reasoning is


Social relationships: peers? Family? Groups and issues?

Impact of school on child?

School Health*: Role of School Nurse:*

Anticipatory guidance and health promotion*: Sleep? Exercise and Activity? Play ?E-devices? Dental

Health? Sex education? Injury prevention?

What are 3 subtypes of ADHD? Role of Nurse?*

What is ASD and how is it manifested? Role of Nurse*

What are ACES? What are manifestations?

Role of Nurses*:

Childhood mental health disorders and role of nurse:

The Adolescent and Family

Begins and Ends? Growth?

What is puberty, prepubescence, and postpubescence?

What are primary and secondary sex characteristics?

What tool is used to determine sexual maturation?

What is Erikson’s psychosocial developmental phase ?

Self Concept/Body Image/ sexual identity:

Piaget’s phase of cognitive development:

What group is most important?

Role of parents and adults:

Health Promotion: Nutrition, Sleep, Activity, Immunizations, dental health, personal care, Stress,

Safety promotion and injury prevention. Sex education and SDI, substance abuse, violence, mental

health and suicide.*

What groups are more at risk for suicide?

Warning signs suicide risk for teens.

Nursing role in preventing suicide in teens.*

What is Anorexia Nervosa? What systems are impacted? Therapeutic management of short term


What is bulimia?
Nursing Care of Inants, Children and Youth with Gastrointestinal Disorders

Part I

What is obesity? What 2 populations have higher rates of obesity? What is Adiposity Rebound and its

relationship to predicting obesity? How is nursing involved in prevention?*

What is Hirshsprung Disease? Clinical manisfestation: Therapeutic management:

What are the clinical manifestations of appendicitis? Post op care ruptured appy?*

What is Crohn’s disease? Clinical manifestations? Name one anti-inlfammatory med and one TNF

inhibitor-immunosuppressant. Health Promotion:*

What is cleft lip or palate and how are they treated?

Pre-0p feeding:

Post op care of cleft lip? Post-op care of cleft palate?

Part II

What is GER and GERD? Clinical manifestations? How DX? Feeding ? Sleeping? Medications?

What is Nissan Fundoplication? Complications? Post-op care:

What is pyloric stenosis? S&S? Treatment? Post-op care?

What is Intussusception? Complications and symptoms? Treatment?

What is Celiac Disease? Characteristics? What other disease is associated with Celiac? Treatment? What

are foods with gluten?

Genitourinary Alterations in the Child

What is Hydrocele? Treatment?

What is Phimosis? How treated?

What is Cryptorchidism? How treated?

What is Hypospadia? How treated?

What bacteria is commonly cause of UTI? What is common cause? Symptoms: Health promotion? *

What is Enuresis ? How treated?

What is nephrotic syndrome? S&S?

What is MCNS? Clinical manifestations?

What is Acute Glomerulonephritis? S&S? Treatment?

The Child with Cerebral Dysfunction

What is included in a Neurologic Assessment? * Define decorticate and decerebrate posturing:

What are the 4 components of the Pediatric Glasgow Coma Scale? What is the best score? What score

indicates coma?

What is Meningitis? Clinical Manifestations? Bacterial vs Viral Meningitis? Nursing care of child with

bacterial meningitis? *

What is a seizure? What is epilepsy? Name 2 etiologies:

Describe a partial sz: generalized sz:

What are 3 states on a seizure?

Describe nursing care of child with seizures: *

What is spinal bifida? Occulta? Cystica? Difference between meningocele and myelomeningocele?

Treatment of nursing care of child with myelomeningocele?*

What is hydrocephalus? Common associated disorder? Treatment? Types of shunts? S&S of shunt


S&S of Inc Intracranial pressure (ICP) in infant? Child? Late signs? Treatment/nursing care?*

Causes of head injuries in infants, children and youth? What is a concussion? Name 3 complications of

head injury? S&S of head injury needing medical attention?* Source of symptom tool?*

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