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Class XII Psychology Therapeutic Approaches - Assignment

Do the following questions in Psychology register.

1. Repeated association of undesired response with an aversive consequence refers to:

a. Positive reinforcement
b. Aversive conditioning
c. Negative reinforcement
d. Modelling
2. What is ‘unconditional positive regard’?
3. How is behaviour therapy used to treat phobias?
4. Aversive conditioning refers to repeated association of desired response with aversive
consequence. (True/False)
5. Explain Aversive conditioning.
6. Explain token economy technique for changing behaviour.
7. ............ reinforcement is following undesirable response with an outcome that is painful or
not liked.
8. State the technique used in behaviour therapy. Explain the technique used for treatment of
irrational fears.
What are mood disorders? Discuss the main types of mood disorders.

9. The technique used for treating phobias or irrational fears is...........

10. Explain positive reinforcement.

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