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Chapter 5 objective type class 12

1. All approaches are corrective in nature. (True / false)

2. Some approaches are non directive like the ____ approach. (Psychodynamic / humanistic)
3. Psychodynamic is a directive approach. (True / false)
4. Therapeutic alliance is a permanent lasting relationship. (True / false)
5. In sympathy, intellectual understanding is called unlike__________
6. Existential therapies place importance on the _____. (Past / present)
7. Therapist plays the role of an _______ in psychodynamic therapy.
8. Therapist plays the role of a facilitator in ______ therapy.
9. It is not advisable to start psychotherapy without a clinical formulation. (True / false)
10. Once clinical formulation of a client's problem has been made, it is final. (True / false)
11. _______is the oldest therapy.
12. The first step in _____ therapy is to elicit intrapsychic conflicts.
13. Transference refers to emotional identification. (True / false)
14. Two analytical techniques of interpretation in psychodynamic therapy are ____ and _______.
15. _______is the end point of psychodynamic therapy.
16. Logotherapy _______ transference. (Increases / discourages)
17. Self medication is good for psychological problems. (True / false)
18. ECT is a regular and popular therapy. (True / false)
19. Emotional unburdening is known as______.
20. The special relationship between a child and a therapist is known as_______.
21. Empathy and sympathy mean the same thing. (True / false)
22. Psychoanalyst see dreams as royal roads to the________.
23. ______is a process which brings a vague problem into sharp focus. (Confrontation / clarification)
24. Insight into psychodynamic therapy is sudden. (True / false)
25. ______therapist believe that psychological disorders are due to faulty learning.
26. ______factors are those factors that control behaviour by changing something that precedes
such behaviour.
27. ______factors are those factors which lead to persistence, i.e. continuation of a problem.
28. _______reinforcement refers to following a negative response with a painful stimulus.
29. _______refers to associate in a negative response with the negative consequence.
30. ______has given the technique of systematic desensitization.
31. Automatic desensitization technique works on the principle of________.
32. Modelling and vicarious learning means the same thing. (True / false)
33. ______ is an inborn force that moves a person to become more complex, balanced and
34. _______means treatment of a soul.
35. ______is a voluntary relationship between a client and therapist.
36. Psychodynamic therapy was given by______.
37. _____is the main method used in psychodynamic therapy.
38. _____transference is present when the client resents The therapist and is hostile to him.
39. _____transference is present when the client falls in love with therapist.
40. We can reduce unwanted behaviour and increase wanted behaviour simultaneously by using
41. The general ways of thinking which distort reality in a negative manner are called______.
42. Behaviour therapy is _______. (Open / closed)
43. Call Rogers has given the _______therapy. (Client-centered / behavioral)
44. Yoga Sutras were written by_______.
45. In Vipassana, there is no fixed object or thought to hold attention. (True / false)
46. Rational emotive therapy was given by_______.
47. Accepting the client as he is, without being judgemental means having unconditional positive
regard. (True / false)
48. Therapeutic relationship must remain professional. (True/ false)
49. Confidentiality is necessary in a therapeutic Reliance. (True / false)
50. Psychodynamic therapy may continue for a long duration. (True / false)
51. _________ therapy values personal growth as the chief benefit of therapy.
52. Transference neurosis is helpful. (True / false)
53. When 1 line deliberately hai some information, it is known as _____ resistance.
54. When the client misses appointments, it is ______ resistance.
55. The repeated process of clarification, confrontation and interpretation is known as___.
56. Behaviour therapy is a unified therapy. (True / false)
57. The first step in ____ is ABC analysis, that is antecedent, belief and consequence analysis.
58. ____adopt a biopsychosocial approach to treat psychological disorders (RET / CBT)
59. ______believe that the client has the freedom and responsibility to control his behaviour.
60. ______ anxiety is defined as a neurotic anxiety of spiritual origin.
61. In psychodynamic therapy, transference is encourage while in logotherapy, it is discouraged.
(True / false)
62. The goal of gestalt therapy is to increase self awareness and self acceptance. (True / false)
63. kundalini yoga is found to be useful in treating obsessive compulsive disorders. (True / false)
64. In schizophrenia, reduction of symptoms is associated with improvement in life. (True / false)
65. SKY is found to be useful in treating PTSD. (True/false)
Class xii
Objective type questions

Submitted by
Ms Shaila Goel

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