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Christian Michael de Lara


Video Analysis 1 : Bullying

The video that was shown by Group 1 was about Bullying. It was about a student who
was constantly getting bullied without getting help from his friends, nor family. The main
character is a lonely student struggling to go to school because he felt alone and out of
place. I felt pity for the main character, and I wanted to act to prevent the bully from ever
hurting and preventing him from bullying the victim. If I were in that scenario, I would
hurriedly act and befriend the main character. I understand that life would be hard if he
always had been bullied, I would always go with him and at least make him feel wanted,
uplift his spirit and have fun with him. Having fun with him could possibly rise his
morality and will to live at the very least make him that he can also be happy at school.
Its goal was to show the dangers of bullying in hoping it would prevent what happened to
the main character in the short video.

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