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Writing an informal email

An English friend of yours in visiting your city

next summer. Write to him and tell him about the
places he should visit and the clothes he should
wear. You must also invite him to stay with you
during his stay.
Try to write in this formula…
(Opening Formula) Dear XXX,

(Introductory Paragraph)

(Subtask 1) - What to visit

(Subtask 2) - What to wear

(Subtask 3) - Invite him

(Closing Paragraph)

(Closing Formula)

Some small tips…
• The language is informal:

• Contractions: It’s great, I’m, you’ll have, etc.

• Common phrasal verbs: put you up, check out.

• Colloquial language: How are you doing?, you should totally, you can’t miss,
drop me a line, etc.

• Writing as we think: Oh, By the way, Anyway, 

• Flexible punctuation: …viewpoint – you’ll have the best…

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