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Groundwater hydrogeochemistry of Mateur Alluvial Aquifer (Northern


Article · January 2016

DOI: 10.4172/2325-9647.1000128


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4 authors, including:

Gueddari Moncef Rachida Bouhlila

University of Tunis El Manar École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tunis- Tunis El Manar University


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Tlili-Zrelli et al., J Hydrogeol Hydrol Eng 2016, 5:1
Journal of Hydrogeology &
Hydrologic Engineering
Research Article a SciTechnol journal

groundwater resources, agriculture and industry have an impact on

Groundwater hydro- the groundwater quality [2,3].

geochemistry of Mateur Understanding the principal processes that control groundwater

chemistry is either crucial, in terms of sustainable management of
Alluvial Aquifer (Northern groundwater resources, or scientifically challenging, especially in
complex geological and hydrogeological settings [4]. In Tunisia,
Tunisia) where the climate is dry over most of its territory, water resources
are both scarce and in equally a parted in time and space. The quality
Besma Tlili-Zrelli1, Moncef Gueddari1, Rachida Bouhlila2 and
Oueslati Mohamed Naceur3 of water resources is being increasingly degraded as a consequence
of its intensified exploitation, groundwater salinisation, exploitation
of non-renewable deep aquifer, and pollution. Northern Tunisia is
Abstract characterized by a Mediterranean climate which receives the largest
amount of rainfall (more than 400 mm / year) and includes the main
The sustainable management of the ground water resources of the
Mateur alluvial aquifer (Northern Tunisia), which is threatened by
rivers in Tunisia. Consequently, it has about 55% of groundwater
salinization related to the infiltration of saline waters of Ichkeul lake resources from phreatic aquifers and only 18% from deep aquifers
in the discharge zone, is carried out by integrating, the geochemical [5].
data, presented in the form of GIS-based geochemical maps, the
hydrogeochemical and the multivariate statistical methods, to
The quaternary alluvial aquifer is a crucial water resource of
understand the spatial and temporal vaiation of water mineralization the Mateur region supporting local domestic and agricultural water
and assign the major hydrochemical processes controlling its supply. Despite the importance of groundwater in Mateur plain, a few
composition. Water samples were collected from 40 sites in wet and studies were conducted about the natural phenomena that govern the
dry season, and analyzed for temperature, pH, salinity, dissolved groundwater chemistry in the area. Previous studies have reported its
oxygen, electrical conductivity and major ions. nitrate contamination [6,7,12].
This study reveals that the origin of the groundwater mineralization
In the present study, water samples were collected from 40 sites
was controlled by several coexisting processes, including : water
origin (leaching of low mineralized water in the recharge zone in wet and dry season, and analyzed for temperature, pH, salinity,
and salt water into decharge zone), dilution in the wet season and dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity and major ions. Distribution
evaporation in the dry season, thickness, grain size and lithology of maps of chemical parameters, Piper diagram [8], plots of chemical
the unsaturated zone. It’s noteworthy that the water-rock interaction parameters and geochemical modeling PHREEQC [9], are used 1)
does not contribute significantly to the solutes aquisition since to determine the hydro chemical characteristics of groundwater, in
minerals within aquifer are sparingly soluble. The spatial distribution dry and wet season, 2) to study the causes of spatial and temporal
maps of the major ions contents, especially Cl- and Na+, are similar
variation of the groundwater salinity and 3) to identify major
with that of salinity, which increases down gradient. The principal
component analysis (PCA), demonstrates that groundwaters are natural and anthropogenic process governing alluvial groundwater
divided into two main groups: Moderately to weakly mineralized geochemistry
waters with Ca-Na-Cl and SO4-Ca-Na-HCO3-Cl facies, which are
those of natural recharge area of ​​the aquifer : Highly mineralized Site Description
waters, with NaCl facies, characterizing the down Stream part,
which is influenced by Salt water infiltration, from El Melah river,
Location and climate
Ichkeul marshes and salty soils). The Mateur Plain is located in Bizerte region, in the North
Keywords of Tunisia (Figure 1) and has a surface area of 260 Km2 in the vast
Ichkeul catchment (2600 Km2). The climate of the area studied is
Groundwater; Alluvial aquifer; Salinization; Geochemistry; Mateur;
typically Mediterranean, sub humid with a considerable variation
in mean monthly temperatures: the coldest month is January, with
a mean temperature of 11 °C and the hottest is August, with a mean
Introduction temperature of 27°C. The mean annual precipitation in the area
The chemical composition of groundwater is controlled by is 570 mm and the potential evapotranspiration values stand at
several natural factors including aquifer lithology, interaction approximately 1800 mm/year.
with soils and geological formations of the vadose zone, as well as Geology and hydrogeology
the relative groundwater flow velocity and the residence time [1].
In addition, anthropogenic activities such as overexploitation of The Mateur plain is characterized by distinctive lithostratigraphic
units i.e., Trias, to Quaternary age (Figure 1). The stratigraphic
sequence primarily consists of carbonate formations which
*Corresponding author: Besma Tlili-Zrelli, Université Tunis El Manar, faculté des
sciences de Tunis, UR géochimie et géologie de l’environnement, 2092, Tunis, characterize Tertiary deposits of Ichkeul Mountains. In the plain
Tunisie; E-mail: of Mateur, outcrops prior to Quaternary age are found only on
Received: November 14, 2015 Accepted: December 15, 2015 Published:
the three Campanian hills of Sidi Mbarek, Mateur and Ras El Ain
December 21, 2015 [10]. The Quaternary and recent alluvium cover the major part of

All articles published in Journal of Hydrogeology & Hydrologic Engineering are the property of SciTechnol, and is protected by
International Publisher of Science, copyright laws. Copyright © 2016, SciTechnol, All Rights Reserved.
Technology and Medicine
Citation: Tlili-Zrelli B, Gueddari M, Bouhlila R, Ouesleti MN (2016) Groundwater hydro-geochemistry of Mateur Alluvial Aquifer (Northern Tunisia). J
Hydrogeol Hydrol Eng 5:1.


Figure 1: Location, geology and sampling points of the study area [11,12].

the plain and are consisted by silt and detrital formations. In these loss via evapotranspiration. Transmissivity values range from 0 to
alluvium sediments, the existence of a multilayered aquifer system 60 10-4 m2/s and from 60 to 32010-4 m2 /s in the alluvial aquifer and
is considered: confined and unconfined aquifers as a result of the the limestone aquifer respectively. Groundwater abstracted from
variability of textural and structural conditions of the alluvial beds. the Mateur alluvial aquifer is used in domestic and agriculture
This alluvial aquifer consists of alluvial (sand and gravel), eolien purposes.
(fine- grained sand) and minor lacustrine (sandy clay) deposits and
refers to Quaternary formations which are unevenly arranged on top Materials and Methods
of the Miocene sediments (Mateur - Ras E Ain) where exists a deep Groundwater sampling and analysis
confined aquifer which consists of limestone, marl and clay (Figure 2).
Alluvial and limestone aquifers are interconnected and form a single Groundwater samples were obtained from monitoring wells in
hydrogeological unit [13]. For this work, the groundwater samples the alluvial aquifers. A total of 80 samples were collected in wet and
were taken from alluvial aquifers. The main sources of recharge to dry season. The piezometric level, pH, electrical conductivity (EC),
the groundwater are rainfall infiltration, leakage of rivers (Joumine, dissolved oxygen and temperature were measured in situ.
Tine, Sejnane, Melah, Rezala). The groundwater flow in Mateur Samples were kept at 4 °C for their subsequent chemical analyses.
aquifer was determined by water level measurements taken in about Afterwards, a split of the sample was filtered through a 0.45 µm
twenty water supply wells (Figure 3). Groundwater flow direction is Millipore filter. Nitrate, nitrite, ammonium and phosphorus were
roughly oriented South-North and Southeast Northwest directions performed by colorimetric methods, described by Rodier [14].
in the upstream part of the plain, but in the downstream part, it’s Chloride was determined by standard AgNO3. Sulfate (SO42-) content
strongly controlled by the draining action of the Joumine River. was measured by the gravimeter method using BaCl2. Sodium (Na+)
Piezometric level is higher during wet season than during dry season. and potassium (K+) were measured by flame photometry and calcium
Water loss from the aquifer is through discharge to the lake Ichkeul, (Ca2+) and magnesium (Mg2+) with atomic absorption. Alkalinity was
pumping for irrigation and direct evaporation in areas with low determined by titration with HCl. The quality of chemical analysis
hydraulic gradient and poor permeability. The water table generally was checked by doing an ionic mass balance, accepting an error lower
lies within 8-10 m of land surface, allowing additional groundwater than 5%.

Volume 5 • Issue 1 • 1000128 • Page 2 of 8 •

Citation: Tlili-Zrelli B, Gueddari M, Bouhlila R, Ouesleti MN (2016) Groundwater hydro-geochemistry of Mateur Alluvial Aquifer (Northern Tunisia). J
Hydrogeol Hydrol Eng 5:1.


Figure 2: Hydrogeological cross sections [8].

[a] [b]
Figure 3: Piezometric maps of Mateur plain: (a) Wet season (b) Dry season.

Volume 5 • Issue 1 • 1000128 • Page 3 of 8 •

Citation: Tlili-Zrelli B, Gueddari M, Bouhlila R, Ouesleti MN (2016) Groundwater hydro-geochemistry of Mateur Alluvial Aquifer (Northern Tunisia). J
Hydrogeol Hydrol Eng 5:1.


Hydro-geochemical methods The spatial distribution maps of salinity (Figure 4a) show that
the lowest values ​​are registered, in wet and dry season, in northwest
The groundwater samples were classified into water types based and southwest part of the aquifer, which correspond to the natural
on the dominant anion (or cation) exceeding 50% of total anionic recharge zone (dilution effect), with a trend of increasing with the
(or cationic) charge Piper. Speciation and saturation state modeling flow direction. The higher salt loads are linked to the leaching of salts
using the program was performed to evaluate the possibility of from the Ichkeul marshes and salty soils located in south of Ichkeul
solubility control by several dissolved specie. Positive values indicate and to weathering of gypsiferous formation of Messeftine Montain in
precipitation or a stable condition for minerals; zero value indicates the south east part of the aquifer.
that the solution is in equilibrium with a mineral; and negative values
indicate dissolution of a mineral [15]. The order of the cation abundance is Na>Ca>Mg>K in wet and dry
season, whereas the order of the anion abundance is Cl>SO4>HCO3
Multivariate Statistical Analyses in wet and dry season.
Multivariate statistical analyses are increasingly being used to Groundwater geochemical characteristics and evolution
analyze water quality data analyses often bring out information that is
not easily deciphered using univariate statistics [16]. There are several Groundwater samples were collected in wet and dry season
multivariate statistical techniques including correlation matrix, in order to seize a seasonal variability in water geochemistry. Na
principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster hierarchical and Cl show a strong positive correlation with salinity and among
analysis (CHA). In this study, only PCA was carried. The PCA was themselves (Figures 5a and Figure 6a) indicating that these ions seem
used as a quantitative and independent approach for groundwater to be dominant in groundwater mineralization process and have a
classification enabling grouping of the groundwater samples same origin: the dissolution of halite occurring in saline surface
and making of correlations between chemical parameters and deposits in March around Ichkeul lake and salty soils.
groundwater samples, respectively [17]. The PCA is a multivariate The spatial distribution maps of Na+ and Cl- levels show that
statistical technique used for data reduction and for identifying the highest values characterize the northeastern part of the aquifer
patterns within large set of variables [18]. All mathematical and and the south part of the Ichkeul Mountains (Figure 4b and 4c).
statistical computations were made using Excel 2007 (Microsoft, An increasing trend with the flow direction is registered, especially
2007) and a statistical computer code “Andad” [19]. In order during the dry season.
to avoid erroneous results caused by the large variance in the
parameters distribution, the above statistical analyses are applied A cross plot of Mg++ with Ca++ (Figure 5c) showed a good
on experimental data standardized to a range of -1 to 1, using correlation suggesting a same origin which is dissolution of calcite.
a following equation zi = xi - mean/s [20] where zi indicates the Groundwater samples are above line 1:1 indicating that the calcium
standardized value, xi represents the data for variation, s the does not come only from the dissolution of calcite. Furthermore, a good
standard deviation of the same variable [21,22]. positive correlation 2Ca++ versus 2 HCO3- + SO4- (Figure 7) shows that
the calcium comes, in addition to the dissolution of the calcite (Eqn 1),
Results and Discussion from the dissolution of gypsum following (Eqn 2), where dissolution of
one mole of calcite and one mole of gypsum put into solution two moles
General hydrochemistry of Ca++, one mole of SO4-- and two moles of HCO3-.
Groundwater samples were collected in the dry (October 2008) CaCO3 + H2O + CO2 (g) Ca ++ + 2 HCO3- (1)
and wet (May 2008) seasons in order to capture seasonal variability
in water quality. Statistical summaries of the parameters analyzed for CaSO4 + 2 H2O Ca + SO4 + 2 H2O
++ --
this study are presented in Table 1. The pH values of groundwater Ca and SO4 are strongly correlated (Figure 5c), showing that
in the study area varied between 7.02 and 9.08 in dry season and sulfate would have a common origin with Ca via sulfato-calcic
between 6.18 and 8.39 in wet season. These pH values indicate the minerals, but it has different geochemical behavior with calcium
neutral to slightly alcalin aspect of water. The temperatures reflected especially in salt water [23]. A positive relationship between SO4-- and
the seasonal pattern showing higher values in the dry season. It varied salinity (Figure 6c) is in favor of sulfate conservation in solution.
from 18.2 to 26.7 °C in the dry season and from 18.9 to 25.6 °C in the
wet season. Table 1: Statistical summary of hydrochemical parameters

Dissoved Oxygen (DO) varied between 0.6 and 5.2 mg/l in dry   Wet season (May) Dry season (October)
season and between 1.2 and 7.6 mg/l in wet season. This temporal   unit min max sd min max sd
variation is under the control of the depth of the water table, the Cl- mg/l 67.45 2406.90 524.66 106.50 4402.00 844.89
recharge rate, the transfer speed of oxygenated water from upstream SO4-- mg/l 223.53 2483.48 497.45 221.89 3591.36 583.38
to downstream, and the temperature. Electrical Conductivity (EC) HCO3- mg/l 54.92 622.40 150.35 86.65 693.19 146.93
varied considerably from 769 to11900 µs/cm and from 887 to 13180 Ca++ mg/l 20.00 480.00 82.33 10.00 763.40 135.97
µs/cm of 2801 µs/cm in wet and dry season respectively. Na+ mg/l 49.00 1728.00 376.45 39.33 2576 491.23
Mg++ mg/l 12.70 140.00 27.33 11.25 170.13 40.3
The salinity of the alluvial aquifer ranged between 0.1 and 4.5
K+ mg/l 0.78 101.60 17.84 0.00 169.00 29.88
g/l in wet season and 0.1 to 8.4 in dry season. The highest values are
T °C 16.20 26.80 2.16 18.20 26.70 1.98
recorded during the dry season (October), while the lowest values ​​are
cond ms/cm 0.54 8.64 1.94 0.72 14.59 2.98
recorded during the wet season (May). The slight variation is due to
the dilution effect with fresh water in the recharge areas during the Sal g/l 0.41 6.55 1.47 0.54 11.07 2.26

wet season, and the direct evaporation, during dry season, in areas pH 6.18 8.39 0.39 7.13 9.08 0.33

with low hydraulic gradient and poor permeability. O2 mg/l 1.20 7.60 1.36 0.60 5.20 1.09

Volume 5 • Issue 1 • 1000128 • Page 4 of 8 •

Citation: Tlili-Zrelli B, Gueddari M, Bouhlila R, Ouesleti MN (2016) Groundwater hydro-geochemistry of Mateur Alluvial Aquifer (Northern Tunisia). J
Hydrogeol Hydrol Eng 5:1.


Figure 4: Spatial distribution maps of (a) salinity, (b) Chloride, (c) Sodium

Volume 5 • Issue 1 • 1000128 • Page 5 of 8 •

Citation: Tlili-Zrelli B, Gueddari M, Bouhlila R, Ouesleti MN (2016) Groundwater hydro-geochemistry of Mateur Alluvial Aquifer (Northern Tunisia). J
Hydrogeol Hydrol Eng 5:1.


Figure 5: Plots of majors ions (a)Cl versus Na, (b)Mg versusCa, (c) Ca versus SO4.

Figure 6: Plots of major ions with salinity (a) Na versus salinity, (b) Ca versus salinity, (c) SO4 versus salinity.

A plot of Na+ + K+ - Cl- in meq/l against (Ca++ + Mg++) - of this diagram, groundwater’s of the study area are classified into two
(HCO3 + SO4--) in meq/l (Figure 8) shows negative slope that suggests
predominantly facies;
an exchange with cations in alluvial clay [17] following Eq 3.
- A mixed facies with no dominant anions and cations: Ca-Na-
XNa + K+ XK + Na+ (3) SO4-Cl and Ca-Na-HCO3-Cl type;
Saturation index - Na-Cl facies which characterize, discharge zone and well
influenced by leaching of salt deposits (Ichleul marsh, river El Melah
Changes in saturation state are useful to distinguish different stages and salty soils).
of hydrochemical evolution and help to identify which geochemical
reactions are important in controlling water chemistry [24]. Most of Multivariate statistical analysis
groundwater samples are saturated and oversaturated with respect to The Varimax rotation reduces all of the variables to three different
Calcite indicating that mineralization is not influenced by carbonate PCs, which explains more than 74% of the total variance (Table
minerals. However they are under saturated with respect to gypsum 2). PC1, accounting 50.9 % of total variance, has a strong positive
suggesting that their soluble component Ca and SO4 concentrations loading for conductivity, salinity, Na, Cl, Ca, SO4 and Mg. This can be
are not limited by mineral equilibrium and they contribute to attributed to a mineral component of the groundwater. PC2 explains
groundwater mineralization. Indeed, a positive correlation between 14.78 % of total variance with a strong loading with Ca and HCO3 and
SI of sulfate minerals (gypsum) and salinity confirms the sulfate moderate loading with Ca and SO4. PC3 explains only 10.08 % of total
enrichment of the aquifer from upstream to downstream (Figure 9). variance and has a moderate loading with pH AND K. Furthermore,
the spatial distribution of the variables ‘chemical parameters and
Hydrochemical facies
individuals (samples) in the axe systems F1-F2 shows the presence of
The chemical data of the groundwater samples collected from the two groups of waters: group I characterizes waters of wells strongly
study area are plotted on the Piper’s diagram (Figure 10). On the basis correlated with major ions participating in water mineralization, and

Volume 5 • Issue 1 • 1000128 • Page 6 of 8 •

Citation: Tlili-Zrelli B, Gueddari M, Bouhlila R, Ouesleti MN (2016) Groundwater hydro-geochemistry of Mateur Alluvial Aquifer (Northern Tunisia). J
Hydrogeol Hydrol Eng 5:1.


The results of multivariate statistical analysis corroborated by geo-

chemical interpretations and GIS-based geochemical maps, show that
the dominant geochemical processes influencing the groundwater
mineralization are: i water origin (leaching of low mineralized water
in the recharge zone and salt water into decharge zone), ii dilution in
the wet season and evaporation in the dry season, iii thickness, grain
size and lithology of the unsaturated zone.
It’s noteworthy that the water-rock interaction does not
contribute significantly to the solutes aquisition since minerals
within aquifer are sparingly soluble. The spatial distribution maps of
the major ions contents, especially Cl- and Na+, are similar with that
of salinity, which increases down gradient. Using Piper diagram and
principal component analysis (PCA), two major types of groundwater
hydrogeochemical zonality were identified in the Mateur alluvial
aquifer: - the first hydrogeochemical trend, with low salinity,
characterizes the natural recharge zone, presenting a mixed facies
with no dominant anions and cations: Ca-Na-SO4-Cl and Ca-Na-
HCO3-Cl- the second trend , greatly mineralized, which characterize,

Table 2: Summarized the PCA results including the loadings and the Eigen
values of each PC.
Variables Axe 1 Axe 2 Axe 3
Figure 7: Geochemical relationship of (2 HCO3+ SO4) versus 2Ca. O2 -0.2423 -0.5308 -0.4097
Tre 0.2079 -0.7405 0.4553
pH -0.1885 0.3615 0.6011
Sal 0.9435 0.1214 0.1564
Cl- 0.9191 0.1328 0.1683
SO4-- 0.7863 -0.374 0.0012
HCO3- 0.4898 0.5861 -0.3874
Ca++ 0.8257 -0.3267 -0.0886
Mg++ 0.8061 -0.0856 -0.3457
Na+ 0.9028 0.158 0.2036
K+ 0.8512 0.0705 -0.0304
Eigen values 5.60 1.62 1.11
% Variance explained 50.93 14.73 10.08
% Cumulative variance 50.93 65.66 75.74

Figure 8: Geochemical relationship of (Ca + Mg) - (SO4 + HCO3- ) versus


it’s situated in discharge zone and influenced by leaching of salt water

from Ichkeul marchs and salty soils; group II characterizes waters of
wells with mixed facies situated in the natural recharge zone (Figure

In the present study, an attempt was made to understand the
spatial and temporal vaiation of groundwtaer mineralization of
Mateur alluvial aquifer and to assign the major hydrochemical
processes controlling its composition. Figure 9: Saturation index (SI) for calcite and gypsum plotted versus salinity.

Volume 5 • Issue 1 • 1000128 • Page 7 of 8 •

Citation: Tlili-Zrelli B, Gueddari M, Bouhlila R, Ouesleti MN (2016) Groundwater hydro-geochemistry of Mateur Alluvial Aquifer (Northern Tunisia). J
Hydrogeol Hydrol Eng 5:1.


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Volume 5 • Issue 1 • 1000128 • Page 8 of 8 •

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